Chapter 93: Confrontation

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(Readers POV)

I saw as everyone was recovering from the fight.

Davidson: Brooklyn... Hey, I remember her name. So she used her Power to take Rival's life. Disgraceful.

I felt my arms start to move. I looked down and saw Katie starting to wake up. She opened her eyes and looked up at me, making eye contact.

Katie: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Heh, glad to see you again after so long.

I heard some footsteps walking towards me. I looked over and saw Grace.

Grace: Wait a minute, so if someone rewrote the world and took your life, does that mean I have been dating someone else this entire time?!

(Y/N): Oh, yeah that would mean that.

I stood up and put Katie on her own feet. I felt someone appear out of nowhere. I looked back and saw Brooklyn standing on top of a giant rock structure.

Brooklyn: What happened? Why is everything back to normal?

(Y/N): You!

Everyone looked over and saw Brooklyn. She clenched her fists and started to shake.

Brooklyn: I knew you were a threat. I tried to get rid of you to stop this. Where did I go wrong?

(Y/N): You may know my life, but you don't know a single thing about me. There was one vital piece of info that you never had.

Good thing she didn't know about Alexandra or all my other ancestors, otherwise I don't think I'd ever have gotten my memories back in the first place.

Top: So you're the one making trouble. If you turn yourself in now, we won't have to use force.

Brooklyn: Turn myself in? Turn myself in?! Go back to the people that have constantly been controlling my life?! I refuse to ever let that happen again! I have the greatest Power! It should be a crime for me to be relegated to a tool! I should be at the top! Me!

I saw tears start to come from Brooklyn's eyes. She is really passionate over this.

(Y/N): A tool? What do you mean by that?

Brooklyn: Why would I tell you?! Like you could ever understand!

(Y/N): Then let me try. I believe that everyone in this world has equal value. I'm sure that whatever happened to you, we can help you through that. But you can't just bend the world to what you want to get happiness.

Brooklyn: You... You try to wear the word "Hero" like it actually means a damn thing! The people that you work for pushed me to this point! You "Heroes" don't give a damn about anyone but yourselves!

(Y/N): That's not true! If I didn't care about you, then why am I trying to understand your pain?

Brooklyn started to clench her fists so hard that blood started to drip from her hands.

Brooklyn: Then where were Heroes when I needed them the most?! Were they there to take me away from my drunk father?! Were they there to help get away from those who used me to keep control of everyone, by making those collars?! You don't get to spit in my face like that!

I felt the ground start to shake as Brooklyn went down to her knees. Pink colored energy started to pour out of her body.

Davidson: Shit! We have to stop her before she tries anything!

I powered up and quickly dashed at Brooklyn, trying to stop her. Right as I was about to grab onto her, she started to scream as the energy pushed me back.

Brooklyn: I will have the life I deserve! I went through so much pain! Just let me live!

She quickly vanished from sight. I looked around to make sure that everyone is fine, and they are.

(Y/N): What's going on? Where did she go?

The ground stopped shaking, but quickly started to shake again. I saw colors start to shift and change. I looked over at everyone and saw Solana looking at her phone.

Solana: Guys. We are in big trouble.

I quickly jumped over to her and looked at her phone screen. It's playing a news broadcast as the reporter woman is looking frantic.

Reporter: We have no idea what's going on! Water is making things dry, fire is raining down from clouds, gravity seems to be the opposite in places! Everyone, please try your best to be safe! Another report of gases acting like solids and walls being able to be walked through! It's like reality is being thrown through a loop!

Top: Sounds like Brooklyn has lost control of her Power. Seems so that she isn't thinking clearly, only thinking of herself and not the world.

Solana put her phone away. I tried to think of what to do. I need to find Brooklyn quickly, but that seems like that will be impossible.

(Y/N): Katie. Did you manage to mimic Brooklyn's Power?

Katie: N-No, our fight left me completely drained.

(Y/N): Crap. There goes that idea.

Growth: Isabelle, Tyler. I'm sure that you two could find Brooklyn.

Isabelle: We've been trying that as soon as she disappeared.

Tyler: Yeah, but time and space are shifting thanks to her. So finding her is a real pain.

Before I could think of something else, I saw pink colored energy start to swirl around me.

Everyone: (Y/N)!

I tried to get out, but I felt it wrap around my body and dragging me down. I went through a portal. Looks like Brooklyn wants to deal with me now.

(Davidson's POV)

I watched as the pink energy grabbed onto (Y/N) and quickly dragged him into a portal. I tried to enter the portal, but it vanished.

Grace: Crap! Looks like that psycho has (Y/N)!

Ivy: How are we supposed to help him now?!

Katie: Would going with him... Actually help?

Ashley: What do you mean by that?

Katie: I mean... Brooklyn made us all fight against (Y/N). She could easily do that again. All of us plus Brooklyn, (Y/N) would have little chance of surviving.

Davidson: Hmm, you are right. With someone like Brooklyn, we'd only cause Rival trouble.

I saw mother turn to look at Growth.

Top: Growth. When we were fighting (Y/N), his body got covered by a white energy and you said you knew that Power. Care to elaborate?

Growth looked up into the air.

Growth: My father, Herculean, had a strong Power. It made him really strong, boosting all of his attributes and abilities to the max. When he died, Super took his Power. Her Power was that she inherited the Power she cared for the most when they died. So if that's the case... What would happen to the one she cares about the most when she dies?

