Chapter 118: All For One The Gladiator

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It's been a week since your internship at Mt. Office, and you return home back from Japan and head back to your school.

(Y/N): "Well that was fun, it's been fun too."

Then you found a familiar face, it was none other than Chrysalis.

(Y/N): "Chrysalis?"

Chrysalis: "Hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "What are doing here?"

Chrysalis: "Well I came back to apologize about my behavior from the last time we met."

(Y/N): "Where were you since we met?"

Chrysalis: "I had sometime to think to myself and the reason I wanted you to be mine in the first place is that I had no one as a friend, but when I met you I want to be more than just a friend."

(Y/N): "What are you saying?"

Chrysalis then peck you on the lips as you lightly blush.

Chrysalis: "I'm saying I want to be your girlfriend, plus I talked to Sunset about it and she's okay about it."

(Y/N): "Wow."

Then you and Chrysalis smell something putrid in the air.

(Y/N): "What is that smell?"

Chrysalis: "Where is it coming from?"

Then black liquid came out of your mouth and the liquid surrounded you and you vanished as Chrysalis was shocked from your disappearance.

Chrysalis: "(Y/N), (Y/N), where are you!?"

Later, somewhere in space, you appeared right in front of All For One on a space ship and it looks Sakaaran.

(Y/N): "All For One?"

All For One: "To be honest, it was not my intention to bring you aboard using the method to get you here, and each time I use the Warping Quirk, I get a severe case of tonsillitis."

(Y/N): "If you didn't want me to be here, then who does?"

???(Grandmaster): "Right here."

You then turn to a man in a golden outfit, grey hair, a blue mark on his face, and some sandals.

(Y/N): "You must be the Grandmaster."

Grandmaster: "Yep, that's me."

(Y/N): "Wait, All For One, how did you end up with the Grandmaster?"

All For One was about to answer question until the Grandmaster interrupted him.

Grandmaster: "I won him from a bet with the Eclipsisters."

(Y/N): "Okay, what do you want from me?"

Grandmaster: "Well there is an opening for a new champion on Sakaar and I thought you should be that champion, so what do you say?"

(Y/N): "Before I answer that question, how are you alive?"

Grandmaster: "Pardon?"

(Y/N): "All For One is the most powerful villain from his universe, he has like 40 different powers under his belt and he can wipe out a whole city of he wanted to."

Grandmaster: "Oh that's easy, he has an obedience chip on his neck."

(Y/N): "How does that work?"

Grandmaster: "Like this."

Grandmaster then shock All For One with the obedience chip on his neck as he falls down on the floor.

Grandmaster: "That's how it works."

(Y/N): "I know how it works, it's just I want to see one of Earth's most dangerous villain fall down like an old man, it's really funny."

Grandmaster: "You know you're right."

Grandmaster then deactivate the obedience chip as All For One got back up.

All For One: "You are much more insufferable than All Might, you child!"

Then a guard put a obedience chip on your neck.

(Y/N): "Oh great, how did you know I was a thing?"

Grandmaster: "Well your scary as heck friend here says he has this teleporting ability that if he knows you well enough and it only works close range, and he said that he knows of a powerful warrior that goes beyond Hulk, which is you."

(Y/N): "Okay that is it!"

You then transform into Four Arms and then pounce at the Grandmaster until the Obedience chip activated and you drop down onto ground.

All For One: "Ha, that is quite humorous."

Grandmaster: "Oh wow, so he's like you but every time he changes his powers he changes his look."

All For One: "From what I heard about him, he's mighty enough to fight off the might of the Mad Titan Thanos himself."

Grandmaster: "Wow, that tough huh, I think we found our champion and our contender."

All For One: "Allow me to be his contender, our fight hasn't breached to a satisfying conclusion."

Grandmaster: "Okay, so without that geode or that watch he's just an average guy right?"

All For One: "From where I'm from, we called his people Quirkless."

Grandmaster: "Okay, so you have the power to take powers and also give powers right?"

All For One: "Correct?"

Grandmaster: "Hmm, can you give your powers to someone else?"

All For One: "My quirk can be passed on to others."

Grandmaster: "Okay, how about a bet, if you beat him you keep your powers, and if he beats you, you give him your powers."

Then the Obedience chip deactivates and you got up and you and All For One said the same word.

You as Four Arms and All For One: "What!?"

Grandmaster: "You heard me, if (Y/N) 10 wins he gets your powers, do we agree?"

All For One look at you neck and his own neck to see the obedience chips.

All For One: "Like we have a choice."

You then revert to human form.

(Y/N): "Why me though?"

Grandmaster: "Well, he told that One For All and All For One, the power not the guy, two different powers, one constant."

(Y/N): "A body that can regulates them properly."

Grandmaster: "Exactly, and you look like you been training like heck for like what?"

(Y/N): "13 years."

Grandmaster: "You see and you have, how many guys do you have in that watch thing?"

