Chapter 60: Spider-Ham Back in Action

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You, the Humane 7, and the Spider-People are going through a wormhole to another world.

Spider-Man: "Once again, we're heading down the rabbit hole."

Pinkie: "Actually, it's a wormhole silly!"

Gloriosa: "Out of all worlds we've through, we're ready for anything!"

You all exit the portal and see you're all so high you can see all of America.

Gloriosa: "NEVER MIND!"

Then 3 black crows show up and start talking.

Crow 1: "Whoah, would ya look at that."

Crow 2: "Howdy do strangers."

Spider-Man: "Howdy do talking crows."

Then everyone, except for Pinkie and you screamed.

Sunset: "Okay, that was off."

Fluttershy: "Oh my, the only talking animals back home are the Spikes."

Then the Spider-People fell into a mud puddle at a farm as you levitate down to the ground. The Humane 7 got out of the crystal dome and onto the ground and you revert to human form. You then see a pig with a hook on a stick and pull out the Spider-Gang.

???(Peter Porker): "Never fails, all set to take a nice wallow and some varmints falls into the pool."

The pig then put the three spiders aside.

Gloriosa: "Eeeewwwwww, I got mud in my hair!"

Sp//dr: "Speak for yourself, my circuit boards are covered in mud, I need to do a maintenance check on this, I'll be in the dark for awhile."

Peni activate the suits defenses as you and the Humane 7 walk over to the Spider-People.

Rarity: "Oh my, Crimson Spider, you're filthy."

(Y/N): "Mana, what universe is this?"

Mana: "Earth-8311."

Pinkie then pull out a laptop out of her hair and activates it.

Pinkie: "Oooooh, theres a order for a squid hero with an alien watch from another planet, ACME has his own address, that's you (Y/N), ordering now."

Then a large crate fall from the sky in a cartoony fashion as Spider-Man turn to the pig.

Spider-Man: "You're a pig?"

???(Peter Porker): "Very perceptive, what are you under those masks, monkeys?"

The pig did a combination of laughter and snorting.

???(Peter Porker): "Cause only a monkey wear a costume that stupid."

Applejack then grabs a crowbar from the shed and use it to open the box. When the box opened, it revealed an Octopus that looks like Squidward from Spongebob but with an Ultimatrix and he's like you.

(Y/N): "Greetings, I take it you're me of this world."

(Animal/N): "Yep, and I do play the clarinet you know."

Your animal counterpart starts playing his clarinet and he plays it with such elegance.

(Animal/N): "How was that?"

(Y/N): "Huh, I'd say I'm better than Squidward."

Later, Spider-Man and Gloriosa are talking to the pig.

Gloriosa: "Speaking of costumes, have you seen someone who wears a costume like his?"

???(Peter Porker): "I wouldn't be caught Barbecued in it, now excuse me, this piggy is getting to get roasted."

Spider-Man: "We're serious, this Spider-!"

Gloriosa: "Ham."

Spider-Man: "Whatever is in for big trouble, I have warn him cause the bad guys are coming after all of us."

???(Peter Porker): "Wasting your time Spider-Monkeys, the guy you're looking for doesn't exist."

Gloriosa: "I know Spider-Ham is out there, he taught me how to be a Spider-Person, and now you're saying he doesn't exist?!"

???(Peter Porker): "Eeyup."

Gloriosa: "Fine, we'll look for him ourselves, come on Spider-Man!"

Gloriosa and Spider-Man web swing on top of a silo, while you and your animal counterpart walk up to the pig.

(Y/N): "Look, I know Spider-Ham, and so is he, the boar I know wouldn't give up, if your half of that Spider-Ham, what would you do?"

Later, with Crimson Spider and Spider-Man. Gloriosa is looking for Spider-Ham with Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: "For a talking pig, he wasn't very helpful."

Gloriosa then spot Spider-Ham, or so she thought as her eyes jump off of her face and came back on in a cartoony fashion.

Gloriosa: "SPIDER-HAM!"

Spider-Man: "Jackpot, there's our guy, down there!"

Gloriosa and Spider-Man web sling to where they thought was Spider-Ham.

Gloriosa: "A Scarecrow!?"

Spider-Man then grab the costume from the scarecrow post.

Spider-Man: "This costume looks like its designed for, a pig."

The pig walk up to where Spider-Man and Crimson Spider are.

