Chapter 13: Battle of Bands

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You and the Rainbooms are at Sweet Apple Acres, practicing the musical counter-spell in the barn next to the house.

(Y/N): "Not to be mean or anything, but that was the worst counter-spell ever, of all time."

Spike: "Eh, that sounded... way better than the last... five times you've played it. Heh heh."

Big Mac: "Nnope."

Rainbow: "I think it's pretty obvious what's going wrong with this counter-spell."

Applejack: "You're turnin' what should be the chorus into a five-minute guitar solo?"

Rainbow: "I have to pick up the slack somehow! Are you guys even trying?!"

Fluttershy: "I'm trying."

(Y/N): "And you're doing the best you can Flutters."

Fluttershy blushed.

Twilight: "It's fine. It'll be fine. One more time from the top!

Rarity: "Or, perhaps we could take a short break, try on some of the wardrobe choices I've put together? I'm particularly fond of this one."

Puts on a fancy jacket.

Rarity: "Eh, of course we could always go with something a bit more modern."

Skurd: "I do like the outfit Rarity."

Applejack: "We're tryin' to save our school here. Enough with the costumes!"

Rarity: "Oh, you can never have enough costumes!"

(Y/N): "Listen Rares, I know you like making outfits, but we got bigger fish to fry than that."

Rarity: "Fine.", as she said changing back into her normal outfit.

Pinkie: "She just wants to make things fun! Isn't that what being in a band supposed to be?"

Applejack: "We got a school to save."

Sunset: "You don't have time for any of this! You're supposed to check in at the Battle of the Bands in fifteen minutes!"

Twilight: "What? But it's not ready! If we play our counter-spell in the first round and it doesn't work, the sirens will know what we're up to and make sure we don't get a chance to play it again!"

(Y/N): "Then we have to compete, if we stay alive during the whole competition, it will give us enough time for Twilight to polish the counter-spell."

Skurd: "A plan so ingenius, that it shouldn't take a Cebrocrustacean or a Galvan."

Rainbow: "We compete in the Battle of the Bands for real! I take over lead vocals again and we stay alive until the finals! We unleash the counter-spell then! You'll have figured it out by finals, right?"

Spike: "Of course she will. Twilight Sparkle's never met a problem she couldn't solve. Right, Twilight?"

Twilight: "Right."

(Y/N): "Don't let the pressure get to you Twi."

Rainbow: "Then let's go win us a Battle of the Bands!"

Twilight then whispers to you.

Twilight: "Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Helping people is what I do best."

Later, in the school gym, the Battle of the Bands is close to beginning as. the competitors sat on the bleachers as Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were on stage.

Celestia: "Welcome to the first ever Canterlot High School Battle of the Bands. I believe I speak for everyone when I say it is by far the greatest thing we have ever done here at this school!"

(Y/N): "What does she mean by whoah!", before you can finish your thought, something grabbed you and pulled you out of sight.

You then see what or who it was, it was Dr. Capillum aka Mane-iac Mayhem.

(Y/N): "Mane-hmph."

Mane-iac wrap her hair to cover your mouth.

Mane-iac: "Shhhhh, I'm here to give a message, that MacGuffin kid has two powerful weapons."

(Y/N): "MMmm?"

Mane-iac: "The Infinity Gauntlets, two of them, I don't know how he got them, but he might use them to control the Dazzlings himself, I was never here, now go on.", as she said putting you where you were.

Celestia: "We are so glad our three newest students encouraged us to turn this event into something exciting!"

Luna: "But, as this is now a competition, we can only choose one winner. Who is it going to be?"

As the students argue with each other, green mist enters the Dazzlings' pendants.

Adagio: "You feel that, girls? Our true power is being restored. And that's before we've tapped into the strongest magic here."

Aria: "But the Rainblossoms, or whatever they're called, aren't under our spell, along with our crush. How exactly are we supposed to get to their magic?"

Adagio: "The Rainbooms are just as capable of falling apart as anyone else. They just need a little... push in the wrong direction. I have a feeling everyone here is going to be lining up to give them a shove.And if possible, we can get (Y/N) under our control so we can share him."

MacGuffin: "I got an even better idea, make everyone hate (Y/N)."

Adagio: "Fine."

The Battle of the Band began, and Snips and Snails did the worst hip-hop duet ever. Everyone doesn't like it, with the exception of Pinkie and Sonata, while Adagio and Aria shake heads in amusement.

