Chapter 39: The Inhumanity

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Gaia became a student in CHS, she got a human disguise, and she got a new cell phoneGaia was learning how to use her new cell phone, until she got a text from Rainbow Dash.

On Gaia's phone



Gaia: "One plus one equals different faces and swords, what does this mean?"

You then head to Gaia.

(Y/N): "Hey Gaia."

Gaia: "Hey (Y/N), what are these faces on pictures?"

Gaia show you the text that Rainbow sent her.

(Y/N): "Those are called Emojis, quickest way to communication, Rainbow said she doesn't like math class."

Gaia: "But, they're not real words."

(Y/N): "Exactly, they're symbols, just string them together to make an idea, like a secret language."

Gaia: "Of course, thank you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

You then pull out your phone and send Gaia a text.

On your phone.



When Gaia reads your text, she blushed and giggled from your text.

Gaia: "Awww."

Later, the whole team head back to HQ, and they all head to the lounge and Rainbow was exhausted from math class, due to a big test.

Rainbow: "Man, that test was brutal, must, rest, brain."

(Y/N): "Well, guess we can just relax."

Twilight: "How did you manage to get Gaia to enroll to school?"

Flashback sequence, You and Gaia are in Celestia's office.

(Y/N): "Hi Celestia."

When the school principal looks up she sees you, she blushes.

Celestia: "Oh, (Y/N), what brings you here?"

(Y/N): "My friend Ivy Oak here is going to enroll to this school."

When Celestia turns to Ivy Oak aka Gaia Everfree, she notices something that is familiar about her.

Celestia: "Have we met before?"

Ivy: "No."

Celestia: "Okay then, well welcome to CHS."

Celestia hand Ivy Oak her school schedule.

Ivy: "Thank you."

Celestia: "You're welcome."

(Y/N): "I'll show her around the school, see ya Principal."

You and Ivy head out of the room, while Celestia is waving goodbye.

Celestia: "Bye, have a good day."

Present day.

(Y/N): "That's how it all happened."

Aria: "Huh, who knew Gaia can pass up as a human."

You then see Trixie on the couch.

(Y/N): "Hey Trixie."

Trixie: "Trixie feels left out on the hero gig."

(Y/N): "You don't have to have powers to be a hero."

Trixie: "Trixie wishes to be helpful."

You then come up with an idea.

(Y/N): "I have an idea Trixie."

Trixie: "Trixie's listening."

(Y/N): "I know someone who can help you out with your magic, his name is Dr. Stephen Strange, he's the Sorcerer Supreme, he might give some pointers."

Gwen: "I can too."

Then you hear a distress call from a neutral point of the galaxy. You then head to the coms and answer the call.

(Y/N): "Yes, okay, we're on our way."

You then hang up.

Kevin: "What was that?"

(Y/N): "Someone needs help on the other end of the galaxy."

Ben: "Not all of us should go, some of us has to stay behind and keep an eye out for crime or villains."

(Y/N): "Good idea, I'll call Strange while Gali, Gaia, mission control, and Gwen will have to stay behind."

You called Strange with a mystic summons and he arrives from a portal thank to the sling ring. There was a man with black hair, a red cloak, a beard, and a blue outfit.

???(Dr. Strange): "You summoned me?"

(Y/N): "Dr. Strange, I need you watch after the base for awhile, and teach Trixie some magic."

Dr. Strange: "For what reason you gave me such a task?"

(Y/N): "A distress call from the other end of the galaxy, and not all of us are going."

Dr. Strange: "I see, and who is this Trixie you speak of?"

You pointed to Trixie, as Dr. Strange levitated towards her.

Dr. Strange: "I am Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, I will teach you in the mystic arts."

Gwen: "Can I help?"

Dr. Strange then turn to Gwen.

Dr. Strange: "You too learn the mystic arts, but it is different from my form, but the future Sorceress Supreme should learn from the best, you will assist me to train our young pupil."

(Y/N): "May I suggest Dimension X-103, time flies by slower in there by sixteen years, it'll be like she hasn't left."

