Chapter 7: The Weekend

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"I will be right back, Y/N. Keep this place clean, please!" May said, clutching her bag. 

"Yes." You dragged, taking a seat on the chair and taking out your phone. "Stay safe with grocery shopping!" You said without looking.

"If you want to go out, just hide the key on top of the frame, 'kay?" And before you knew it, the door closed. 

You sighed. It was the weekend morning, and you have to wait until late afternoon for your work. You couldn't wait, you were excited. But what could you do to pass the time?

As if on cue, Penn had messaged your phone asking if you wanted to hang out at the mall. You figured that, why not? Being with Penn is much better than lounging in your room, all by yourself. On some other days, you might've preferred staying inside with yourself, but this is one of the opportunities you cannot pass up. 

After fixing your hair a few more times, making sure that it looked presentable, you finally stepped outside and locked the door. You reached up the door frame and placed the key on it. Your sneakers skidded to a halt when someone called your name from the other side. 

You saw Hana excitingly waved with the gardening can on her other hand. You smiled and ran across the other street, your legs getting chilly with the jean shorts you wore. "Hi, Y/N!" She greeted you. "Where are you heading?"

"Oh, I'm going to the mall with Penn." An idea popped in your mind as your eyes lit up. "Do you want to come with?"

A wide smile took over her flushed face. "Of course! Hang on, I just gotta water the last row then I'm ready to go."

While waiting from her front yard, you quickly texted Penn if it's okay for Hana to come with you.

who's Hana?

my neighbor. don't worry, she don't bite

ha ha, sure :)

Right on time, Hana walked out with a black skirt. "Let's go, I'm getting hungry."

You smiled and let her walk with you. The mall was not near but not that far either. Soon, it was just around the corner. You saw Penn, Sashi, and Boone waiting by the entrance. Penn saw you with Hana and instantly smiled. You smiled back and pulled your friend by the arm. 

"Hey!" You chimed in. The three of the greeted back in return. 

Hana pulled away and beamed at Sashi, Boone, and Penn. "Hi! I'm Hana. It's so nice to meet you!"

"Wow, you're so nice!" Boone gushed. Sashi smiled a bit as the three of them introduced. 

"I've seen you guys around school. You all seemed pretty cool!"

"And that rhymes! Where have you been all my life?" The five of you began to walk inside the mall whilst Hana and Boone were geeking out about each other. 

You muttered besides Penn. "I bet you 10 dollars they're going to end up together."

He smirked. "25 if it's less than a month."

"40 for two weeks."


Sashi chimed up at the two of you. "What about the bet about the both of you ending up together? When are we talking about that?"

You tried to cover up your blush, while Penn failed. "What do you mean?"

"Don't be dumb, you two. I've seen you gaze into each other's eyes for the rest of the school day. Even a blind man can see how much the two of you are into-"

"Sashi, what's the plan today?" You would have to thank Hana later for cutting off Sashi's statement. You sighed in relief as Penn discreetly calmed down his quick heartbeat. Great, just great. Everything is awkward now thanks to Sashi. Walking beside Penn feels uncomfortable now than usual. 

Sashi thought for a moment. "Well we could play laser tag first before eating. How does that sound?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, albeit Hana being less enthusiastic about it since she's getting hungry. But that wasn't an excuse for hanging out with her friends. Plus, she loves laser tag. 

When you all arrived there, there were a few people, which was a perfect moment to play. The man in charge of it gave you the equipment and had you all prepared. 

"Alright. Teams?" Sashi ordered, looking at you.

"Hana and I team up while the three of you go together. It would seem fitting since the three of you are friends while Hana and I are closer." 

"Aren't we friends, Y/N?" Penn smirked at you.

You smirked back. "If you let us win, I might think about it." You and Hana immediately hid from the three once the countdown begun.

When the number reached zero, the strobe lights were turned on, as well as the smoke machine. Your eyes narrowed, trying to scope out the surrounding and find their figures. 

"Y/N, I just saw Boone." Hana mumbled beside you. 