(Y/N): "Well, since the Omnitrix I had 100912 aliens and now I've gone beyond that with the Ultimatrix, I've lost count since I've met my future self in 10 yrs, hold on, Mana how many aliens in the inventory?"

Mana: "Exactly 10 Centillion DNA collected since the events of The Convergence."

Grandmaster: "Whoah, that many, how about you freaky."

All For One: "Currently, I have 20 Quirks."

(Y/N): "How old are you?"

All For One: "100 yrs old."

(Y/N): "I'm still in high school and yet I have more powers than you man, but I think you can make attacks out of what you have."

Grandmaster: "Well what are we waiting for, let's have ourselves a little competition."

Later, you and All For One are on Sakaar in the Grand Arena about to fight. Everyone in the crowd are cheering for you and All For One. Then a massive hologram of the Grandmaster appears.

Grandmaster: "Wow, look at all of you, what a show, what a night, who's having fun?"

Everyone was cheering on for the big fight.

Grandmaster: "Please, I'm your host, big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors who today died so gruesomely, good sports, what a show, what a night, this is what you've come for, and so have I, and now, without further ado, it's main event time."

Everyone cheers on for the main event.

Grandmaster: "Making his first appearance, he looks quite promising, got a couple tricks up his sleeve, I'll say no more, see what you think, ladies and gentleman I give you, All For One."

All For One then enters the arena in Sakaaran battle gear as everyone booed at him.

All For One: "This is demeaning already."

Grandmaster: "Watch out for his fingers, they make tendrils, okay this is it, lets get ready yo welcome this guy, here he comes."

Then red, white and blue smoke bombs blow up in the air as the audience cheers.

Grandmaster: "He is a hero, what can we say about him, well, he's unique, there's none like him, I feel a special connection with him, he's undefeated, he's the reigning, he's the defending, Ladies and gentlemen, I give you."

Then you came out of the door in your Sakaaran gear on the opposite end from where All For One is.

Grandmaster: "(Y/N) 10!"

Everyone cheers for you especially the women of the audience.

Grandmaster: "Mr. 10, do you have anything to say?"

(Y/N): "Uhhh, hi everyone, I would like to say something for the people of Sakaar, you are great people and you deserve better, I wish I can come here on my own terms, but you are a great crowd, I mean it."

Imperial Sakaaran girl: "I love you (Y/N) 10!"

Shadow Sakaaran girl: "Hey, he was talking to me!"

Then the Sakaaran girls fight each other.

All For One: "You have everyone's attention, yet you didn't want it, I was skeptical before, and even more now."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Grandmaster: "Now, powers only, no weapons, unless those powers make weapons, okay, okay."

(Y/N): "Alright let's do this, you first man."

All For One: "Very well."

All For One then points his arm at you and he fired an air blast at you as you transform into Terraspin and counter the air attack. You then transform into Studio and then pull out some balloon guns and you then inflate them until they pop into real guns.

(Y/N) as Studio: "This will rip you up a new one!"

You then start firing the guns at All For One as he takes the hit from every single on of them. He then sprout rivets all over his body to be armor.

All For One: "A clever trick, let's see you can counter this!"

All For One then fire a burst of air from both of his arms at the same time and you were launched into the walls.

All For One: "Enhanced Air Cannon."

Then a large anvil dropped on his head and you walk towards him, he then take the anvil off of himself.

All For One: "You dare turn this fight into a silly cartoon!?"

(Y/N) as Studio: "You got a problem with cartoons?"

All For One tries to land a punch on you, but you dodge all of his attacks and you pull out a hammer and then jump on top of All For One and then whack him on the head with the hammer. Then he steps on you as you transform into Nanomech and you fly up into his helmet and then start zapping his face.


You then fly out of the helmet and then transform Kickin Hawk and you sidekick All For One in the face and then transform into Shocksquatch and you place a hand on All For One's shoulder and then talk in a deep tone.

(Y/N) as Shocksquatch: "Hey."

You then electrocute All For One and the blast launch him into a wall as you revert to human form. Then All For One got back up and turn to you.

All For One: "What was that?"

(Y/N): "That was the shoulder touch."

All For One: "Very clever."

You then transform into Humungousaur and then cracks your knuckles.

(Y/N) as Humungousaur: "Alright All For One, you're about to have the smashing of a lifetime, and just for an added measure."

You then went to 60 ft tall and then punch All For One as he block your punch and take a knee.

All For One: "Is that best you can do?"

You then transform into Ultimate Humungousaur and then punch All For One hard enough that he was launch into another wall. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the whole fight is broadcasting live all over Earth on every screen possible and no one can't change the channel. All Might, Gran Torimo, Midnight, Mt. Lady, and a guy with fire on some parts of his parts and a blue suit with white gauntlets were watching the broadcasting and they're shocked from seeing you fighting All For One in a one on one match.

???(Endeavor): "Are you seeing this All Might?"

All Might: "I do Endeavor."

