Chapter 24: Friendship Games: Round 2

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Applejack was kicking a pile of dirt in front of her that was part of the motocross track.

Applejack: "I don't suppose you made motocross outfits."

Rarity: "Oh, don't be ridiculous. Of course I did!"

(Y/N): "The art of fashion is another tool in the tool box, right next to magic of generosity and keeping up to date with trends."

Kevin: "What are talking about?"

(Y/N): "Gwen has her magic and mana, aren't you the big guy of the group?"

Kevin: "When I touch materials, I become those materials, same goes with alien powers, only a 10th of them."

(Y/N): "That power is only one tool in the box, imagine yourself as a toolbox, multiple tools means many powers."

Kevin: "I have a car and do some maintenance sometimes, so I know what your saying."

You then turn to the remaining members of Team Wondercolt.

(Y/N): "Alright, I maybe out of the games, but that doesn't mean I can provide strategy, apparently these races will have teams of two: Sunset and Rainbow will do Motocross, Pinkie and Rarity will do roller-skates, the rest will do archery. Anything that is remotely related to Equestrian magic: Kevin, Gwen, Rook, you all will be with me on keeping the students and faculty safe."

Kevin: "Consider it done."

You then spot a black car with green stripes on it.

(Y/N): "Hey Kevin, is your car a DX Mark 10?"

Kevin: "I'm a classic, that's someone else's car."

(Y/N): "Who?"

You then see a teen coming out of the car, he's wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and a green jacket with white stripes and the number 10 on it, and black and white Converse-style shoes.

He then walk towards you and the group.

(Y/N): "Who is this guy?"

???(Ben Tennyson): "Name's Ben Tennyson, and you must be (Y/N) (L/N)."

Ben then notice his group next to you.

Ben: "I see you met my friends and my cousin."

You then turn to Gwen.

(Y/N): "I thought I remembered you Gwen, I beat you when your only a yellow belt back when we were 11."

Gwen: "And it was your advice on knowing the fight made me remember you."

Ben: "Out of all us, I agree with Mogo on Phantom Ring thing, he's just doing his job of sending rings to new lanterns."

(Y/N): "I don't suppose you have any weapons right?"

Ben: "In truck of my car."

(Y/N): "Good, plan is that the girls will do the tri-cross relay, while the rest will be on the side lines watching out for strange activity in the area ."

Ben: "Strange, how?"

(Y/N): "It would be a lot easier if you see it yourself."

Ben: "Alrighty then, I'll get the stuff."

On the other side of the course, Principal Cinch and the Shadowbolts are coming up the relay teams.

Cinch: "You will race in pairs. Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat will handle the motocross. Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare have requested the short track. Since archery is a standard requirement at our school, any of you should be able to do it. Twilight and Sour Sweet will start us off."

Sour: "Well, that's just marvelous! If you wanna lose before we even start!"

Cinch: "Given that Twilight won the last event single-handedly, I have every confidence that she will be able to pull her weight here. Won't you?"

Sci-Twi nods, soon all the students from CHS and CPA are in the bleachers. The principals sat in a booth on the other side. While you and the Plumbers and your new ally Ben Tennyson is with you under the bleachers, are getting ready for anything to happen.

Cadence: "Welcome, everyone to the Friendship Games Tricross Relay!"

You then see Rook's weapon.

(Y/N): "What's that you got there?"

Rook: "It's a Photo-Tool, one the most versatile weapons made by Galvans."

Skurd: "Very impressive."

You then see Kevin touching a steel bar from the bleachers and see him turning his body into living steel. You then go through your backpack and pullout a brick of Vibranium and walk over to Kevin.

(Y/N): "Try this."

Kevin: "What is it?"

(Y/N): "Vibranium, if you touch this, not only will block bullets, but also absorb the kinetic energy from the bullets, when you get a enough, you unleash that energy back at them, but it does have limits, be careful."

Kevin then grab the brick and his body becomes Vibranium.

Kevin: "Forgot to mention, when I'm like this, I can morph my hands into different weapons."

(Y/N): "Good to know."

The CHS students are cheering while CPA didn't do anything.

Cadence: "In this event, our qualifying competitors will face off in archery, speed skating, and finally, motocross."

Everyone is prepped for the relay.

Cadence: "So if the competitors are ready..."

