Chapter 91: Fight The Army

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(Readers POV)

I clenched onto my head as waves of memories hit me all at once. I looked up at Growth. He looks a bit concerned for me.

Growth: You remember?

(Y/N): Yeah... Everything.

I slowly got up, barring through the pain.

(Y/N): I remember fighting Isabelle, Tyler, you, Abolition, and Imperium. I remember leaving everyone to think about somethings and then that must be when Brooklyn took my life.

Growth: I can tell, what you say is the truth. But if Brooklyn is a villain, what could we do about that? With how everything is right now, everyone is on her side.

I let out a sigh as I looked down at my hand. After some thinking, I clenched it into a fist as I looked up at Growth.

(Y/N): Then I guess I'll have to fight.

Growth: You don't actually plan on fighting everyone, do you?

(Y/N): What other choice do I have? No one else is going to believe me. If I want to get to Brooklyn, I'm going to have to go through everyone else.

Growth: It's been around 6 months since Imperium's attack. Everyone has been training as much as possible in case someone like that showed up again. You have no idea just how much stronger they've gotten.

(Y/N): I've gotten stronger too. If everyone has gotten stronger, then that's a good thing. It means I won't have to worry about hurting them and I can cut loose.

Growth: ...Alright, I see you have your mind set. So what will be the plan?

(Y/N): We don't want Brooklyn to find out I know what happened, so you'll have to fight me with everything you got too so she doesn't get suspicious. I will "attack" making everyone get ready to fight me.

Growth: And what then?

(Y/N): ...I have an idea, but I'm not sure it will work. I'll just have to see.

I started to walk out of the room. Before I left the room, I looked back at Growth.

(Y/N): Growth... Thanks for everything.

I left the room as I started to mentally prepare for what my plan.

(Y/N): This is going to be fun...

(A Few Hours Later)

I found a huge empty wasteland nearby the city. Yeah, this should be a good battlefield. Nothing nearby to get destroyed or hurt. I started to use my Power, making my hair go red as I pointed my hand at the sky. I launched a huge blast. After a few seconds, I stopped. I launched a couple more blasts into the sky. I began to wait.

(Y/N): That should be enough to get their attention.

Isabelle: The one was enough.

I turned around and saw Isabelle standing a few yards away from me.

Isabelle: Good thing I've been keeping an eye on you as soon as you left Growth's home. Are you planning to cause trouble?

Crap, I gotta make a good villain impression. I pointed my hand at her and made a ball of energy, getting ready to launch it at her.

(Y/N): I'm tried of people constantly watching me. If you're so scared of me, then stop me.

I launched the ball at Isabelle. Right before it hit her, Davidson slashed the ball, destroying it. Black flames started to come out of his body as he smiled at me.

Davidson: Imperium! I knew you just couldn't hold back those destructive urges of yours!

I looked behind me and saw an entire army of Heroes with Top and Growth standing in front of them all. For some reason, I couldn't help but smile.

Top: Everyone! Fight with everything you got! Fight til your final breath!

I saw Ivy, Tyler, Solana, Katie, Ashley, Grace, Cody, and Chris standing at the front of the army.

(Y/N): Strange. Where's Brooklyn?

I got ready to fight. I looked behind me and saw Davidson about to hit me with his trident. I quickly spun around and kicked his trident, knocking it away from me. I saw Top behind me, about to attack me. I was about to jump up, but I saw Katie with white hair and a rainbow aura coming down at me, about to kick me. I quickly blocked Top's trident and felt Katie kick my head, making my head go down. That really hurt.

Alexandra: Growth wasn't kidding. Everyone has gotten so much more stronger.

I made a blast off my body, knocking back everyone. I saw Ivy running at me. She tried to punch me, but I blocked it with my arm.

Ivy: You better watch out, Imperium! I won't let you take another life!

I kicked her in the stomach, knocking her back. She coughed up some blood and just smiled at me. She aimed her arm at me.

Ivy: Get ready for my Imperium Killing Move!

I saw her arm started to morph and change, getting covered in green scales. A dragon head formed on her arm and shot a giant fireball at me. I kicked the fireball up, but saw Grace up there and quickly made a portal. The fireball went into the portal. I quickly looked around, trying to find the other portal. I saw Ivy running at me and the dragon head getting ready to launch another fireball. I saw Grace open a portal, making the first fireball launch at me. I grabbed it and slammed it into Ivy's dragon head, destroying both fireballs. I quickly made a sword out of my energy and slashed the dragon head off of Ivy's arm.

Ivy: Ah!

She stumbled back and quickly regrew her arm. A purple aura surrounded my body and I was warped somewhere else. I blocked an attack from Isabelle as Tyler looks like he's preparing something.

Isabelle: Hurry it up!

Tyler: It's ready! Out of the way!

I was about to slash at Isabelle, but she disappeared. Tyler threw his hand forward as I saw a black hole slowly moving to me.

Tyler: I warped a bunch of black holes over and condensed them all in one spot. Let's see you try to escape the combined pull of thousands of black holes!

I felt my body starting to get pulled towards this weird mega black hole Tyler made. I tried stabbing my sword into the ground to stop myself, but it crumbled away because it f the black hole. I quickly made a bunch of energy chains. I warped the chains onto Growth and pulled myself towards me. He slightly nodded at me and grabbed onto the chains and started to use them to spin me around. He slammed me down into the ground. Before I could get up, Davidson and Top came over and slashed the chains, destroying them.

