Chapter 111: The Dazzlebooms Gone Mad?

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It was night time and you were out alone walking down the streets of Cantertropolis and you got your right arm back and you are no longer out of commission for hero work. Then you spot a familiar shadow in the form of Trixie.

(Y/N): "Trixie?"

Then someone came out of the alley and you see someone who looks like Trixie but she has white and pink hair, a white outfit in contrast of the typical blue, and her skin is much darker shade of blue.

???(Magic Mare): "Trixie, haven't used that name in a long time."

Then the girl turn to you.

???(Magic Mare): "The name's Magic Mare."

Then some form of red energy formed around you and you can't move.

(Y/N): "I can't move!"

???(Painset Shimmercakes): "Well that's taken care of."

Then you got telekinetically flip forward and you were upside down to see Sunset, but she has red and blue hair, blue markings on her skin, and her outfit has different colors on her outfit.

(Y/N): "Sunset?"

???(Painset Shimmercakes): "Haven't used that name for a long time, the name's Painset Shimmercakes, we have a proposition for you."

(Y/N): "What do you want?"

Painset: "There's someone who is causing trouble for people like us and we need your help."

(Y/N): "I see that you two are not from my universe."

Painset: "Good observation hero, but someone wants our powers for himself."

Magic Mare: "Allow me to take us there."

Magic Mare then teleport you and Painset to the Mann Manor.

(Y/N): "The Mann Manor, why here?"

Painset: "You will see."

The girls went inside while Painset levitate you into the manor you see the Humane 6 and the Dazzlings and they look very different. Then the girls see you, Painset, and Magic Mare.

???(Brutalight Sparcake): "It's about time you two found him."

(Y/N): "Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Sonata, Adagio, Aria?"

???(Rodagio Dazzsome): "Haven't use those names in a long time, call me Rodagio Dazzsome."

???(Piria Cakez): "Piria Cakez."

???(Sonica Douskan): "Sonica Douskan."

???(Brutalight Sparcake): "Brutalight Sparcake."

???(Rarifruit): "Rarifruit."

??/(Pinkis Cupcake): "Pinkis Cupcake."

???(Fluttershout): "Fluttershout."

???(ApplePills): "ApplePills."

???(Rainbine): "Rainbine."

Brutalight: "I'm the leader of the Elements of Insanity."

Piria: "And we're the Bloody Symphonies."

Painset then restrict your arms and place you onto a couch as the Bloody Symphonies sat on the same couch.

Brutalight: "You have to help us, there's someone in a suit of armor that looks like he's on life support and he has numerous powers, just like you."

(Y/N): "Well I would like to say two things: one, I'll help you guys and two, don't pay attention to the most, pay attention to the hands."

You then free yourself from the telekinetic restraint and put your hands in the air as the girls were shocked to see that.

Painset: "How did you do that?"

(Y/N): "I'm a great escape artist, so where is this guy?"

Then there was a knock on the door as the girls were shaking in their boots.

Painset: "He's here."

???(All For One): "Have you taken up my offer yet ladies?"

Rainbine: "Okay guys, what's the plan?"

You then whisper the plan to the girls and they all nodded in agreement. Then Painset then open the door and she sees a man in a mask and a well dressed suit.

Painset: "All For One, may I help you?"

All For One: "I'm just here if you wanted to take up my offer."

Painset: "Well we have our answer."

All For One: "Oh good let me hear it."

Painset then teleported away as you grab him and take him to the Blue Zone of the Moon. All For One then get up and see you.

All For One: "Hmm, and unfamiliar face and yet the power you posses is quite familiar, like All Might's fist bursting my head, like a watermelon being smashed to bits."

(Y/N): "I'm guessing you're not from my universe."

All For One: "Ever since The Convergence, new worlds, new powers to obtain."

(Y/N): "If you're collecting powers, you should meet my pal The Collector on Knowmoon."

All For One: "Your powers are similar to the last 7 people before, lets see if you're any different or just another repeat of the past."

All For One then release some tendrils at you and you dodge them and you charge at him and punch him as he block the punch and release an air cannon at you and you got launch into a nearby crater. You then get up and turn to All For One.

All For One: "You are out matched by my powers, my quirk All For One gives me the ability to take as well as give quirks to others, and I have hundreds of quirks at my disposal."

(Y/N): "Don't get ahead of yourself buddy, you're not the only one with that kind of power."

