Chapter 75: Rise of A.I.M.BRELLA

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17 days since the Convergence

Doris is talking to her universal counterpart about how different they are.

Doris: "You know, you're a lot taller than me Giganta."

Giganta: "Yeah, and if you grow even bigger you might get naked, as for me, my suit is perfect for any size."

Doris: "Huh, I should really get a suit that can fit me both ways."

Then they head to the mall and see that it's filled with zombies. Then they see you as Diamondhead along with a guy with a suit jacket, a white buttoned shirt, green slacks, brown shoes, and His camera is hung around his neck, and a man with green pants and no shirt.

(Y/N) as Diamondhead: "Mayor Haggar, shouldn't be wise if you leave area?"

Haggar then launch 50 zombies with a steel pipe

Haggar: "And miss the action, no way."

Doris: "Hey, room for two more?"

???(Frank West): "Well the more the merrier."

(Y/N) as Diamondhead: "Frank, I brought along someone you least expect to be an ally, this might shed some light on a story that was overshadowed."

Frank then slice sour zombies in half with a makeshift lightsaber.

Frank: "I'll take any story, I covered wars you know, so I can handle."

Then Vein and Artery webbing came out of nowhere lacking onto 45 mindless zombies and swinging them into a wall. Then you and Frank see a zombie in a Spider-Man costume.

(Y/N) as Diamondhead: "Frank West, meet Zombie Spider-Man of Earth-2149, he is recently rehabilitated and now he's on our side, what do you think?"

Zombie Spider-Man and head to the ground and turn to Frank.

Zombie Spider-Man: "You must be a reporter, I'm Spider-Man of Earth-2149."

Frank: "I think I struck gold!"

Zombie Spider-Man: "Funny, thats what two girls said when they spot me, and no I didn't eat them."

(Y/N) as Diamondhead: "How long have met them?"

Zombie Spider-Man: "Three days ago."

Haggar: "That long, that rehabilitation really changed ya."

Zombie Spider-Man: "Yep."

(Y/N): "And that's them right there."

You then point at two girls, one of them was pale white skin and has light blue eyes. She also has long dark blackish blue hair that is tied up in a ponytail and she wears a dark red blazer with a white t-shirt underneath with her handbag over her shoulder. She also has a pencil tucked behind her ear. while the other has a tan jacket, pencils in her hair, and blue jeans.

???(Lois Lane)(G1): "We got the story first."

???(Lois Lane)(G2): "Yep, and I got the internship at Daily Planet."

Frank: "Aw man, guess I have to keep looking."

Then you see a woman being thrown into a donut shop, she has white hair, small green horns, orange skin with red stripes, a gemstone where her nose is, and a muscular body.

Haggar: "You're alright Jasper?"

Jasper: "I feel great, you humans made a weapon that I enjoy to fight!"

Zombie Spider-Man: "What do mean?"

You then see Rex being drag unconscious by a creature that is large, black jacket that almost conceals the tentacles wrapped around his neck, also has black gloves, pants, and boots.

You then transform into Green Diamond as Jasper was shocked from seeing this.

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Don't worry Rex, I'll get you out of there!"

You then summon your Warhammer and knock the creature off of it's feet and grab Rex.

Jasper: "That gem, that weapon!"

You then turn to Jasper as she kneels before you.

Jasper: "You're the great Green Diamond, you fought proudly and you have returned to fight alongside us once again to fight off these creatures, no offense."

Zombie Spider-Man: "None taken."

Then the beast got up as you turn to it.

???(Nemesis): "Raaaagh!"

Then Rex wakes up and see you as Green Diamond.

Rex: "What happened?"

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "You got knocked out."

You the got Rex back on his feet, then you see Wolf Spider.

Wolf Spider: "Hello, old friend."

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Wolf Spider, I thought you were shattered to pieces!"

Wolf Spider: "You think being shattered to pieces keep me down, you're wrong."

You then revert back to human form.

Rex: "Who's Wolf Spider?"

(Y/N): "A Spider-Man that has gone bad and he was a pain the butt during my universe hopping adventure."

