Chapter 62: Passing the Torch

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You are all are currently in a wormhole heading into the next world as Spider-Man and Pinkie Pie 4th wall.

Spider-Man: "Oh hi, what's up with us, nothing really, just falling into a wormhole between parallel worlds in order to stop my arch enemy the Goblin from collecting DNA from other Spider-Men from other universes."

Pinkie: "Goblin isn't the only one who was collecting some things, I got some stuff from the other worlds, I got a jousting rod from the medieval universe, a photo of Tony Stark from the Noir universe, an anvil from Spider-Ham's universe, Twinkies from 2099, and a friendship bracelet from Black Widow 2099."

Then Pinkie and Spider-Man stop breaking the 4th wall and came out of the portal. You landed on nearby rooftop as the Spider-People make a landing on the same rooftop. You let the Humane 7 out of the dome and revert back to human form.

Spider-Man: "Okay, now what kind of crazy place Goblin take us?"

(Y/N): "Mana, where are we?"

Mana: "Earth-1610."

You and the team then hear a familiar and hateful voice.

Jay Jonah Jameson: "Three words: SPIDER-MAN-MENACE!"

Spider-Man: "Menace, the Jonah that I know, check, traffic jams, broad way wannabes, cavies, and maybe we're home sweet home, we're I'm the one only Spider-Man."

Gloriosa: "Hey!"

Spider-Man: "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend you..."

Gloriosa: "No look!"

Gloriosa point towards a fight between Goblin and Miles Morales and a tall woman with black hair, brown gloves, red jacket, and a pair of earrings. She has an Omnitrix on her right arm and she transform into Heatblast.

???(Kai Green) as Heatblast: "Ugh, I was going for Four Arms not Heatblast!"

Spider-Man: "Or, I'm totally wrong."

(Y/N): "Let's help them out!"

You then transform into Big Chill and fly down to help the two, while others follow along.

Goblin: "Such easy pickings, a small Spider-Man."

Miles: "Did you call me small, what happened to you, is it a supervillain diet, cause you were all big and stuff."

The woman as Heatblast shot fire at Goblin as he dodge the attack.

Goblin: "You want to see scary?"

Goblin then throw pumpkin bombs at the two and they dodge them. Then the girl and Miles see Spider-Man and you.

Miles: "Peter Parker?"

???(Kai Green) as Heatblast: "(Y/N) (L/N)?"

Then Goblin punch the two and knock them out.

Goblin: "Come into my parlor, said the Goblin to the spider."

Goblin release the drone to get Miles' DNA.

Spider-Man: "No, we'll make it in time to-"

Then the Goblin of Earth 1610 appeared and fight the other Goblin

Ult. Goblin: "No one end will end the Spider-Man and Kai Green, but me!"

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "So that's her name."

Goblin fell on a rooftop and turn to the Ultimate Goblin.

Goblin: "Let me explain, I am you from an alternate universe and I-!"

Ult. Goblin: "You're a pretender, there's only one and true Goblin."

The Ultimate Goblin shoot fire from his eyes at Goblin as the Spider-People watch in shock.

Spider-Man: "Yikes, if I'm an Ultimate Spider-Man then that's an Ultimate Goblin."

You then hear Kai's watch beeping and it revert back to human form. Goblin then throw pumpkin bombs at his E-1610 counterpart.

Ult. Goblin: "You're not me, nothing so weak and frail could be me."

Both Goblins fight each other all the way to the docks. You and Spider-Man then turn to Miles and Kai.

Spider-Man: "We'll catch up with Goblin later, for now, we better get this world Spidey somewhere safe."

Sunset then turn to you.

Sunset: "What was all that beeping?"

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "That came from her Omnitrix, she doesn't have the Master Control."

Sunset: "Master Control, what's that?"

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "The Ultimatrix has a cooldown system between forms, if you overuse it without a cooldown, this might happen."

You then show a picture of what might happen if the wielder of the Ultimatrix overuse without cooldown.

Applejack: "WHAT IN TARNATION!?"

Sunset: "That is disturbing."

Rainbow: "That will haunt me in my dreams."

You then put away the picture.

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "With Master Control, you can access different forms without cooldowns and with out touching the watch, I can access my alien forms just by thinking."

You then pickup Kai as Spider-Man pickup Miles and head to a safe place. When Miles and Kai wake up, they see you and Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: "You okay?"