"Shoot him!" You heard the sound from Hana's side. You suddenly saw Sashi's glasses shine from the smoke. You tried to shoot at her suit but you missed once. Sashi took this opportunity to rush forward, in which you took the chance and shot right at her chest. 

"Ah!" Hana squealed behind you. "Y/N, I'm shot!" You chuckled slightly at Hana's dramatic tone and gesture. You turned around and saw Boone at the open, with his large figure, you could see him clearly. You shot directly at his target. "Nice! How are you so good at this?"

"I don't know." You chuckled nervously. You haven't played any of this before, but because of your convenient dimension-hopping job, you could feel the adrenaline rushing when you shot those targets. "Find Penn." You said to Hana.

You skillfully transferred to another obstacle, crouching down and leaving Hana behind. You completely forgot that she was already out of the game. The strobe lights were wiggling everywhere, and with the smoke, you couldn't see well.


You turned around and saw Penn standing tall, with his laser gun pointed at you. He wore a playful smirk. "Hi." You grinned back. 

"Good bye."

Before he could pull the trigger, you dropped your gun and flipped back, effectively hitting the gun with your feet. It landed a few feet away from Penn, but it takes two to tango. Before you could land on your feet, he kicked away your gun as well, sliding to the other obstacle. You tried to find it but it was under all that smoke. 

You sighed and stood up, stretching up your hand towards him. "Well, I guess it's a tie." You smiled at Penn, who was wearing a hesitant grin with narrowed eyes. His hand met with yours and you immediately flipped him over, going after his gun that you found on the floor.

But you tripped and fell with an 'oof' when Penn pulled on your ankle with both of his hands. He crawled over you and reached for the gun, but you pushed him with all your might and flipped him over, making you on top of him. Penn was flustered when he realized the position the two of you were in. A very mortifying position. 

Your hands were on the either side of his head, his own hands splayed next to yours. Your noses almost touched, and you could feel the heat radiating off his cheeks.

You prayed that the smoke was thick enough for no one to notice. You untangled yourself from Penn and laid on the ground next to him. You were breathing heavily, as well as Penn. 

The smoke began to clear out, and you didn't waste any time to get Penn's weapon. Meanwhile, he wasn't even trying anymore. He was just on the ground, not believing what just happened a couple minutes ago. 

Hana, Sashi, and Boone, soon caught up with the two of you. "Y/N! Are you alright?"

You just sat there, the gun sitting in your arms. You were still breathing heavily, but you managed to send them a nod and tell them that you were alright. You quickly finished it off and shot Penn, whose face was still almost as red as his hair. 

Hana, who was oblivious to the whole thing, had her fists up and cheered, "Yay, we won! Woohoo!" You smiled at her, glad she didn't find out about the whole incident. If she found out, you knew she wouldn't shut up about it.

Although you weren't sure what Sashi's smirk had meant.

Before heading towards the food court, Hana announced that she had to go the washroom, as well as Sashi and Boone.

Oh what perfect timing. 

You and Penn casually waited outside the cinema where the nearest washrooms were. It felt really awkward when you remembered what Sashi said and the compromising position from laser tag. 

Still, you don't want to keep things awkward with Penn. Besides, you... kinda liked him. 

You turned to him, the same time he turned to you. You die a little inside everytime those blue eyes are staring into yours. 



The both of you just had to make things awkward. 

"You first." Penn said. "You have to hurry up though before they come back."

You nodded in understanding. "I wanted to say sorry for flipping you off- no wait, I worded it wrong. I'm sorry for basically cheating because I threw your gun away." 

"It's totally fine. I'm sorry for making things awkward. I didn't want to make it awkward, but that's just... happens, you know? So, I'm sorry."

"It's perfectly reasonable. We just have to go with it once the situation got awkward." 

Penn chuckled. "Sure. By the way, you did so good at playing laser tag."

You flushed under his gaze. "Thanks. It's my first time playing it, actually-"

"What? You've gotta be kidding me."

"I'm not!" You laughed. "It's my first time." 