You then transform into Nanomech and fly next to All For One's ear and zap him with an energy attack as he feel pain. He then tried to attack you, but you managed to dodge all of his swipes.

All For One: "What kind of quirk is this!?"

You then transform into Shocksquatch and then and bear hug him and electrocute him.

(Y/N) as Shocksquatch: "Before I answer that, here's another one for ya."

You then transform into Big Chill and phase through him and freeze him into solid ice.

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "You know, you make a great Jack Frost, All For One."

All For One then break out of the ice and he was more impressed than angry.

All For One: "I've never seen such abilities, Emitters, Transformations, and Mutations rolled into one, I must have what you have!"

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "I like to see you try when I whip up the next one."

You then transform into Alien X as All For One tries to take the powers of Alien X by placing his hand on your chest and nothing is happening.

(Y/N) as Alien X: "What are you doing?"

All For One: "This usually works."

All For One think for a moment and then come up with an explanation of your powers.

All For One: "I see, the device on your chest is providing you with all of these abilities , you are Quirkless and this device has provided you incredible power to perform heroic deeds, such a pathetic waste of power."

(Y/N) as Alien X: "What you call a waste, I call it doing what is right for the world and it's people."

You then teleport yourself and All For One to Knowmoon and you see a hideout for the Eclipsisters and their mob.

All For One: "Where are we?"

(Y/N) as Alien X: "We are at the Eclipsisters' hideout on Knowmoon, after the defeat of Ultron-Sigma and sometime of getting used to things, this station has been repurposed and placed somewhere else in the galaxy."

All For One: "Who are the Eclpsisters?"

Then someone placed a belt on All For One as you see it was a Cerebrocrustacean that placed a belt on All For One.

???(Thinker): "A welcoming gift from the Eclipsisters, my name is Thinker."

You then revert to human form as Thinker recognizes you.

Thinker: "(Y/N) 10, the Eclipsisters were expecting you."

All For One: "What is this creature?"

(Y/N): "A Cerebrocrustacean, they have an IQ of 1 nonillion."

Thinker then open the door to the Eclipsisters' hideout.

Thinker: "Please, come on in."

You then turn to All For One and gestured for a handshake.

(Y/N): "Lets call it a truce bud."

All For One then shakes your hand.

All For One: "Agreed."

You and All For One head into the hideout and follow Thinker to a room with no ceiling. Then a To'kustar appeared from the ceiling and place two chairs that were facing away you and All For One until the To'kustar our the chairs towards and reveals the Eclipsisters: Sunbeam and Satellite.

(Y/N): "Sunbeam and Satellite, nice to see you again."

Sunbeam: "It's good to see you old friend."

Satellite: "And thank you for the gift."

(Y/N): "I knew this station is to your liking."

Sunbeam: "And who is this?"

All For One: "I am All For One, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Satellite: "It's nice to meet you too."

Sunbeam: "Space is a much bigger place than New York city."

(Y/N): "You have no idea."

Sunbeam: "And All For One, you harmed the boy, you disrespect the family, you disrespect my grandmama."

(Y/N): "Not to mention he tried take my powers."

All For One then point his hand at the Eclipsisters but nothing happened.

Sunbeam: "That belt around you keeps you from using your powers, with that belt on you're an average man."

Thinker: "I made that myself, plus it can keep you from disobeying the Eclipsisters."

Sunbeam: "Filthy Rich returned back to Earth and we need a new butler to take his place."

(Y/N): "I guess I'll be going then, bye guys."

Satellite: "Safe travels."

Later, you head back to Earth to the Mann Manor and the girls there are wondering how long you were fighting All For One. Then you knock on their door as Painset opens it and you have pizza.

(Y/N): "I got pizza."

Painset: "What happened to All For One?"

(Y/N): "He's in another star system, so who wants pizza?"

Later, you and the girls are eating pizza in the kitchen.

(Y/N): "You know, you girls are nice, I think you should meet Sunset and the others sometimes."

Then Brutalight hit in the back of the head with a frying pan.

(Y/N): "OW the back of my head!"

You then got knocked out as the Bloody Symphonies take you to a chair and tie you up. Then the girls gathered around talk to each other.

Painset: "If we can figure out how to get his watch off of him, all of those powers will be ours for the taking."

Brutalight: "Plus, he's looks pretty cute."

Next: Chapter 112: Where Are You?

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