She blows an air horn, which made Cinch cover her ears. Sour Sweet was the first one to grab a quiver and bow and launch three arrows. While Fluttershy is the second to get her quiver and bow. Sci-Twi is struggling to go through the obstacles while Fluttershy made her shot. Then it was Applejack's turn to go through the obstacles and take her shot. When Applejack made her shot, Pinkie and Rarity started the short track.

Cadence: "And Canterlot is off to an early lead!"

Your group notice that Sci-Twi is struggling to make a bullseye.

Ben: "She's not a good at archery."

Kevin: "That would give your team a win."

(Y/N): "I wouldn't count on it, look."

Sour: "Well, that's just fantastic!"

Fluttershy: "I'm sure glad I don't go to Crystal Prep."

Applejack: "You said it."

Cadence: "If CPA can't hit another bullseye soon, they'll be out of this race."

Sci-Twi began to tear up as she continues to struggle.

Gwen: "That poor girl."

Ben: "Shouldn't your team just take the win?"

(Y/N): "I put Applejack on the archery portion of the relay for this situation."

Rook: "For what reason?"

(Y/N): "You'll see."

The motocross racers look at Sci-Twi.

Sugarcoat: "You're really bad at this!"

Ben: "I've been updated of what's going on here, and I still can't believe they call themselves a team."

Applejack groans.

Applejack: "I can't take anymore!"

She hands her bow to Fluttershy and walks over to Sci-Twi.

Ben: "What is she doing?"

(Y/N): "She's a farmer, and like all farmers, she's honest."

Applejack: "Ya have to stop aimin' at the target."

Sour: "Oh, that makes perfect sense! Don't aim at the target! Thanks so much!"

Applejack: "Ya have to stop aimin' at where the target is an' aim at where the target's gonna be."

Sour: "Yeah! Definitely take advice from the person you're competing against!"

Applejack: "Do you wanna hit the bullseye or not?"

Sci-Twi nods.

Applejack: "Then trust me. Take a deep breath."

Sci-Twi breathes in.

Applejack: "And let the arrow go... riiiiight.... now!"

Sci-Twi then let go out of reflex, while everyone watched with shocked faces from the bullseye. Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare began to go. Then Spike appears.

Kevin: "Why did she do that for?"

(Y/N): "Winning isn't everything you know."

Sci-Spike: "Yeah! That's my girl!"

Sour Sweet back away from the talking dog while Sci-Twi gives Applejack a hug.

Applejack: "See? I was tellin' ya the truth."

Applejack then pony up and the device starts to drain away the magic from Applejack.

Applejack: "Eh... what... are... you... doing?!"

Sci-Twi: "I don't know!"

All the magic in the device was released from the device, creating portals to Equestria.

(Y/N): "That's what were protecting the crowd from."

You then turn to Twilight.

(Y/N): "Get Applejack out of here!"

Twilight nods and ran over to Applejack, while Rarity made a win in the short track race. the motocross portion began and then Giant Venus Flytrap monsters start appearing from the portals. Sunset was in trouble and Rainbow saved her.

Sunset: "Dash, you saved me!"

Rainbow: "I wasn't about to let my friend become plant food."

Rainbow then pony up and got off her bike. Principal Cinch then glared at Principal Celestia who just shrugged.

(Y/N): "Alright team, protect the crowd and the game!"

Rainbow: "I'll help!"

Ben and Gwen use their ray guns to fend off the plant, while Rook put his Proto-Tool into a bow and arrow configuration to fend off the others. You then transform into Humungasaur and fight off the flytraps. You then spot Indigo Zap about to be plant food and try to rescue her by grabbing it by the stem and flip it. The plant starts to get riled up and ready to fight.

(Y/N) as Humungasaur: "Humungasaur SMASH!", as you said punching the life out of the plant.

Sunset and Indigo continue to race while the crowd cheer for them. The plants try to snatch them, but Rainbow stop the first one while Kevin use the kinetic energy from his Vibranium body and unleash a punch of kinetic energy at it. Sunset finished first while Indigo finished second.

Cadence: "Canterlot wins!"

The CHS students cheered while the CPA students were silent. You were holding two flytraps by the necks and slam their heads into each other. Cinch was filled with anger and Cadence spoke up.

Cadence: "Attention, students, please proceed to the gym."

Sci-Twi grabs her device and close it, making the plants and portals disappear. Sunset got off her bike with anger. All the girls reunite, along with the Plumbers, and except you.

Applejack: "Is everybody all right?"