Ashley: Wait, are you saying (Y/N) can still win?!

Growth: I'm not saying that... But if he wants to win. He'll have to fully grasp the gift he was given.

Davidson: ...(Y/N)...

You better not lose, wherever you are.

(Readers POV)

I exited the portal. I quickly looked around, trying to see my surroundings and find Brooklyn.

(Y/N): Come on out-

I spat out some blood as I felt something stab into my back. I looked back and saw Brooklyn behind me holding a dagger that's in me.

Brooklyn: I bet this is humiliating, you are going to die because of a simple dagger.

I saw Brooklyn about to let go of the dagger. I quickly made some chains and wrapped them around her, keeping her close to me.

Brooklyn: H-Huh?!

(Y/N): You really are causing me so much trouble and making me use tactics from the person I hate the most.

I can't believe I'm going to be doing something that Imperium did, but it's the only thing I can do. I used my Power to make a portal. I flew into the portal, dragging Brooklyn behind me. We went into a separate dimension that I created. Brooklyn used her Power to get out of my chains.

Brooklyn: What is this place?

I looked around myself and it's filled with red energy.

Brooklyn: Doesn't matter. I can easily use my Power to leave this place...

I stared at her, but after a bit she didn't go anywhere.

Brooklyn: Why can't I figure this place out?

I smirked as I pointed at her.

(Y/N): This place is more than just a separate universe. This place is constructed with an infinite amount of dimensions. An infinite dimension. For you to use your reality rewriting, you have to understand what you want to change, am I right about that? Not even I understand this place, so you aren't going anywhere!

I reached behind me and pulled the dagger out of my body and quickly healed the wound. I threw the dagger up and quickly kicked it down at Brooklyn. She disappeared, avoiding the dagger. I started to use all the energy around me and I felt Brooklyn coming at me from above. I looked up and saw her about to dash into me. I quickly flew up to her and kicked her in the stomach. She gasped out in pain. I flipped around and kicked her back, sending her downward.

(Y/N): I'm going to give you one last chance. Surrender and come in peacefully.

Brooklyn looked up at me.

Brooklyn: What happened to you thinking everyone has equal value? Treating me like a criminal!

(Y/N): And I'm going to give you equal punishment if you don't stop your ways. You are hurting everyone back at our world with your reckless use of your Power. I'm just doing my job.

Brooklyn started to scream out as a large grey colored platform appeared out of nowhere. I started to get pulled down towards the platform.

(Y/N): It has its own gravity?

I landed on the platform, but I could barely stand still while I'm on it.

(Y/N): Why can't I keep even footing?

Brooklyn must be changing the properties of how gravity works. I saw several figures of people colored grey appear and run at me. I punched and kicked them away. They started to swirl around and went into the platform.

(Y/N): She's not fighting me directly. She doesn't have a single hour of training. I need to get close to her and I can win this.

I need to be careful. I'm losing energy quickly and the energy supply from my ancestors isn't going to last long either. I felt the platform start to shake. I tried to jump up, but the gravity got suddenly intense, making me fall down to the ground. Several hands came out of the platform and grabbed onto me, keeping me down. I saw Brooklyn with the dagger in her hand coming down at me, about to stab me.


I let out a lot of energy out of my body, pushing Brooklyn back and destroying the platform. I flew up at Brooklyn and was about to punch her, but my fist fazed through her body. I felt my vision start to distort before everything went back.

Brooklyn: There. You won't be able to hit me without your vision.

(Y/N): That's all you did-

I tried to continue speaking, but I felt my throat tighten. I couldn't say a word.

Brooklyn: Got rid of that annoying voice too.

I started to use the energy around to feel for Brooklyn's location, but I felt several people. She's making clones. I flew over to one of the bodies I feel. I tried to kick it, but I felt myself go through it.

(Y/N): Is it that I can feel it's presence, but it's not there physically?

Brooklyn: I don't care what you try to do. Logic doesn't apply to me. I want to live the life I want! Why won't you just let me have that?!

(Y/N): That's why I can talk again... I understand that you suffered. I had my fair share of suffering in my life, but that doesn't mean we should take that suffering out on others.

Brooklyn: Why not?! Everyone else gets it so much better! They deserve a taste of what I go through! They deserve to be treated like tools!

(Y/N): So, you were born with this Power?

Brooklyn: Yes, I was. It's the best Power that anyone has. I suffered even with that.

(Y/N): This Power I have... It was originally a Dud Power. A completely useless Power that made me nothing more than dead weight. But I worked and strived for better and here I am, pushing the "best".

Brooklyn: Don't flatter yourself! What's the point of telling me that?!

(Y/N): Because suffering alone doesn't get you rewards! Working hard and pushing through that pain is what truly rewards you! Tell me, what have you done for others to be rewarded?!

I quickly felt the other bodies and all sent energy clones at them. One of my clones hit a body and I heard Brooklyn gasp. I quickly flew over to her and punched her stomach.

(Y/N): I've poured my entire life! Gallons of blood and sweat to get to where I am today! I helped those who need it and push them to get better! What have you accomplished?! Taking all of my work, my life just for your own selfish desires?! Don't you dare spit in my face like that!

I quickly slammed her down and launched a blast of energy. I saw my vision return to me as I saw Brooklyn warp out of my blast of energy. I looked back and saw her staring at me. She looked at me mad as tears formed in the corner of her eyes.

Brooklyn: It won't end like this... I'll get what I deserve...

(Chapter 93 end)

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