Chapter 104: Planet-Sized Villain

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900 years since The Convergence.

You were putting on your new superhero outfit and you see a crowd of people gathering around two crosses with a guy and a girl.


You then tap on the shoulder of one of the people of the crowd.

(Y/N): "What's going on here?"

Random Guy: "We're gonna kill these two people for bringing this thing!"

The Random guy then point at a planet heading closer to Earth.

Random Guy: "We called it Hellstar Remina and she eats anything in her path, and she was named after that girl on that cross!"

(Y/N): "Then I'll be the one who will stop it!"

Random Guy: "You're nuts and what are you anyways!?"


You then activate your geode powers and then jump into the air through the atmosphere as the planet stick out a long tongue and you karate chop it off before it reaches to the moon. You then landed in the blue zone of the moon and then jump into the air then start rapid punching the living planet it then slap you out of it's atmosphere. You were about to freeze to death in the sky, but then you hear voices from the emotional entities of the lantern corps.

???(Butcher): "I am Butcher, let your Rage be your strength."

???(Adara): "I am Adara, let your Hope guide you."

???(Parallax): "I am Parallax, let your Fear be the key to victory."

???(Proselyte): "I am Proselyte, let your Compassion make you mighty."

???(Predator): "I am Predator, let your Love bring you allies."

???(Ophidian): "I am Ophidian, let your Greed consume your foes."

???(Nekron): "I am Nekron, let Death be the endgame of your victory."

???(Entity): "I am Entity, let Life be the beginning of a new era."

???(Ion): "And I am Ion, let your Will fight for the universe."

Then an orb of all the colors of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum and your right hand grab it and stand you glow with all the lights of all the Lantern Corps. Then you made a large construct of a giant fist and you punch the Hellstar with all of your might.


Then the Hellstar was launched all the way to the Supermassive Blackhole in Messier 87. You then fly back to Earth and head to the people on the crosses and get them out of the ropes and get them back to the ground.

(Y/N): "Are you alright you two?"

Remina: "We're fine."

You then see a familiar face in the crowd and is heading towards you. It was none other than Rose Quartz herself and she sees you after so many years. She then take off your helmet and she sees that your face after so many years.

Rose Quartz: "(Y/N), I haven't seen you in 900 years, it's good to see you again."

(Y/N): "Good to see you too."

You then put on the helmet as Rose hugs you.

Rose: "I see that suit fits you well."

(Y/N): "Yep, it's Rarity's work, I can tell by the stitching."

You, Remina, Rose, and Remina's father head to a cafe called cafe 80s and talk about what happened before now.

(Y/N): "Sheesh, it's a good thing I came around or you would've been dead by now, I'm glad that you're okay Professor Oguro."

Tune: "Oh please, call me Tsuneo."

Rose then cries into tears as you notice her.

(Y/N): "What's wrong?"

Rose Quartz: "The Earth went mad, the Hellstar had changed everything when it showed up and Mogo, Ego, Oa, and Illa fought it off to stop it."

(Y/N): "What happened to them?"

Rose Quartz: "There are some questions that is best left unanswered."

(Y/N): "Aren't there heroes in this time period to help?"

Rose Quartz: "We are all that is left of all the heroes that walked on this Earth, the gems decide to abandon the planet while I stayed."

(Y/N): "What about your son?"

Rose Quartz: "He went along with all the gems on Earth to leave the planet, but he didn't want to leave the Earth."

(Y/N): "Well I say we bring back heroes."

Later, you head to the old Gamma Palace and signal the Diamonds. A screen appeared and revealed the Diamonds and they didn't know you at first glance.

Yellow: "Who is this?"

You then remove your helmet and revealed your face as they were shocked to see your face once again after so many years.

(Y/N): "Hey."

White: "It's been so long (Y/N)."

Blue: "No wonder the Hellstar was going at a collision course to the Blackhole in the Abell 85 cluster of galaxies."

Yellow: "And it took 2 seconds to get there from Earth."

White: "It's good to see you again!"

(Y/N): "Yeah well, 900 years of absence of heroes is too long in my book."

Yellow: "Perhaps we can get people to be inspired from the heroes of old with a museum."

Blue: "Plus, we have extensive records of all the heroes of old."

(Y/N): "Nice."

10 weeks later, the museum of heroes has been made to remind that the Earth is in need of heroes. You were standing by the Crystal Gems as they were happy to be home.

Amethyst: "It's good to be back."

Garnet: "You said it."

Pearl: "It's good to be back on Earth again."

Steven: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "I think of the world is good hands when new heroes arrive soon."

Then the Time Stone glows as you and the gems notice it's glow.

Rose Quartz: "I guess this is goodbye."

The gems then hug you.

(Y/N): "Yeah, see ya later."

You walk away as the gems wave goodbye, the Time Stone made you fade away into another time.

Rose Quartz: "Good luck (Y/N) 10."

Meanwhile, in the current day, Iron Man and Dr. Who are still working on the TARDIS during the night.

Iron Man: "So, how are we suppose to locate (Y/N)?"

Dr. Who then pull out his Sonic Screwdriver to make some adjustments to the computers and got your location in time.

Dr. Who: "Eureka!"

Dr. Who ad Iron Man sees your next place in time as Dr. Who's Fluttershy enter the phone booth.

Dr. Who: "We found him, he will be 30910 years into the future, and Iron Man, he will certainly meet Cleopatra."

Iron Man: "Wait, Cleopatra is in the far future?"

Dr. Who: "I'll explain once we get there, but here's the picture of her."

Dr. Who reveals a picture of Cleopatra in a futuristic outfit on the monitor.

Iron Man: "Okay, well we got the computers working but can't travel in time right now."

Dr. Who: "Luckily, I can use a small bit of my current regeneration's lifespan to create a crystal to bring the TARDIS back up and running in no time."

Dr. Who then create a small crystal out of his body's lifespan as his Fluttershy's eyes widen from the sight of his life-force being ripped out of one's body.

Alt. Fluttershy: "Does it hurt?"

Dr. Who: "Very painful, but if its get (Y/N) back it's worth it, now to place this crystal into the machine and we're in business."

Iron Man: "So how many years did you pull out of yourself?"

Dr. Who: "Only 16 years, everyone gets the phrase Sweet 16."

Iron Man then grab the crystal and place it into the time machine.

Iron Man: "Let's bring back our friend!"

Dr. Who: "Right!"

Then the TARDIS went forward into time to where you are.

Next: Chapter 105: Egyptian Space

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