Chapter 115: Hero or Menace

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Velma took a sample of Bakugou's sweat and put the sample under a microscope and see that the sweat is like nitroglycerin produced naturally.

Velma: "Interesting, your sweat has the same molecular structure as nitroglycerin."

Bakugou: "No kidding Sherlock, that's how my powers work, the more sweat I produce the more powerful the explosions I create, that's the whole deal."

Then Shaggy and Scooby heard bird sounds coming from large ants and they jump onto Bakugou.

Shaggy: "Either that was singing birds or giant ants!"

Scooby: "Reah, riant rants!"

Bakugou starts sparking his hand with the sweat on his hands.

Bakugou: "Get off or I'll blow to bits!"

Then they get off of Bakugou, fearing from death by explosion.

Shaggy: "Like no problem man, just don't explode on us like fireworks in 4th July."

Bakugou: "Out of all people to be paired up with, I'm stuck with you two!"

(Y/N): "Take it easy Bakugou, it could be worst."

Bakugou: "Easy for you to say, you're paired up with a movie star!"

Later, with Izuku and Fred.

Fred: "Wow, who knew your powers came from a long line of heroes and it was made a by a super villain."

Izuku: "That's One For All for ya."

Fred: "Skull Island is a big place, finding a clue on this island is like finding a needle in a haystack."

You then found a good spot for some filming.

(Y/N): "Alright, this looks like a great spot for some filming, this spot is the common crossroads of the ants in the area in the trees, this is a good spot to set up the equipment."

All Might: "Superman and I will keep an eye out for any Skullcrawlers and the Prowler."

Later, you and the others help out with the set up with the equipment for the shoot for the documentary. You and Miles are at Chestnut's trailer and you knock on the door.

(Y/N): "Chestnut, we're ready for you, come on out."

Miles: "Dude, when women become movie stars, they always spend time putting on make up, she'll be in there for awhi-"

Then Miles' spider sense went off and detects something.

Miles: "Yo, Spider Sense is going off man."

(Y/N): "Probably the ants Miles."

???(Prowler): "Not ants my friends."

Prowler was behind you and Miles and pull you and throw you two to the ground and is ready to fight. You and Miles got up and turn to the Prowler.

(Y/N): "Alright Prowler, theres dozens of heroes here right now, and you're outnumbered."

The all the heroes appeared and turn to the Prowler.

Prowler: "True, but you're outmatched."

The Kryptonians tried to attack the Prowler as they use the Krypto Blaster to shoot green beams at them and they got knocked out. Then Bizzarogirl tried to attack them with her fire breath, the Prowler fired a blue beam at her and weakens her a bit as Shaggy and Scooby head to her.

Shaggy: "Like what happened?"

Bizzarogirl: "Green light bad for Supergirl and stupider cousin, blue light bad for Bizzaros."

Scooby: "Rypto Blaster!"

(Y/N): "The Krypto Blaster, can do more than green and blue kryptonite."

The Prowler then fire a red beam at Bakugou and it launched him into a table as you, Scooby, Shaggy, and Izuku turn to him.

Izuku: "What does red do?"

(Y/N): "Induces anger."

Shaggy and Scooby: "Anger?!"

Then Bakugou got up and he turns to you and the others with red glowing eyes and then he started attacking with explosive attacks.

Bakugou: "Die, burn to the ground!"

Shaggy: "Like run Scoob!"

Scooby and Shaggy start running away as Bakugou chases after them. Then the Prowler fired a black beam at you and then two versions of you appeared: one in white clothing and the other in black clothing. Daphne sees both of you in a shocked reaction.

Daphne: "Cheepers, what kind of Kryptonite was that?!"

(Y/N)[Good]: "Black Kryptonite, splits a person into moral opposites."

Then your dark half then transform into Heatblast.

(Y/N)[Evil] as Heatblast: "He's right you know, hahaha."

Your good half transform into Diamondhead as your evil half fights your good half. The Prowler then fires a gold beam at All Might and he was launched into a tree as Rex, Static, and Gear head to him.

Rex: "Are you okay All Might?"

All Might: "Who's All Might?"

Gear: "You are dude."

All Might: "Oh uh, then who are you?"

Static then turn to your good half as your good half fights off your evil half.

Static: "Yo (Y/N) 10, Prowler shot All Might with a gold laser, he has no idea who he is!"

(Y/N)[Good] as Diamondhead: "Gold Kryptonite causes amnesia."

You evil half then transform into Four Arms and punch your good half into a tree.