Celestia: "Please do not drop the microphones."

Snips: "In your face, Rainbooms!"

(Y/N): "Don't you have anything elect to do than waste your time?"

Snips: "I just want what ever this is."

Applejack: "Least we know one group who won't stand in the way of us gettin' to the finals."

Skurd: "Oh now you're competitive."

Rainbow: "Let's get ready to rock!"

Pinkie: "Wait! Where's Rarity?"

Rarity: "Oh! Here! I'm here!"

She was wearing a hippie-like outfit with metal fringes. Everyone stare at Rarity.

Rarity: "We will be performing in front of an audience. I'm not going to wear something fabulous? Hmph."

Applejack facepalmed and you pat on her back.

(Y/N): "Just play along AJ."

Applejack: "Fine."

You and the Rainbooms get set up while the others waited.

Twilight: "Remember, we have to be good enough to make it through but not so good we let the sirens see the magic within us. They could realize we plan to use it against them."

(Y/N): "Got it."

Rainbow: "Got it! Be cool enough to win, but not so cool that we end up showing off the whole ears and tails and rainbows thing. Sooo... about twenty percent less cool."

Skurd: "I do like the plan."

Pinkie: "One! Two! Three!"

(Y/N): "Yikes, that was not the best performance."

Rarity: "Ruined! Absolutely ruined!"

Applejack: "Rarity, were you tryin' to make us lose out there?!"

Rarity: "Wh- Oh! This was not my fault! This was an act of sabotage!"

Applejack: "Yeah, well, whoever did this couldn't have done this if you didn't insist on dressin' like... like... this! We need to sound good! Is there some reason that concept seems to escape you?"

(Y/N): "Calm yourself Applejack, Sh just wanted to look good."

Applejack: "Well, her looks messed us up."

Rainbow: "And what was with the confetti, Pinkie Pie? How am I supposed to shred if there's paper stuck in my frets?!"

Fluttershy: "It was pretty distracting..."

Pinkie: "Ugh! Says the girl who was running from a light the whole time! A light!"

You then transform into Rath.


Skurd: "If you continue arguing, the Dazzlings will get stronger."

Sunset: "(Y/N) is right. Besides you still sounded much better than most of the other bands. I'm sure you'll make it to the next round. But it won't matter if you don't have that counter-spell ready. You all find a place to practice where the sirens can't hear you. I'll keep an eye on things around here."

You transformed back to human form and walk down the hallway with the girls following behind you as you pass the Dazzlings.

Aria: "Something is up."

Adagio: "What?"

Aria: "His soul is pure, he was wearing those earbuds for sure, but even those have gotten weaker when our magic has gotten stronger."

Sonata: "So, he's immune to our spell?"

Adagio: "Have any of you notice how the girls around here behave around (Y/N)?"

Aria: "Yeah, so?"

Adagio: "So, it seems the girls here have an obsession over (Y/N), even the female employee staff."

Aria: "Even a super villain."

Adagio: "I think I know why MacGuffin wants (Y/N) dead, (Y/N) has stolen all the girls' hearts in the school."

MacGuffin: "So, you figured it out."

Sonata: "It's not (Y/N)'s fault that he's so sweet."

MacGuffin: "And that resulted in stealing other girls, I don't want any witnesses wondering about in these parts.", as he said snapping his fingers.

MacGuffin created darker and twisted forms of the Dazzlings.

MacGuffin: "I like you to meet you replacements, the Spiral Dazzlings."

The Spiral Dazzlings tied the original Dazzlings and put them in bandannas.

MacGuffin: "Throw them in the music room."

Spiral Adagio: "Yes sir."

The spiral clones put the originals in the music room and lock them up. Then the PA system turn on and Principal Celestia made an announcement.

Celestia: "The next band to take the stage will be Trixie and the Illusions."

Spiral Adagio: "Better head back. We're supposed to go on after Trixie."

The Spiral Dazzlings went through the halls and about to go into the gym, until they see Sunset Shimmer with her arms crossed.

Sunset: "You're never gonna get away with this."

Spiral Adagio: "Why? Because you didn't? Oh, we know all about you, Sunset Shimmer. You've got quite the reputation at Canterlot High."

Sunset: "I've changed! I'm in a much better place now!"

