Chapter 37: S.M.A.S.H. Talk

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You and Gali are walking to school and she is in normal clothing, like a purple jacket, white undershirt, blue jeans, a pair of glitter coated boots, and a pair of star sunglasses. The only thing that doesn't make her normal, is her unusual height, she is taller than Principal Celestia by one foot. You're heading into Principal Celestia's office with Gali, when you open the door, you see Celestia doing some paperwork.

(Y/N): "Principal Celestia, I would like you to meet, Gali."

Celestia: "It's very nice to meet you miss..."

When Celestia look up Gali, she froze and drop her pencil.

Gali: "Hi."

Celestia: "Um."

(Y/N): "She has a major growth spurt, it runs in her family."

Celestia: "Uh-huh."

Gali: "My name is Gali Cosmo, I'll be glad to attend Cantorlot Highschool."

Celestia: "Well, okay then, welcome to to your new school."

After Gali enrolling to school, she had some challenges, not in education, but things like fitting into a desk. When class ended, Gali struggled to get out of her desk due to her size.

Gali: "A little help please, I'm stuck in my desk."

(Y/N): "Here, I'll help out."

You then grab her hands and pull her out of her desk, when she got out, she then fell onto you and your face was in her chest. She blushed to see you in her chest, which made Lyra and BonBon jealous. She then got up and get you back on your feet.

Gali: "Sorry about that (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's okay."

Gali then hug you while your face is in her chest.

Gali: "No, I'm really sorry, I just want to defend humanity, and I do not want hurt you."

You wave your hand and made a gesture that you can't breathe. Gali then break the hug and shot an apologetic, but cute look on you.

Gali: "Sorry."

(Y/N): "That's okay, hey after school, me and the team are heading to Vista Verde for the weekend, wanna come?"

Gali: "Oh sure, why are we heading there?"

(Y/N): "We're gonna meet the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.."

When the week started, you and your team head to Vista Verde to the Hulk Gamma Base, headquarters of the hulks. When you arrived you spot 6 hulks and their pet. The first one you know already is the Incredible Hulk, the second is like hulk, but he's red skin, black hair, and military clothing.

The third one is much more primitive than the others, he wears a loincloth and studded accessories, skin that has more grey color than Hulk's, and long black hair.

The fourth one has blue skin, reinforced armor and spikes, and a bit smaller than the others.

The fifth one is a girl with dark green hair, white and blue clothes and boots, and green skin like her male counterpart.

The final one is like the fifth one but red and has leather clothing.

Their pet is a red dinosaur with horns, talons and yellow eyes.

(Y/N): "Hey fellas."

The hulks turn to you and your team.

???(Red Hulk): "Hey short stack!"

???(She-Hulk): "(Y/N), good to see ya again."

???(Skaar): "Skaar happy to see watch man!"

???(A-Bomb): "(Y/N) my man, good to see ya."

Hulk: "Long time no see."

(Y/N): "Hey guys, I would like to introduce to my team, meet the Ultimates."

???(Red Hulk): "Jade Jaws told us about the Ultimates and Fury told us that Gali is staying with you kids."

???(She-Hulk): "Where are our manners, my name is She-Hulk."

???(A-Bomb): "A-Bomb, how are ya."

???(Red-Hulk): "Red-Hulk and the Red She-Hulk over there is my daughter, she's new here."

Red She-Hulk: "Hey."

Gaia: "How did she become a hulk?"

Red She-Hulk: "I volunteered."

You then see Fluttershy giving Devil Dinosaur a belly rub.

Sunset: "Is that, Devil Dinosaur?"

Fluttershy: "Oh who's a good boy, it's you, it's you."

Red-Hulk: "I think Devil likes the kid."

Devil: "I like you Fluttershy, you're my best friend."

Fluttershy: "I like you too Devil."

(Y/N): "She can understand what any animal is saying, even prehistoric Dinos like Devil Dinosaur."

Red-Hulk: "That means she can talk to squirrels now?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

A-Bomb then notices Gali and came up an idea.

