Chapter 41: Financial Crisis vs. The Ultimates

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It's been weeks, and you're helping Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce get money for Camp Everfree before Filthy Rich turns it into a spa resort before the deadline ends. You and the Ultimates are currently washing Big Mac's truck for money.

Pinkie: "To the right! To the right! To the left! To the left! Now up! Now up! Bring it down! Spin it around! Wash that car like you mean it! Come on!"

Sunset and Applejack run by the car with sponges. Fluttershy shoots the car with a hose and Rarity dries it off with a hairdryer. Pinkie grabs some dust cleaners and dust off whatever looked blurry to her. Rainbow walks up to the truck and Big Mac hands her a dollar which she takes eagerly.

Rainbow: "Hah! Thanks, Big Mac."

He nods and drive away.

Rainbow: "Sweet! More cash to add to the stash!"

Pinkie: "Woo-hoo!"

Lemon: "Awesome dudes!"

Rarity: "How about a little break? All of this sunshine and suds are doing a number on my hair."

Everyone agreed as they grab a refreshing beverage from the cooler. And you were surprised to see Crystal as a hardworking person.

(Y/N): "I'm surprised to see you as a hard worker Crystal."

Crystal: "You think I'm always sitting on a cushion my entire life?"

(Y/N): "A little bit."

Rainbow: "Hey, anybody seen Twilight and Sci-Twi lately?

Twilight: "We're here. We we're just going over the numbers again."

Sunset: "Have we raised enough to make all the repairs to Camp Everfree?"

Sci-Twi: "We've only raised half. We counted the money four times just to be sure."

(Y/N): "Barnacles!"

Applejack: "It's all right. We can just wash more cars. There's gotta be some we missed."

They looked at the parking lot and they see nothing, but a plastic bag passing through the wind like a tumbleweed.

Sunset: "I, uh, think we're gonna have to come up with a new plan."

Rainbow: "But we're running out of time! The camp fundraising deadline is next week. And Pinkie Pie's already hosted a bake sale, Twilight and Fluttershy had that doggie day care, and Sunset Shimmer and I planned this car wash."

Aria: "Welp, the camp is doomed."

Flash: "Not to sound like a pervert or anything, but have you tried doing a car while wearing nothing but bikinis, it might attract attention to more guys."

Gali then bitchslap Flash into a wall.

Flash: "It was a suggestion."

Gali: "PERVERT!"

Crystal had a confused look on her face.

Crystal: "Do all girls of mankind do that?"

(Y/N): "Not all the time."

Adagio: "I would only expose my body on a sandy beach, thank you very much."

You then see Gaia in a bikini, which made you blush. And she had a confused look on her face.

Gaia: "I thought we were doing Flash's idea?"

Gwen: "No we're not Gaia."

Rarity: "Not to worry, darlings. It's my turn to devise a plan, and I already have something amazing in mind. It will be the most profitable of all of our fundraising events! The pièce de résistance!"

Applejack: "Hee-yoo! Now we're talkin'! What's your idea?"

Rarity: "Meet me in the music room later this afternoon, and I will explain everything."

Rainbow: "Uh-huh!"

Pinkie: "Hee-hee!"

Sci-Spike: "You got nothin', huh?"

Rarity: "How did you know?!"

(Y/N): "Maybe we can go to the mall, some inspiration might hit us in the face."

Rarity blushed from what you said.

Rarity's thoughts: "Oh my, okay Rarity, it's not a date, (Y/N) is just helping."

Later you and Rarity are at the mall, you two look for hours for away to make money, Rarity sighs.

Rarity: "Oh, rats. Three hours and still no ideas for a lucrative last-minute fundraiser. Usually, window-shopping inspires me."

(Y/N): "Maybe your muse might be taking a coffee break at a bad time?"

TV Guy: "Are you a musician?"

Rarity: "Hmm?"

TV Guy: "Do you and friends love to dance?"

Rarity: "Yes."

TV Guy: "Are you unique, cool, stylish?"

Rarity: "Yes, yes, yes, and... obviously!"

TV Guy: "Do you want to win a cash prize?"

Rarity: "Yes!"

TV Guy: "Then enter the Canterlot Mall Chance to Prance Competition! All you need is a music video of your own original song and dance. Then you could be prancing your way to first prize! Sign up now at the booth near the Aunt Orange smoothie kiosk."