???(Peter Porker): "Okay, you found me out, names Porker, Peter Porker AKA Spider-Ham, good to see you Gloriosa, sorry I called you a monkey."

Gloriosa: "That's okay."

Spider-Man: "That figures, let me guess, you got your powers from a radioactive spider bite?"

Gloriosa: "Actually, quite the opposite, he was a spider that was bitten by radioactive pig, you see May Porker built a nuclear powered hairdryer to revolutionize the haircare industry."

You, your mollusk counterpart, and most of the Humane 7 walk up to the Spider-People.

(Y/N): "And I thought Mane-iac was nuts, but that's just down right insane."

(Animal/N): "Hey, we're all cartoons here, give us a break."

Gloriosa: "Anyways, the radiation from the hairdryer over charged her body and she saw Peter and bite him, the radiation transform him into a pig, but he still retains his powers as a spider."

Sunset: "That explains so much."

Pinkie: "Yep!"

Peter Porker: "I pledge to use my powers for good, and even join the Avengers, but then everything changed."

Flashback sequence

???(Jay Jonah Jackel): "Hehe, what kind of hero is a Spider-Ham, sounds like a Spider-Fail to me!"

Peter Porker: "He made Spider-Ham sound like a failure, and everycreature believed it and soon, so did I, from that moment, Spider-Ham is no more."

After the flashback.

Spider-Man: "So that's it, you just quit?"

Peter Porker: "Haven't you felt like a failure?"

Spider-Man: "Sure, I even walked a mile in your hooves that time Loki turn me into a pig."

The former Spider-Ham look at Spider-Man with a confused look.

Peter Porker: "Um, what?"

(Y/N): "Long story."

Spider-Man: "Point is: I know people depend on me, they need a hero to save them when things get bad, and trust me hambone, things are about to get real bad."

(Y/N): "A monster called Goblin is after your DNA, and we need your help to stop him."

Then Spider-People's spider-sense went off.

Then you all spot Goblin as he throws a pumpkin bomb at you, it exploded and you all scattered. Peter Porker spotted Goblin coming as he scream like a car horn from cartoons and run into the hen house.

Goblin starts looking for Spider-Ham, and Pinkie appeared upside down in front of Goblin.

Pinkie: "No spider here, just us and you Goblin."

Pinkie then kiss Goblin like in the cartoons and run off. You and the team head on top of the silo in the most cartoonish way possible. Gloriosa was waiting for Goblin.

Gloriosa: "THWIP!"

Gloriosa made a basket out of her own webs and Goblin went into it. Goblin struggles to take the web off as he went high into the sky. He pass the same crows and due to his speed, all the feathers came off and they were naked. He then ran into several clouds while leaving behind molds of his body and was about to hit a red and blue plane and has the words web slinger airlines. When he took off the webs, he crashed into the plane and fall down onto an anvil, which Pinkie ordered from ACME. Goblin crack like glass and shattered into pieces, like the cartoons.

Goblin: "Wrong!"

Goblin reformed his body and pick up the anvil and attacks you all with it and throw it at Spider-man and Crimson Spider.

Goblin: "I've been to the city, heard stories about a powerful wall crawling boar who fought alongside this world's greatest heroes, nothing like that shaking pile of bacon I scared off!"

Goblin hit Crimson Spider and Spider-Man hard enough with an anvil so hard that the were launched into buckets of chicken eggs.

Goblin: "I'll find that superior hog, and get a sample of his DNA."

Gloriosa: "What is Sp//dr doing right now?!"

Later, in the Sp//dr suit, Peni is doing maintenance and repairs on the suit from the inside and also cleaning the mud up while listening to her favorite music also singing the lyrics to the song.

Back to you and the fight, Crimson Spider and Spider-Man shot web cables at Goblin's face, he then throw both of them to a donkey and the donkey kick them back to Goblin, he then back into the mud pool.

Spider-Man: "Okay, this getting ridiculous and messy."

Gloriosa: "Gross!"

Then Goblin place his hands on each of the Spider-People's heads, he then talk as he put them up and down into the mud puddle.

Goblin: "Heres mud in your eye wall crawlers, heres mud in your mouth, and mud in your lungs, and mud smothering you, hahahahahaha!"

You and your cartoonish animal counterpart spot Spider-Ham.

(Y/N) and (Animal/N): "SPIDER-HAM!"

