Chapter 31: Gaia Everfree, the Guardian Spirit of the Forest

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Rarity: "...And that's when she looked down and realized she was wearing purple socks with a burgundy dress!"

Nobody said anything as Rarity clears her throat/

Rarity: "Purple and burgundy, darlings! The same color family!"

She starts screaming, but nobody did.

Applejack: "Uh... that was a terrifying story."

Rainbow: "Yeah, I'm terrified she'll try to tell it again."

(Y/N): "Yeah, at some people aren't scared, right Sunny Flare?"

You see Sunny Flare hiding behind a tree.

Sunny: "Is it okay to come out dearie?"

(Y/N): "Sure thing, hey Dazzlings, get a load of this yellow belly."

You then see the Dazzlings hugging each other in fear.

(Y/N): "Don't tell me you're afraid of the story."

The Dazzlings: "Yes."

Lemon: "Pfft, that story has more drama than scares dude."

Sunny: "What do you know about fashion!"

Luna: "Ahem, anyone else have a spooky story?"

Timber: "I have one. But I'm warning you, you might as well hug a friend now. That's how scary it is!"

And just like that, all of your girlfriends pull you into a hug, along with Spike and Sci-Spike, as along with Luna, Cadence, and Celestia.

Fluttershy: "Oh, dear."

Snips and Snails hug each other and Bulk Biceps hug them both. Kevin, Flash, and Ben chuckle at your current condition.

Kevin: "At least you'll be warm (Y/N)."

Everyone laugh at you except your girlfriends, they were holding you tightly and shiver in fear, as for Mane-iac, she wrap them in her hair for safety. You look at Timber.

Timber: "It's time I told you about the legend of Gaea Everfree. Many years ago, my great-grandparents came to this forest. Seeing its beauty, they decided that it would be the perfect place for a camp. But once they started building, strange things started to happen. One pitch black night, when the wind was howling, a tree branch crashed through the roof of their cabin! They screamed and ran outside, only to see the giant creature rising from the earth! She had wild hair like the roots of a tree. Her mouth had jagged rock teeth and her eyes were pools of black tar. But her aura shimmered like diamonds. Anywhere she went, she left a trail of gem dust in her wake. Trembling, my great-grandparents asked who she was and what she wanted. In a deep and hollow voice, she told them that her name was Gaea Everfree - an ancient spirit who held domain over the forest, and that my great-grandparents were trespassing on her land. They begged her to let them stay and build their camp, to share this wonderful place with others. Gaea Everfree finally agreed but warned them that they would not be able to keep it forever. Someday, she will return and reclaim the forest as her own. So if you see a trail of gem dust, you'll know that it is... Gaea Everfree!"

Suddenly, a pair of green eyes appeared from behind him and everyone scream at the top of their lungs.

Gloriosa: "Hey, guys! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!"

(Y/N): "False alarm everyone, it's just Gloriosa."

Sunset: "Then why'd you come out of the bushes?"

Gloriosa: "I... took the scenic route, because the forest is beautiful at night."

Everyone shivers in fear.

Gloriosa: "But no one else should do it without a guide, kay? All right, everybody, time to head to your tents."

Snips: "Oh, hey, Gloriosa. Do you have extra toothbrushes? I forgot mine."

Gloriosa: "Sure do! I'll get one for you."

Snails: "I'm scared of the dark! Do you have flashlights?"

Gloriosa: "Of course! I got this!"

(Y/N): "Now that what I call a story."

You see your girlfriends and the school staff are still hugging you.

(Y/N): "You can let me go now."

Your girlfriends and the school staff then break the hug. The school staff are blushing and stroke their hair.

Fluttershy: "Sorry, (Y/N). I guess that story got to us."

Applejack: "Why? It can't be real."

Rainbow: "I don't know. Gaea Everfree could be some creature that got booted from Equestria and ended up in this world. That's what happened with the sirens."

Then Sonata remembered something.

Sonata: "Wait, I know her!"

You and your harem: "YOU DO!"

Sonata: "Yeah, she and I used to be pen pals before we got banished here."

Adagio: "Oh thats right."