(Y/N)[Evil] as Four Arms: "What he said!"

The Prowler then shot a pink beam at Todoroki and he turn into a girl.

Todoroki: "What happened and why do I have a need to put on make up?"

Then your evil half put your good half in a headlock.

(Y/N)[Good] as Diamondhead: "Pink kryptonite turns people into the opposite gender."

Then the Prowler then fire a silver beam at Velma and then she sees hallucinations of clowns everywhere. She then starts running off everywhere while being chased by clowns that aren't there.

Velma: "I hate clowns!"

Sunset: "Silver Kryptonite means fear induced hallucinations."

(Y/N)[Good and Evil]: "Yep!"

Then the Prowler fires a purple beam at the Humane 7, Rex, Static, Mei Hatsume, Mane-iac, and Bizarrogirl and they look fine.

Sunset: "Nothing happened."

Then Fluttershy fired ice beams from her eyes and freeze some of the U.A. Students.

Fluttershy: "Sorry about that!"

Bizzarogirl: "Fluttershy has eyes like BizarroSuperman."

Then Rarity then make Punk Busters on her feet and she was surprised from that.

Rarity: "Whoever come up with the design of these boots, they should make them more fashionable!"

Daphne: "I hear ya!"

Rex: "Hey!"

Static then sees a village of people 5 kilometers away.

Static: "Yo, I'm seeing things far away from here!"

Mei Hatsume: "You have my quirk."

Rex then start surging electrical charges as Bizzarogirl tries to lift a trailer but to no avail.

Bizarrogirl: "Me can't life trailer!"

Rainbow then lift a table and throw it at the Prowler as they dodge it.

Rainbow: "I have Applejack's powers!"

Sci-Twi then came back in a speed of light and run into a tree.

Sci-Twi: 'I just got back from Paris."

Rainbow: "You have my speed!"

Pinkie then burst out of the ground using most of her hair as a drill.

Pinkie: "I must have Mane-iac's powers."

Mane-iac then grab Bizarrogirl's hand and then her eyes went white and see Bizarrogirl's memories when she was with Kara in Sweet Justice.

Kara: "See, I'm back in school, Supergirl is back in favor and we both got our reputations back."

Bizarrogirl: "And dumb cousins, not on front page."

Then the two clank their ice cream bowls and then Mane-iac went back into reality.

Mane-iac: "I have Sunset's powers."

Mei Hatsume was levitating some rocks without doing anything.

Mei Hatsume: "I have Sci-Twi's powers apparently."

Then Sunset makes a diamond shield as a bird lands on Applejack's shoulder and chirps.

Applejack: "Well ain't the truth Roger."

Applejack then realizes that she has Fluttershy's powers.

Applejack: "Well shoot I got Fluttershy's powers."

Bizarrogirl then pick up a sprinkle shaker and then it glows and explodes in her face.

Bizarrogirl: "Me have Pinkie's have powers."

(Y/N)[Good]: "That was Purple Kryptonite, it swaps powers to a group of people."

Then the Prowler take notes of each type of beam of Kryptonite and then fired a final beam at everyone, and this time it cures the effects of the other types of Kryptonite on everyone.

(Y/N): "And White Kryptonite cures the effects of the other types of Kryptonite."

Shaggy: "Like thank you for saving us from being blown up."

Prowler: "No problem, if I was you, I would be more worried about a monster that isn't native here than me."

Prowler turn invisible and run away as Mei Hatsume then spot a creature in the distance 5 kilometers away from the film set, it has black skin, red scars, tan shirts, and an exposed brain. Bizarrogirl then melt the U.A. Students out of the ice

Mei Hatsume: "That Nomu creature is not native to this island and it's the same Nomu that is designed to counter All Might's powers."

All Might: "If I beat him with 300 punches before, I'll do it again!"

You then activate your geode's powers as Izuku, All Might, and the other U.A. Students were shocked to see what you become.

(Y/N): "Deku told me that you could beat this guy with 5 punches in your prime, I bet I can beat him with one."

You then run towards Nomu and then transfer all of your power in your right arm and then punch him in the chest.


The punch made a powerful tornado in the aftermath of the punch. Then the tornado cleared away and Nomu passed out and severely wounded. All Might and Deku witnessed something familiar to themselves as their quirk One For All.

All Might's thoughts: "That was-"

Izuku: "One For All."

Then you appeared on top of Chestnut's trailer holding the unconscious Nomu on one hand over your head.

(Y/N): "Told you I can do it with one punch."