Spiral Aria: "Waiting in the wings while your friends have all the fun?"

Spiral Adagio: "Oh, yes, you girls are so tight. And yet... they didn't ask you to be in the band. Not even your boyfriend (Y/N) asked if you wanted to join the band."

Sunset blushes.

Sunset: "He's not my boyfriend!"

Spiral Aria: "Probably afraid no one would want to see them play if she was in the group."

Spiral Sonata: "Too bad! So sad!"

Spiral Adagio: "If it's any consolation, no one is going to remember you at all by the time we're done."

The Spiral Dazzlings bumped their hips with Sunset as they appeared on stage in the gym with curtains closed as the others waited for them.

Spiral Adagio: "Remember, girls. We want to save the good stuff for when our full power has been restored."

They nodded as their pendants bling in the darkness. The curtains open and the spotlights turn on as they start their song.

Sunset: "This is it! Last round and you're in the finals! Unless you think the counter-spell is ready to be played now."

Skurd: "Is it ready?"

Twilight: "No sorry."

Applejack: "Don't worry, Twilight. Finals aren't until tonight. We'll get in a little more practice before we're supposed to hit the stage. We won't let you down!"

Twilight muttered to herself, sadly you and Sunset seemed to noticed.

Fluttershy: " Um, I was just wondering. We haven't played any of my songs yet, and..."

Rainbow: "It's the semifinals. We gotta do "Awesome As I Wanna Be"."

(Y/N): "But the whole song is about you, and I want to hear Fluttershy's."

Fluttershy: "Thank you (Y/N)."

Rainbow: "This is my band, we have to sing awesome as I want to be."

(Y/N): "Fine."


Trixie and the Illusions just finished their song with the crown cheering

Celestia: "Fantastic!"

Trixie's band left the stage and walk over to you guys.

Trixie: "Hmph. You're never gonna top that performance, "Rain-goons". You shouldn't be allowed to when you have such a big advantage over the rest of us."

Rainbow: "My superior guitar playing and off-the-charts awesome singing voice?"

Skurd: "Now I know what is like to listen a being's ego."

(Y/N): "Tell me about it, their egos is bigger than Mogo and Ego, and they're living planets."

They both look over to you while Trixie smirks.

Trixie: "Wanna join Trixie's band (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "I'll stick to what I got."

Trixie: "You'll regret it when Trixie win."

(Y/N): "No I won't and I'm sick of this event!"

All the girls were shocked from what you said.

Sunset: "What are saying?"

(Y/N): "I'm saying, I'm done with this band, Rainbow's big ego, Trixie's nagging, and our students wanting "this" whatever it is, you can play the spell, I quit!"

You walk out of the gym and Twilight and Sunset called out to you.

Twilight and Sunset: "(Y/N) wait!"

You didn't listen to them and continued to walk down the halls.

Trixie: "Trixie is going back to her band now."

Rainbow: "What just happened?"

Applejack: "Ya made our crush and former friend to quit the band!"

Rainbow: "Me, I'm trying to make the band as awesome as it needs it to be, it's not my fault he quit on us."

Rarity: "Your selfishness is what made (Y/N) quit the band."

Twilight: "Stop arguing, we'll do the song without him."

Rainbow: "Fine, lets hurry up alrighty!", as she said walking onto he stage with her friends.

Sunset stands back and stares at the doors you left out.

Sunset: "Please, comeback (Y/N), we can't do this without you."

Later, you were in the halls with anger.

(Y/N): "Rainbow is really full of herself, is she."

Skurd: "So you're letting your friends take on those girls on their own?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Skurd: "Right, remember the immortal words of every hero in the world."

(Y/N): "Great power, comes with great responsibility."

Skurd: "Indeed."

Then something grabbed you and pull you into a classroom. You were in the green hair of Mane-iac.

(Y/N): "Mane-iac, what are you hmph."

Mane-iac put her hand on your mouth.

Mane-iac: "Shush, I need to talk to you right now, it's about your Omnitrix."

Later, The rainbooms were about to play.

Sunset's thoughts: "Oh no!"

Sunset then jump onto Rainbow which caused a chain reaction that throw the whole band off.

Flash: "Now that's the bad girl we love to hate!"

Everyone agree and scold her.

Octavia: "I knew she was still trouble!"

Random Guy: "The real Sunset Shimmer is back!"

