Chapter 33: The Battle of Camp Everfree

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Rarity was prepping the girls of the camp for the fashion show, and she is wondering where is Sunset and Sci-Twi.

Rarity: "Where are Sci-Twi and Sunset? They're missing our dress rehearsal."

Pinkie: "Uh-uh."

Rarity: "I suppose we can get started without them. Whenever you're ready!"

You're sitting next to Vinyl, and you play techno pop music for the practice run.

Rarity: "Hmm. Told you you'd like it."

Applejack: "It's alright... I guess. I do get to keep it after camp though, right?"

Rarity nodded yes. Somewhere else, Snips and Snails were filling up water balloons and then Gloriosa float by as the duo get skeptic.

Snails: "She looks... different."

Snips: "Yeah. She looks... taller."

Back to the fashion show. You grew more worrisome about something and Vinyl.

Vinyl: "Hey, what's wrong dude."

(Y/N): "A big battle is about to happen."

Rarity: "This is only a preview. I've got another entire line I'll debut at the real thing."

When you and Vinyl see Gloriosa, you stop the music.

Rarity: "Why did you stop the-? Oh, my goodness!

Gloriosa: "Attention, campers!"

Trixie: "It's Gaea Everfree!"

Vinyl: "She's real!"

Ben and Kevin: "Aah! We're doomed!"

Timber: "Gloriosa?! What are you doing?"

(Y/N): "Oh boy."

Applejack: "That's Gloriosa? Am I going crazy, or are her feet not touching the ground?"

Pinkie: "Freaky-deaky!"

Gloriosa: "I have an announcement to make! Filthy Rich wants this to be the last session of Camp Everfree. But don't worry, I got this!"

She slam her hands on the ground which creates more thorns, some of which destroyed the docks which made Rainbow annoyed.

Rainbow: "Oh, come on! We literally just finished building that!"

She then starts singing

(Y/N): "Oh no."

Fluttershy: "Oh, why do these kinds of things always happen to us?"

Rarity: "What are we going to do?"

Rainbow: "What we always do! Save the day!"

(Y/N): "Rainbow is right."

They put their hands together.

Pinkie: "Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy! This is gonna be so much fun! I only wish we had time to make superhero capes!"

Rarity: "Oh, me, too!"

Rainbow: "Enough about our wardrobe! We've got to stop Gloriosa from trapping everybody in here!"

(Y/N): "Right, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy spread out and people to safety!"

The girls nodded and they spread out to rescue the civilians. Gloriosa tangles the totem pole in vines and it was about to fall onto Lyra and Bonbon, until Rarity block it with her diamond shield and then pony up. Rainbow then grabs the two to Fluttershy and then pony up. Fluttershy then knocks on the ground as three gophers popped out.

Fluttershy: "Um, hi. Do you think you can give us a hand- um, er, paw? We could really use a way out."

Gopher 1: "You heard her men, double time!"

The other two nodded as they dig a huge hole. Meanwhile you gathered up your team to attack Gloriosa.

(Y/N): "Kevin, Gwen, Ben, Rook, Flash, Mane-iac you're with me, we're going with an attack plan on Gloriosa, Ultimates, ASSEMBLE!"

Your offense team then attack Gloriosa, while Applejack lift a huge boulder at the wall of branches, which makes a hole, but then it regenerates. Applejack groans as the gophers made it to the other side.

Gopher 2: "Ugh, double time, why can go less than double time or how about no time?"

Gopher 3: "What about me sir, I finish quadruple time."

Gopher 1: "Sorry Flutters, I have insubordinate soldiers with me, when I say double, I mean double, but other than that, the hole is finished."

Fluttershy smiles but the roots came out of the hole. Pinkie then use her sprinkle bombs to create holes in the wall and Applejack shove a table into one of them. Gloriosa then use her magic trap everyone in branches. Rainbow Dash use her speed to get the civilians to safety and to avoid the sprouts made by Glroiosa but then she gets captured, but Pinkie then chucks a sprinkle bomb to save Rainbow, then the jar glow and Pinkie throws it at the wall making another hole, it then got patched up with vines.

