Chapter 121: Road Trip

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You are in your dorm reading Junji Ito manga, having a good time, you then hear your communication relay to S.H.I.E.L.D. going off. You then answer the call and it was Director Nick Fury on the line.

Nick: "(Y/N) 10, I got a mission for you."

(Y/N): "Loud and clear Fury."

Nick: "There seems to be some form of dimensional link between our world and another."

(Y/N): "What kind of world are we dealing here, Negative Zone, Dark Kingdom, any of the other nine realms connected to Xgard?"

Nick: "What do you know about fairy tales?"

Your eyes widen and then sweat comes down your face.

Nick: "Are you alright, if you don't to do the mission if it makes you uncomfortable."

(Y/N): "No, no, I was just caught off guard that's all."

Nick: "Well explain."

(Y/N): "So the world that is linked to our own is where fairytales are."

Nick: "That's correct."

(Y/N): "To be perfectly honest, I don't have much experience when it comes to something like fairytales, I grew up and learn the basics of a hero from the comics about Captain America and the Avengers and other heroes like them like the Fantastic Four, the Power Ponies, and the X-Men."

Flashback sequence.

Your mother is reading a Captain America comic book to you in bed when you were 2 years.

(M/N): "And then, Captain America beat up all the bad guys, the end."

Young (Y/N): "Yay, Captain America."

Ending Flashback sequence.

Nick: "Okay then, I'll assign this to someone else."

(Y/N): "No wait, I'll do it."

Nick: "You don't know anything about fairytales."

(Y/N): "It's just a leap of faith Fury, where's this link at?"

Nick: "You're old town, New Salem, Oregon."

(Y/N): "My old town, guess it's time for an overdue welcome back."

Nick: "Bring someone to help you in the research."

(Y/N): "Sure thing Fury, (Y/N) 10 out."

You then hang up on Nick Fruy and grab the keys to the Dazzlebooms' tour bus and pack up some supplies for the trip back to your old town. Until Sunset, Diana, and Sci-Twi see you with your stuff all packed up to go somewhere.

Sunset: "Where are you going (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Back to my old town, New Salem."

Sci-Twi: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Fury said theres a dimensional link between our world and another, I'll fill you in on the way, if you want to come along?"

Diana: "Certainly we'll accompany with you on your mission."

(Y/N): "Alright, we'll take the tour bus."

Sunset: "I'll call Cleo to come along."

Later, at the parking lot, Cleo, Sunset, Sci-Twi, and Diana are waiting for you and they're packed up for the mission. The girls then see the bus and you stop the bus and open the door into the bus.

(Y/N): "Climb aboard everyone, lets go."

Then the girls then went into the bus while Cleo and Diana admires the bus.

Cleo: "Nice set of wheels, like the paint job."

Diana: "Is this what you call a Tour Bus, this one looks a lot smaller than the ones I've seen."

(Y/N): "Applejack found it as a piece of junk, but we fix it up in tip top shape, now it looks like new, plus I made some additions to it."

Sci-Twi and Sunset got curious about what you put in the bus.

Sci-Twi: "Like what?"

(Y/N): "Like a quantum storage unit to keep all of our stuff if we need to go on tour, a micro energy field the survive the harshest attacks, and it can travel in any form of terrain including the sky."

Sunset and Sci-Twi: "Wait, it can fly!?"

(Y/N): "In case we go on world tour."

Diana: "May I drive, I've gotten my driver's license."

(Y/N): "Alright, just be sure you don't wreck it okay Diana."

Diana then took the and then drive the bus to your old town.

Cleo: "Man this is a beautiful day."

(Y/N): "Yep, beautiful country out here."

Sunset: "5 heroes seeing America."

You then pull out a guitar and then start playing some music

(Y/N): 🎵Movin' right along in search of good times and good news🎵

Sunset:🎵With good friends you can't lose🎵

Sci-Twi: 🎵This could become a habit🎵

Cleo: 🎵Opportunity knocks once let's reach out and grab it🎵


(Y/N): 🎵Together we'll nab it🎵

Diana: 🎵We'll hitchhike, bus or yellow cab it🎵

(Y/N): 🎵Cab it?🎵

Everyone: 🎵Movin' right along.🎵

Diana: 🎵Footloose and fancy-free🎵

Sunset: 🎵Getting there is half the fun; come share it with me🎵

Everyone: 🎵Moving right along.🎵

(Y/N): 🎵doog-a-doon doog-a-doon.🎵

Sci-Twi: 🎵We'll learn to share the load🎵

Diana: 🎵We don't need a map to keep this show on the road.🎵

You then look at the map and then turn to Diana.

(Y/N): "Hey Diana, I need you to turn left if you come to a fork in the road."

Diana then spot an actual life sized fork in the road.

Diana: "Of course, turning left at the fork in the road."

Diana then turn left at the fork as you spot the fork.

Diana: "I made the turn."

(Y/N): "I don't believe that."

(Y/N):🎵Movin' right along,🎵

Cleo: 🎵We've found a life on the highway🎵

Diana: 🎵And your way is my way🎵

(Y/N): 🎵So trust my navigation🎵

Diana: 🎵Oregon here we come, the pie-in-the-sky land🎵

(Y/N):🎵Green trees, and cold land🎵

Diana: 🎵Though sadly we just left Rhode Island🎵

You, Cleo, Sunset, and Sci-Twi:🎵We did what?!🎵

Diana: 🎵Just forget it🎵

Everyone: 🎵Movin' right along🎵

(Y/N): 🎵(doog-a-doon doog-a-doon)🎵

Sunset: 🎵Hey LA, where've you gone?🎵

Sci-Twi:🎵Send someone to fetch us, were in Sasketchewan!🎵

Everyone: 🎵Movin' right along🎵

Sunset: 🎵(doog-a-doon doog-a-doon)🎵

Cleo: 🎵You take it, you know best🎵

Diana: 🎵Hey, I've never seen the sun come up in the West?🎵

(Y/N): "Ha, a band in it's natural habitat: a Tour Bus."