She ran over, but then stops to admire a dress.

Rarity: "Oh, we're certain to win!"

You then follow Rarity to the sign up booth for the Chance to Prance competition.

(Y/N): "Guess this would help out very well."

Rarity then grab a pen and fill out the info on the card. The from behind Sour Sweet and the other shadowbolts were there.

Sour: "Rarity, (Y/N)! What a nice surprise!"

Rarity: "Sour Sweet! Sunny Flare! Why, it's been ages."

(Y/N): "How's mission control working out for you girls?"

Sugarcoat: "We've been reading files about the villains you fought."

Lemon: "You even added Bactroc the Leaper, all he does is leap dude."

(Y/N): "Has any of you seen Indigo by any chance?"

Sugarcoat: "She's on a cruise with her family."

(Y/N): "Talk about living the life."

Lemon: "Are you signing up for the "Chance to Prance" contest, too?"

Rarity: "I am! Heh-heh. Are you girls here to sign up for the competition?"

Sugarcoat: "We definitely aren't here because we like standing in lines."

Sour: "I assume you already have a video concept figured out. The competition's going to be pret-ty fierce."

Rarity: "Yes, it came to me as soon as I saw that gorgeous red ruffled ensemble on the way over here."

Sour: "Oh. Tell me more."

Rarity: "Oh! Well, each member of the Rainbooms is going to dance in a different style-like flamenco, hip-hop, or street ballet-and we'll wear costumes to match each genre. Designed by yours truly, of course."

(Y/N): "We could always use the extra hands girls."

Sugarcoat: "That sounds like a very good concept."

Sour: "Yeah, heh, I guess it's okay. If you're going for way too over-the-top."

Rarity: "Thanks! So, what's your concept?"

Sugarcoat: "Nothing. We don't have one yet."

Sour: "What she means is it's a surprise! But it's a-ma-zing. So original."

(Y/N): "Shouldn't you be helping us?"

Sour: "We will, but we want to make our own video."

Rarity: "Oh, well, I can't wait to see it. Good luck!"

You and Rarity walk away.

Sour: "You, too!"

Later, in the music room at CHS.

Rarity: "See? It's a wonderful plan. We'll write some lyrics for our new song, and we'll choreograph some dance moves. Then our video will win a cash prize, and voilà!"

Applejack: "You make it sound simple as pie."

Rarity: "That's because it is! The Shadowbolts even agree. They're making a video, too."

Sci-Twi: "They are?"

Rarity: "I-Is that a problem, darling?"

Sci-Twi: "Oh, no, it's not. Just haven't heard much from them since our adventures in Attilan, I guess."

(Y/N): "Speaking of Attilan, Crystal, have your folk ever encounter any dimensional anomalies before?"

Crystal: "Hmmm, well, we did encounter a civilization that looks like me and you, but colorful and there bodies are made out of light, they come from a world called Homeworld, then they disappear as they appeared, it doesn't make sense, why did you bring up such topic?"

(Y/N): "There was an entire army of titans, they got here alright, but we managed to destroy them and send 3 back to their world."

Crystal: "I've read about them in the database, they used to be humans that eat humans in desperation to restore their human form."

Flash: "If we're talking about dimensional anomalies, I gotten into a war between two factions of giant transforming robots by accident."

(Y/N): "Which side of the war were you on?"

Flash: "The one that has a guy in red and blue and transforms into a truck in charge, I didn't get his name."

Kevin: "If you think that's weird, I found 6 girls that are superheroes: one of them is dressed up like a purple bat, a girl that is a size of a bee, a girl that looks like a patriotic stripper, a girl that looks like Rarity if she's in the magic biz, a green lantern and a kryptonian."

(Y/N): "In this dimension, Kryptonians are extinct."

(Y/N): "I'll talk to Mane-iac about this later, these anomalies are becoming more frequent."

Rarity: "We can talk to her later, Okay, before we get started with the choreographing of our dance moves and there's just one tiny, teeny-weensey, little thing I forgot to mention."

Sunset: "What's that?"

Rarity: "Uhhhh...I would need to use our fundraiser money to buy costume materials for the video!"

Sunset: "Hmm. How much is the grand prize worth?"

Rarity: "More than double what we need to fix up Camp Everfree!"