Dr. Strange: "I haven't been to that realm, I do not know the way to it."

You then head to the portal device and enter the coordinates, the portal then open and revealed the dimension itself.

(Y/N): "Found it."

Dr. Strange: "Thank you my friend, now come Trixie, we have training to do."

Dr. Strange, Gwen, and Trixie head into the portal.

(Y/N): "While they're away, any ideas on how to get to space?"

Rook: "We can take the Rustbucket."

(Y/N): "Good idea."

Gaia: "Alright, I'll figure out how to speak emoji while you're gone."

You and the Ultimates head into Rustbucket 3 and head through the atmosphere and into the space.

Kevin: "Alright, ready guys!?"

(Y/N): "Wait, hold on a second, I know a faster way to get there."

You then transform into Alien X.

Flash: "How can Alien X help us get our ship there?"

You then close your eyes and then open them.

(Y/N) as Alien X: "We're already there."

The team see where they are and they were surprise of what you did.

Timber: "How did you do that?"

(Y/N) as Alien X: "Protana taught me that."

You then revert back to human form. You see a ship in the distance, you then make contact with the ship.

(Y/N): "Milano aircraft please respond."

Then a screen pop up and reveal a raccoon in orange clothing.

Fluttershy: "Oh my, what is a raccoon doing out here in the cold depths of space?"

???(Rocket Raccoon): "I give you several reasons lady: money, blowing up stuff, fighting bad guys who want to destroy the galaxy, and finding Quill and Gamora."

The crew of your ship were surprised from the vivid communication from the raccoon

(Y/N): "Nice to see you again Rocket."

Rocket: "Well nice to see your ugly mug again (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Feelings mutual, so where's Quill?"

Rocket: "Well he and Gamora got kidnapped by a teleporting dog."

Your team got confused for a moment.

(Y/N): "Okay, should we help you guys out in finding Quill and Gamora?"

Rocket: "And brag that the jacket looks better you than on Quill, yeah I'm fine with it, just follow us."

The Rustbucket 3 follow Milano to a city in space.

You then land your ship next to the Milano, you and your team exit your ship, while the crew of Milano does the same. 3 people come out, Rocket, a tree like humanoid.

And a man with red tattoos.

Rocket: "Alright, knuckleheads, I followed the tracking beacon in Quill's helmet thus far, but I can't get a solid fix on it now."

???(Drax the Destroyer): "Quill, Gamora!"

???(Groot): "I am Groooot!"

Rocket: "Forget it guys, this place looks like ghost town."

???(Drax the Destroyer): "Drax the Destroyer, does not fear ghosts."

Rocket then face palm.

Rocket: "I mean it's empty, like your head."

You then transform into GhostFreak and appear right in front of Drax.

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "Or perhaps, like this one."

Drax: "You're a ghost, but you're also my friend."

You then revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I get that a lot, anyways, meet the team."

You turn the Guardians' attention to the Ultimates.

(Y/N): "This is Kevin, Ben, Mane-iac, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack, Rook, Rarity, Flash, Timber, and the others, we're the Ultimates."

Rocket: "No longer a solo act huh (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Just needed the experience."

You then notice something growing out of your skin, some form of blue crystals.

(Y/N): "What the heck?"

The Guardians notice the crystal statues.

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "Good point, maybe we can empty this city of a few treasures."

(Y/N): "I don't think so."

Applejack: "Yeah."

Rocket: "What, it's not like there's anybody here to use this stuff."

Drax: "We cannot take these statues."

Then the blue crystals on your body grows further, you then notice that.

(Y/N): "Maybe this is some sort of malfunction, Mana, run a scan on my genetics."

Mana: "Of course."

Rocket: "You're absolutely right Drax."

Groot then put Rocket on the nearest statue.

Racket: "We gotta find out what they're made of first, Don't want to waste our time hauling around a bunch of worthless rocks."

Rocket then got out a hammer and chisel and start working on chiseling a piece of it, until the statue spring to life with red eyes. Which made Rocket fall down on Groot's hands.

Rocket: "Hey, these rocks are alive."