Applejack: "This isn't working! Her magic is too strong!"

(Y/N): "That's why we're on offense!"

You then turn into Swampfire. Kevin touch the wood of the branches and form wooden hammers out of his hand. Gwen then throw mana blasts at Gloriosa to get her attention.

Meanwhile, at the cave.

Sunset: "Help, help us!"

???(Gaia Everfree): "What's all the ruckus?"

Sunset, Sci-Twi, Twilight, Sci-Spike, and the Dazzlings see the forest spirit herself, Gaia Everfree. Gaia look at the girls, and she recognizes the pendants on the Dazzlings, specifically Sonata.

Gaia: "Sonata?"

Sonata: "Gaia?"

Gaia then use her magic to free the girls, and Sonata ran up to her and hug her and she hug back.

Gaia: "It's been years!"

Sonata: "How did you get here?"

Gaia: "Some bearded unicorn just gave me the boot into this world, I was only doing gardening, jeez."

Twilight: "You created the Everfree forest!?"

Gaia: "Yep that's me, Gaia Everfree."

Aria: "Chat later, we need to head to camp, pronto!"

Adagio: "Gloriosa is trying to trap everyone in camp forever with vines, and (Y/N) is there."

Gaia's eyes widen from what Adagio said.

Gaia: "(Y/N) (L/N), Allstar hero of the world?"

Twilight: "How did you know that?"

Gaia: "I listen to the plants of the world, lots of gossip goes by everyday, like a 4 leaf clover told me that Aria sang Let It Go in a Princess Elsa costume in the backyard every Monday whenever Adagio and Sonata are not home."

Aria blushes in embarrassment as Sunset then heads to one of the boulders.

Sunset: "Gaia, you have to use your magic!"

Gaia: "I can, it's just I'm saving my strength for the real threat, but Sci-twi can."

As she said pushing Sci-Twi closer to Sunset.

Sci-Twi: "I don't think I can lift something that big."

Twilight: "Maybe we can, together."

Twilight and Sci-Twi hold hands and move the boulder forward and push through the vines. Gaia clap her hands with joy.

Gaia: "Good work girls!"

Sunset: "Now lets go!"

Aria: "Don't you say a word about what I do every Monday."

Gaia: "My lips are sealed."

Gaia giggled for a moment as she followed the girls to the vine barrier.

Meanwhile with you.

Gloriosa: "Why are you fighting me?! I'm doing this to save our camp! I'm doing this for you!"

Rarity: "Gloriosa, let's just think about this for a moment, shall we? I mean, I think Camp Everfree is absolutely delightful, but I just don't know that I'm quite ready to give up my weekly trips to the spa."

Gloriosa: "To the spa...? To the spa?!'

She then surround herself with vines, Rainbow Dash tries to grab them, but tripped by one of her vines and knock her into her friends which make a bowling sound.

Timber: "Gloriosa, this isn't the way!"

(Y/N) as Swampfire: "This ends now!"

Gloriosa: "I appreciate your concern, Timber and (Y/N), but I got this!"

She then surrounds Timber her vines.

Timber: "Agh! No, you don't!"

(Y/N) as Swampfire: "Get back to your senses Glaoriosa!"

Gloriosa: "How about I make you come to your senses!"

Vines then come out of the ground surround you and, but then you transform into Ultimate Swampfire and unleash powerful fire blast.

(Y/N) as Ult. Swampfire: "Kevin, attack plan Omega!"

Kevin: "I we agree it would be bad?!"

(Y/N) as Ult. Swampfire: "NOW!"

Kevin then runs up to you and grab your Ultimatrix and mutates into this.

Kevin then fires lightning bolts and throws boulders with gravity. Flash creates a chainsaw cut through the vines.

Later outside of the barrier.

Sunset and the Dazzlings are struggling to move the vines.

Aria: "It won't budge."

Sunset: "Twilight, do you think you can use your magic?"

Gaia: "Come on little ones, show more than last time."

Gaia then pushes the Twilights closer to the barrier.