Rainbow: "Hah! Then of course you can use the money for costumes!"

Applejack: "Oh, what the hay? Why not?"

Rainbow: "Sweet!"

Pinkie: "Whee-hee!"

Twilight: "According to my calculations, if we lend Rarity the funds we've already raised, we stand to gain four times as much money as we have now."

Everyone cheered.

Sci-Twi: "But if we lose the video contest, we'll be completely back to square one and zero dollars. Anyone else think this is an awfully risky endeavor? I mean, um, heh... Me neither."

Rarity: "All right, girls. Who's ready to shoot our winning dance music video?"

(Y/N): "While us guys will do the filming."

Gaia: "I hope we win, all of my stuff is there."

Rarity: "Looks like I have some fabric shopping to do!"

Later in the gym.

Rarity: "Let's take it from the top one more time. Rainbow Dash, don't forget your cue. It's when Fluttershy does her triple pirouette, okay?"

She looks at Photo Finish, who is in charge of the camera and Vinyl who is in charge of music, they put up their thumbs up letting her know that they were ready.

Rarity: "And... action!"

Vinyl plays the music and Fluttershy and Sunset are on stage. Fluttershy accidentally kicked her and then Sunset tries to improvise. Then Rainbow butts in and starts dancing, but Rarity does not approve.

Rarity: "Cut!"

(Y/N): "Ow my finger!"

Everyone laughed at your joke, except for Rarity, who is giving you a cold stare

Rarity: "We're trying to get something done and you're cracking jokes!?"

(Y/N): "I was trying to lighten the mood."

Pinkie: "That's would I do!"

Rarity take a deep breath and turn to Fluttershy with a forced smile.

Rarity: "Fluttershy, it's supposed to be a triple pirouette."

Fluttershy: "Darling, of course you can, darling. I believe in you."

Sci-Spike: "How about you try "jazz paws" instead?"

Spike: "That's a cool move."

Sunset: "Heh. Thanks, Spike. But all these moves are pretty hard."

Rarity: "Oh, I know. But if we want to win, we have to bring our A-game!"

Sci-Twi: "The ShadowBolts certainly will. They're excellent dancers, and you know how they love to compete."

Applejack: "How about we forget about the other teams and get back to dancin'?"

Pinkie: "Great idea, Applejack! It's really fun! I haven't stopped this whole time!

Rarity: "Let's take it from Rainbow's entrance. And... action!"

Rainbow gets back into position and starts dancing with the others, but then Sunset's shoe damaged Rainbow's costume by accident, Rarity then gasp at the sight of the accident.

Your Thoughts: "Not good."

Rarity: "Oh! Oh! This is a disaster!"

Sunset: "Whoops. Sorry, Rarity."

Rarity: "Oh. Well, I can fix it, but I'll have to run to the fabric store before it closes. Keep practicing while I'm gone! Ahhh!"

(Y/N): "I better keep her from having a mental breakdown."

Later, at the mall.

Rarity: "Oh, thank goodness I budgeted for backup fabric."

(Y/N): "Yep, or we're doomed."

You and Rarity walk through the mall, until you see the Shadowbolt dressed in outfits and style that Rarity made.

Rarity: "Is that a disco-inspired look? And a street ballet tutu?! I don't believe it. They stole my brilliant idea!"

(Y/N): "Must be old habits, tell the girls to go to your house for an emergency meeting."

You lay on Rarity's bed while Rarity finishes stitching up Rainbow's outfit. You both hear a knock on your door and it's the rest of your harem.

Pinkie: "We're here!"

Sci-Twi: "We got your text. You said it was an emergency?"

Applejack: "Everythin' all right, sugarcube?"

Rarity: "Well, since you asked...the answer is no!"

Fluttershy: "Oh, no! What happened?"

Rarity: "Sour Sweet... and the Shadowbolt girls stole our video concept! [sniffs] I saw them filming at the mall. They copied my design ideas and everything! So of course they looked absolutely fabulous. But the worst part is that they're all incredible dancers!"

Pinkie: "Major bummer in the summer! Tissue for your issue?"

Pinkie then hand Rarity a tissue.

Rarity: "Ta. [blows nose] Everyone is counting on me, on the video to win us the prize money for the camp. Oh, how could I have been such a fool?! Of course, those Crystal Preppers stole my concept! I practically served it to them on a platter!