A-Bomb: "I have an idea, we can go out for Gamma Burgers to celebrate Gali joining the Ultimates."

Hulk: "Good idea."

Later, you, the Ultimates and the Smashers head to Gamma Burgers to celebrate Gali for joining the team. You're currently sitting next to She-Hulk and you just ate 40 burgers.

She-Hulk: "Hey, why don't you tell us about on of your adventures (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "No thanks, I'd rather let the work speak for itself."

She-Hulk: "Come on, please."

(Y/N): "Alright, just one."

You're telling a story to She-Hulk about the time when you first unlocked Alien X as your 1000912th alien when you were 10 years old, you used Alien X to fight off Galactus in order to protect Xandar from destruction.

She-Hulk: "Whoah, it took you 5 years to unlock all of your aliens, and Alien X is final one, I'm impressed."

You then hear an explosion outside the resturrent.

(Y/N): "What's going on outside?"

The Ultimates and the Smashers head outside to see what's going on, you then see robots everywhere, and you see their leader, a robot name Ultron.

(Y/N): "Ultron."

Ultron: "It's good to see you again (Y/N)."

Red She-Hulk: "Know him?"

(Y/N): "He tried to takeover my old Omnitrix."

Ultron notices your Ultimatrix.

Ultron: "I see you have made some upgrades (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "And I'm about to use them on you."

You then transform into Ultimate Cannonbolt and roll around to get enough momentum to level 10 moons, and use that power on Ultron. Ultron then move his consciousness into the Ultron 7 body. The metallic giant landed in the middle of the town.

Ultron 7: "I don't go out that easy."

(Y/N) as Ult. Cannonbolt: "I know."

You then transform into Ultimate Upgrade and jump up onto Ultron, you then merge onto him and now you control most of his body. You then made his fist and made Ultron punch himself.

Ultron 7: "You think you can control me (Y/N), Galvanic Mechamorphs can control all forms of technology, but I have no strings on me, even with the upgrades."

(Y/N) as Ultimate Upgrade: "Mane-iac, attack plan Gamma!"

Mane-iac: "On it!"

Mane-iac then pull out a blaster and shoot it at Ultron, you then jump off in time to get off of him. Ultron struggles to transfer himself into another body.

Ultron: "I can't get out, IMPOSSIBLE!"

(Y/N) as Ult. Upgrade: "Mane-iac can make anything, including a gun that limits to you to one body."

Mane-iac: "I maybe insane on the membrane, but I can outthink a super computer like you."

Ultron-7: "Getting me into my Ultron 7 body and use it's size against it, very clever."

Hulk: "Smashers, Ultimates, destroy the drones!"

Red Hulk: "Don't have to tell us twice!"

Everyone starts fighting, except Gali, she's still on her 500th burger. By the time she's done, she got up and see half of the 10 million drones the Smashers and the Ultimates, she then went outside and use her Power Cosmic to destroy rest of the drones with the exception of Ultron 7. Red Hulk then turn to Gali.

Red Hulk: "You could've done that anytime!?"

Gali: "I was hungry, okay."

Skaar then turn to Ultron 7.

Skaar: "Giant metal man alone."

Red She-Hulk: "You're all by yourself."

She-Hulk: "Yeah."

Ultron 7: "At least I'm bigger than all of you."

Ultron 7 then try to step on She-Hulk and her crimson counterpart, you then transform into Humungousaur and rush in to stop Ultron from crushing the She-Hulks. The She-Hulks look up and see you holding Ultron's foot back.

(Y/N) as Humungousaur: "You okay?"

The She-Hulks blushed a bit.

She-Hulk: "Yeah, we are."

You then push Ultron 7 back, making him fall back first.

(Y/N) as Humungousaur: "Alright, no more mister nice alien!"

You then combine your Omni-enhanced abilities and your ultimate abilities together as Humungasaur.