Aria: "Totally."

Indigo then jump into your arms bridal position.

Indigo: "Why didn't you tell us!"

Sonata: "Because..."

Sugarcoat: "And don't say "Because nobody asked"."

Sonata: "But nobody did ask."

Sugarcoat: "Fiddlesticks!"

Gwen then sees Kevin holding Ben in a bridal position shivering. While Rook was eating S'mores and Flash has his Phantom Lantern ring out, shaking in his boots.

Gwen: "Don't tell me you two are scared right?"

Kevin: "Yep."

Ben: "I think develop a new fear, Gaia Everfree."

Applejack: "Last thing I want is to have camp ruined by some power-crazed magical creature."

Rarity: "Oh, hear-hear. We've had to deal with more than our fair share of those. At the Fall Formal, a musical showcase, the Friendship Ga-"

You then cover her mouth and shake your head at her.

Rarity: "Well, I mean, you know, everything turned out all right, of course."

Sci-Twi: "Mmm. I'm kinda tired. I'm gonna turn in."

She walks away and sighs

Twilight: "Maybe lay off bringing up what happened at the Friendship Games? I think she's still pretty sensitive about it."

(Y/N): "I'll talk to her."

You then follow Sci-Twi back to the Paragon Tent

Sunset: "Plus, it's making Sci-Twi get more attention than the rest of us

Pinkie: "Our lips are sealed."

The next morning, You're sleeping in bed with Sci-Twi next to you. You had your arms around her midsection. You then felt her moving which make you wake up. She kept shaking until you transform into AmpFibian and go into her mind. You see her at a campfire alone, you then hear an ominous voice.

Midnight: "Here I am!"

Sci-Twi looks around as she grasping on her marshmallow stick.

Midnight: "Over here."

Sci-Twi starts to panic until she looks at the fire which turn purple, then Midnight came out and scared her.

Midnight: "I'm always here!"

Sci-Twi: "No!"

(Y/N): "Sci-Twi, calm down!"

Mane-iac then grab her guns with her hair and do a kung fu move with her eyes close.

Mane-iac: "What happened?"

Sci-Twi: "Nothing. Sorry, Sunset and (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's okay babe, I got you."

You kiss her on the forehead witch made her blush as she hugged you. Sunset then came into the Paragon tent and see what happened, Mane-iac then notice the same thing.

Sunset: "Uh, Sci-Twi, I think something happened."

Sci-twi screams as everything was floating for a second, but then everything went back on the ground.

Sunset: "Sci-Twi, we really have to talk about this."

Sci-Twi: "No, we don't!"

Mane-iac: "Oh yes we do!"

(Y/N): "Mane-iac, where are you going with this?"

Mane-iac gator up neurosurgery equipment and put Sci-Twi in a chair. Sci-Twi had a scared expression on her face. Mane-iac then put her in a chair that strap her so she can't move.

Mane-iac: "Now, let's see that brain."

Mane-iac then turn on a buzz saw for neurosurgery and about to make an incision in her skull.

(Y/N): "Mane-iac, nows not the time."

Mane-iac then turn off the buzz saw and put on a pouty expression.

Mane-iac: "Awww, no fair!", as she said in a whining tone.

Mane-iac then unstrap Sci-Twi. The bookworm then changes into her normal clothing as you blushed and look away.

Later, Derpy and Sandalwood were out sailing without wind power. Derpy tried to blow on the sail, but to avail. They both look at each other and shrug. You, Sunset, Mane-iac and Sci-Twi got out of the tents. You then notice Kevin and Ben hasn't woke up yet, so you sneak to the entrance of their tent and transform into Wildvine. You then use your vines and then Skurd shout.

Skurd: "Wake up, there's a forest spirit putting her roots all over you!"

Kevin and Ben wake up screaming and running out of their tents all the way to the docks. Then they turn to you. You then start laughing.

Ben: "Not cool man!"

Kevin: "Not, bro!"

(Y/N) as Wildvine: "I got you good!"

You then revert back to human form and head back to Sunset, Sci-Twi and Mane-iac.

Ben: "Oh, he's gonna pay."