Miles: "Ow, must've hit our heads pretty hard, cause you like Peter Parker."

Kai: "And you look like (Y/N)."

Spider-Man: "You know my secret identity, of course you do, you're a Peter Parker too."

You then revert back to human form as Spider-Man pull off his mask.

Spider-Man: "Don't freak out, I'm you."

Kai and Miles were shocked to see your face and Peter's face.

Miles: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm not you, you're de, which makes us de, neither of us could be de, that's impossible, Peter Parker and (Y/N)... so you're not dead!"

Spider-Man: "We're not what now?"

(Y/N): "I beg your pardon?"

Miles: "Okay, don't freak out."

Miles then pull off his mask and reveal his face.

Spider-Man: "Huh!?"

(Y/N): "Hey Miles."

Kai then walks up to you and touch your face.

(Y/N): "You're touching my face."

Kai then cover her mouth with her hands and shed tears.

Kai: "(Y/N), is that you?"

(Y/N): "Yes, I am."

Kai then kiss you on the lips and you were surprised, she then break up the kiss and then hug you.

Kai: "It's good to see your face again."

Miles: "Okay, my name is Miles Morales, and I'm Spider-Man and her name is Kai Green, she has your Ultimatrix (Y/N), but we're not ghosts right, because I'm dead, my mom and dad are gonna kill me."

Sunset: "How do you even die twice?"

Spider-Man: "You're Spider-Man, but you're so young."

Miles: "What are you gonna do, car me, I'm 13, almost 14 in 11 months."

Spider-Man: "Sorry, didn't expect a young Spider-Man."

(Y/N): "Well, I taught him everything he knows, how to control his powers and some tips of being a Spider-Man."

Gloriosa: "Hi Miles."

Spider-Man: "Listen, this is complicated and not gonna make sense, but I'm from a parallel world."

Miles: "Makes total sense, so you chase Goblin from your world to this one and sense he's yur Goblin, he's after my DNA."

(Y/N): "How did you know that?"

Miles: "Pinkie told me."

Pinkie: "Yep."

Spider-Man: "Anyways, when you saw me and (Y/N), why did you think we're ghosts?"

Miles: "You're not kidding, cause this isn't a ha ha kind of topic."

(Y/N): "Just tell us Miles."

Kai: "You don't know what happen to you or Peter Parker?"

You and the team followed Kai and Miles to a graveyard where you see your gravestone and Peter's gravestone. You, Spider-Man, and the girls were shock to see it.

Spider-Man: "Peter Parker, is gone."

(Y/N): "And so am I."

Later, back at the docks, Ultimate Goblin got out of the rubble.

Ult. Goblin: "Where are you Spider-Man and Kai 10?"

Ultimate then sniffs their scents.

Ult. Goblin: "Got you!"

He then fly off and follow the scents as Goblin get out of the rumble and got back on his glider and follow his Ultimate counterpart.

Back to you and the team.

Miles: "Peter Parker and (Y/N) (L/N), saved the world, we were there, they sacrificed themselves and saved us all."

Pinkie then pullout a 2 bouquets of roses out of her hair and place each of them in front of the gravestones as she hugs you and shed tears. Miles place a hand on Earth-1610 Peter Parker's gravestone and Kai did the same with the gravestone of your Earth-1610 counterpart.

Miles: "I just got my powers."

Kai: "And your Ultimatrix revert back to it's original form."

Kai then shows your former Ultimatrix on her right arm.

Miles: "Maybe we could've just saved them."

Kai: "But we were scared, we didn't do a thing."

Miles: "And we regret that for the rest of our lives."

You then see a ring on Kai's finger.

(Y/N): "Is that, an engagement ring?"

Kai: "We were going to get married, that's why I kissed you."

Peni then come out of her Sp//dr suit and hug you while shedding tears, Gloriosa did the same.

Peni: "I don't you to die, I want you to live, you shown me so many things in the 21st century, I love you so much!"

(Y/N): "Thanks Peni."

Spider-Man: "Come on, can't think like that, you're 12."

Miles: "13, I can ride my bike to the store alone."

Kai: "And I'm only 18."

Spider-Man: "If you jumped in, you wouldn't be here either."

Miles: "But when I got the powers of Spider-Man, when then came with this great sense of responsibility, and I don't know if I can do it, what if I just don't have it in me to be a hero like Pete, like you."

Kai: "And I don't think I can be like you (Y/N)."