Sci-Twi: "I don't want to use too much. Midnight Sparkle could take over."

Twilight: "Sci-Twi, our friends are in there!"

Sci-Twi: "Okay."

Twilight and Sci-Twi hold hands and use their magic to move the vines.

Timber: "Please, Gloriosa! What you're doing is crazy! You have to listen to me!"

Sunset: "That isn't Gloriosa."

Rarity: "Twilight!"

Applejack: "Sunset!"

Rainbow: "You're okay!"

Sunset: "That isn't your sister. It's someone who's been consumed by Equestrian magic."

Timber: "Whoever you are, you have to let my sister go! Please, Gloriosa, come back! I need you! Gloriosa!"

Then the Master Morpher glowed and Timber got it out of his pocket.

Meanwhile, somewhere in space in the Astro Megaship, 10 Red rangers were watching to see what is happening in Camp Everfree.

TJ: "I think (Y/N) made a good choice with Timber."

Eric: "Yeah."

Tommy: "Let's just hope he knows how to use it."

Back at camp.

Timber: "It's Morphin Time!"

Timber then transform into this.

Timber: "This is unbelievable, now let's try this, WILD ACCESS!"

Timber summons powers of the Wildforce rangers. Flash protects himself with an energy barrier and says the Phantom lantern oath.

Flash: "In Desperate Day, In Hopeless Night,The Phantom Ring is our last light.We yearn for power, strength and might I seize the ring, that is my right!"

Flash then got stronger from saying the oath. Timber summons the Red Lion Fang and Rook put his Proto-Tool into a blaster configuration to distract Gloriosa, while Timber does to Mighty Morphin mode and summon the dino Megazord. The dino Megazord was summoned and Timber jump into it. Gaia's eyes widen when she sees Gloriosa using magic similar to her own when into a state of rage.

Gaia: "You'll pay for this Daisy!"

Timber: "Megazord battle mode!"

The Megazord stomps Gloriosa but missed due to the lack of speed. Gloriosa then wrap it around with vines. Gaia then use her own vines to contain Gloriosa.

Gaia: "Ha, who's laughing now!"

Then Gloriosa burst out of the vines.

Gloriosa: "I do believe it's me."

Gloriosa effortlessly defeated Gaia Everfree. You then gather the Dazzlebooms in one spot.

Applejack: "Rarity!"

Rarity then make a diamond barrier and you transform back to human form.

(Y/N): "We're not doing so hot."

Rarity: "I can't keep this up forever!"

Sunset: "It's up to you. You can use your magic to pull the brambles apart!"

Sci-Twi: "No. There's too many of them. It would take too much magic. I can't!"

Sunset: "It's the only way! You have to embrace the magic inside you!"

Adagio: "Like we do!"

(Y/N): "I also embraced the magic."

Sci-Twi: "What if she takes over? What if instead of saving everyone, I turn into Midnight Sparkle and only make things worse?"

(Y/N): "That won't happen! We won't let it."

Sci-Twi uses her magic but to avail and barrier is getting weaker.

Rarity: "Agh!"

Sunset: "Come on, Twilight! You have to be stronger than she is!"

Her eyes flashed green and look into her subconscious as she hears Midnight Sparkle laughing.

Midnight: "You will never control me! I will always be a part of you!"

She then turn into green fire and put herself into Sci-Twi, giving her a pair of wings, a horn, and light green shades again.

Sci-Twi: "Noooo!"

She then hear Sunset in her head.

Sunset's voice: "Sci-Twi, listen to me! You are in charge!"

Rarity's voice: "You are a light, darling! A force for good!"

Rainbow's voice: "Yeah! You can kick the darkness's butt!"

Pinkie's voice: "We're here for you, Sci-Twi!"

Applejack's voice: "And we'll be here, no matter what!"

Fluttershy's voice: "We believe in you!"

Your voice: "Unleash the power!"

Twilight's voice: "You're our friend, and we will let nothin happen to you."

The Dazzlings' voices: "You're a complete harmony!"

Sunset: "You... are not... Midnight Sparkle!"