Later, back to you.

Sunset: "Hey, I know you don't want to, but I really think we need to figure out what's going on with your magic. If you could learn to control it-"

Sci-Twi: "But that's just it! I'll never be able to control it!"

Then a sailboat went flying into the docks and destroyed it.

Rainbow: "What happened?"

Sci-Twi: "I didn't mean to!"

Sunset: "We didn't see anything, so we don't know what happened."

You and the girls run to Sandalwood and Derpy.

Sunset: "Are you okay?"

Sandalwood: "Yeah. It was so weird. We were stuck in a middle of the lake with no wind, then all of a sudden, bam! The wind picked up, and we were pushed right into the dock."

Pinkie gasped.

Pinkie: "You don't think it was the spirit, do you?!"

Sci-Twi: "No, it was me."

Trixie: "Spirit, show yourself! The Great and Powerful Trixie commands it!"

(Y/N): "You like magic so much that you want to try summoning Gaia Everfree herself, I'd say that's cute."

Trixie blushed.

Trixie: "Awww, you're making Trixie blush."

Rarity: "What's that?!"

She points to the purple gem dust on the water that came from the back of the boat. You then turn to Sonata.

(Y/N): "Was that her?"

Sonata: "That's not her color (Y/N)."

Rainbow groans.

Rainbow: "Oh, man! All our hard work! Ruined!"

Fluttershy: "At least the fishies are eating well."

Sunset: "Let's salvage what we can out of the water. Maybe we can still fix this."

Rarity: "We have to try! Camp Everfree needs our runway!"

Applejack: "Dock."

Rarity: "Dock. Yes. That's what I meant."

You then see Sci-Twi run into the forest to a pond where Gloriosa discovered the Geodes. You then transform into Chamalien and turn invisible and follow Sci-Twi to the pond. You then see her depressed and started singing.

You struggled which action to take: betray the friendship of Sci-Twi or keep the secret to yourself. You then ran further into the woods and transform into Alien X, so you can talk to the personalities of Alien X.

Later, in your mind.

(Y/N): "Girls, we need to talk about this, should I tell my girlfriends about Sci-Twi's magic or not."

Galga: "If you tell them the Midnight in her, you'll betray her friendship."

Galaxia: "This is a dilemma."

(Y/N): "What are we gonna do."

Later, Sunset was at her tent looking for you and Sci-Twi, she then found the two spikes.

Sci-Spike: "So many squirrels..."

Spike: "Can you give a belly rub Rarity."

Sunset: "Spike? Sci-Spike?"

Spikes: "Ah!"

Sci-Spike: "Aw, man! I was having the best dream."

Spike: "Me too."

Sci-Spike: "Wait. That dream could be a reality!"

Spike: "You speak my language."

They both jump out of bed, but Sunset spoke.

Sunset: "Before you run off to chase squirrels and obsess over Rarity, do you have any idea where Twilight could be? I really need to talk to her."

Spike: "What happened? Did she do that lifting things off the ground thing again?"

Sunset: "That's just it. I don't know if it was her. But if it was, we need to deal with it head on."

Spike: "We can track her down."

They both run out of the tent along with Sunset to go look for Sci-Twi.

Back to Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: "Keep it together. Deep breaths. You are not a monster."

She then bump into you from behind.

Sci-Twi: "Alien X?"

She then go around you and look at your face and wave her hand.

In your Mindspace, you then notice Sci-Twi waving her hand if front of your face and revert back to human form.

Sci-Twi: "Oh, hi. What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "Looking for you."

Sci-Twi: "Oh, I just went on a nature walking and got a little lost."

(Y/N): "Let me show you the way back, I know these woods better than anyone."

Sci-Twi: "That must have been nice. Knowing the camp from memory after seeing it only once, you practically know Timber and Gloriosa pretty well."

(Y/N): "Yeah, though it has its downsides. When my folks and I move away to Georgia, Gloriosa was heartbroken for being left behind. Gloriosa and I play with each other and we enjoy it. We play tag and win in the lake while our parents talk to each other. It was the best experience that I had in my life."

Sci-Twi: "Really?"