Wolf Spider then sees Zombie Spider-Man.

Wolf Spider: "Looks I'm not the only one who brought a monster to the fray."

(Y/N): "Don't listen to him."

Wolf Spider: "You think that the Convergence is a calling to return back to being a hero, well you're wrong, you will always be a monster!"

Zombie Spider-Man: "No, that's not true!"

(Y/N): "What are you doing here Wolf Spider!?"

Wolf Spider: "Ultron-Sigma has betrayed me and those who work alongside him, now I'm with A.I.MBRELLA, I can destroy you and Ultron-Sigma!"

Wolf Spider then pull out a remote and activate it to control the creature that he brought.

Wolf Spider: "Destroy them!"

???(Nemesis): "Roar!"

You then dodge of the creature's attacks as Zombie Spider-Man fights Wolf Spider.

Wolf Spider: "The hunger is still in you, it's waiting to burst out of you."

Zombie Spider-Man: "No, it's not, I'm a monster no more!"

Wolf Spider: "You can't deny it!"

Zombie Spider-Man then put Wolf Spider in a corner.

Wolf Spider: "What are you gonna do, devour my flesh?"

Zombie Spider-Man: "No, but this is gonna hurt me than it'll hurt you!"

Zombie Spider-Man then wrap Wolf Spider in his vein and artery webbing and hang him on a lamp post.

Zombie Spider-Man: "I told you it hurt me than it hurt you."

Zombie Spider-Man was about to walk away, until Wolf Spider says something that hit a nerve on Zombie Spider-Man.

Wolf Spider: "Enjoy having friends while they last, just like your Aunt May and Mary Jane before they met their demise at the hands of you."

Zombie Spider-Man stop and clutch his fists and turn to Wolf Spider and was about to punch him until you stop him.

(Y/N): "It's not worth it."

Then you got punch by someone in a black outfit, blonde hair, and a pair of sunglasses. Then the man turn to Zombie Spider-Man.

???(Albert Wesker): "Interesting, undead yet still retain a consciousness, interesting."

Zombie Spider-Man attacks the strange man until he disappear and reappear on a higher floor.

Zombie Spider-Man: "Who is this joker?"

Wolf Spider: "Albert Wesker wants to know how your abilities work."

Albert: "Let's see how effective the virus from your world."

Zombie Spider-Man then tries to leap onto Wesker, but then he teleported again to another location.

Zombie Spider-Man: "Now where did he go?"

Zombie Spider-Man's Zombie Sense went off and found Wesker in the coffee shop.

He follow his senses as you and the others fight off the zombie hoard and the creature.

Haggar: "This is how I clean my city!"

Haggar perform a body splash to 55 zombies as Frank put on an Exosuit and shoot ice blasts at 80 zombies.

Frank: "Someone got a bad case of frostbite!"

Then the Gigantas and Jasper bash around 600 zombies.

Doris and Giganta: "Giganta smash!"

Jasper: "Get out of my way you weaklings, so I can destroy the real threat."

Jasper makes her way to you and the creature as you keep dodging to avoid conflict between you and the creature.

(Y/N): "Listen to me, I do not want to fight you!"

Jasper: "I would!"

Jasper put on her crash helmet and use her Crash Comet technique and ram into the creature. The creature then push Jasper off of itself as Wesker appears next to her.

Albert: "It seems like you're built for combat."

Jasper: "All Quartz Soldiers are built for warfare and destruction."

Jasper then tries to punch Wesker but he disappeared and reappear next to Zombie Spider-Man.

Albert: "Vain and Artery webbing, senses that can detect uninfected flesh that passes through materials, spider powers, you make a great B.O.W. Spider-Man."

Zombie Spider-Man: "I prefer being a hero than a monster."

Zombie Spider-Mn launch a Vein and Artery web cable at a trashcan and swing it at Wesker as he dodge it. Then Wesker appears in front of you and grab you by the neck.

Albert: "You think you're a god, you're wrong."