Spider-Man: "There's nothing wrong with being scared, fear is okay, I feel fear all the time, but the trick to it-."

Then the Spider-Sense to all of the Spider-People went off.

Miles: "Whoa, do you sense that?"

Then Ultimate Goblin appeared over them and you all dodge his ground pound attack. The Goblin of Earth-1610 sees you and Kai, as well as the Spider-People and the Humane 7.

Ult. Goblin: "Ah, there you are."

Miles: "Hey, don't get offend, but I'm pretty sure that my Goblin is scarier than your Goblin, no offense."

(Y/N) and Spider-Man: "No offense taken."

Ult. Goblin: "Crush not one, but 4 spiders, two 10s, and as a bonus Sunset and her friends, this is a good day!"

The Ultimate Goblin starts attacking Miles and Kai, and he knock them down.

Spider-Man and (Y/N): "NO!"

You then transform into Goop as Spider-Man shot web cables at Miles as you grab Kai with your sticky exterior. You two pull them away as Ultimate Goblin ram the two of you along with Sp//dr and Gloriosa.

Miles: "Spidey!"

Kai: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N) as Goop: "You two get out of here, we'll hold him off!"

Ultimate Goblin then shoot fire out of his eyes as you and the Spider-People dodge the attack as Gloriosa shot webs in his eyes as he burn them off, then you, the three Spider-People, and the Humane 7 fight off the Ultimate Goblin. Spider-Man then jump onto his back and ride him like he's in a rodeo.

Spider-Man: "This ain't our first rodeo kid, actually, now I think about it, it is our first rodeo!"

Then Goblin appeared behind Kai and Miles, they heard Goblin's laughter and turn to him.

Miles and Kai: "Wha?"

Goblin: "We meet again, little one."

Goblin then throws pumpkin bombs at them as they dodge them. Goblin then deploys his drone to get Miles' DNA. It ram itself into Miles and it got his DNA from the back and returned back to Goblin.

Goblin: "I have what I came for."

Then he sees Ultimate Goblin flying backwards with you, the Spider-People, and the Humane 7. You all then turn to Not-So-Ultimate Goblin.

Spider-Man: "Not so fast ugly!"

Spider-Man shot web I Goblin's eyes and Gloriosa shot a web cable at the drone and pull it to herself

Gloriosa: "That belongs to us!"

Spider-Man: "Well sorta."

Gloriosa: "Sp//dr, go on!"

Gloriosa then throws it to Sp//dr as she catch it.

Sp//dr: "Thanks!"

Goblin then chases after Sp//dr.

Sp//dr: "Hey Spidey, Happy Early Birthday!"

Sp//dr then throws it to Miles.

Miles: "Thanks Sp//dr, just like I always wanted."

Goblin goes after Miles.

Miles: "Whoops, not my size, you can have it back!"

Miles then throw it to Spider-Man as he catch it.

Spider-Man: "Back to you Spider-Man-!"

Before he can throw it, Ultimate Goblin appeared and ram himself into Spider-Man and launch him into Goblin. Ultimate Goblin then walk up to normal Goblin.

Ult. Goblin: "Away False Goblin, only I have the right to crush Spider-Man, (Y/N), and his friends!"

Ultimate Goblin then throws Goblin and he landed near the drone he pick it up and he sees Peter's gravestone. He look at fight between your team and Ultimate Goblin and he made a discovery.

Goblin: "Interesting."

Goblin then got back on his glider as you and the team continue to fight Ultimate Goblin.

Spider-Man: "I think I broke my everything bone."

Ult. Goblin: "I will enjoy this."

Ultimate Goblin then pick you and Spider-Man up, flies into the air and throws both of you down to the ground as you revert back to human form. You two then dodge his fire attacks and then fall down, Kai and Miles watch as history repeats again.

Miles: "Spidey!"

Kai: "(Y/N)!"

Goblin then grab you and Spider-Man by the head.

Miles: "Don't care that we're afraid, can't let it happen again!"

Kai: "Right, come on Omnitrix, give me something!"

Kai then transform into her favorite form, Blitzwolfer.

Kai as Blitzwolfer: "Alright, thank you watch!"

Kai then shot a sound blast at Ultimate Goblin as Miles jump on Ultimate Goblin's back.

Miles: "When I say hey, you say argh, hey!"

Ultimate Goblin then got zapped by the venom blasts.

Miles: "Hey!"

