Chapter 1: Enrolling at CHS

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It's been awhile after you moved from your old town and old school, New Salem, New Salem High School to a new city: Cantorlot City, Cantorlot High School. After setting in your new house, you put the Potis Altiare and the Ascalon sword in your closet, while your friend Skurd is on your watch, the Omnitrix. The Omnitrix is a device that contains DNA from 1,000,912 aliens, they have powers over the elements, fundamental forces of the universe, and more. Your mom and dad are the only ones that know about your watch. You use the watch for good, cause great power comes with great responsibility.

Where are you right now, you're going on a jog as Fasttrack in a barren place in Mexico. You play your favorite music while you exercise. You put on your air pods.

You stretch a bit.

(Y/N) as Fasttrack: "Alright, time to go fast."

You start running until you made a sonic boom, when pass a police car, his Radar Gun burst after you ran by it.

Police Officer: "What the heck, what ever it was, it went to 999 MPH, maybe even more!"

You ran all across the world: you ran to the top the of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, you ran first place in the Indie 500 and keeping the picture and video from the race, blitz through the Grand Canyon, run fast enough to create a dust bowl in the west side of the Sahara desert, ran 400 laps around the Bermuda Triangle, and did some crime fighting in Cantorlot City.

Later, you head to your new school as a human in front of the statue.

Skurd: "How are you suppose to keep the Omnitrix a secret with me around my boy"?

You had Skurd since you were 5 yrs old, he helps you by making weapons that is made from the 1,000,912 aliens in your inventory, you treat him as a brother. He practically lives on the omnitrix.

(Y/N): "Don't worry Skurd, I'll just hide you in my pocket".

Skurd: "And separate me from the Omnitrix, no thank you".

(Y/N): "Come on Skurd, what would people say if they see you, all that crime fighting I've done has you in them, plus people will know it was me doing the crime fighting".

Skurd: "How long would I be separated from the watch"?

(Y/N): "The whole school day".

Skurd: "Fine, but if this becomes a faliure, we're heading home right away".

(Y/N): "Okay then.", as you said putting Skurd in your pocket.

You then walk towards the entrance of the school, but two girls showed up. One of them had green hair and other has navi and pink hair. You can tell they've been friends since Kindergarten.

???(Lyra Heartstings): "Oh, you must be the new student that is transferred from Etowah, my name's Lyra Heartstings and this is my best friend Sweetie Drops."

Sweetie Drops: "Please, call me Bon Bon".

Lyra: "What's your name sir"?

(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you two".

Then the two girls blushed.

Lyra: "Oh, that's a nice name (Y/N)".

Bon Bon: "Yeah".

(Y/N): "It's really nice to meet you two, anyways, I'm gonna head the principal's office, can you direct me there"?

Lyra: "Sure".

(Y/N): "Thanks".

As you pass them, they turn to each other and whisper to each other.

Lyra: "Oh my god, he's so handsome."

Bon Bon: "I know"

Later, Lyra and Bon Bon brought you to the principal's office.

(Y/N): "Thanks for taking me to the Principal's office girls, you two are really helpful".

Lyra and Bon Bon: "You're welcome".

Then you went into the office through the door. Then Lyra and Bon Bon look at each other.

Lyra: "He's so nice"!

Bon Bon: "I know"!

Then they hug each other and while laughing.

Later in the Principal's Office. You see two women, one has rainbow hair and white pink skin, while the other has blue hair and grayish blue skin.

(Y/N): "Hello".

???(Celestia): "Hi, you must be the new student, (Y/N) (L/N) I presume, My name is Principal Celestia and this is my sister Vice Principal Luna".

Luna: "Greetings".

(Y/N): "You read my file"?

Celestia: "Yes, and you are a well fine man, the students at your school calls you a hero, due to your kindness and your ability to help others".

(Y/N): "You know what they say ,"with great power, comes with great responsibility", my mom taught me that".

Celestia's thoughts: "Wow, he has the best mother ever"!

Celestia: "Well, that is an excellent lesson to remember".

Luna: "You have great potential in the future Mr. (L/N)".

(Y/N): "Thanks".

Celestia: "Anyways, here's your school schedule.", as she said handing a piece of paper to you.

(Y/N): "Thanks.", as you said taking the paper.

You then look at the schedule.

(Y/N): "Sweet, whoever came up with this, thank you".

Then the principals blushed from what you said

Celestia: "We did".

(Y/N): "That's so smart of you two, you know me so well".

They blush even harder while curling their hair.

Celestia: "W-Well, we want to give the best education to our students, no matter what".

