Chapter 9: Try It Out

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The next day arrived and after beating yourself up for wanting to stay in your bed longer, you were finally feeling awake. You come down to see your aunt trying out things in a cookbook she probably found at the mall yesterday.

"2 eggs," she muttered under her breath, dutifully following the instructions as she cracked open the eggs. "Stir, stir..."

She seemed to be in her own world in the kitchen so you quietly yet casually ventured towards the bathroom and ignored your rumbling stomach for a while. You could wait for breakfast, honestly. After plenty of moments inside full of showering and teeth brushing, you changed to a comfortable attire consisting of sweaters and maybe leggings. 

When you stumbled back to the kitchen, the waft of fresh pancakes breezed around the room. "Good morning - oh you're already dressed. Where are you going?"

"It's Sunday," you told her before taking her place on the kitchen and preparing yourself a mug of (tea/coffee). "I don't have work and school."

"Right! I forgot," May replied bashfully, sitting down on the stool beside the kitchen island. "Well, I made extra pancakes so would you mind giving some of them to Glinda's after you eat?"

"Who's Glinda?" You asked, taking a seat from across her with your plate and cup. You took the slightly burnt saucer to your plate and poured a generous amount of syrup. 

"Hana's mom."

After eating about 3 pieces of pancakes, you tidied yourself up and placed all the silverwares in the kitchen sink. You then took the other plate of pancakes and checked yourself in the mirror, adjusting your clothes and hair for a bit before calling out to May. "I'm gonna go!"


You opened the front door and began your trek to the other side of the road after looking from left to right. You knocked on their door three times before someone answered. "Yes? Oh, Y/N! Good morning." Glinda beamed at you.

"Hi," you gave her a respectful smile. "Uh, May wanted to give you these extra pancakes she made." 

"Ooh! Come in for a moment, okay? I'm gonna get an extra plate."

You had no choice but to walk inside and settle by the wall as you watched her go get a plate and replaced the pancakes from your own plate. You decided to do small talks. "Um, where's Hana?"

"Hana's upstairs, on a call." You hummed in understanding. "She should be done at this time, she's been up there for hours now. Hana!" Glinda called as you shook your head.

"Oh, it's okay. You don't have to-"

"It's fine, dear," she cut you off. "It's about time she'd come down."

You internally sighed and just glanced at the stairs where Hana descended with a phone on her hand attached with an earphones cord. "I'm on a call, mom! I-" She stopped when she saw you. "Y/N!" She exclaimed and quickly hid her phone behind her back. "You're here!" 

Her nervous voice wasn't hard to ignore. "Yeah," you casually smiled at her. "Just dropped by to bring you... pancakes!"

"You should try it out, honey!" Glinda exclaimed with her mouth full of the pastry. "It tastes good!"

You couldn't help but take a glance at Hana's screen. She kept trying to hide it, but it seemed like she's still in a call with someone with the way she's looking at it. 

"Later, mom. I'm on a call with someone." Hana repeated. Sneakily, without her noticing you managed to sneak a peek at the phone and..?

She was on a call with none other than Boone. 

Your heart skipped a beat at this interesting discovery. You couldn't wait to share this information with Penn. And you felt excited with the award of 40 dollars waiting for you tomorrow. See? They didn't even last for two weeks before they were already on a video call together. 

Glinda eventually gave you the plate when you announced your leave. You gave the two of them a gracious smile- which is a little too exciting - before heading out the door and crossing the street again on the way to your house. 

You immediately went to your phone and texted Penn with the news of Hana on a call with Boone, and Penn told you that he already knew.

Yeah, he even asked me for advice. Penn said. 

Then why didn't you tell me? You replied. 

You didn't ask! I was about to tell you anyway but I kinda forgot...

You owe me 40 dollars! :P

He didn't reply after that. You laughed, feeling victorious when you know that your lunch money will definitely increase in amount after tomorrow. You were kind of excited for tomorrow, not because of learning maths but because Boone and Hana should prepare themselves for the ton of teasing they will receive come Monday. 

Now the reason why Penn didn't ever reply to your message was honestly, he was kind of nervous. He thought that his message may come off as dry or uninteresting and he didn't want you to think that.

Wait is he seriously on this level of overthinking for a girl

Well come to think of it, you weren't an ordinary girl in Penn's eyes. You've come to showcase that you have immense kindness to everything and everyone around you. You're always so considerate and you're kind of a genius in each of your classes. He admires you very much that it's getting slightly embarrassing in his opinion.

He wanted to try it out. He wanted to ask you out on a date tomorrow Monday. What will you say? Oh God, now he's really on edge with anxiety. He's been cooped up in his room the whole afternoon, running high on both adrenaline and nervousness.

But Penn told himself that he shouldn't worry. He's a dimension-hopping hero. A hero shouldn't be afraid of anything, even when asking their crush out on a simple date.

And yet, he countered his own statement.
But, the Penn fighting crime in other dimensions is different from the Penn in this Earth, he told himself. Fighting monsters is quite easy, but talking to a girl? Scary.

He thought about the times he managed to talk to you, leading to the memory of you sharing your past with him, being open to him about your feelings and Penn doing the same without him overthinking if he's doing it right. He managed to talk to you so casual and normal.

But this was different, his brows creased. It could potentially ruin our friendship. If I told her I like her and ask her out for lunch she might think I'm weird.

Penn then reassured himself that you would never do that, because you are too kind, even with the underlying question of what if you do reject him?

Still, he shook his head. He shouldn't think about this any longer. Maybe a sleep could help his indecisiveness.

Come morning, you woke up in a flash. You got ready as usual and waited for the bus to arrive until it did.

The usual seat is usually vacant so of course you took a seat there.