(Y/N): "It's not your fault babe."

You then kiss Rarity on the forehead

(Y/N): "They're doing this because of old habits, hey, at least Indigo is still on our side, she's on a cruise with her folks."

Applejack: "Eh, maybe this was all for the best."

Rarity: "Hmm? W-What do you mean?"

Applejack: "Uh, your concept and costumes are really awesome, but, uh... our dancin'..."

Sunset: "Nnnnot so much."

Applejack: "We could barely get in a two-step without trippin' over each other's boots."

Everyone laughs

Pinkie: "You can say that again!"

Rarity: "Nonsense! You all looked great! Okay, maybe not great, but, but... but it was getting there! And the point is we don't have to letthem win! That is our video concept! And I am going straight to Crystal Prep to let them know that they have messed with the wrong girls! Mmm! Who's with me?!"

(Y/N): "I'll go."

Sci-Twi: "I'll go. Maybe I can try to reason with them. We were classmates once."

Rainbow: "Wait, I heard that a bully name Chrysalis has taken over the school, she is so mean, she makes Sunset the nice girl."

(Y/N): "Don't worry about me Rainbow, I got powers and I know how to use them."

Later, at Crystal Prep. The three of you were hiding in bushes next to the door, there were students talking and you sneak in the door without being spotted. The three of you shuffle quickly and quietly through the corridor.

Rarity: "Okay, where's the dance studio?"

Sci-Twi: "There's a dance studio?"

Rarity: "Didn't you go to this school?"

Sci-Twi: "Well, I can show you where the library is."

(Y/N): "She's a book nerd, what do you expect?"

Rarity: "Fair enough. Wait, shhh. That's their music. Bingo!"

You and the girls head to the source of the music and you see the performance of the Shadowbolts.

Sour: "Hey, girls! So what did you think of our routine? Scared yet?"

Rarity: "Don't change the subject, Sour Sweet!"

Sugarcoat: "But you didn't bring up a subject."

Rarity: "You, either!"

Sour: "Ooookay..."

Rarity: "You know why we're here! You stole my- our music video idea! Now... change your concept, or else!"

Sour: "Sorry, heh, but we can't."

Sci-Twi: "And why is that?"

Sunny: "Because we care about winning. Duh!"

Sour: "And we will, because we're just about to submit our video."

Rarity: "You're what? It doesn't matter! Because we are still doing our video the way we planned!"

Sour: "Go ahead. But there's just one flaw in your little plan."

Sunny: "By the time you submit yours, it'll just look like you copied us."

Sugarcoat: "Except the worse version."

(Y/N): "You girls don't go to CPA anymore and why don't you make your own video?!"

Then they turn to you with a smile, but you can see the fear in their eyes.

Sour: "Well."

???(Chrysalis): "Because I'm their manager."

You and the girls turn to a girl with dark blue hair, dark grey skin, heavy metal boots, black stockings, and a black jacket.

(Y/N): "Who are you suppose to be?"

???(Chrysalis): "I'm Chrysalis, and I'm in charge of this school."

She then turn to the Shadowbolts, and they have fear on faces, and this time they're actually showing it.

Chrysalis: "Get back to work!"

ShadowBolts: "Yes ma'am!"

The ShadowBolts get back to dance practice. Chrysalis then turn back to you.

Chrysalis: "You have no chance getting that prize money."

(Y/N): "What do you want with the money."

Chrysalis: "If I want it, I get it!"

You then turn to the Shadowbolts, and Sour Sweet mouthed "Help us". You then turn to Chrysalis.

(Y/N): "Let's make a bet, if you win, you can have me forever, and if we win, you let the Shadowbolts go."

Chrysalis: "Hmmm, you are quite handsome and I am looking for a boyfriend right now, so deal."

You and Chrysalis shook hands, as the other girls were shocked from what they seen.

Later, at the music room in CHS.

Your Harem(except Sci-Twi and Rarity): "YOU DID WHAT!?"

(Y/N): "I made a bet to Chrysalis, if she wins I'm hers."

Aria: "What were you thinking?!"

Gali then hug you tightly as your face was in her boobs.

Gali: "We don't want you to be with that monster!"

White Tiger: "Do you even have a plan?"

Rarity: "Oh, this is all my fault! All the money we raised is gone, and now we have no music video! I should never have convinced you all that we could pull this off in so little time!"