Luna: "You can take the time and look for your classes".

(Y/N): "Ok, I'll be on my way".

You then leave the room. Then Celestia and Luna turn to each other.

Luna: "He's very handsome".

Celestia: "I want him to be my husband, but that will make me a pedophile."

Luna: "Me too".

Luna's and Celestia's thoughts: "I wish I was young again".

Later, you look at the schedule, first class on the schedule was Math.

(Y/N): "Okay, first class on the list is Math, but first a little tour around school".

Then small a small bunny appeared, running towards you. When it's next to your leg, it nuzzles on your leg. You found it adorable, so you pick it up into your arms and pet it. Then you hear a girl's voice.

???(Fluttershy): "Angel? Angel? where are you sweetie?"

You then see a girl with pink hair that looks like waterfalls, and a white tank top. When she sees you, she blushes.

???(Fluttershy): "Oh my..."

When you walk over to her, she steps back until she was cornered.

(Y/N): "Don't be alarmed ma'am. I was just making sure your bunny is safe.", as he said handing the bunny back to the girl.

???(Fluttershy): "T-Thank you, m-my name is Fluttershy.", as she said shyly.

(Y/N): "Sorry what was that?"

Fluttershy: "I'm... Fluttershy.", as she said shyly.

(Y/N): "You name is Fluttershy, that's a nice name, name's (Y/N) (L/N)."

Fluttershy: "Y-you heard that?"

(Y/N): "I have great ears".

Fluttershy then notices the Omnitrix on your right arm.

Fluttershy: "That's a neat watch, where did you get it?"

(Y/N): "Oh, this old thing, I got it from my father from my 5th birthday."

Fluttershy: "It's very nice, he's very thoughtful".

(Y/N): "Hope I can meet your folks and my folks get to meet one day."

Fluttershy then blushes from hearing that.

Fluttershy: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Sure, just say the word, I'll bring my folks to your house."

Fluttershy: "Oh, um, okay."

(Y/N): "Anyways, better keep that rabbit somewhere safe, before the staff sees it".

Fluttershy: "His name is Angel, by the way".

(Y/N): "Angel, that's a nice name, don't get in too much trouble buddy.", as he said patting Angel on the head.

You then walk off, leaving Fluttershy behind.

Fluttershy's thoughts: "Oh my, that boy was very kind to me, nobody has ever been kind before, I'm the luckiest girl alive!", as she thought while her face blushes 10 more shades of red.

Later you walk around the school, until you see 10 beautiful dresses.

(Y/N): "Well, look what we have here, whoever made this, is a genius."

Then a girl with pale white skin, purple hair, dark purple skirt and boots, and sapphire blue eyes. Pull you into a room, which was empty. She then took your measurements of your body.

???(Rarity): "Why thank you sir, my name is Rarity, darling.", as she said writing down your measurements.

(Y/N): "Nice name, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)."

Rarity then blushes.

Rarity: "Nice to meet you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Why are you taking measurements of my body?"

Rarity: "I couldn't help it, I need your measurements for your outfit."

(Y/N): "My outfit, sweet."

Then you realize you seen her from the boutique that you passed by in your mom's car.

(Y/N): "Hey wait a second, you're that girl from that boutique that my folks and I passed by when we were moving here."

Rarity then blush from what you said.

Rarity: "Oh my, sounds like you're new here."

(Y/N): "Hey, you think you can fix up my clothes that I'm wearing right now"?

Rarity: "Sure, darling.", as she said readying her equipment.

She then fix up your outfit, you look like you're good as new. You then look at your outfit, you're amazed of the hard-work she did.

(Y/N): "Now this is what I call an outfit!"

Rarity then blush and curl her hair.

Rarity: "Do you, mean it darling?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

She then blushes a few more shades of red.

Rarity: "Oh thank you so much, darling!", as she said hugging you tightly.

She then notice your mood ring, fish hook necklace, and Omnitrix.

Rarity: "Oh my, what a nice mood ring, you really like heroism since you have a fishhook necklace, Maui is a hero of Polynesian mythology, and for the watch, I don't know what kind of manufacturer made your watch.", as she said breaking the hug and taking a look at your jewelry.

(Y/N): "My dad gave it to me on my 5th birthday, pretty neat right?"

Rarity: "Hmmm, I would bedazzle it with some gems, but that's just me."

(Y/N): "Well, thanks for fixing up my outfit, see ya.", as you said leaving the room.

Rarity's thoughts: "Oh my, he's perfect for me!", as she thought while blushing uncontrollably.

Later, you head to the cafeteria.

