Chapter 53: Paper Dash

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You and Peni arrived at Rainbow's house and you two are at the door, you then knock on it.

Peni: "What are we doing here?"

(Y/N): "This is Rainbow Dash's house, you gonna love Rainbow, she's really nice."

Rainbow then open the door, when she saw you she blushed.

Rainbow: "Oh hey (Y/N)."

Rainbow then sees Peni.

Rainbow: "Who's this?"

(Y/N): "Rainbow, this is Peni Parker, she got stuck in this dimension from an anomaly."

Rainbow's thoughts: "She's the cutest thing of all time!"

Rainbow: "Well, come on in, I'll take you upstairs in my room."

Later, you and Peni follow Rainbow into her room.

Rainbow: "This is gonna be great! A whole afternoon with just us and the best books ever written!"

(Y/N): "Let's read one right now."

Rainbow then grab a Daring Do book and starts reading.

Rainbow: "Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds by A. K. Yearling."

Fantasy sequence, Daring Do is running through the rainforest and with a tiara.

Rainbow as Daring Do: "Slingshot will never catch me now! The Doomed Diadem is going back where it belongs!"

Then a man with a red bandana, green skin, black gloves, Burgundy vest, and a brown hat.

The man pointed at Rainbow and then honked like a car.

Rainbow As Daring Do: "Huh?"

The man honked and ran towards Daring, she then escape by swinging on a vine.

Rainbow as Daring Do: "So long, Slingshot!"

She then landed on the ground and head into the jungle.

Rainbow as Daring Do: "Now I just have to find A. B. Ravenhoof's old pal, Brumby. Then, he'll lead me to the Forbidden City of Clouds."

Rainbow then run off and then a parrot flies by her while sounding like a phone's ringtone. She then sees statues of animals while holding a flashlight.

Rainbow as Daring Do: "Dr. Caballeron? I-Is that you?"

Through acrobatics, she climb up the statues to get a better view.

Rainbow as Daring Do: "Reveal yourself!"

Earthquakes then starts to shake the statues, the statue that she is standing on broke in half and she fall and scream.

After the fantasy sequence, you, Peni, Twilight and Rarity look up to see Rainbow is on her closet.

Twilight: "Uh, sorry to interrupt, but Applejack honked a million times, and you weren't answering your cells."

Rarity then look at Peni and then hug her.

Rarity: "Oh my goodness, who is this little one?"

(Y/N): "Her name is Peni Parker, she's from an alternate dimension."

Rarity: "Oh, she's adorable, Sweetie Belle told me a lot about you, I think a kimono would look adorable on you darling."

Peni: "Um, (Y/N), who are these people?"

(Y/N): "Twilight and Rarity, they're nice people once you get to know them, anyways, where are we going?"

Rarity: "Oh to the park darling."

You then turn to Rainbow.

(Y/N): "Rainbow, are you ready?"

Rainbow then got off her closet and set her book on the side.

Rainbow: "Heh. I'm ready."

You all shrugged and head to the car.

Later, somewhere in space.

Jedah: "In order for this plan to work, we need another."

Thanos: "I have found one, his name is Wolf-Spider."

Strike: "What makes him special?"

Thanos: "While he does bare the name Peter Parker and he is Spider-Man, but he's different from the rest."

Ultron: "Go on?"

Thanos: "He is on the side of darkness, he thrives to be the strongest spider in multiverse."

Strike: "Then what are we waiting for, let's get him."

???(Sigma): "And run the risk of giving him knowledge of the multiverse, I don't think so."

Strike, Thanos, Jedah, and Ultron turn to a robot with a bald head, red cape, green armor, brown boots, blue eyes, and purple markings on his face.

Thanos: "What do you suggest Sigma?"

Sigma: "There is another Spider in the multiverse."

Strike: "Gloriosa Daisy, what do you want with her?"

Sigma: "She is young and naive, which cause her to make mistakes."

Thanos: "Where are you going with this Sigma?"

Sigma then holds up a hologram with a gold jewel with a ruby on it."

Sigma: "Goblin has an artifact called the Siege Perilous, he plans on using it to travel the multiverse to gather samples of Spider-Men."

Jedah: "What will happen if they succeed?"

Sigma: "She is ignorant of what would happen if she destroys it."

Thanos: "The shards will pull the universes together destroying them."

Sigma: "And one of those shards will be in Wolf Spider's universe, if he fails, we'll let him join us."

Thanos: "Very well, that will be our plan."

Next: Chapter 54: Tour Bus Fix Up

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