Rainbow: "Are you crazy? We're great at doing stuff super-fast. I mean, look at Pinkie Pie. She just built that castle made entirely out of chocolate bars while we were talking."

Pinkie finished the chocolate bar castle

Pinkie then take a piece from the chocolate castle and eat it.

Pinkie: "Want some?"

Gali then let you go and walk up to the chocolate castle and starts stress eating it.

Gali: "Not even an entire galaxies cannot fill the empty void where you are (Y/N)."

The large green locks wrap around you and you see Mane-iac with a twitching eye.

Mane-iac: "My mind is hanging on a thread and the thing that is below it, is bottomless, if I let go, I'll never hit the ground, that will happen if you were taken away."

(Y/N): "I won't let that happen Mane-iac."

Mane-iac then hugs you and small tears flow from her eyes

Rarity: "Anyways, what I want is a new video concept!"

Pinkie: "Eh."

Pinkie then take another bite of her chocolate.

Rainbow: "So let's create one!"

Rarity: "Really?"

Your Harem: "Yeah!"

Sunset: "I'm sure if we all put our heads together, we'll come up with something even better than before."

Rarity: "Okay. I suppose it's worth a try."

Pinkie then literally put everyone's heads together.

Pinkie: "I think it's working!"

Applejack: "Yeah! I-I got somethin'! Okay, so we're in home-ec class..."

Rarity: "Aah!"

Applejack: "...bakin' some apple fritters! And then, a fresh batch comes outta the oven. And everybody's havin' a great time!"

Rarity: "Wait. So basically, we are eating pastries at school in our music video?"

Applejack giggled.

Applejack: "Uh, I guess I'm just kinda hungry."

You then pull out a Snickers bar.

(Y/N): "Here, eat a Snickers AJ."

Applejack: "Awww, thanks sugarcube."

Applejack gave you a peck on the cheek and eat the Snickers.

Rarity: "Anyone have another idea?"

Rainbow: "Oh, oh! I do! So... we're in the middle of the jungle. And we're being chased by henchmen who are shooting poison arrows at us! When suddenly, out of nowhere, the shadow of a giant beast appears!"

Sci-Twi: "Wait a second! Isn't this a scene from the latest Daring Do book?"

Twilight: "Sounds like it."

Rainbow giggled for a moment.

Rainbow: "Oh, yeah. That's why it seemed so cool. Never mind."

Pinkie: "Okay! I've got it!"

Rarity dodged an arrow.

Rarity: "Please, do tell."

Pinkie: "We'll start out on... the moon! And we'll be wearing really sparkly costumes. No, wait! We'll be in spacesuits! We're surrounded by gorgonzola cheese! But then, a space doggie walks over and start to eat the cheese!"

Spike: "Mmm! Rich with buttery undertones."

Rarity: "Stop! This will never work!"

Pinkie: "Aw, why not?"

Rarity: "Because the contest is for dance music videos, and not one of your ideas included dancing at all!"

Pinkie: "But they were pretty funny, huh? I liked yours, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow: "Thanks, Pinkie!"

Rarity's rage gone up exponentially.

Fluttershy: "Are you okay?"

Rarity: "Okay? No, I am not okay! The contest deadline is tomorrow, and we have just been wasting time!"

When Rarity stormed off out of the room, everyone gets a look of guilt and turn to you.

(Y/N): "You did the best you can girls, I'll go talk to her."

You then follow Rarity. Gali then starts crying as reality around her begins to warp. She then hugs the She Hulks and they're feeling that Gali's strength is too much for them.

She Hulk: "Please calm down Gali."

Red She Hulk: "It's going to be fine."

Later, you found Rarity stress eating a bowl of ice cream.

(Y/N): "Hey, you okay?"

Rarity: "No."

You then sit next to her and hug the fashion designer as she continues to cry.

(Y/N): "Shhhh, it'll be okay."

Rarity sniffed and hug you back.

Rarity: "I'll miss you."

You then hear Sunny Flare's voice.

Sunny: "It's no use, Sour Sweet. Why are we even still trying?"

Sour: "Because the deadline hasn't passed. We can still come up with an original song to replace the Sapphire Shores one we've been practicing our choreography with."

Sugarcoat: "That's highly unlikely."