"Okay, I believe you." Penn said, but his tone was the complete opposite of it. 

You huffed. You won't even try to persuade him if he doesn't want to trust you. He laughed at your pout, thinking it was cute, but he wouldn't dare say it loud. 

Good thing it was comfortably silent when Sashi returned with Hana, Boone following. 

"What did we miss?" Sashi spoke, crossing her arms smoothly. You subtly glanced at Penn who looked back.


The five of you soon arrived at the food court after five more minutes of walking around. The first hour was already eventful and tiring so what better way of recharging than eating?

You ordered the meal closest to your favorite food (or the food you've been craving) and carried it all in one tray. The others already bought one for themselves and followed you.

You quickly found a round table with a long crescent-shaped chair fit for groups of people like the ones you were with. Boone went first, then Hana, Penn, Sashi, and you on the other side. You saw Penn's face fall slightly. 

Sashi began to fidget beside you. "Penn, can we switch seats? I hate the way I'm sitting right now."

You didn't know if Sashi actually wanted to switch or she was this good at acting and convincing. Either way, you and Penn were quietly thankful for your mutual friend. You felt Penn sitting comfortably next to you and you sighed inwardly. Hana was preoccupied with Boone so you just went and ate your food. 

With the occasional banter here and there, Penn could say that it was a peaceful lunch. Having you sit beside him with the feeling of your shoulders brushing against one another is the cherry on top. But both of you didn't comment on that or even move. It was like the two of you were accustomed to just be comfortable in each other's spaces. 

Sashi flicked a fry into her mouth. "I don't know if I should be proud that you all got your own thing, or annoyed that I have to be here to watch."

You smiled sheepishly at her. "Sorry, Sashi. Wanna talk?"

You caught her eyes light up a bit, making your heart soft at the thought of Sashi secretly yearning for attention. "I actually need your help for something."

"Oh yeah? What is it?" You leaned forward across the table towards her, showing your interest. Penn caught a whiff of your shampoo and felt his heart race, both from admiration and nervousness. Albeit he was breathless that he was able to smell you, he couldn't help but worry as thoughts flooded his mind. Thoughts such as: Oh no. Am I creepy? I just smelled a girl's hair! That is creepy!

He leaned back to his chair as he tried to detour his overthinking to the conversation about you helping Sashi with her research project in the near future. After what felt like forever, though, it was finally done and you leaned back to your seat. Penn subtly released a deep exhale. 

"Are you okay?" You subconsciously placed your hair behind your ear. 

"I'm fine!" He replied as he continued to eat food nonchalantly. You nodded in affirmation and went back to your tray as well.

Time has passed and you all exited the mall. The sun was still bright, but it was on its way to setting. Eventually, when the five of you had passed the street where your workplace was located, Penn, Sashi, and Boone had told you that they have something to do at the abandoned cinema. 

You and Hana bid your farewells. You didn't go with the three, because you still have to accompany your friend. While you were walking beside her, you couldn't help but notice her expression like she wanted to say something. 

"What is it?" You decided to ask her. 

She faced you with a smirk. "Is something going on between you and that guy Penn?"

"No!" You quickly answered, rolling your eyes but a smile was sneaking through and you failed to stop it. 

Hana didn't believe you. "Oh, come on, Y/N. Or maybe... you're hoping that there's something?"

"Hana." You glared at her insufferable grin. You decided you didn't want to answer the question because you didn't even know yourself. "What about you and Boone?" You changed the subject, and her face was immediately flushed. "I can see that there's chemistry brewing between the two of you. Care to share?"

"W-well..." Hana stuttered, looking down at the ground you were walking on. "I know what he likes, and he knows mine... I don't know! I'd know if he likes me, I guess."

You hummed in reply, realizing that you're already in your neighborhood. "Well, I have to go. I still have work."

"Okay. Thanks for inviting me, Y/N! See you at school!"

"Bye!" You said and glanced at your clock. Five minutes left until work. You began jogging towards the street again, because you couldn't wait to go to work.



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