All Might: "You reminded me back in my days in U.A. High, young and spry with a sense of Peace and Justice."

Izuku: "I never knew you have One For All of your own, that's incredible!"

Kirishima: "Yeah, you surprise us."

(Y/N): "That's not all, I'm full of surprises."

Izuku: "But that Nomu will get back up in awhile since it's quirks are Shock Absorption and Super Regeneration."

(Y/N): "In that case."

You then grab Nomu by the leg and then spin around in a small tornado.


You then throw Nomu into the sun as the others were shocked from seeing that.

(Y/N): "Tell Helios I said hi!"

Diana: "I'm sure he'll be pleased with the gift."

You then turn off your geode powers and then hop down from the trailer.

(Y/N): "Now let's film this documentary."

Then Chestnut came out of her trailer and she looks ready in her safari outfit.

Chestnut: "I'm ready, sorry for the wait everyone."

Chestnut then sees that everyone is hurt and tired.

Chestnut: "Oh my goodness, what happened to you, you all look like death."

Kara: "I feel like death too."

Static: "The Prowler and that stupid Krypto Blaster."

Chestnut: "Krypto what now?"

(Y/N): "It's a ray gun that fires beams of kryptonite of various colors, and apparently the prototype works, but the Prowler forgot to use the Yellow Kryptonite for splitting people into a red and blue halves."

Chestnut: "That's a thing?"

You then see some chocolate on Chestnut's lips.

(Y/N): "Did you have some of the Bon Mot peanut butter praline crunch bars."

Chestnut: "I have a sweet tooth for that kind of candy."

(Y/N): "Anyways, I defeated the Nomu that fought All Might in the past with a single blow and threw it into the sun."

Chestnut: "Where did it come from?"

Kirishima: "We don't know."

Sero: "Well, Nomus aren't native to Skull Island as far as I know."

Chestnut: "Well, is the set still okay?"

You and her friends look around the set and everything is okay, but the Prowler didn't leave anything behind and you see 10 missing Bon Mot peanut butter praline crunch bars and no trails of the Prowler. You and the others head back to the hero students and talk to them.

(Y/N): "Well there is some good news and some bad news, the good news is that the set is unharmed and the effects of the Kryptonite didn't linger, the bad news is that the Prowler is gone along with some Bon Mot peanut butter praline crunch bars."

Velma: "Wait, did Chestnut say she likes Bon Mot peanut butter praline crunch bars?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I did see some chocolate on her lips and they are her favorite candy and she sometimes forget that there is such thing as Yellow Kryptonite."

You then see Shaggy and Scooby about to grab some Bon Mot peanut butter praline crunch bars for themselves and you throw some plastic knifes at them and they stood still as the knifes were stuck in places that looks like a shape of them.

(Y/N): "Hands off of those you two, you can eat anything at the buffet, except those candy bars."

Shaggy: "Like you could've said that instead of throwing knifes."

Scooby: "Reah."

Velma: "Nice aim though."

(Y/N): "Thanks, I learned from the best back in S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers."

Izuku: "Well any ideas on how find the Prowler, (Y/N), since you have the most experience with the villain."

(Y/N): "I have much experience with the Prowler as the hero Grape Juice have a grip on Daphne, and speaking of which."

You then grab a small kid with a purple outfit, yellow gloves and cape, and purple orbs on his head. During the whole Prowler attack, he was on Daphne's back during the whole thing.

(Y/N): "Mineta, what were you doing on Daphne's back?"

Mineta: "I was scared so I needed a place to hide, so I hide behind a pretty lady so that the Prowler won't shoot me."

Daphne: "Oh you pervert!"

(Y/N): "The next time you use the same hiding spot, you'll be served to the Skullcrawlers on a platter."

Mineta: "You're joking right."

(Y/N): "Do I look like I'm joking."

Mineta look at your facial expression and he sees that you're not kidding.

Mineta: "Okay, I'll take your word for it, just put me down."

You then drop Mineta down on the ground as he falls flat on his face.

Fred: "Well, what's the plan (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Some back up from the far future."

You then transform into Clockwork and create a window in time and you see Cleo, Brian, and Akila in a student dorm. Then Cleo and her friends see you.

Cleo: "Hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N) as Clockwork: "Good to see you two."

Akila: "So what's up?"

(Y/N) as Clockwork: "We need your help, an old villain name the Prowler has returned from the grave and they took some untested prototype weapons from my dorm."

Brian: "Untested!?"

Cleo: "We'll help you out."

You then create a time portal as Cleo, Akila, and Brian came out of it. You then revert to human form.