You then see a horde of them eating to your team and the Guardians.

Rocket: "And they're pretty cheesed off!"

They all start attacking you, Drax grab one of them and throw it into a wall, then Drax pull out his daggers.

Drax: "And I will remove the remainder of their cheese!"

You the transform into Four Arms and your team starts fighting the crystal monsters, Flash created a Warhammer to fight them off, Timber is in Dinothunder mode, and a group of crystal monsters gank Groot.

Groot: "I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot!"

Two of the crystal monsters chase after Rocket, but Rocket climb up a pillar for safety.

Rocket: "Got my own problems here!"

Mana: "Scan complete, there is nothing wrong with the Crystalsapien or Petrosapien DNA, however, your genetic make up is somewhat similar to these creatures."

(Y/N) as Four Arms: "Like a distant relative?"

???(Maximus the Mad): "Alpha primitives, cease this attack, back, back, my loyal subjects!"

You and the group then see a man in a trench coat, black gloves and black hair.

???(Maximus the Mad): "Oh, this has been a terrible misunderstanding, I am so very sorry about all this, I was expecting someone else."

Kevin: "Like who?"

???(Maximus the Mad): "Never mind about that, I am Maximus, the Magnificent, Supreme Leader of the Inhumans."

You then revert back to human form and you notice that the crystals getting worst.

(Y/N): "What's an Inhuman, Maximus?"

You and the team follow Maximus as he was explaining what is an Inhuman, he said that all Inhumans are from many thousand years ago on planet called Earth, the Kree experimented on a tribe of prehistoric humans, the experimental Inhumans became hyper-evolved, superior on a genetic level, they were feared and hated by the prehistoric humans, forced to live in isolation, Maximus says the statues represent the Inhuman leaders before him, founding the city of Attilan, they discovered Tereigen Crystals in the caverns beneath the city, exposure to the crystals gave the Inhumans incredible powers, hidden from the world, the inhumans lived in peace, until 30 years ago, a plague appeared, which slows turns your body into Terrigen Crystal, which only infects, you seen it to the Alpha Primitives, the infection made them nigh-invulnerable and their strength increased a hundred fold, but for the royal class, it'll be fatal, until years of hard work, Maximus found a cure, he'll soon have enough of the serum to save the rest of his family and even you, including Blackbolt, which is a man in a black outfit with white lines.

(Y/N): "Poor guy, I might be Inhuman myself, or at at least a distant relative."

Your thoughts: "He must be the king, cause I know a king when I see one."

Rarity: "The Terrigen Crystals are pretty to look at."

Drax then look at Rarity with a confused expression.

(Y/N): "She's a seamstress, she knows what she's talking about."

Then a burst of light appeared and it revealed a green girl with black and red hair.

Guy in the same jacket that you're wearing along with a beard and jeans.

A large bulldog and a woman with large red hair.

You, the Ultimates, and the guardians turn to these people in the lab.

Rocket: "Hey it's Quill and Gamora, and the kidnapping pooch, and some lady having a seriously weird hair day."

???(Medusa): "Maximus the Mad, where is Black Bolt, what have you done with my husband the king?!"

(Y/N): "Okay, two things: one he's right there and two you're not the king Maximus?"

Maximus: "By rights, I should be, I isolated the Terrigen plague, I found the cure, while this one said nothing, did nothing, until he himself succumbed to the threat, Blackbolt is unworthy of the crown, Maximus is the true savior of the Inhumans!"

The crimson haired queen notice you have Terrigen Crystals on your body.

???(Medusa): "You must be an Inhuman, yet I have never met you before in person."

(Y/N): "Name is (Y/N) (L/N), Allstar hero of earth, leader of the Ultimates."

???(Medusa): "My name is Medusa, Queen of the Inhumans."

Medusa then turn back to Maximus.

Medusa: "You found the cure, but you refused to share it, unless you were crowned Supreme Ruler, we rather succumb to the plague, than yield to your insane grab for power."

Drax: "You deceived us, why would you do such a thing?"