Spider-Ham: "Hands off the monkeys big bad!"

Spider-Ham then kick and launch Goblin and landed onto the barn, he then turn to the mud puddle and shot a web cable at where the Spider-People are and pull them out and bring to where he is.

(Animal/N): "Well it's about time!"*Squidward laughter*

(Y/N): "Now let's show Goblin what we're made off (Animal/N)."

You and your cartoon animal counterpart transform into Eye Guy and Toepick. You shot an ice beam and froze Goblin's body except the head and your cartoon animal counterpart open the cage that covers his face and scare Goblin.

Later, with the Spider-People.

Spider-Man: "I thought you were afraid of being a failure?"

Spider-Ham: "Even I never lost a fight against a nut with an anvil, if you can take humiliation like that, what am I worried about."

Gloriosa: "It's good to have you back Spider-Ham."

You and the others are done fighting Goblin and you turn to the Spider-People. You and your cartoon animal counterpart revert back to original forms.

(Y/N): "Hey, are you gonna fight this guy or what?"

Spider-Ham: "Ready spider monkeys?"

Spider-Man: "Right with ya Spider-Ham."

Gloriosa: "Go hog wild!"

The Spider-People jump down and attack Goblin from punching, kicking, and throwing a tractor at Goblin. Spider-Ham then attack Goblin from behind with a pitchfork and he landed into the mud. Spider-Ham then pull Goblin out of the mud and Pinkie was on him.

Pinkie: "That's all gobie!"

Goblin then regain consciousness.

Goblin: "No, I've come so far, I have to win!"

Spider-Ham then grabs Goblin and pull him in close.

Spider-Ham: "Not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin!"

Goblin then grab a patch of hair from Ham's chinny chin chin.

Spider-Ham: "Ow, my chinny chin chin!"

Goblin: "That will do pig, that'll do."

Goblin then kick Spider-Man in the air and make a speedy escape. He then fell on top of all of you. Sp//dr then reactivated and head to you.

Spider-Ham: "Ow!"

Sp//dr: "I'm finished with the repairs, what did I missed?"

You point where Goblin is and Sp//dr look up. Goblin then fly pass a mouse that has an armor that is similar to Iron Man

???(Iron Mouse): "Hey!"


Goblin then head into the portal to the next world. The mouse then head to Spider-Ham's location.

???(Iron Mouse): "Spider-Ham!"

He then makes a landing.

(Y/N): "Howdy Iron Mouse."

Spider-Man: "Iron Mouse?"

Iron Mouse: "That's the green monster asking about you in town, you need a hand?"

Spider-Ham: "Na, my pals and I took care of him."

Gloriosa: "You're the one who saved our bacons, on offense."

Iron Mouse: "Does this mean you're ready to rejoin the Avengers?"

Spider-Ham turns to you.

Spider-Ham: "What do you think?"

(Y/N): "Well, can't tell ya what to do, but back to where I'm from, Spider-Man has a saying."

Then it went dark and a spotlight shines over Spider-Ham as he said the saying.

Spider-Ham: "With great porker, comes with great responsibility!"

Then everything went back to normal.

Spider-Man: "Okay."

Spider-Ham: "The Ham is back baby, high four!"

Spider-Ham then high four Iron Mouse.

Iron Mouse: "Aw yeah!"

Spider-Ham then turns back to all of you all.

Spider-Ham: "Thanks Spider-Monkey and Crimson Monkey."

Gloriosa: "You are welcome."

Fluttershy then tap you on the shoulder.

Fluttershy: "Um, may I?"

(Y/N): "You can hug Iron Mouse before we can leave."

Fluttershy then hug Iron Mouse.

Fluttershy: "It was nice meeting you!"

You then transform into Gravattack and Skurd made a dome for the Humane 7 as they get in. Sp//dr, Spider-Man, and Crimson Spider slingshot themselves into the portal.

Spider-Man: "See ya around the funny farm!"

Gloriosa: "And tell May Porker I said hi!"

The Spider-People and you pass the crows.

Fluttershy: "Bye crows!"

Crow 1: "Did we see Spider-Monkeys and a giant rock flying?"

Crow 2: "Now I've seen everything."

Then the three crows start laughing as you all enter the portal.

Sunset: "Where to next Goblin!"

Next: Chapter 61: Quest for Spider Knights

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