(Y/N) as Omni-Enhanced Ult. Humungousaur: "Time to let loose, HUMUNGASAUR UNLEASHED!"

You then jump onto Ultron 7's face and punch him 70x. You then jump to his feet and grab them and throw Ultron 7 into the desert and went after him. You then start tearing apart the Adamantium body of Ultron 7 with all your strength and rage, until there's nothing left but the head. You then talk to Ultron 7.

(Y/N) as Omni-Enhanced Ult. Humungousaur: "Listen real well Ultron, come back and I'll throw into the scrap heap."

Ultron 7: "Very unlikely, once we cross paths again, I will not be alone."

You then pick up Ultron 7's head.

(Y/N) as Omni-Enhanced Ult. Humungousaur: "Enjoy your flight!"

You then throw Ultron 7's head into the sky and all the way to the moon. The Smashers and the Ultimates witness everything you did to Ultron 7's body with your immense rage. Red Hulk was crying.

Red Hulk: "That was the most beautiful destruction I've ever seen."

Hulk: "Guess you don't need to be Gamma charged to do that."

A-Bomb: "That was awesome, you broke Adamantium, with your bare hands."

She-Hulk: "But why did you spare his life?"

You then transform back to human form.

(Y/N): "This ain't my first rodeo with Ultron, plus if he ever comeback to Vista Verde and hurt any of the She-Hulks or any other Hulk, I will throw him to the Sun."

Red She-Hulk: "Then why throw him to the Moon?"

(Y/N): "I was being nice."

What you said made the She-Hulks lightly blush.

Skaar: "Why metal man attack home?"

(Y/N): "I think he heard about Gali's recruitment into the Ultimates, probably takedown heroes from strongest to weakest, starting with the Agents of S.M.A.S.H."

The She-Hulks blushed and scratch the back of their heads.

She-Hulk: "I'm not that rage fulled as my cousin you know."

Red She-Hulk: "And I've been a Hulk for a week."

Hulk: "Let's head back to the Gamma Base, we won't have to worry about Ultron again."

Later, at the Gamma Base, Applejack is arm wrestling with A-Bomb and Red Hulk.

Red Hulk: "I'm not losing to a cow girl right now."

A-Bomb: "Me neither."

Applejack: "Oh really."

Applejack then beat the two at the same time.

Red Hulk: "WHAT?!"

A-Bomb: "OH COME ON!"

Skaar: "Haha, Red and A-Bomb lost to hat girl."

Rarity is making outfits for the She-Hulks, Fluttershy is petting Devil Dinosaur, and Skaar is playing chess with Sunset, and he lose again.

Sunset: "Sorry Skaar, that's checkmate."

Skaar: "Skaar lost to bacon girl again."

Sunset: "Sorry Skaar, you have to learn how to play chess eventually."

Gali is trying out the Smashers' Gut Busting Burritos, and she ate 90 of the Gut Busting Burritos.

Gali: "That was some good burritos."

(Y/N): "Yep."

You ate 40 of those burritos and the Shadowbolts were surprised of the food you ate, you then turn to them.

(Y/N): "This ain't my first rodeo."

When the weekend is over, you and the Ultimates head home. The She-Hulks decided to come clean about their crush on you to the Hulks.

She-Hulk: "Okay, everyone, we have something to say."

A-Bomb: "Okay then."

Red She-Hulk: "We have a crush on (Y/N)."

The Hulks have no response to that.

She-Hulk: "You're not mad?"

Hulk: "Hey, come on, if love him, then you love him."

Red She-Hulk: "What about you dad?"

Red: "Hey, if Galactus trust (Y/N) to watch his kid, I would too."

Red She-Hulk then huh her father.

Red She-Hulk: "Thanks dad, but what about you Hulk?"

Hulk: "Hulk is Hulk, not Bruce Banner, and you're no longer Betty Ross, so I'm okay with it."

Skaar: "Skaar thinks it's okay too."

She-Hulks: "Thanks guys."

Next: Chapter 38: The Clowning Commandos

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