Maximus: "It was nothing personal, friend, I had to do something to keep you from interfering, until I completed my greatest invention, BEHOLD!"

Maximus puts on a helmet that controls Blackbolt.

Maximus: "Complete and total mind control."

Maximus then laugh like a mad man that he is.

Mane-iac: "That's crazy, even for me."

Maximus: "Oby me, my brother, destroy them, destroy them all!"

Drax: "You will not harm my friends!"

Drax then run up and attack the mind controlled Inhuman King, but got thrown through a wall. Maximus continues to laugh.

Maximus: "Finally, one of you will listen to what I say."

Blackbolt walks closer to you, your team, the guardians, and the Inhumans. You then transform into Ghostfreak and try to posses Blackbolt. Medusa witness you doing that.

Medusa: "He has power over genetics."

Rook: "Actually, that's the Ultimatrix."

You then make Blackbolt punch myself in the face as you come out of the king and transform into Diamondhead.

Maximus: "Blackbolt, obey your brother and true king, destroy them!"

Groot and Flash made giant arms to grab Blackbolt, but then the king grab both of them pull them into a wall, knocking them out.

Maximus: "Bravo, well done, my puppet."

Medusa: "Fight Maximus' control, my husband, no mind is as resilient as yours, no will so strong."

You then make crystal barrier and then transform into Chamalien and turn invisible, so you can sneak up on Maximus, then the giant dog and Starlord teleport behind you as you became visible and transform back to human form. Starlord got out his element blaster, but Maximus then take it and punch Starlord in the arm.

Maximus: "Didn't Medusa tell you, we Inhumans are stronger, faster, smarter, far superior to any human."

Then Starlord pull out a small cube with symbols on it.

Starlord: "I'm warning you, don't make me open this box, there's a weapon inside that can wipe out the whole city."

Your thoughts: "I hope he's bluffing."

Maximus gestured his brother to stop.

Maximus: "Really, oh, this I must see, open it, open it."

Starlord: "No, okay, you're not getting it, we'll all be vaporized instantly."

(Y/N): "And it's not just the city, probably the whole galaxy, or even worst."

Maximus: "How exciting, open it, now!"

You then transform into Diamondhead and run up to the Inhumans, Guardians, and the Ultimates, you make a crystal structure to protect them as Starlord opens the cube in front of Maximus' eyes, he then screams in pain.

Maximus: "MY EYES, MY EYES!"

Starlord: "See, see, that's what happens to people who don't listen to me, now let's see about that helmet."

As you put the crystals down, you see Groot growing from the cosmic energy from the cube.

Rocket: "Quill, quit feeding the plant the Cosmic Seed energy!"

Starlord then closes the cube and Groot return to normal, Quill then take the helmet off of Maximus and Blackbolt has return to normal as he sees his wife on the ground, he then walk up to her and put her in his arms, Medusa then look into Blackbolt's eyes.

Medusa: "It's not your fault, my love, you weren't under your own control."

You then revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "And I'm sorry for possessing you dude."

Blackbolt then look at you and see you have Terrigen Crystals on you, he sees you as an Inhuman. Without anyone looking, Maximus took a secret passage out.

Starlord: "Maximus got away, but I got his mind control gizmo."

Gamora: "Are you all right, Blackbolt?"

The Inhuman King nods in yes.

Rocket: "Eash, not much of a conversationalist, huh, still, we should get the other mind control piece off your head."

Medusa: "Don't touch it, my husband's power is in his voice, that is why he dares not to speak, even the slightest whisper can level a city, he has train all his life to remain silent, but the antenna helps him focus his energies, if it were damaged..."

Rocket: "Then say hello to oblivion, got it, nobody touches the antenna."

Blackbolt then help his wife, but feels pain from the plague.

Medusa: "The plague, it is spreading."

You then feel the crystals growing.

(Y/N): "Ow."

Gamora: "When you opened the box it made the crystals grow like crazy."

(Y/N): "Not cool dude."

Starlord: "It made the... that's awesome!"

Drax: "I do not think that word means what you think it means."

(Y/N): "I'm with Drax on this one."

