Chapter 51: Friendship is Art

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Gloriosa is still freaking out from yesterday, and you told her that you know some people that can help out.

(Y/N): "Look, I know some people who can help you with your new powers."

Gloriosa: "Like who?"

Gloriosa's spider sense went off, she then look into the ceiling and found not just Peni, but also 2 other Spider-Men that she hasn't met.

She sees a man in a black trench coat, black pants, black shoes, goggles, a hat, and he is in black and white.

???(Spider-Man Noir): "Hey fellas."

(Y/N): "Hey."

Gloriosa: "Is he in black and white and where's the wind coming from?"

???(Spider-Man Noir): "Where ever I go the wind follows, and the wind, smells like rain."

Gloriosa then turn to Peni and her Sp//dr Suit.

Peni: "Hi guys."

Peni then jump from the height, and perform some karate moves while speaking in her native language of Japanese, along with her mech.

Gloriosa: "This cannot get any weirder."

Then the pig-like Spider-Man walks in with wet hands and offers a handshake.

???(Spider-Ham): "It can get weirder, I just washed my hands, that's why they're wet, no other reason."

Both Gloriosa's Spider-Sense and the Spider-Sense of the Spider-Men went off, they both gasp.

All: "You're like me."

Gloriosa: "Can you tell me who you are?"

All the Spider-Men:

Gloriosa: "Okay, okay!"

Spider-Man Noir: "And who are again?"

(Y/N): "This is Gloriosa Daisy, and she is new at this, she has powers of every Spider-Man in the multiverse, including your psychic connection to your suit Peni."

Peni: "Alright, prove it."

Gloriosa turn to the Sp//dr suit and raise her hand, the suit did what she did. Peni was shocked by this.

(Y/N): "Like looking into your own reflection."

Peni then grab you by the collar and pull you down with angry face.

Peni: "How did you get my powers!"

(Y/N): "Look, I got DNA samples from all of you, and put them into Max."

Spider-Man Noir: "Is Max your pet radioactive spider?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Peni: "How did you get my spider powers!?"

(Y/N): "You were asleep when I got your sample, I was in your bedroom and I cleaned up all the empty Ramen bowls."

Peni then blushed and bitchslap you and walk away.

(Y/N): "I am older than you by 4 years you know."

Peni: "That does not make you the boss!"

You then turn to the other Spider-Men as you grab your stuff for school.

(Y/N): "Okay, I'm heading to school, teach Gloriosa what you know, the list of spider-powers that she has in the science lab, the Doc Ock from Miles' world trapped here due to the dimensional anomalie and same goes for Peni, and be sure Peni eats her vegetables, okay."

Spider-Man Noir: "You're the boss."

Spider-Ham: "We'll make sure we get her to be a great heroine before you get back."

(Y/N): "Alright, hold down the fort while I'm gone."

You then head to school and you're in art class with Sunset and Pinkie Pie. Pinkie is struggling to paint a picture cause she's on a painter's block.

Pinkie: "I just don't know! There are so many splendiferous things I could paint, but I'm drawing a blank!"

(Y/N): "Hmmm, classic painter's block."

Sunset: "You just need to find some inspiration, that's all. Get those creative juices flowing."

Pinkie: "You're absolutely right, Sunset Shimmer!"

Pinkie then turn to you.

Pinkie: "Can you come with me (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Alrighty then."

You followed Pinkie to the cafeteria, where she found Granny Smith.

Pinkie: "Hey Granny, can you give some creative juices?"

Granny: "Oh sure, just give me a moment."

Granny then make the drink and hand it to Pinkie. She then sips the whole thing and then thought to herself.

Pinkie: "Still no ideas. Are you sure that these are the creative juices?"

(Y/N): "I'm sure drinks won't do, maybe nature?"

Later, you followed Pinkie to a tree, you then transform into Grey Matter and hold on to Pinkie's shirt while she climb on the tree.

Pinkie: "Sunset Shimmer said that all the greatest artists find inspiration in nature. Maybe this will help me think of something."

(Y/N) as Grey Matter: "Let's give this theory a whirl."

Pinkie then sit on a branch in a meditation position, for a moment she was meditating until she sighs.

Pinkie: "Nope."

(Y/N) as Grey Matter: "Maybe you're not inclined with nature?"