Davidson: You aren't getting out of this!

He kicked me towards the black hole. I started to fly towards the black hole faster as I kicked right through it, destroying it.

Tyler: That's as much as I figured.

Cody: Probability of him destroying the black hole was at 100%.

Wait, they planned for that?!

Chris: Take this!

I looked behind me and saw Chris. His hair a dark red color as he started to blast me with his energy. It started to hurt my back as it pushed me down into the ground. I launched a giant blast out of my hand, knocking Chris's energy off of me and knocking him away from me. I stood up and took a deep breath.

(Y/N): Only 6 months... And you all improved so much... I'm actually in deep trouble.

I got ready as I made some more energy chains and another sword. I saw Ivy smirking at me and pointing behind me. I saw a huge shadow cast over me. I looked back and saw a giant green dragon.

Dragon: Ivy knew you would cut my head off! And that hurt like hell!

She sounds exactly like Ivy. The dragon raised one of its arms and tried to slam it down on me. I jumped away from it, but Katie and Ivy kicked me back down, making me get slammed down by the dragon's arm.

Ivy: What's the best way of getting rid of a monster in you? Just let it out.

Dragon: Are you sure you're still Imperium? You seem so weak compared to him. Huh?

I quickly got out from under its arm and kicked it in its head, making it stumble. I wrapped my chains around one of the dragon's legs and pulled down, making the dragon slam back down into the ground. A bunch of dust kicked up, covering the area.

(Y/N): This is actually insane.

Alexandra: Don't tell me you're going to give up. You asked for this.

(Y/N): I'm just glad that they've gotten so much stronger. I guess I'm just happy that they can hold their own.

A bunch of wind blew the dust away. I saw Growth was the source of the harsh wind.

Davidson: Everyone! Make sure to keep him still! I'm going to end this now and hit him with everything I've got!

Katie came dashing at me and punched me in the face. I was about to attack back, but I felt a bunch of flames cover me. The dragon got back up and was breathing its flames all over me. I knocked Katie back and threw some chains at her. Grace jumped in front of Katie and got grabbed by the chains instead. I pulled Grace over to me and punched her, but her body turned into ink.

Grace: Easy!

The ink then turned into a bunch of flash bangs, going off and making me close my eyes. Isabelle and Tyler both my stomach, launching me back into the dragon's mouth. I quickly dashed out of its mouth, but Ivy and Chris both came from above and punched my face, knocking me down towards the ground. I landed on my feet, but I saw Solana dash in front of me with amazing speed.

Solana: I've been storing as much light as possible since you're last attack! Take every bit of it!

A bright light came out of her body as a beam of light came out of her hand, going through my shoulder completely, leaving a huge hole in it. Blood gushed out of my wound. I kicked Solana away from me. I tried to get a breath, but I felt something sharp stab into my other shoulder. I looked back and saw Ashley used my blood to make a blood scythe and stabbed it into my shoulder.

Ashley: I didn't want to do this, but you betrayed the trust I had in you.

I tried to slash at Ashley, but Tyler and Isabelle used their Power to get her out of my range. I saw a huge pillar of black energy. I saw dark clouds cover the sky as lightning went through the clouds. Loud thunder rang through out the area as heavy rain started to pour down.

Davidson: I'm ready for you, Imperium!

Davidson came running at me. The black energy around him took the shape of a phoenix. I wrapped myself in my energy chains, making armor as I tried to slash at Davidson. Right when my sword came into contact with Davidson's energy, it shattered. The phoenix collided into my body, destroying my armor. I started to scream out in pain as Davidson stabbed his trident into my stomach. I spat out some blood as I got slammed down into the ground.

Davidson: FALL!!!

His energy covered my entire body and even entered my mouth to fill my lungs. It quickly became hard to breathe as my vision went black.

(Y/N): N-No...

This can't be how it ends, can it? Is Brooklyn really going to get away with this? Taking my life and letting everyone I love to cause my death?

(Y/N): Can't... Breathe...

As I was about to lose consciousness, I saw a faint white light. I thought I was going to the afterlife, but then I felt someone grab my hand. It made me forget the pain going through my entire body. The light quickly took the shape of my mother, Super.

Super: It's not your time yet.

I saw someone from behind her. I don't recognize him, but he smiled down at me.

Herculean: This isn't your fate. You have to win.

(Growth's POV)

I watched as Davidson's energy covered the area, keeping (Y/N) pinned down. This is the only chance to turn everything back to normal, but I won't be able to stop Davidson. It's only up to (Y/N), but from the looks of it... His struggle won't last much longer...

Growth: ...

Top: ...What's that shaking?

I saw a sudden burst of white energy come from where (Y/N) was, pushing Davidson back as he got rid of the black energy around him. I saw (Y/N) standing up with bursting red energy coming off his body.

(Y/N): I'm not down yet... This fight is only just beginning.

That white energy... Something was wrong about it. It didn't feel like (Y/N)'s energy, so who's was it? It felt weirdly familiar, but I can't tell why since it only happened for a moment.

Davidson: Great, just when I thought it was going to be over! Cody! What's the chances of us winning now?!

Cody: ...Only 1% now...

Davidson: Really... I like those odds!

(Chapter 91 end)

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