Starlord: "No, hear me out, if the Cosmic Seed energy made the plague worse, then removing it should make it better, and we all know my boom box absorbs Cosmic Seed energy, see, Awesome..."

As the cube absorb the plague from your body, then it grows back even worst than before.

Starlord: " disappointing."

(Y/N): "Thanks for making me feel better, jerk!"

Starlord: "Okay, wait, unless there's another source of Cosmic Seed energy nearby, as in the Cosmic Seed itself, it could be right here under our feet."

Rocket: "Oh, flag, not this again."

Applejack: "Cosmic Seed, like a tree seed?"

(Y/N): "Could be a gemstone."

Rarity then imagines what the Cosmic Seed looks like as a gemstone.

Starlord: "But if I'm right, than all we have to do is put the Seed back in the boom box, box sucks up all the seed energy, crystals stop growing out of control... Boom, no more plague."

Gamora: "You've never seen the Cosmic Seed, you don't know how it would react."

Starlord: "You know, fine, if you don't want to look for the seed, I'll find it on my own, I'm sick of you guys not listening to me anyway."

You then turn to Gamora.

(Y/N): "He maybe onto something, give him a chance, Ultimates look around the city, find Maximus, I'll help out Starlord."

You then follow Starlord onto a street, Starlord then notices you.

Starlord: "What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "Helping you out, gah."

You feel the plague getting worst on ya.

Starlord: "Dude, you're in no condition to fight, how can you help?"

(Y/N): "How are you suppose to know if it worked?"

Starlord: "Gotcha."

As you two are follow the energy trail, Blackbolt landed in front of you two and gestured to stop.

Starlord: "Excuse me, your royalness, but we're trying to save your people."

(Y/N): "Something tells me Maximus ain't the only problem around here."

The fog revealed a man with blue skin, black tattoos, red and black clothing and a large hammer.

???(Ronan the Accuser): "Guardians of the Galaxy and (Y/N) (L/N), this is a pleasant surprise."

(Y/N): "Ronan the Accuser."

Then Maximus appeared next to Ronan.

Maximus: "I told you I was expecting someone else."

Then the Inhumans, Guardians, and the Ultimates appeared behind you two.

Medusa: "Maximus, what have you done?!"

Maximus: "Just what you wanted, I have formed an alliance with the Kree, I give them an invincible crystal army, and it return, Attilan becomes part of the Kree Empire, with myself as Supreme Leader, of course."

(Y/N): "Crazy and dumb."

Flash: "I read about Ronan the Accuser, he's a judgmental being, he's judge, jury and execution."

Starlord: "Is that what he told you, he can't do that, Ronan is an outlaw, even among his own people."

Rocket: "You cut a deal with the one guy in the galaxy who's crazier than you!"

Mane-iac: "I got to Gaia Everfree's mediation seminars to calm my insanity, and I don't miss one."

Maximus: "No, no, enough of your lies, Alpha Primitives, attack!"

The Alpha Primitives then attack, you then transform into Brainstorm and calculate the best route to Ronan and Maximus and head to them, while the rest fights the monsters. Rocket pulls out blasters and fires them at the primitives.

Rocket: "That's tight, you want a piece of me?!"

Gamora got out her sword and makes a landing.

Gamora: "These things just keep coming!"

Blackbolt attacks with a focused vocal attack while Lockjaw teleports a few at a time. You and Quill fire an electric beam at Maximus, but he blocks it with a shield and fire a sonic blast at you two. Medusa is fighting most of the primitives, but is weakened by the plague

Medusa: "The plague has weakened us."

You then notice Blackbolt weakened from the plague. Then Ronan tries to attack Blackbolt with his hammer, but Blackbolt hold it back.

Ronan: "You Inhuman, you cannot hope to overpower my universal weapon."

Then Blackbolt gave up, you then got up and transform into Atomix and try to punch Ronan, but due to the plague, it weakened you and Ronan knock you out with his hammer and you revert back to human form. One if the Alpha Primitives then take the mid control helmet from Rocket.