Sunset: "No. It isn't like that."

The Spiral Dazzlings smiled in an evil manner, along with MacGuffin. Then MacGuffin notice something.

MacGuffin: "Where's (Y/N)?"

Spiral Aria: "He probably quit the band."

MacGuffin: "Well find him!"

Spiral Adagio: "Wait, they're gonna announce the final band members."

MacGuffin: "Make sure the Rainbooms get to the finals, I have plan."

Spike seen the person in charge.

Spike: "So he's the one behind all of this."

Spike then head back to the group, only to see them arguing.

Rainbow: "What was that?!"

Sunset: "You were showing them your magic. I-I didn't know what else to do."

Rarity: "Ugh. Close the curtains? Unplug her amp? Give us a chance to deal with the situation?"

Sunset: "I'm sorry, I just wanted to help."

Rainbow: "Yeah, well, you didn't."

Applejack: "None of this would've happened if you weren't tryin' to show off - as usual. Why did ya think (Y/N) left us?"

Rainbow: "He quit on us, it's not my fault!"

Fluttershy: "Not your fault, he was gonna help us play the song I wrote, until you had to be selfish and play that song!"

As girls continue to argue, Trixie then shows up.

Trixie: "Good show, "Rain-brooms". I especially liked the part where Sunset Shimmer, in a fit of jealous rage, knocked out Rainbow Dash mid-guitar solo!"

Sunset: "It wasn't a fit of jealous rage!"

Trixie: "If you say so. And without (Y/N), you're nothing."

Rainbow: "We don't need (Y/N), I can manage the band on my own!"

Applejack: "NO, you're the only reason it's coming apart."

Rainbow: "I was suggesting a song!"

Fluttershy: "More like forcing a song!"

Then Trixie notice the principals talking on the edge of the stage.

Trixie: "I'm guessing it wasn't too difficult a decision."

Then the Spiral Dazzlings start singing, Sunset then notice a difference to their appearance.

Sunset's thoughts: "Spirals?"

Rarity: "What can we do? There isn't gonna be another opportunity for us to play. And I had the most gorgeous outfit for the finals!"

Applejack: "Yup, 'cause that's the real tragedy here, Rarity - that you won't get to play dress-up!"

Rarity: "You know perfectly well that is not what I meant!"

Rainbow: "You guys wanna keep it down? They're about to announce who's moving on."

Fluttershy: "Who are you kidding? You know it isn't gonna be us."

The principals went over the results.

Celestia: "The band that will be joining the Dazzlings in tonight's finals... The Rainbooms!"

Trixie: "What?!"

Pinkie: "Did they just say, "the Rainbooms"?!"

Trixie: "This isn't over!", as she said storming off.

The Rainbooms all step on stage with the principals.

Celestia: "Congratulations, girls. You deserve it."

Pinkie: "Seriously?! We didn't even finish our-!"

Rainbow elbow Pinkie to shut her up.

Spiral Adagio: "See you at tonight's big show, Rainbooms. We are really looking forward to it."

Rainbow: "Yeah, well... not as much as we are!"

Then the crowd boo at them while they left the gym.

Later, in Mane-iac's classroom. She talking about your Omnitrix's new power.

(Y/N): "Wait a second, you're saying that my Omnitrix has a power that is not yet unlocked?"

Mane-iac: "Precisely, if my theory is correct, the new power will enhance the abilities of your aliens 10000 fold as well as new equipment, but I don't know the exact trigger."

Skurd: "Well, we might find the trigger soon in the future."

Then you hear a beeping noise from Mane-iac's desk. Mane-iac then head to her desk and press a button on it. The desk transformed into a multiscreen computer that sees the school everywhere, with its cameras. She looks over the computer with a red light.

Mane-iac: "The camera shows The Dazzlings are tied up in the music room."

(Y/N): "What are they doing there?"

Mane-iac: "If they're there, then the Dazzlings from the competition must be darker clones of them."

Skurd: "No time to waste, we must head to them and rescue them."

Mane-iac: "Take these, you might need them to make a quiet escape, they only work once, they work like your Omnitrix.", as she said giving the devices to you.

(Y/N): "Alright, let's go Skurd, we'll take the ventilation shaft.", as you said turning into Grey Matter and head into a nearby vent.

Next: Chapter 14: Rise of the Dazzlebooms

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