Fred: "Who are they?"

(Y/N): "Allies from the fight against Ultron-Sigma, this is Cleo, Akila, and Brian."

Velma then take a look at each of the trio from the future, starting with Akila.

Velma: "Well Ginkies, you're an alien from outer space."

Akila: "Well I'm from Vefazon, Vefosians are similar to humans because of convergent evolution, but were blue, my eyes are a bit different, and I also have these."

Akila then show that she has fishlike fins for ears.

Velma: "Wow!"

Brian: "I'm a cyborg, the only thing that is human about me is my brain."

(Y/N): "You're like Robocop Jr."

Velma then turn to Cleo.

Velma: "Are you Cleopatra Philopater the 12th?"

Cleo: "In the flesh."

Velma then start touching Cleo's face to be sure that she is real and not a hallucination.

Cleo: "You're touching my face."

Velma: "Ginkies, you are Cleopatra!"

Mineta was mesmerized to the beauty of Cleopatra and stares at her.

Mineta's thoughts: "Cleopatra, a beautiful sight lost in time and is now here within arms reach!"

Mineta was about to jump onto Cleopatra as you stomp on him with your foot to stop him. Cleo then saw all of that happened.

Cleo: "Why did you put your foot on his back?"

(Y/N): "To stop him from violating your personal space and your body."

Cleo: "Thanks for the save."

You and the others regroup with the other heroes and explain the whole plan of how to catch the Prowler.

(Y/N): "Alright everyone, Fred and I came with a plan to takedown the Prowler."

Fred: "Alright, U.A. Students and Superman will stay with the film crew for the duration of the filming to provide protection while the rest of us will find the Prowler."

(Y/N): "But we'll have to separate into search parties, Team Alpha will consist of All Might, Rarity, Velma, Daphne, me, Sunset, Shaggy, Scooby, Cleo, Akila, Gear, Static, Rex, and Miles, Team Gamma will consist of Fred, Ironheart, Ms. America, Brian, Quake, Pinkie, Sci-Twi, Applejack, and Fluttershy, and Team Bravo will consist of Inferno, Patriot, Squirrel Girl, Bizarrogirl, Kara, Supergirl, Tatsu, Diana, Babs, Karen, Zatanna, and Jessica."

Fred: "Right, Team Alpha will searching in the village, Team Bravo will be searching the lakes, and Team Gamma will be keeping an eye out on the set if the Prowler comes back to the same spot last time."

(Y/N): "Alright, dismiss."

Shaggy: "What's at the village?"

(Y/N): "The natives are friendly but they never smile, if you show them that you mean no harm, tell them the Kong sent ya, they can understand English but they can't speak it, they worship King Kong as their god."

Shaggy: "Like no way, Scooby and I aren't going to some village that worship a giant monkey."

(Y/N): "If you go on the search party, I'll a 300ft box of Scooby Snacks and a trip to Mount Olympus and the realm of Asgard for a buffet fitting for gods, how does that sound?"

Shaggy: "Like make that box 500 feet tall and you got yourself a deal."

Scooby: "Reah."

Shaggy: "Like how are gonna get a box that big?"

You then pull out blue pym particle throw discs and throw one of them at a pebble and it grew 40x it's size.

(Y/N): "Pym Particles, blue for enlarging objects and red for shrinking them, alright dismiss."

Everyone then get to their teams as Velma and Daphne talk about you.

Daphne: "He really knows how to convince those two."

Velma: "Yeah, he's smart and he has technology that I should look into."

Daphne: "Yeah and he's like Fred but more militaristic and much more in charge of things."

Velma: "Not to mention he has a substance called Pym Particles, very scientific, and that prototype blaster is very impressive."

Daphne: "Yeah, and he convinced Shaggy and Scooby about a trip to Mount Olympus, home of the Greek Gods."

Velma: "The Olympians are myths, they don't exist."

Then you appeared and overheard their conversation.

(Y/N): "I beg the differ, I am friends with mythological beings such as Thor and Hercules, plus I was deemed worthy of Mjolnir."

Velma: "Prove it."

You then summon Mjolnir to the palm of your hand as Velma and Daphne were shocked to see it's actually real.

(Y/N): "If the hammer is real, so is Thor."

Velma: "Ginkies, from where you're from, myths are real."

(Y/N): "Yep, now let's bag us a Prowler!"

You then lead on your search party as Velma and Daphne thought to themselves.

Velma and Daphne: "I think I'm in love."

Next: Chapter 116: Catching The Prowler

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