(Y/N): "I was ten and so was she, Timber teases both me and her about how we make a cute couple."

You both giggled.

(Y/N): "Although, since the first time I was here, I felt like someone is watching me, back when I was ten. Every time I used my plant based aliens, something is really admiring the work I put into on some of the plants. This place shows me the best me I can be: what I'm good at, what I love, what makes me, me. This place, is amazing."

Sci-Twi: "Wow."

(Y/N): "I've never told that to anyone. You must be special. And not just because you have tree branch in your hair."

You pull the branch out of her hair while her face blushed.

Sci-Twi: "Ugh. How long has that been in there?"

(Y/N): "Not long. Just the whole time we were talking."

Sci-Twi: "Well, why didn't you say something?"

She playfully elbows you, while Sunset and the Spikes were eavesdropping.

Sunset: "I guess we can help Twilight deal with the magic stuff a little later."

The Spikes nod.

Later, back at camp.

Celestia: "Rock climbing is all about perseverance and trust. Rarity, you can trust that Applejack will spot you."

Rainbow: "Yeah, so you can totally go faster than you're going."

Applejack: "Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow: "Sorry. I've been waiting to do this since we got here."

Rarity: "Well, you have to wait a little longer, darling."

Rainbow then turns to you and Sci-Twi.

Rainbow: "Oh, good! Sci-Twi, (Y/N), if you spot me, I can finally go. I'll go get another harness."

Sunset: "Twilight, (Y/N), there you are! I was looking for you!"

Then the whole camp shake and you catch Sci-Twi and Sunset.

Spikes: "Is than an earthquake?"

Sci-Twi: "We aren't near any fault lines."

You then turn to Mane-iac, who is reading a book.

(Y/N): "Mane-iac, no weapons testing on camp grounds!"

Mane-iac: "Wasn't me!"

Bulk: "Hey! Who left this crystaly dusty stuff here?!"

(Y/N): "Sonata?"

Sonata: "Still not hers."

Rarity then slips and panic.

Rarity: "I-I believe I'd like to come down now!"

Applejack: "Sorry, it's a little bit stuck."

Suddenly, an orange aura glow around Applejacks hands and then it enhances her strength. Rarity screams as she was being pulled up and down, just before she hits the ground.

Rarity: "Applejack! What are you doing?!"

Indigo: "Yeah, have you been eating protein bars lately?"

Celestia: "Is everything okay over there?"

Applejack: "Uh, I don't know what happened. I didn't even pull the rope that hard. It's like she was light as a feather all of a sudden."

(Y/N): "Not a good thing to say since you were spotting her."

Rarity: "I was scared half to death!"

Applejack: "It wasn't my fault! Let me help you get your harness out."

Rarity: "No, thank you!"

Then a diamond shield pushes Applejack into a nearby pond. Applejack then return wet and unamused, then she spits water out of her mouth. Celestia then runs to her.

Celestia: "What in the world just happened?!"

(Y/N): "Beats me."

Rarity: "Oh, dear! I am so sorry! I think. Did I just do whatever that was?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Rarity: "That was me!"

(Y/N): "My intuition tells me anything that has a beautiful diamond on it, has to be Rarity cause she shines like a diamond."

Rarity then blushes from the compliment.

Rarity: "Aww, you always say the sweetest things

Sci-Twi: "I don't think it was your fault. I gonna go get Applejack a towel."

(Y/N): "I'll go with you."

Sunset: "Me, too."

You and Sunset follow Sci-Twi to get a towel.

Sunset: "You're not the only one with a new kind of magic! This is great!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I have the power to mentally make a map and copy anybody's moves."

Sunset and Sci-Twi look at you confused, you then pick a bow and a quiver of arrows.

(Y/N): "I watched Taskmaster's fighting style from a series of videos that Mane-iac found from last night and watch this."

(A/N): "Play 0:24."

You launched a series at a single target with such ease. This amaze Sunset and frightens Sci-Twi.

Sunset: "That's amazing!"

(Y/N): "I watched them, once."

Sunset: "You can master anything in seconds just by looking at them, and you know your way around this camp when you got here, how did you get this power?"