"Hi," you beamed at them.

"Yo," "Hey," "Yeah," Sashi, Penn, and Boone all replied.

You gave Boone a smirk as he was in his own world, seemed to be texting someone while he wore this simper on his face. You exchanged looks with Penn who was besides you.

"Hmm?" You wordlessly showed Penn your open palm, insinuating that you would like to have the money now.

Penn lets out a small laugh, "I don't have changes. I'll give it to you later."

"Mhm," you nodded in understanding before spacing out again as you watched the neighborhood zoom past you.

The bell had finally rung after a few early minutes of lounging around. Boone finally walked with Hana, hand in hand.

"What should the ship name be? Boona? Hoone?" You spoke discreetly with Penn and Sashi.

The girl with the glasses rolled her eyes. "I don't really care. As long as Boone doesn't annoy me anymore with his nerdy stories."

"Hm, I like Boona. But what about... Bana."

"Bana could work," you agreed with Penn's suggestion.

"What about your own ship name?" Sashi chimed in. "(ship name)? Ooh, has a nice ring to it."

"Sashi, shut up." Penn snapped playfully.

She only laughed in amusement. You, however, turned your head to the other side to hide your blush as you bit your lip to keep yourself from smiling so hard.

Unfortunately, Penn misinterpreted that and thought that maybe you hid your face because you didn't wanna show that you're too embarrassed by it? Maybe you didn't like the idea of Sashi pushing the two of you together? Oh no.

The five of you eventually parted ways and had to go to each of their own classrooms. The time passed by, from lectures to activities and reminders from the teachers that there will be quizzes and homeworks.

What a busy morning.

When lunch time had arrived, you didn't bother to find your friends since they won't show up until they're magically in the usual lunch table but you didn't expect to see Penn in the crowd of students, waving for your attention.

"Y/N, hi."

"Hey!" You exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd already be at the table?"

"Yeah but," Penn sheepishly placed his hand on the back of his neck. "I wanted to tell you something."

"Sure...? What do you want to tell me?" You kindly smile at him.

"Not here." Penn grabbed for your hand and lead you at one of the conveniently empty classrooms. As he closed the door, the silence couldn't help but nerve you. This must be very important for Penn to lead you somewhere private.

You looked at Penn expectantly, patiently waiting for what he wants to say.

He only let out a nervous breath before speaking, "Okay, look. You know how I owe you 40 dollars right?"

"Mhm? If you don't want to give me that 40 dollars you owe me, you don't have to. You know we're just taking it lightly-"

"I know." Penn reassured you. "But this isn't about that - well, kind of but..."


"What if instead of giving you your 40 dollars, I ask you out on a date?" Penn told you all in one breath. He scrunched his face in pure anticipation, getting nothing from the pure blank of you face.

Meanwhile, you were kind of on the verge of exploding. You know that your face isn't exactly showing your expression but your heart is beating so fast that it could be used on rap battles. The hair on your skin stood up and it prickles you.

You only blinked at his cyan irises. "A..." You spoke for a bit until you realize that that question knocked the air out of you. You lost your voice for moment there so you had to cough it out.

Penn could only stare at you, a look of hope on his face. This guy actually likes you?

"Me?" You accidentally said it out loud.

He looked like as if he was offended but he managed to make it subtle. "Yes, you. Why would you even question that?"

You let out a laugh from his expression and reply. "I guess I just didn't expect... this."

"Well, I kinda like you so... I wanted to try it out." Penn awkwardly chuckled.

"You're in luck," you grinned as a wave of confidence hit you. "I kinda like you too, so when's that date?"

The two of you laughed at each other's silliness, a blush painting your cheeks.

"Maybe later? Uh-" Penn paused before looking at his watch. He made sure it wouldn't overlap his schedule of work. "6PM maybe? Don't you have work?"

"Sure, yeah!" You felt relief and appreciated the fact that he wanted to do the date after work. "I don't have work at 6PM, no."

"Then, it's a date."

"Date," you repeated after him, still couldn't believe that he asked you out out of nowhere. You really didn't expect Penn to like someone like you. You had to bite your bottom lip to stop smiling so much.

On the other hand, Penn was over the moon. All of his negative thoughts were gone like dust the moment you said yes. He could be jumping up and down if it weren't for you here to witness. He felt like he could melt.

He followed you out of the classroom with a skip on his step and the two of you went to the cafeteria where everyone else is. Boone and Hana were still hanging out and Sashi looked like she wants to die for a whole time. After getting your food, the two of you sat beside them thinking of looking casual.

"Ugh, thank God you guys are here. Where have you been? It felt like forever waiting for you while these nerds talk about nerd things and sucking each other's faces off." Sashi ranted.

You and Penn only gave her a look of sympathy, feeling sorry for her experiences. Without another word the three of you continue eating sandwiches.

"Y/N!" Hana called your name which made you look at her both in surprise and curiosity. "Wanna walk home with me?"

"Oh, sorry." You gave her a sad smile. "I have work today..."

"Oh! I forgot." Hana snapped her fingers as she frowned. "Community service, right?"

You definitely didn't fail to notice Penn's confused stare directed at you. You chuckled in awkwardness. "Yeah. Community service. Every Monday and Wednesday... yeah!"

"Community service?" Sashi asked.

"Yeah.. it's a new part-time job. My aunt wanted me to join and help. It's no big deal, really."

Hana huffed playfully, "Of course it's no big deal for you," she said. "You're just a beautiful, kind soul Y/N."

The compliment made you blush and feel guilty at the same time. You lied about your job to your friends and now they're praising you for it. You felt like you didn't deserve it. You tried to forget about it by munching on the food you have, which was meatloaf. 

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