Lemon: "Why did we tell Rarity that we already submitted our video?"

Sour: "So that we can still use her concept. Rarity is creative. She'll come up with something else. But if we don't, we have nothing. And imagine what our classmates would say."

Lemon: "Not to mention, if we don't have a video submitted into the competition, Chrysalis will make our lives miserable."

(Y/N): "I'd say you won't have to worry about Chrysalis."

Your voice came off by surprise as you and Rarity stood there in front of their table. They then jump out of their seats and hug you as they cry, including Sugarcoat.

Sour: "(Y/N), thank goodness you're here!"

Sunny: "We need you to go Four Arms on Chrysalis."

(Y/N): "Violence won't solve anything girls."

Lemon: "Then what should we do dude!?"

Rarity: "I have a solution."

Sour: "We're listening."

Later, at CHS's gym.

Applejack: "So what's the big plan you were excited about?"

The girls then watch in awe as they see the set up.

Sunset: "Aren't the Shadowbolts girls using this video idea now?"

Rarity: "They are, yes. But so are we! Girls, you can come out now! I know it's hard to believe, but the Shadowbolts here helped me to realize that competing against one another was getting us nowhere."

Lemon: "And Rarity helped show us that winning was the only thing driving us. We didn't even care if we had to steal to accomplish it."

Sour: "But that's not who we are."

(Y/N): "That's because Chrysalis is using you to get what she want."

Sugarcoat: "Combining our talents is the most logical thing to do."

Sunny: "We'll make one epic music video together."

Pinkie: "Best! Music! Video! Idea ever!"


Fluttershy: "We can start by teaching you the words to our song."

Sunny: "But this is just about the Rainbooms. There's nothing about us in the lyrics."

Fluttershy: "Yet. Wanna help me make some changes?"

Rarity: "Anybody else care to work on some music?"

Sour Sweet: "We'll get to it after I teach you some dance moves."

Rarity: "Music first."

Sour: "Dance first."

Rarity: "Music first!"

Sour: "Dance first!"

Rarity: "Music first!"

Sour: "Dance first!"

Sugarcoat: "The order is irrelevant."

Rarity: "Oh, yeah."

They both laugh.

Applejack: "Yee-hoo! We've got enough to make Camp Everfree look just like new!"

Lemon: "The camp will be saved and Chrysalis will be off of our backs!"

Pinkie: "Who's up for a celebratory Aunt Orange smoothie?!"

(Y/N): "I got even better news girls, I got a pass to the the next daring do movie."

Rainbow: "How did you get that!"

Flashback sequence, you were minding your business until you happen upon a girl with Aqua hair, records as part of her hair, a uniform that resembles a movie theater worker, and a pair of glasses.

???(Juniper Montage): "Oh um, hi."

(Y/N): "Well hello to you, what's your name?"

???(Juniper Montage): "My name is Juniper Montage."

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you Juniper, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), you know Allstar hero of Cantorlot city and leader of the Ultimates."

Juniper: "It's nice to meet you."

(Y/N): "Say, a little bird told me that the next Daring Do movie is coming out soon."

Juniper: "My uncle is charge of production, I can give you a pass to the Daring Do movie."

(Y/N): "Well, I know some people who would appreciate the pass, eh, what the heck, I'll give it a go."

Juniper blushed.

Juniper: "Um, can I have our phone number, you know, in case of an emergency."

(Y/N): "Oh sure."

You then gave Juniper your phone number and you left the area. Juniper then jump up and down in joy.

Present day.

(Y/N): "That's how it happened."

Ms.Marvel: "How are we going to celebrate?"

Pinkie: "Who's up for a celebratory Aunt Orange smoothie?!"

You and the girls head over to Aunt Orange smoothie, except for Sour Sweet and Rarity.

Rarity: "Ohhh-ho-ho-ho-ho! I have just had the most brilliant idea! Since (Y/N) got all of us a pass for the new Daring Do movie, would you like to come along? It'll be the perfect way to show off your new dance moves!"

Sour: "That would be amazing! Of course, then we'd have a new dilemma to deal with."

Rarity: "Oh, no. What?"

Sour: "Figuring out what we're all gonna wear?"

Rarity: "Oh, I already have some ideas that I'd be willing to share."

Sour: "Me, too."

Next: Chapter 42: The Phantom of the Movie Set

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