You then stick your hand out as Mjolnir appears and you grab it and hit Albert Wesker in the face, breaking his sunglasses in the process. Then Zombie Spider-Man and the others head to you.

Zombie Spider-Man: "Where did you get that hammer?"

(Y/N): "Thor of Earth-2149, since he's no longer worthy of it."

Jasper: "Let me use that!"

Jasper then take the hammer then it was too heavy for her to lift. She tried to fit the hammer, but she cracks the floor below her feet.

Jasper: "How are you strong enough to lift this!?"

(Y/N): "It's not about strength..."

You then lift the hammer.

(Y/N): "It's about being worthy."

Wesker then got up and freed Wolf Spider from his vein and artery webbing prison and keep some of the veins and arteries for later.

Wolf Spider: "We'll meet again sooner or later."

Then Wolf Spider, Wesker, and the creature left the mall.

Jasper: "Get back here and fight you cowards, Green Diamond, permission to hunt them down!"

(Y/N): "Forget it Jasper, they're the least of our worries, if we don't eliminate all of the zombies in the mall, we're looking at a Zombie Outbreak waiting to happen, no offense Spidey."

Zombie Spider-Man: "None taken."

You then transform into Green Diamond once more.

Doris: "This one again?"

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "I like this one, can't go wrong with this."

Several hours later, all the zombies in the mall are eliminated(Except for Zombie Spider-Man) and you were still Green Diamond. The Lois Lanes are reporting the situation.

Lois(G1): "This Lois Lane from the Daily Planet coming on live from the Cantertropolis Mall where a Zombie Outbreak nearly happened, but it was stopped by a group of heroes, resident giant known as Giganta, and the mayor of the city Mike Haggar."

Lois then turn to you and put a mic to you.

Lois(G1): "Can you tell us what happened here (Y/N) 10?"

Before you can answer her question, you see a yellow, blue, and white ship in the shape of a top half of a body landing as everyone turn to the ship in confusion.

Frank: "I ain't missing this!"

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Uh, what's going on?"

Jasper: "I have contacted the diamonds, and they're here to see you, Green Diamond."

Then a white orb came out of the ship and land on the ground and then it open up and reveal 3 giant women, each of them is yellow, blue, and white.

???(Yellow Diamond): "Jasper, what is the meaning of-"

Then the giant women then see you as Green Diamond.

???(Blue Diamond): "Green, is that you?"

Jasper: "Green Diamond has returned Yellow, Blue, and White Diamonds."

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Hi there."

Blue then starts to cry with tears if joy as you feel tears running down from your eyes, then the gems except for White starts to cry. Then Blue picks you up and hugs you tightly.

Blue: "Green it's good to see you again!"

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Nice to see you too."

Yellow: "Blue, stop that."

Blue Diamond stops crying.

Blue: "Sorry, it's just, it's been so long since we last seen Green."

White: "And you changed your outfit, you always go with a casual look, I think the humans call it a hoodie."

Yellow: "How can we be sure if this is Green?"

White: "She always challenge strong opponents."

Then you Yellow's hand and flip her on her back.

Yellow: "Yep, that's Green alright."

You then revert back to human form.

Blue: "Where did Green go?"

(Y/N): "Sorry, it's just me, I'm (Y/N) by the way."

Blue Diamond sees your Ultimatrix.

Blue: "Is that how you were able to be Green Diamond?"

(Y/N): "The Ultimatrix, yeah."

White: "This is amazing, tell us what happened for the past few days, we've been getting messages all across the universe from people that we haven't met: The Kree Empire, The Nova Corps, Red Lantern Corps, and don't get me started with Larfleeze."

Yellow: "The one and only Orange Lantern."

(Y/N): "I'll explain when we get to my house."

Later, you were at your house and you explain everything to the diamonds about what happened for the last 17 days.

(Y/N): "And that's the whole story."

Blue: "This Ultron-Sigma sounds dangerous."

(Y/N): "I'll call Steven to know about A.I.M.BRELLA."

Yellow: "We'll tell him ourselves, cause we're about to go to war with Ultron-Sigma."

Next: Chapter 76: One Big Reunion

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