Rocket: "Hey, I need that!"

That same primitive then gave the helmet to Maximus.

Maximus: "I believe this device belongs to me, thank you, by divine right, I proclaim myself: Maximus the Magnificant, Supreme Ruler of the Inhumans, Accuser Ronan, I hereby swear eternal loyalty and fealty to the Kree Empire."

Then Ronan feels disgusted.

Ronan: "Get out of my sight, you filth!"

Maximus: "But I... I don't understand, you promise me an invincible army, and present me with these abominations, as Accuser of the Kree Empire, I declare that this vile, debased city be clensed!"

Maximus: "No, you can't do this to me, I'll make my brother stop you, with a word, a single syllable, he will annihilate..."

Before he can finish his thought, Ronan blasted him with his hammer, leaving the mind control device behind, Ronan then pick it up and put it on.

Ronan: "Blackbolt, you will order your pet to teleport you to the Terrigen Crystal chamber beneath the city, and take Quill and (Y/N) with you."

Starlord: "What did we do?!"

Ronan: "I owe you a... what you call it, Dance off, however, I will keep the Crypto-Cube."

Lockjaw then teleport you, Starlord and Blackbolt to the Terrigen chamber.

Ronan: "As soo as my ship reaches a safe distance, I will order Blackbolt to scream, ridding the universe of this unclean city, these new annoyances called the Ultimates, and the Guardians of the Galaxy."

Ronan's ship beam him aboard and heads to a safe distance.

Rocket: "Let me get this straight, we're all gonna get blown to atoms, because Ronan's gonna make a guy yell?"

Medusa: "Maximus, if you give Blackbolt the cure, perhaps he'll be strong enough to fight off the mind control."

Maximus then pulls out a vile of the cure.

Flash: "Right on!"

Timber: "We're saved."

Kevin: "Give me the vile."

Maximus then throws it on the ground, shattering it to pieces.

Maximus: "I'd rather be vaporized than bow to my brother yet again."

Then Maximus runs off laughing.

Rainbow: "Seriously."

Aria: "What did his parents do to him?"

Later in the Terrigen caverns, you wake up to see Starlord finding the Cosmic Seed.

Starlord: "The Cosmic Seed's not here either, oh man, now those guys are never gonna listen to me."

You then got up and prepared for anything.

Ronan's voice: "Blackbolt, make (Y/N) and the so-called Starlord dance."

You then transform into Four Arms.

Starlord: "No, no, no, no, no, come on, your highness, you don't want to do this, you're a sick man, remember, you should probably rest, have you tried chicken soup, NO!"

Blackbolt tries to punch Starlord, but you block the punch with your hand.

(Y/N) As Four Arms: "Figure something out Quill, while I hold them off."

You then pick the Inhuman up and throw him at the other end of the cavern, you then jump to him. Quill then run up Lockjaw.

Starlord: "Hey, puppy, you can zap us out of here, right, come on good boy."

As Lockjaw struggles to get up, you then transform into Goop and try to hold Blackbolt down, the Inhuman king sees Lockjaw escaping with Starlord and use his antenna to order Lockjaw to stop. Quill then turns to the king.

Starlord: "What's your secret, man, I mean, everybody listen to you and you don't even say anything."

Blackbolt then grabs hold of you and tries to throw you, but then you trans form into Ghostfreak and phase throw his hands and try to possess him again.

Later, with the other Inhumans, guardians, and Ultimates. Medusa is leading all teams to the Terrigen cavern.

Medusa: "The Terrigen cavern is just ahead, our only chance is to remove Blackbolt's mind control device."

Rocket: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, so now you want to mess with his antenna and rick blowing us up?"

Then Maximus appeared with his army.

Maximus: "Oh, I doubt you'll even get the opportunity to try, Alpha Primitives, attack!"

Medusa and Mane-iac attack a group of primitives with their hair, Medusa sees this as she sees Mane-iac as a sister.

Maximus: "Bravo, a front row seat for the apocalypse!"

Maximus then starts laughing in a sinister way.

Mane-iac: "I really hate Maximus right now!"