Ultimate Goblin got zapped again and got stunned, Kai pick you and Spider-Man up head to safety as Miles follows.

Spider-Man: "What was that move?"

Miles: "Talking about the venom blast, you can't do that?"

Spider-Man: "Aw man I wish?"

You then see Kai as Blitzwolfer.

(Y/N): "That form looks nice on you."

Kai as Blitzwolfer: "Thanks, it's m favorite, it reminds me of home and my culture."

Then the other Spider-People and the Humane 7 got together as Ultimate Goblin turn to them.

Ult. Goblin: "You're not leaving here alive, so which one wants to go first?"

Ultimate Goblin then flies towards you.

Spider-Man: "Question for ya, think we can work together?"

Miles: "Only one way to find out."

You then transform into Heatblast.

(Y/N) as Heatblast: "Let's light this candle!"

You, the Spider-Gang, Kai, and the Humane 7 fight off the Ultimate Goblin. The fight was combination of magic, webbing, sound blasts, and fire. Spider-Man then shoot electric webs at him.

Spider-Man: "Eat teamwork loser!"

Miles then kick him in the face and Spider-Man pull down a tree on top of him. He then then unleash powerful fire attacks at you and you all went into a circle around him.

Miles: "Over here smarty pants!"

Spider-Man: "No, over here!"

(Y/N) as Heatblast: "Over here!"

You throw a fire ball at him.

Sp//dr: "Come and get me!"

Sp//dr then jump on his head.

Gloriosa: "Yoohoo!"

Gloriosa gave him a venom blast times 6.

Rainbow: "Come on, I'm right here!"

Rainbow then punch him in the gut and run of

Sci-Twi: "Turn 90 degrees to your right!"

Sci-Twi then use her telekinesis and throw the gravel at him.

Rarity: "Over here darling!"

Rarity threw diamond projectiles at him.

Kai as Blitzwolfer: "Look at me!"

Kai then shoot a sound blast at him.

Miles: "I said over here!"

Fluttershy: "Right here!"

Pinkie: "Over here silly!"

Pinkie then throw a pie into Ultimate Goblin's face and he burns it.

Ult. Goblin: "You're wasting your time, you grow tired, I grow stronger!"

Then Spider-Man then shoot electric webbing at Goblin as Miles shoot normal webbing.

Spider-Man: "Alright Spider-Gang, do what I do!"

The Spider-Gang placed webbing all over Goblin's body as he was immobilized.

Spider-Man: "You're right, I'm tired, come get me!"

Miles: "Yeah, here we are!"

Goblin was about to unleash a fire attack, but web was in his eyes as you revert back to human form. Then you hear beeping from Kai as she revert back to human form.

Spider-Gang: "Team Spidey!"

They all high five each other as Kai turn to you.

Kai: "It's good to see you again (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Later, Goblin was about to open another portal.

Electro: "No wait, I haven't had enough time to recover from the last-GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

The portal was opened.

Goblin: "Oh Electro, you're always such a cry baby."

Goblin then went into the portal as you and the team appeared.

Miles: "I'm gonna miss-it's good meeting you Pete."

Kai: "And it's good to see you too (Y/N)."

Spider-Man: "Look, you may have been able to save the other Peter Parker or the other (Y/N) (L/N), but today, you saved us."

(Y/N): "It doesn't make sense, but it's okay to be afraid as long you."

Kai: "As long as don't let fear get in the way what's right."

Miles: "Makes total sense."

Miles and Spider-Man shake hands as Kai then kiss you on the lips.

Kai: "Stay safe."

(Y/N): "I will."

Kai: "Before you go, how do I get the Master Control?"

(Y/N): "You have to earn it, for now, trust the Omnitrix, dad taught me that."

Miles: "Go, don't worry, we're trying to be the best Peter Parker Spider-Man and (Y/N) 10 we can be."

Spider-Man: "You don't have to be Peter Parker to be Spider-Man, Miles Morales is just fine."

(Y/N): "And so is Kai Green."

Kai then blushed and twirl her hair. You then transform into Gravattack and Skurd recreate the dome for the Humane 7. You then fly into the portal as the Spider-Gang swing into it.

Spider-Man: "Ready or not Goblin, here we come!"

Later, Kai was at her house and she look at the picture of herself and your Earth-1610 counterpart at the Native American dance.

Kai: "I hope we be together again."

Next: Chapter 63: Spider-Goblin and Robo-Electro Unleashed

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