You and Pinkie hear birds chirping and Pinkie head to where they are.

Pinkie: "Ooooh! You birdies are right! I have to get even more in tune with nature to really be inspired by it!"

(Y/N) as Grey Matter: "And how are you going to do that."

Pinkie put you on a branch where the birds' nest is.

Pinkie: "You'll see."

Pinkie then climb onto another branch as you turn to the birds.

(Y/N) as Grey Matter: "What is she up to?"

???(Pinkie Pie): "Chirp!"

You then turn to the source of the loud bird noise and it was Pinkie in a bird costume.

Pinkie: "Chirp!Chirp!Chirp!"

The birds flew off as Pinkie sighs and spit out a feather.

(Y/N) as Grey Matter: "You put on really quick, great costume though."

Pinkie blushed and giggled, you and Pinkie then head to the music room.

(Y/N): "Why are we in the music room?"

Pinkie: "There's nothing more inspirational than a sweet tune or a bangin' beat! And a one, two, a one-two-three!"

Pinkie then start playing the drums and then the floor then the wall, all the way to art class. Everyone is covering their ears from Pinkie's drumming, which causes everyone to mess up on their art projects.

Sunset: "So, uh, Pinkie! Any luck finding inspiration?!"

Pinkie stops tapping and turn to Sunset.

Pinkie: "What? Oh! No. But I do have a tummy full of fruit juice, feathers in my hair, and a headache! Heh."

(Y/N): "Classic Pinkie, so anyways, Sunset what do you do to get inspiration?"

Sunset: "Well, when all else fails, I usually just paint a subject that I think is awesome. Something that makes me really happy. Like these bright sunflowers."

You then look at the portrait of sunflowers and you admire it.

(Y/N): "They're beautiful, and you're a sunflower too Sunset."

Sunset blushed from your compliment, then Pinkie got inspiration from something.

Pinkie: "Of course! I've got it! It's been right in front of me all along!"

Pinkie then starts to paint, which is making a mess all across the whole room. She is finished with her art.

Pinkie: "When you said to paint a subject that's totally awesome and makes me happy, I thought of something right away! Ta-da! I painted you, (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Yes, Pinkie. Yes, you did."

Pinkie: "Do you like it?"

(Y/N): "It's... inspired. Can I paint you next?"

You then hug Pinkie and the both of you laugh. After a quick wash, you then head back to HQ and you see Peni teaching Gloriosa how to control her Sp//dr Suit.

Peni: "Okay, first your left foot, then the right foot."

Both Gloriosa and the Sp//dr starts walking, starting with the left foot and then the right foot.

Peni: "That's it you're doing it!"

Gloriosa: "I'm doing it, I'm doing it!"

You then head to the lounge and you see Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Ham.

(Y/N): "Hey guys, how was training?"

Spider-Man Noir: "Well, I taught the kid how to box with all of her arms, we tied a set of arms together and teach those arms how to box, and then the next set and rinse and repeat.

Spider-Ham: "I managed get her to use her Venom Blast and invisibility on command, also I taught her how to use her spinnerets for normal everyday tasks."

(Y/N): "Nice work guys, hey, I was working on her spider suit."

Spider-Man Noir: "Well, what are we waiting for, let's see it."

(Y/N): "Follow me fellas."

You and the two Spider-Men head to the science lab, you reveal Gloriosa's spider suit. It's completely red with silver web patterns, 2 arm sized holes on both sides for her retractable arms, holes on the back for the retractable spider legs, a mask that covers her eyes with lens that has a tint that won't reveal her eyes, the gloves has web shooters to modify the webs that she spun, weblike Light Byte gliding wings for the purpose of gliding, and it's made of vibranium mesh.

(Y/N): "Everyone, I would like you introduce the future of Spider-Men, I present to you, the Crimson Spider Suit, vibranium mesh fabric from Wakanda, web shooters that can modify the webbing she shoots from her spinnerets, holes for her retractable spider legs and arms, light byte wings for gliding, gloves and boots that are built to withstand the retractable talons' sharpness, for the mask, it has X-ray vision, thermal vision, night vision, and Infrared vision."

The Spider-Men watch in awe of the Crimson Spider suit.

(Y/N): "Only time will tell."

Next: Chapter 52: Movie Time

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