Flash: "I'll drop a construct of a solar system on his face, just to shut him up."

Timber: "Well wait in line!"

Later, with Ronan.

Ronan: "That should be far enough, now Blackbolt, scream!"

Later, back in the cavern. Blackbolt hears Ronan and tries to resist the urge.

Starlord: "Blackbolt, listen, if you have to scream, just make the dog take you where you can't hurt anybody."

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "Blackbolt, I have a better idea, tell Lockjaw to retrieve the cube."

Blackbolt sends Lockjaw to get the cube, as he heads to the ship and take the cube, leaving behind slobber on Ronan's hand.

Starlord: "Dude, just think of something else, like baseball."

Blackbolt then turns to Quill with a confused look.

Starlord: "Seriously, how can you people come from Earth and not know baseball?"

Then Lockjaw came back with the cube.

Starlord: "You had him fetch me the boom box, but the energy in here makes the plague worse, it'll kill you, both of you!"

You then come out of the Inhuman King.

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "He has a plan."

Starlord: "Which I guess would save Attilan, but..."

Blackbolt then look up.

Starlord: "Wait, you think it can absorb the Cosmic Seed energy from the crystals, you were listening to me!"

The plague gets worst on you.

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "Well hurry up, we don't have much time!"

Starlord then hold up his hand with the cube in it, and open it, the cube then absorb all the energy from the crystals, removing the plague from your body and the bodies of other Inhumans.

Back to Medusa and others. Medusa then notice the crystals leaving her body.

Medusa: "The plague, it's gone."

The primitives then return back to their original form. Then you appear right in front of them and you show them whats under your skin, it's was black and white tendrils. The primitives then run off from the sight of the tendrils. You then revert back to your human form, while Quill, Blackbolt, and Lockjaw exit the cavern.

Starlord: "Yeah, I pretty much saved the day, again, you're welcome."

Then Medusa walk up to her husband and remove the device from her husband's head.

Medusa: "Do what you must, my love."

Blackbolt nod and fly up to Ronan's ship.

Ronan: "Something is wrong, Attilan should be annihilated by now."

Then Blackbolt appeared on Ronan's screen, which made Ronan scared. Blackbolt goes to the very height of his power and he said only one word.

Blackbolt: "Never."

That one word destroyed the whole ship in one shot, at least Ronan survived.

Ronan: "Ronan, will have his revenge!"

Later, Maximus was in a jail cell laughing.

Maximus: "Oh, the irony, foiled by the great Starlord, who can't find what he seeks with a map and both hands, the further he goes, the farther away he gets."

Maximus laughs again as you transform into Pesky Dust and give him a nightmare that will last for eons and that only you can help him out of.

In Maximus's mind.

Various Sunflowers: "We are such happy flowers, We will now sing for hours, Aren't we unbearably cute? Watch me solo on jazz flute."

Then one sunflower solos flute while Maximus screams.

outside of Maximus' mind.

Medusa: "What dream did you give him?"

(Y/N) as Pesky Dust: "You don't want to know."

Starlord: "Wait, what did he mean by that?"

Rocket: "Come on, Quill, the guy's a whack job."

Later, 4 royal Inhumans were present to honor the Guardians and the Ultimates, One of them was wearing green and he told his name is Karnak.

The second one is a girl with blonde hair and a yellow and black outfit, she told you her name was Crystal.

The third was a man that is half human, half minotaur, he wears red, he told you his name is Gorgon.

The fourth is a fish man, and he told you his name it Triton.

Medusa: "Guardians of the Galaxy and Ultimates, in gratitude for all you have done, we offer you the full hospitality of the royal palace for as long as you wish to stay."

Starlord: "That's a really generous offer, your highnesses, but we're kind of on a mission, we're following this map to find this Cosmic Seed thing, okay every other time the boom box absorbed Cosmic Seed energy it showed us a new coordinate on the map, this time there's nothing."

(Y/N): "Well, we don't have anything like that on Earth, so if you need us, just get us on speed dial."