(Y/N): "I got it since archery lessons with Rook."

Sunset: "See, this is great!"

Sci-Twi: "No, it's not! Rarity and Applejack could have really hurt each other! Why is this happening? I don't-"

Gloriosa: "Hi, everyone! Anything I can do for you?"

Sci-Twi: "Uh, Applejack just fell into the lake!"

Gloriosa: "Oh, no! She's gonna need warm towels, dry clothes, oh, and a hot cocoa! I've got this!"

As she walks away, you giggled.

(Y/N): "That's her catchphrase, whenever anybody need help, she is always there to help, I think it's cute."

Sunset: "You like her?"

You blushed.

(Y/N): "Maybe, she changed a lot for awhile when we were kids."

You then heard a scream from the mess hall.

(Y/N), Sci-Twi, and Sunset: "Fluttershy?"

You all head to the mess hall and you all see cookie dough splattered everywhere.

Sunset: "What happened?!"

Fluttershy: "I don't know. We were just decorating cookies and-"

Pinkie: "And I was all, "You need more sprinkles! And you need more sprinkles!""

Sunset: "So, standard Pinkie Pie stuff."

(Y/N): "You have no idea what she'll do next."

Pinkie: "I was just tossing sprinkles to Fluttershy, when all of a sudden they glowed pink and exploded!"

She tossed a handful of sprinkles as it sparked a pink aura and exploded, shocking everyone except her.

Pinkie: "Just like that, only earlier!"

Sunset: "Oookaay. Why don't you lay off touching stuff for a while?"

Fluttershy: "Oh, dear. We really should clean all of this up."

She runs up to get paper towels, but it was on a high shelf that she can't reach.

Fluttershy: "Can someone help me out?"

You giggled and walk over to her, and hand her the paper towels.

(Y/N): "Your paper towels ma'am."

She smiled and hugged you.

Fluttershy: "Thank you (Y/N)."

You stroke her pink hair and kiss her forehead.

(Y/N): "Anytime Flutters."

She then spot a bird that landed on her finger.

Mr. Bird: "Hey Fluttershy, can I have something to eat?"

Fluttershy: "Why, of course I can get you a little something to-"

She gasp.

Fluttershy: "Did you just... talk?"

Mr. Bird: "Sure did."

Fluttershy: "But I don't speak "chirp"."

(Y/N): "You can understand that bird?"

Mr. Bird: "Yeah, but it ain't just me."

Fluttershy: "I don't know if you're the only bird I can understand."

Mr. Bird: "Hey, fellas, get over here!"

Fluttershy: "Oh, no! Please don't call for your friends."

Then a flock of multiple birds fly from the other side of mess halland landed on Fluttershy's arms.

Fluttershy: "It's nice to meet all of you, too."

Sunset: "Were you just talking to the birds?"

Fluttershy: "Um, yes?"

(Y/N): "That is adorable."

Fluttershy blushed and giggled.

When the door open, Fluttershy creamed and the birds flew off. Applejack and Rarity were standing with you.

Applejack: "Did you tell them what happened? So crazy! I hoisted Rarity up the rock climbin' wall like it was nothin'! Like I had way more strength than I usually do."

Rarity: "And I made diamondy thing appear out of nowhere, which normally I'd be excited about. I mean, the facets were just perfect, and the-"

Applejack: "Rarity!"

Rarity: "Oh, sorry. It knocked Applejack over and then it disappeared!"

Applejack: "Speaking of disappearing, has anybody seen Rainbow Dash?"

You see Rainbow Dash run threw the door and hit the wall.

Rainbow: "Ow!"

You then head to Rainbow an help get back on her feet.

(Y/N): "You know, if you get that under control, you might beat Quicksilver's speed record of out pacing a Radio Wave."

Applejack: "Whoa! How'd you do that?"

Rainbow: "I don't know. I started running to get the harness, and the next thing I knew, I was practically back in town!"

Rarity: "But if you had some sort of super speed, why you were gone for so long?"

Rainbow: "Because I lost it when I got far away. And then it came back when I got close to camp."

