Chapter 20: Banners, Banners Never Change

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After some pictures were taken, you head to the gym where you find: Flash Sentry, Sandalwood, and Micro Chips.

(Y/N): "Hey, what's my dudes and Luna!"

Luna: "Hello (Y/N), it's wonderful to see you here."

(Y/N): "So, what do you need us here for?"

Luna: "Make a banner for the Friendship Games."

(Y/N): "The makers of the banner is a guitarist, a hippie, and a reincarnation of Albert Einstein, I can work with this."

Luna: "I'm sure you'll come up with the perfect sign that lets the Crystal Prep kids feel welcome but also conveys that we are stiff competition."

(Y/N): "You got it."

Micro: "One hundred percent!"

Flash: "Oh, yeah, sure!"

Sandalwood: "Totally."

Luna: "I'll be back in an hour to see what you've come up with."

Luna then walk out of the gym. You and the guys then start to brainstorm ideas.

(Y/N): "Flash, Flash, Hundred Yard Dash, any ideas?"

Flash: "I got it! We should decorate it with the sheet music to my song "Love in a Flash". It'll show them we're talented while welcoming them in with the universal language of music."

Skurd: "Not a bad idea."

(Y/N): "Good thinking, we'll come up with other ideas from our peers, Micro Chips, does that brain have an idea?"

Micro: "I was thinking we could paint a model of DNA. It shows that we're smart but invites them in with the very fiber of our being."

(Y/N): "Oooo, nice."

Skurd: "I was think the same thing."

(Y/N): "Sandalwood, got any ideas dude?"

Sandalwood: "But what we should do is portray peace through art. One love, bros."

(Y/N): "I like your thinking, very zen."

Flash: "What about you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "I would paint something that represents: Truth, Justice, and the American Way."

Sandalwood: "Sweet."

You and the boys work on the banner. Flash was putting sheet music on his part of the banner. Micro Chips was working on a DNA algorithm on his part of the banner. You were working on putting a symbol of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. While Sandalwood was working on putting his spirit guide on his banner. When Micro Chips was getting glitter on Sandalwood's art, he pushed him away.

Sandalwood: "Dude!"

Micro got paint all over his glasses.

Micro: "What did you do?!", as he said shaking a shaker of glitter.

The glitter then got all over Flash's hair.

Flash: "Watch the hair, man!", as he said slapping the shaker.

The shaker then landed on your head and you accidentally knock over a paint bucket all over Sandalwood's art.

(Y/N): "Sorry about that."

Sandalwood: "You're harshing the flow!", as he said throwing paint onto Micro's DNA.

Micro: "Hey, you did that on purpose!"

Micro then sees Flash writing over his DNA.

Micro: "My friendship algorithm!"

Micro then paint over Flash's chorus.

Flash: "Hey! You just projectile-scienced all over my chorus!"

Micro: "Well, you guys painted all over my molecular structures!"

Sandalwood: "And how am I supposed to paint my spirit guide when there's DNA and a treble clef in the way?"

(Y/N): "And I can't get anything done with you guys shouting!"

Flash: "Oh, I don't know! Ask your spirit guide!"

Everyone: "You're ruining my design!"

???: "Ahem."

You and the boys turn to Vice Principal Luna and stand aside to let her see the banner. Luna look over the banner with a surprised look.

Luna: "My, oh, my."

Micro: "We're really-"

Luna: "Proud of yourselves, I hope. This is wonderful!"

(Y/N): "Really?"

Luna: "It's inspiring but still warm and welcoming. I love how your work is literally enmeshed. Truly excellent work, boys."

Flash: "Uh, thank you! This is just what happens when you allow love to lead the way."

(Y/N): "With song."

Sandalwood: "Through the self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms."

Micro: "And don't forget Truth, Justice, and the American Way."

Luna: "That's great to hear. Now just add "Welcome Crystal Prep", and I'd like to see five more by the end of the day. Thanks, boys!"

Everyone: "Aw man!"

Next: Chapter 21: Prep Time

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