Rainbow: "Better than all right! We won!"

Sunset then takes off her helmet.

Sunset: "Yeah, we won, but somebody could've been seriously hurt."

Rook: "Ms. Shimmer, there is no casualties."

Sunset then notice you limping towards you and revert yourself back to human form. You then fell down onto the ground. The girls gasp and run towards you. Sunset kneels down toward your level with a worried expression on her face.

Sunset: "(Y/N), (Y/N), are you okay?"

You groan and got up.

(Y/N): "Ow, that's even worst than Devil Dinosaur's bites."

Adagio: "You're alright!"

The girls hugged you and they had tears flowing from their eyes.

(Y/N): "Ow, watch the wounds!"

The girls back away.

All the girls: "Sorry."

Sonata: "He needs a hospital, and quick!"

Sunset then notice Sci-Twi behind you.

Sci-Twi: "Um, excuse me, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to learn about the strange energy coming from your school. I didn't know that it was magic or... how it works."

Rainbow: "That's okay. Neither do we."

The the device opened and starts draining away Rainbow's magic.

Sci-Twi: "Oh, no! Oh, no no no! Not again!"

Then the device's energy is reacting to your Omnitrix, causing you transforming into various aliens before being sucked in.

(Y/N): "What's happening to me, Nruter yam I taht rewop tneicna eht ekovni i! Nrub ot emoc sah emit ym! L-T-O-L-O-X-A! Girls!"

Dazzlebooms: "NOOOOOOOO!"

You got completely sucked into the device.

Sci-Twi: "I'm sorry! It just started absorbing energy on its own! But I'm not sure how!"

Sunset: "What do you mean you don't know how?!"

Sunset tried to close the device it created a rift.

Sci-Twi: "It also causes these corresponding rifts to appear! I don't know how that works either."

Sunset: "Is there anything you do know?! Like how to get our magic back?! Or how to fix the portal to Equestria?!"

Sci-Twi: "Equestria?"

Sunset: "You're supposed to be so smart, but did you ever think that you shouldn't be messing around with things you don't understand?!"

Sci-Twi: "But I wanna understand!"

Sunset: "But you don't! And worst of all, you put the lives of my friends in danger and took away one of our own!"

Sci-Twi: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Sci-Twi runs off crying while Sci-Spike following behind.

Sci-Spike: "Twilight, wait!"

Aria: "Dang, that was cold, even for me."

Rainbow put a hand on Sunset's shoulder and made her realize her mistake. Cinch smiles and then turns to Celestia.

Cinch: "You can't possibly call that a fair race."

Celestia: "Principal Cinch, we all saw what happened. You can't think CHS had some kind of advantage."

Cinch: "Can't I? Even without your trained attack plants, your students have wings!"

Celestia: "Well, the race certainly had some... extenuating circumstances. Perhaps we should end the games now and declare a tie."

Cinch: "A tie? Was this your strategy all along? To force us into accepting you as equals? I think not. The games will continue and Crystal Prep will prevail despite your antics and whatever performance-enhancing regimen your students are on."

Sunset: "I'm sorry I couldn't stop all this from happening."

Celestia: "It's not your fault, Sunset."

Sunset: "Isn't it? I should know how to control the magic I brought here. But I don't. I let everyone down. And now because of that (Y/N)'s gone and Principal Cinch thinks we're cheating."

Luna: "What happened to him?"

Rainbow: "He got sucked into the device that Sci-Twi is wearing, along with the Watcher."

Celestia: "Then we must find a way to rescue him, right now it doesn't matter what Principal Cinch thinks."

Sunset: "But it does. The students here at CHS don't just wanna win. They wanna beat Crystal Prep. It isn't gonna count if the other side doesn't really think they lost. Crystal Prep is never gonna believe we won fair and square if there's magic around. And that magic is only around... because of me. And it's because of me that (Y/N) is stuck in that dumb contraption!"

Sunset fall in tears and fell to her knees and cry. Gwen places a hand on her shoulder.

Gwen: "If he was here right now, he would say "Magic can destroy things, but it also bring things together.""

Sunset: "He would say something like that, but's it's my fault."

Adagio: "Instead of crying and ruining your make up, you should fix the problem."

Sunset then wipes her tears and stands up.

Sunset: "You're right, remember what he said, know the fight."

The group follow Sci-Twi to the third event.

Next: Chapter 25: Friendship Games: Round 3

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