Sci-Twi: "No! I... am... Twilight Sparkle! And the magic I carry inside me is... the magic of friendship!"

The shield then shatters as Sci-Twi flies to Gloriosa and remove the vines around her.

Gloriosa: "No! Stop!"

Then the geodes from around her neck come off of her and each one representing the color of your girlfriends head to their hands, including yours. Then you Transform into Ultimate Alien X and your girlfriends morph into superhero cosplay.

In a bright ball of light as a flash of colors flash in the branches that turn tiny crystals before exploding. Green specks of magic flew down as everyone stepped outside and they were surprise from what they saw. Timber went back to civilian form and Kevin revert back to his human state. Timber spot his sister and held to her.

Timber: "Gloriosa?"

Then a bit of magic lands on her nose, making her regain consciousness.

Gloriosa: "What... What happened?"

Timber: "It's okay. It's gonna be okay."

You then revert back to human form and head to Gaia Everfree helping her up.

(Y/N): "Are you okay?"

Gaia then opens her eyes and sees you and she starts to cry tears of joy and hugs you.

Gaia: "You're okay, oh, my little (Y/N)."

Then Kevin and Ben fainted from seeing Gaia. Gwen then look over them.

Gwen: "She's friendly guys."

Gloriosa then walk up to Gaia.

Gloriosa: "You know him?"

Gaia: "Of course, I was the one who helped him unlock his plant based forms."

Galoriosa's eyes widen and jaw dropped.

(Y/N): "Say what?"

Gaia puts you down and blushed a bit.

Gaia: "I also have crush on you (Y/N), may I?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

Gaia then pick you up and kiss you on the lips and then release and put down.

Gaia: "I've waited nine years to do that."

(Y/N): "I taste maple syrup, from maple trees."

Then Applejack notices the geodes.

Applejack: "What... What are these?"

Sunset: "I'm not sure. But clearly we have some kind of connection to them."

Rarity: "I almost don't care what they are. They are gorgeous! And will totally go with the other collection I was working on for the camp fashion show! That's probably cancelled, isn't it?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

Later, everyone got to work cleaning up the camp. Then Gloriosa then walks up to you and the school staff.

Gloriosa: "I am so sorry. I only wanted this to be the best week Camp Everfree has ever had. Then instead I've made it the worst. Maybe it's for the best that I'm losing the camp to Filthy Rich."

Celestia: "No, it's not. This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included."

Luna: "Why do you think we wanted our students to come here?"

Twilight: "We can't let Filthy Rich take this place away! If camp meant so much to you two, maybe it meant as much to the other campers who came here in years past."

Gaia: "Like my little (Y/N)."

She kiss you on the cheek and you blush in response.

Sunset: "And maybe we can get them to help save it!"

Applejack: "Oh! Like a fundraiser?"

Rarity: "Or a ball?!"

Rainbow: "Our band could play!"

Fluttershy: "I could help writing a new song just for the occasion!"

Everyone agreed.

Gloriosa: "Those are all good ideas, but where would we hold it?"

Sunset: "We could hold it in the crystal cave!"

Rarity: "A Crystal Ball! I'm on it!"

Gloriosa: "I admire everyone's enthusiasm. Really, I do. But I-I just don't know how we're going to plan a ball by tomorrow and invite everyone."

CHS: "We got this!"

(Y/N): "The tide has turns."

Gaia then pushes Gloriosa to you with her hand. Glaoriosa was blushing when she is close to you.

Gaia: "I know Gloriosa Daisy has something to say."

Gloriosa: "(Y/N), I like you not in a friend way-."

(Y/N): "But in a romantic way, I know."

Gloriosa blushed harder.

Gloriosa: "You do?"

(Y/N): "I always like you chipper attitude and keeping yourself from lashing in front of people, that's a feat to admire."

You then pull her in for a hug and kiss her on the lips and then Gaia shifted herself into a human form similar to Gloriosa's size, but taller. You and Gloriosa break the kiss and hug each other. Then Gaia tap you on the shoulder. You then turn to her.

Gaia: "What do you think of my human form?"