You then see two guys walk in the opposite direction of where going. One of them has white skin, blue hair, blue jeans, a grey shirt, and a black jacket and the other has black skin, white hair, blue shirt, red pants, and a pair of sandals.

(Y/N): "Hey guys look up ahead."

Diana: "Who are they?"

(Y/N): "Maybe we should give them a ride."

Sunset: "I don't think that's a good idea."

Diana then pull over and roll the widow down and turn to the guys.

Diana: "Greetings, would you be interested in some transportation?"

???(Freelancer): "Oh, no thanks."

???(Slender): "We're heading to Canterlot City to go back home."

(Y/N): "Well, good luck."

Diana then drives off as the two guys return to walking to Canterlot City.

Everyone: 🎵Movin' right along, We're truly birds of a feather🎵

Sunset: 🎵We're in this together🎵

(Y/N): 🎵And we know where we're going🎵

Diana: 🎵Movie stars with flashy cars and life with the top down🎵

(Y/N):🎵We're storming the big town🎵

Then the bus hit a snow storm.

Cleo: "Yeah, storm is right, should it be snowing?"

(Y/N): "Uh, no I don't think so."

Everyone: 🎵Movin' right along🎵

Sunset:🎵Footloose and fancy-free🎵

Sci-Twi: 🎵You're ready for the big time🎵

(Y/N):🎵Is it ready for me?🎵

Everyone: 🎵Movin' right along, Movin' right along, Movin' right along, Movin' right along🎵

You then see a sign that says: New Salem, 100 miles.

(Y/N): "Oh look at that, we're almost there, only a 100 miles away."

Sunset: "Hey (Y/N), what was it like in your old town?"

(Y/N): "Well back in New Salem, it was home to an international school for monsters called Monster High, people never really like that school and want it go and there was one person that want it more gone than Lilith Van Hellscream, she wanted me to destroy that place from top to bottom, but ever since I became an ally of the Howling Commandos and a close friend of the Hulk, I decline on her offer and she doesn't know when to give up, she tries to bribe me with all sorts things: chocolates, dates, gifts, you name it."

Sci-Twi: "Have you been into that school?"

(Y/N): "Only to see what it looks like from the inside, and I see they're just like us, teenagers who are going through everyday life."

Sunset: "Huh, we have a lot in common with them than with us."

(Y/N): "That's what I said."

Cleo: "So, what are we gonna do when we find this dimensional link and how are we gonna know where to find it?"

You then press a button on the dashboard and then some computers and radar equipment come appeared in the same spot and replace the chairs as Cleo, Sci-Twi, and Sunset get out of the way.

(Y/N): "Does that answers your question?"

Sunset then sees your old town out of the window of the bus.

Sunset: "Is this the place?"

You then look out of the window and see New Salem in it's finest.

(Y/N): "It's been so long since I've been here, it haven't changed a bit since I left."

Then you hear something from the town and it's a the roar of Doomsday and he's on a rampage.

(Y/N): "Duty calls."

You then transform into Ghostfreak and phase through the bus and head to Doomsday's location and you transform into Humungousaur to fight Doomsday.

(Y/N) as Humungousaur: "Hey Doomsday, this is my stomping ground and not yours, you mess with the town you mess with me."

Doomsday then roars at you and then charge at you and you two are the power struggle. You then punch Doomsday hard enough that he was launched into the sky all the way through the atmosphere.

(Y/N) as Humungousaur: "And the next time you comeback, I won't go easy on you!"

Then everyone in town applauds not just for getting rid of doomsday but for coming back.

Random Guy: "(Y/N) 10 has come back home!"

Random Guy 2: "Welcome back (Y/N)!"

Random Guy 3: "We missed you man!"

You then revert to human form and then you then see a familiar face slow clapping, a girl with a cheetah print outfit, a monocle, and a pair of black boots.

???(Lilith Van Hellscream): "Welcome home (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Lilith Van Hellscream, good to see you again."

Lilith: "What brings you back here?"

(Y/N): "S.H.I.E.L.D. sent me here on a secret mission."

Lilith: "What's the mission?"

(Y/N): "Why should I tell you, it's a secret."

Lilith: "Fair point, so how long are you gonna stay here on your mission?"

(Y/N): "It's just observational mission, it could take days or weeks gibbon take."

Lilith: "Well, if you're gonna stay here, you should stay at one of the hotels here, they've been waiting for you to giving one of their first class rooms."

(Y/N): "Well the closest thing to first class is surviving out in the wilds of the Savageland, I'll camp out in the forest since I packed camping gear for the mission."

Lilith: "Why not stay at your old house?"

(Y/N): "I'll go there when I need it, if you need me, look for me in the forest."

You then leave the area and head into the forest and you found the bus and set up camp.

(Y/N): "Alright everyone, I set up the tents and I packed food that can last for months, we'll start searching for the dimensional link first thing in the morning."

Sunset: "Alright, lets get some shut eye."

Next: Chapter 122: Investigation

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