Pinkie: "Being at camp is giving us all new magical abilities!"

Rainbow: "What's your ability (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I can map out a whole place with my mind and copy anyone's fighting style, but not the powers."

Pinkie: "Like Taskmaster?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

Sunset: "Not all of us have gotten new abilities. I haven't, but Sci-Twi-"

Sci-Twi shakes her head stopping her.

Sunset: "...hasn't, either."

Applejack: "So much for my theory that leavin' CHS would mean leavin' any new magic business behind."

Sunset: "Something at the camp must be making this happen."

Fluttershy: "Um, Gaia Everfree?"

Then a shadowy figure appeared out from the door while Fluttershy screamed, but it was just Gloriosa with towels and Applejack's hat, and you also see the Dazzlings coming as well.

Gloriosa: "Applejack! I was looking for you! Here, I brought you some towels and dry clothes."

(Y/N): "Sonata, does Gaia Everfree look like her?"

Sonata: "She only has those colors during autumn, this is spring, also she's taller."

Adagio: "Indeed."

Aria: "Why do you ask?"

(Y/N): "Something is up around her, something, big."

Gloriosa: "Uh, what happened in here?"

Sunset: "We're kinda trying to figure that out."

(Y/N): "Mane-iac is probably testing nano bombs, so she tested them on cookie dough."

Sandalwood: "Gloriosa, I kicked my beanbag into the lake!"

Gloriosa's eye twitched and put on a fake smile.

Gloriosa: "I'll get you another one!"

Derpy: "And I'm all out of arrows!"

Gloriosa: "Say no more! New arrows coming right up!"

Timber: "There you are! Filthy Rich is back. Do you want me to handle it?"

Gloriosa: "Absolutely not! I've got this!"

(Y/N): "I'll handle this one."

Gloriosa, you, and Timber then walk out of the mess hall, when she touched Sunet's arm, she heard a scream.

Sunset: "Fluttershy, enough with the screaming!"

Fluttershy: "I didn't scream."

Rainbow: "For once."

Rarity: "Nobody did."

Sunset: "Huh?"

You then hear Luna's voice on the PA system.

Luna: "Attention, campers! Anyone who's interested in making floating paper lanterns, please meet us by the picnic tables."

Applejack: "I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I've been lookin' forward to comin' here for a month. Maybe we forget about this new magic for a bit and just try to focus on enjoyin' our time at camp?"

Rarity: "I was oh, so excited about designs I've come up with for the camp fashion show."

Rainbow: "And I've barely gotten to whoop anybody in tetherball."

Sunset: "I think we should try to figure it out. But if letting it go for now is what the rest of you want..."

Sci-Twi feels uneasy as Adagio approach her.

Adagio: "What's wrong?"

Sci-Twi: "I'm just worried about Midnight doing something that will hurt all of you."

Adagio: "You'll get used of having magic on your side, just like me and sisters did."

Aria: "We're your friends, we can help you dude."

Sci-Twi: "I hope so."

Later. You, Timber and Gloriosa are confronting Filthy Rich.

Timber: "You can't destroy this place for money!"

Filthy: "Why not."

Gloriosa: "It's not right!"

Filthy: "Its business."

Timber: "It's our camp!"

Gloriosa: "This camp has been apart of our family for years!"

Filthy: "Yes and congrats, you turn it into a debt-ridden piece of rubbish, very clever."

You then turn into Rath and grab Filthy by the collar.


Filthy: "You wouldn't dare!"

You're about to punch the living daylights out of Filthy, until Timber stops you.

Timber: "He's not worth it."

(Y/N) as Rath: "Next time!"

You put Filthy down and revert back to human form.

Filthy: "Word of advice Gloriosa, put that so-called hero on a short leash, before he cause more damage to the camp, even if it's already torn apart."

Filthy then smirks and went into his limo and drove off.

Gloriosa: "(Y/N), don't do that again."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry, I can't let a billionaire jerk taunt my friends, especially the one I've missed the most."

You then hug her, which makes her blush as she hugs back.

Timber: "Just like old times."

Gloriosa: "Shut up!"

Next: Chapter 32: The Twilighting

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