Endeavor: "It's that (Y/N) 10 kid, he's facing off All For One, on a planet called Sakaar!?"

Midnight: "He's a great fighter."

Mt. Lady: "To be honest, if he was a Pro Hero right now, he would be where All Might is."

Endeavor then turn to Mt. Lady with an angered stare on his face.

Mt. Lady: "Just saying."

All Might: "I can't believe he's actually fighting All For One face to face."

Later, in Super Cantertropolis High, the Superhero girls are watching the fight from their dorm room.

Kara: "Sheesh, he's has an act for fighting bad guys on a daily basis."

Karen: "Yeah."

Babs: "Whoohoo, go (Y/N)!"

Zee: "You got this!"

Later, at U.A. High, the Class 1-A students are watching you fighting off All For One.

Iida: "What a vast display of powers."

Uracka: "He's changing form really fast!"

Midoriya: "He's not changing form randomly, he's adapting strategically and each and every single one of them is knocking All For One off of his a game."

Ashido: "Go (Y/N)!"

Later, at a bar in the Kamino ward, Himiko and two other villains are watching the whole fight on TV as well.

???(Tomura Shigaraki): "He's fighting my master and he's winning!"

???(Kurogiri): "Tomura calm down."

Tomura: "You calm down Kurogiri, the most powerful villain in history is getting hammered over there by that (Y/N) 10 kid!"

Then Himiko grab some cheerleader pom poms and then cheer you on.

Himiko: "Rickem, rockem, rackem, rake--beat that guy until he breaks!"

Tomura: "You stay out this!"

Himiko then pull out a small black flag that has A.F.O. on it and she wave to around.

Himiko: "All For One, All For One, he's our man--if he can't do it, GREAT!"

Later, back on Sakaar, you threw All For One in the air and you transform into Heatblast and fly up to him and then grab him your fly back straight to the ground.

(Y/N) as Heatblast: "Hey, ever seen a supernova!?"

All For One: "What do you mean!?"

When you hit the ground, you cause a powerful and fiery explosion and All For One was in the middle of it. You then pull All For One up from the ground and you put his arm around you and put your fist up in victory.

Grandmaster: "Everyone we have our champion of Sakaar!"

Later, the broadcasting turned off and you reverted to human form afterwords. You and All For One are in a room where the Grandmaster is and he's proud about the fight.

Grandmaster: "That was amazing you two, I mean (Y/N) 10 was the man with that watch of his, love to see all of those aliens fighting and shooting thing, it's just wow."

(Y/N): "I have a to'kustar in the watch."

Grandmaster: "Whoah, I think i need a arena just for (Y/N), so anyways, you two know the deal."

(Y/N): "Right, but first."

You then transform into Clockwork and you change the age of All For One into a 25 year old man.

All For One: "Thank you for restoring my youth, and before I give you my power, I would like to say that you make a better All For One that I do, and well I intended to pass on my power to Tomura Shigiraki one day, but you prove that you're worthy of my power and sometimes the reluctant are worthy."

(Y/N): "After this day, we can be friends."

You and All For One then shake hands and All For One then transfers his powers over onto you through the handshake as the Grandmaster make the obedience chips come off of you and All For One.

Grandmaster: "Well, you two are free."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Grandmaster: "(Y/N) since you are my champion and Earth needs a hero like you, I can give you residency on Sakaar and you can return to Earth or stay here anytime you want."

(Y/N): "And if I need to fight on Sakaar, I'll do it for charity or practice some new moves."

Grandmaster: "Sure, comeback anytime, you can borrow one of my ships."

(Y/N): "No need, I know another way to get us home."

You then summon Stormbreaker as the hammer broke through the window in the room.

(Y/N): "Sorry about the window."

You then make a portal to Earth, specifically your dorm room and you and All For One head into the portal as the portal closes behind you two.

All For One: "How can I explain this to Shigaraki?"

(Y/N): "If you want, I can do the plan for ya."

All For One: "But you're a hero, why would do that?"

(Y/N): "If people see All Might when he's skin and bones, they think they're living a lie, but I think people will still look up to him, even if he doesn't look like a hero, I'll put on your outfit and I'll stand in your place for awhile until people see All Might as Symbol of Peace, with or without muscles."

All For One: "But wouldn't people start getting suspicious about what you're doing?"

(Y/N): "No way, cause I can be in many places in the world."

All For One: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Echo Echo can allow me to make duplicates of me, if I revert to human form, I can more of me, watch."

You then transform into Echo Echo and you duplicate yourself and you and your clone revert to human form at the same time.

OG (Y/N): "See."

All For One: "Hmm, I can work with this, and how is strategic planning?"

OG (Y/N): "Well, I'm only combat strategist."

All For One: "I'll teach you how to be a villain like I am and how to make plans like I do, plus you need some training on how to use All For One."

OG (Y/N): "You know, I think this will be the start of a great friendship."

All For One: "Indeed."

Next: Chapter 119: Play On Fears

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