(Y/N): "Sweet, the cafeteria, the plot thickens."

You then notice an old woman in the cafeteria.

(Y/N): "Howdy ma'am, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

???(Granny Smith): "Huh, who said that?", as she said turning to you.

(Y/N): "That was me, ma'am."

???(Granny Smith): "Oh, ya that new student that the principals hav'n a crush on."

(Y/N): "Huh?"

???(Granny Smith): "Eh nothin, name's Granny Smith, but I didn't catch your name, my ears ain't what they used to be."

(Y/N): "It's (Y/N) (L/N)".

Granny: "Well nice to meet you (Y/N).", as she said shaking his hand.

Then a small little girl with a big pink bow on her head, red hair, green shirt, and blue jeans. She was carrying a batch of fizzy apple cider.

???(Apple Bloom): "Ugh, all of this apple cider is really heavy.", as she said struggling to carry the apple cider.

(Y/N): "Here, let me help.", as he said taking the payload.

Granny: "Apple Bloom, I would like you meet (Y/N), he's new here."

Apple Bloom: "Oh, it's nice to meet you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you two Apple Bloom, where should I put this?"

Granny: "Set it in the kitchen over there., you know where to put it when you see cider", as she said pointing at the kitchen.

You head to the kitchen and put it next to the other crates of cider. You then leave the kitchen.

(Y/N): "Need help with the rest?"

Granny: "Nah, I recken Big Macintosh and Applejack bring in the rest."

Then a girl with blonde hair, freckles on her cheeks, cowboy boots, a cowboy hat, and a white and green long sleeve shirt. She carrying some crates of cider as well.

???(Applejack): "Well, these crates ain't getting lighter."

(Y/N): "Oh, let me help you with that.", as he said taking the crate.

???(Applejack): "Why thank you uh......"

(Y/N): "(Y/N) (L/N), you must be Applejack."

Applejack then blush from the sound of her name.

Applejack: "How did you know my name?"

(Y/N): "Granny Smith told me."

Applejack then turn to Granny Smith and Apple Bloom.

Applejack: "Well, guess you met my sister and my granny."

Apple Bloom: "Hi big sis.", as she said waving.

Granny: "Where's your brother Big Mac?"

Applejack: "He's carrying the last of the cider from the truck, Big Mac, you got the last of the cider?"

Then a tall guy with the rest of the crates.

Big Mac: "Eeyup.", as he said carrying the rest of the cider.

(Y/N): "Huh, that's the farmer's life."

Big Mac: "Eeyup.", as he said heading to the kitchen.

Then Applejack notice your Omnitrix.

Applejack: "What in tarnation is that on your wrist?"

(Y/N): "Oh, its my watch, my dad gave it to me on my 5th birthday."

Applejack: "What coincidence, I got my hat form my pa as well, before he died.", as she said with a sadden look and tilting her hat down to cover her face.

(Y/N): "Whoah, I'm sorry.", as you said tilting her hat up.

Applejack: "Well, if you love them enough, they'll stay with you in your heart."

Big Mac: "Eeyup.", as he said hugging you and Applejack.

Then Apple Bloom and Granny Smith join in. Making it a tender, family moment. The apples have tears flowing out of their eyes. They soon break the hug.

(Y/N): "Well, I better get going, see ya.", as he said walking off.

But before you leave the cafeteria, something fast, pink, and crazy crashed into you. When you open your eyes you see a girl with pink, cotton candy like hair, pink skin, and pink skirt and boots.

???(Pinkie Pie): "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, are you new here, you must be new here, what's your name!?"

(Y/N): "(Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you Pinkie, can you get off of me?"

Pinkie: "Okie Dokie Lokie!", as she said bouncing off you.

When you got up back on your feet. Pinkie notice the watch on your wrist.

Pinkie: "Oooooooo, shiny watch.", as she said grabbing your wrist with the omnitrix on it.

(Y/N): "Yes, it is shiny, my dad gave it to me on my 5th birthday."

Pinkie: "Did you day you got this on your birthday, your dad gave it to you on your 5th birthday, best present EVER!"

Applejack: "PINKIE, would you let go of (Y/N)'s arm please?"

Pinkie: "Ok!", as she said letting go of your wrist.

(Y/N): "Thanks Applejack."

Applejack: "Much obliged."

Pinkie: "What does your do?"

(Y/N): "It tells time."

Pinkie: "Or, it has lots of different aliens from all over the universe and you use their powers to fight evil and save the universe.", as she said with a squee.

(Y/N): "I don't know what your talking about."