(Y/N): "It's perfect."

The Gloriosa realized something.

Gloriosa: "Wait, did you already have girlfriends?"

Sunset: "Yeah, but we're okay with joining our harem, as long you love (Y/N) for himself."

Gloriosa and Gaia: "I do."

Gloriosa: "I've always have a crush on him, I missed him ever since he left."

(Y/N): "I can tell from your exaggeration when I saw you, I found that to be cute."

Gloriosa: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Gaia: "I know you had a harem, a little 4 leaf clover told me, and that same clover told me that Aria likes to dress up like Elsa and sing Let It Go in the backyard every Monday whenever Sonata and Adagio aren't home."

(Y/N): "Is that so?"

Aria blushed from embarrassment and cover her face with her pigtails.

Aria: "I thought we agree not to talk to anybody about it."

Gwen: "Hey guys, are we gonna start the fundraiser or what?!"

(Y/N): "Right, let's to get gang!"


Later, at the crystal cave.

Everyone applauded for you all as you get off stage. Your friends decided to socialize around the ball while you see Sci-Twi hanging some lights with her magic.

(Y/N): "Not to brag or anything, but it's pretty cool how I saved all those campers from those Rubus fruticosus. Blackberry brambles."

Sci-Twi: "I'm familiar with the genus. It's just a little weird you say you saved the campers. I thought I saved them."

(Y/N): "Yeah. But I saved you from falling on the docks, so that you can save the campers. So technically, it was all me."

Sci-Twi giggles.

Sci-Twi: "I'm really glad I met you."

(Y/N): "Uh-oh."

Sci-Twi: "What?"

(Y/N): "That sounds like a goodbye. And here I was hoping we'd still be able to hang out. Maybe get dinner and catch a movie?"

Sci-Twi: "Yeah. I'd really like that."

(Y/N): "Oh, good! I was hoping that's what this meant."

Sci-Twi place her hand on your and was about to move close when Gloriosa steps in.

Gloriosa: "Oh, uh...Sorry. I need to borrow (Y/N). There are some donors I really want him to meet. They were good friends with Mom and Dad."

(Y/N): "Save me a dance, okay?"

Sci-Twi: "Uh-huh."

Rarity: "Adorable."

Sunset: "He does seem like a pretty cool guy."

Ben, Kevin, Rook, and Flash: "And that's why we're his best friends."

Adagio: "And that's why all of us are his girlfriends."

All: "Yep."

Rainbow: "You know what else is cool? Our awesome new superpowers! I handed out, like, four hundred fliers, set up the stage, and still had time to pick up pizza! I love my super-speed!"

Sunset: "About that. I think the crystals are the source of the superpowers."

Fluttershy: "You're not gonna ask us to give them up, are you?"

Sunset: "No. In fact, I think maybe we were meant to have them all along."

Sci-Twi: "Me, too."

Everyone agreed.

Sunset: "There is one thing I'm still wondering about, though."

Sci-Twi: "What's that?"

Sunset: "Where did the magic that hit this cave come from?"

Gaia: "Beats me, I found then when I got here."

Next morning, you and the girls rebuild the dock again.

Rainbow: "Third time is a charm. Or is it fifth? I've lost track."

Rarity: "All that matters is that the runway is finished."

Applejack: "I think you mean the "dock"?"

Rarity: "Oh, to-mah-to, tomato."

(Y/N): "We nailed girls."

Adagio: "Alright, everyone, including me, don't do anything stupid!"

Pinkie: "Let's celebrate!"

Pinkie then throw confetti on the docks, which causes it to explode and the dock was destroyed, again. Everyone's face turn pale as Sour Sweet was walking with Sugarcoat.

Sour Sweet: "I can't wait to go canoeing and....OH COME ON!"

Rarity faints.

Sugarcoat: "You should really keep a lid on your powers."

(Y/N): "I've got this."

You then turn into Alien X and use your powers to rebuild the dock. You then transform back to your human form once it's done.

(Y/N): "Come on, let's wake the others, the buses are here."

Next: Chapter 34: Introducing the Avengers

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