Medusa: "We Inhumans find ourselves at a crossroads as well, with the plague cured, we must now decide whether to return to Earth or seek out our creators, the Kree."

(Y/N): "If I was you, I would high tail back to Earth, but you do you."

Gamora: "So your treasure map just led us to one big dead end."

Rocket: "Where to now?"

Starlord: "I don't know, I finally got you all to listen to me, and... I don't have anything to say."

Lockjaw teleported next to Starlord and drop a baseball and Starlord picks it up.

Starlord: "Baseball, see, the dog gets it, and here's the pitch."

Starlord then throws the ball and Lockjaw catch it.

Later, the Guardians of the Galaxy left Attilan while your team remain in the palace. Applejack is Arm wrestling Gorgan, and she won. Karnak is playing chess with Sci-Twi while Sunset and Twilight spectate, Sci-Twi manages to get checkmate against Karnak.

Sci-Twi: "Checkmate."

Karnak shrugged and decided to have Sci-Twi as his rival in intelligence.

Karnak: "Good game."

Triton is swimming with the Dazzlings in a swimming pool. Mane-iac and Rarity is doing maintenance on Medusa's hair, with Mane-iac's shampoo that she uses regularly and handmade herself, which made her hair many times stronger than Adamantium and many times softer than silk.

Medusa: "This shampoo is very nice."

Mane-iac: "I made it myself, how else my hair got this strong and soft at the same time."

Rarity: "You're hair is marvelous Queen Medusa."

Medusa: "Why thank you Rarity."

Fluttershy is playing fetch with Lockjaw, while you were being analyzed by Crystal with a DNA scanner.

Crystal: "It seems like your genetics are similar to royal Inhumans like Queen Medusa and King Blackbolt, yet it's still inactive, why do you refuse to activate your Inhuman powers?"

(Y/N): "I already have the Ultimatrix and this geode that gives me the power to copy everyone's fighting style just by looking at them and also analyzing their fight patterns so that I can dodge and or counter them."

Crystal: "That is impressive ability, too bad it's not what makes you Inhuman, where did you get this power?"

(Y/N): "I got it from Camp Everfree, CHS funded a camping trip for the students."

Crystal: "Intersting, your geode has the crystal structure as the Terrigen Crystals, yet they give you powers as long as you wear it."

(Y/N): "Ain't that the truth Crystal."

Crystal blushed as she asked you a question.

Crystal: "Do you want to become an Inhuman, like us?"

(Y/N): "Well, the stars are nice, but I have Cantorlot City to look after, Ego, Galactus, Ultron, some titans, Cantorlot needs our protection, that's an ultimate guarantee."

Crystal giggles and kiss you on the cheek.

Crystal: "If you ever decided to become Inhuman, I will be one to help you, and that's an Inhuman guarantee."

(Y/N): "Well, you can always come with me, and be a member of the Ultimates and ambassador of Attilan in case the rest comes back to Earth."

Crystal: "Really, thank you."

Crystal then hugs you in appreciation.

Later, you, the Ultimates, and the new member of your team, Crystal (After getting permission from Blackbolt of course). You got onto the Rustbucket and fly back to Earth.

Later, back at HQ, you and the team are back, and you see Trixie with Dr. Strange.

(Y/N): "Hey Doc, how was training?"

Dr. Strange: "She passed every lesson during her training."

Trixie: "Trixie is Sorceress Supreme!"

(Y/N): "Well, welcome to the team Trixie."

Trixie blushed, the rest of the team sees Crystal.

Gali: "Who's the new girl?"

(Y/N): "Everyone, this is Crystal, an Inhuman from a city called Attilan, she'll be our newest member of our team."

Crystal: "It's very nice to meet you everyone."

Gaia: "Where is she going to stay?"

Sci-Twi: "Why not my house?"

Crystal: "That's a great idea."

Later, Crystal moved into Sci-Twi's house, when Crystal finished setting up her room, she has a cylinder container that has a Terrigen Crystal in it, and place it on her bookshelf. That geode is only for you, in case if you want to be an Inhuman.

Next: Chapter 40: The Marvelous Confession

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