Pinkie: "You suuuuuuuure?", as she said leaning in close to your face.

(Y/N): "No."

Pinkie: "Okay, if you want to go to the field, then you go that way.", as she said turning you around and shoving you to the direction.

(Y/N): "Thanks for the shove Pinkie, well see ya later.", as you said heading to the field.

Applejack: "Pinkie, you really need to stop meeting people like that."

Pinkie: "But it's fun."

Granny: "Applejack, that (Y/N) fella is a nice guy, you should go on a date with him."

Applejack then blushes in response.

Applejack: "Granny!"

Pinkie: "Oh, maybe I should date him, I can plan his birthday parties, maybe I can beat his dad's 5th birthday present."

Applejack: "Not if I date him first!"

Pinkie: "Oh yeah, then it's a contest!"

Applejack: "Deal!", as she said shaking hands with Pinkie Pie.

Later on the field.

(Y/N): "Wow, they really like sports, neat."

???(Rainbow Dash): "HEADS UP!"

When you heard that, you turn to see a soccer ball flying towards you. You catch it with one hand. Which made the girl that kicked it watch in awe. She has rainbow hair, a blue shirt with a white undershirt with a multicolored lightning bolt, and a white and pink skirt.

???(Rainbow Dash): "That was... awesome!", as she said running up to you.

When she got to you, she was blushing from the sight of you.

(Y/N): "Oh, thanks, I played soccer enough times to know what's coming at me, what's your name?", as he said handing the ball back to the girl.

???(Rainbow Dash): "Name's Rainbow Dash, Captain of all the sports teams in CHS."

(Y/N): "Nice, you really are proud of that."

Rainbow blushes in response.

Rainbow: "Heh, it's no biggie, what's your name?"

(Y/N): "(Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you.", as you said shaking her hand.

Rainbow's thoughts: "Oh man, his hand is so warm!"

Rainbow then notice the watch you have.

Rainbow: "Whoah, cool watch!"

(Y/N): "Thanks, my dad gave it to me as my 5th birthday gift."

Rainbow: "Where do I get one?"

(Y/N): "It's one of a kind, sorry."

Rainbow: "Figures, it won't be awesome if theres more than one those, the one of a kind deal makes it 20% cooler."

(Y/N): "I'll take that as a complement."

Rainbow: "My way of saying, you're awesome."

(Y/N): "Well, I need to get to class right now, my class is Math."

Then Rainbow realized something.

Rainbow: "Dude, math is my first class!"

(Y/N): "Sweet!"

Rainbow: "Wanna race?"

(Y/N): "Eh, Why not."

You two started running for class. You two went through the halls of the school. You stop and hear Fluttershy's distressed voice and another female voice you never heard.

???(Sunset Shimmer): "Give me your lunch money wimp!"

Author's note: "Hey, I know it's cliché, but roll with it".

Fluttershy: "Here, just leave me be."

(Y/N): "Hey, leave her alone!"

You spot Fluttershy and a girl with a black leather jacket, bacon hair, purple shirt with a sun on it, and pink and black boots.

???(Sunset Shimmer): "And why would I do that?", as she said turning to you.

(Y/N): "If you don't leave her alone, I will beat you up."

???(Sunset Shimmer): "You don't look like a fighter to me."

(Y/N): "I have achieved 9th degree black belt status on 240 martial arts styles, won 80 martial arts tournaments in a row, and I'm bigger than you."

The bacon hair women hesitated for a moment, then realized that she can't beat you.

???(Sunset Shimmer): "Fine I'll leave her alone, but this is not over!", as she said walking away.

(Y/N): "You okay Fluttershy?", as you said offering a helping hand up.

Fluttershy then grab your hand got up. She was blushing while standing up.

Fluttershy: "I um, I'm okay."

Rainbow then came to you.

Rainbow: "Whoah, you stand up to Sunset Shimmer, nobody has ever done that before."

(Y/N): "Bacon hair is the school bully, and no one stand up to her."

Fluttershy: "No one, except you."

Rainbow: "Is it true that you have 9th degree black belt status in 240 martial arts and won 80 tournaments in a row?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Rainbow: "Awesome, that makes you 40% cooler, and saying something!"

(Y/N): "Hehe, something tells me we're gonna great friends.", as you said one arm hugging Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Rainbow was blushing, Fluttershy was blushing even more.

Fluttershy's thoughts: "Oh my, he's so strong, why is he so strong!"

Later with Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset: "That guy is really cute and handsome, he must be mine, if Sunset wants it, Sunset takes it.

Next: Chapter 2: Familiar Unfamiliar

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