Chapter 88: Amnesia Lane

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63 days since The Convergence.

The Superhero Girls, the Crystal Gems, Gali, and the Humane 7 are at the Spider-Army Corps in Manhattan and they're sitting around your gemstone, waiting for you to come out.

Sunset: "Steven, do you have experience with this?"

Steven: "Yeah, all of his experiences are like a puzzle, if we find the right pieces we can get him to remember."

Then your gems starts to glow and float in the air.

Gali: "He's coming back!"

Then you reform into a small little green girl with a top which was cropped in the middle of her chest to reveal the Ultimatrix with large puffy green-and-white shoulder pads and shamrock gloves. She also wore a small green and white skirt, short puffy green pants, white stockings and a pair of green slippers with white pom poms floating over each of them. The small little girl look around and with an adorable smile as Rose hug her.

Rose: "You're just like how I remembered when I first found you."

Jessica: "You found Green Diamond?"

Rose: "She was all by herself on a planet, so I took her in and raise her as my own."

Steven: "Wait, (Y/N) was my brother!?"

Sunset: "I guess."

Green Diamond then hug Rose back.

Green: "Mama."

Gali: "That is so adorable."

Kara: "So, what kind of powers does Green Diamond have?"

Rose: "What do you mean?"

Kara: "You know that Blue is like emotions, Yellow is like electricity, White is basically possession, and you're like a healer, so what kind of powers does Green have?"

Rose: "Well, she has an assortment of powers like-"

Pinkie then see that Green Diamond is gone.

Pinkie: "Green Diamond is gone!"

Then everyone look to see that Green Diamond is gone.

Rose: "Teleportation."

Gali: "We need to find her and quick!"

later, in Australia, Green Diamond teleported to the front gates of a place called Junkertown.

Green: "Junkertown, what is Junkertown?"

Then two people were thrown out of the town, one of them is a skinny man with mechanical body parts, no shirt, green pants, and grenades on him while the other is a fat man with a gas mask, tires for shoulder pads, and tattoos of a pig.

???(Junkrat): "Well that's a fine how do you do."

The skinny man turn to the fat man.

???(Junkrat): "What was it that they gave us the boot, stealing the queen's cash, blowing up her summer shack, the beatdown at the bar!?"

The fat man didn't answer the question.

???(Junkrat): "Whatever it was, you really ticked off the big boss this time, I don't think they're gonna let us back in."

Random guy: "No!"

Green then tap on their shoulders as they turn to her.

???(Junkrat): "Who are you little girl!?"

Green: "My name is Green Diamond, it's nice to meet you humans."

???(Junkrat): "Well, the names Junkrat and this is my best buddy Roadhog."

Roadhog wave his hand in saying hello.

Green: "Hi."

Junkrat: "What brings you to side of the planet short stack?"

Green: "I was curious about this planet, so I'm doing some exploring."

Junkrat then lean in to Roadhog and whisper to him.

Junkrat: "I think she's one of those rock people from outer space."

Junkrat then turn back to Green.

Junkrat: "Well short stack, this place is not a little playground for kids, this is Junkertown, this place is filled with the toughest and meanest guys in all of Australia."

Junkrat sees Green Diamond walking up to the door and knock on it. The door opened and Green went inside as Junkrat and Roadhog were shocked from seeing the whole thing.

Junkrat: "Did they just let a little girl in Junkertown or have I gone mad?"

Later, Green Diamond was skipping around the town with joy and happiness on her face. When she found the Queen's palace in Junkertown, she entered the palace and see the Queen of Junkertown. She has blue hair and a torn up outfit.

???(Damage): "Who are you?"

Green: "My name is Green Diamond, what's your name?"

???(Damage): "My name is Damage, Queen of Junkertown, what brings you here?"

Later, in the Gamma Palace, Rose told the Diamonds about what happened to you.

Rose: "That's the whole story."

Blue then cries with sadness in her eyes as well as everyone.

Blue: "(Y/N) is gone!"

Then White's eyes glows white with anger and rage.

White: "Where are the gems responsible for this!?"

Back to Green Diamond, she was having a tea party with the Queen of Junkertown herself, Queen Damage.

Green: "Would you like some more tea?"

Damage: "Of course."

Green then pour some tea in Damage's cup as she drinks her cup.

Damage: "Thank you for setting up this tea party, you can comeback to Junkertown anytime Green."

Green: "Really, thank you."

Later, the Kara and Jessica were looking for Green Diamond in Australia, then they see Green Diamond handing out friendship bracelets to Junkrat and Roadhog.

Jessica: "There she is!"

Jessica and Kara fly down to Green Diamond and see that she is making friends with the two junkies.

Jessica: "Green, what are you doing?"

Green: "Making friends with these nice people, this is Junkrat and Roadhog."

Junkrat: "Yeah, short stack here made us welcome in Junkertown again, right Roadhog?"

Roadhog nods for a yes.

Kara: "Well that's nice kid, but we need you to go home."

Later, Green Diamond was on Kara's with her arms spread out as Kara and Jessica were flying in the air.

Green: "This is fun!"

Jessica: "We need to get Green home so we can remind her who she really is."

Kara: "Yeah, that's gonna be a problem."

Jessica: "Why?"

Kara: "Cause she's gone."

Jessica then see that Green Diamond is not on Kara's back.

Jessica: "Dang it!"

Later, Green Diamond was wondering around the forest and she found a defunct robot that is out of operation.

Green: "This one must be asleep."

Then a small bird landed in her hair and then chirps as a greeting to Green.

Green: "Hello little earthling."

The bird then fly onto her finger.

Green: "Aren't you adorable, you know you're a small creature on a big world, I'm gonna call you Ganymede since the moon called Ganymede since it's a small rock next to a big gas giant."

Green then turn to the defunct robot as the bird flies onto it's head and chirps.

Green: "Great idea Ganymede, maybe I can wake him up."

Green then rub her hands together to make a spark of energy and place her hands on the machine and then it activates and and get most of the dirt off of it's body.

Green: "It worked."

The robot makes a series of sounds in order to communicate.

Green: "Your name is Bastion, my name is Green Diamond it's nice to meet you."

The bird then lands on Green Diamond's shoulder and chirps.

Green: "This is Ganymede, my friend."

Ganymede then chirps in a hello to Bastion as Green sees a small nest on Bastion's shoulder.

Green: "Is that your nest Ganymede?"

Ganymede then chirps in as a yes.

Green: "It's adorable."

Later, back at in the Spider-Army Corps base, Gloriosa and the other Spider-Men are figuring out who would take your place for the time being.

Glorisa: "We need someone who can take (Y/N)'s place until he gets his memory back."

Peni: "I don't know."

Then Abacus Cinch came into the room with a box in her hands.

Abacus: "I will."

Abacus then open the box to reveal a different version of the Omnitrix.

Spider-Ham: "Wait, you out of all people?"

Abacus: "This model has features that differentiates from it's green counterpart, it's call he Antitrix, it has the ability to mutate the same quantity of aliens in (Y/N)'s watch."

Abacus then put on the watch as Gloriosa its curious about how she got it.

Gloriosa: "Where did you get that watch?"

Abacus: "I woke up one morning and made it with my barehands, it's was a simple build."

Gloriosa: "Have you used it before?"

Abacus: "Well, I was a hero like (Y/N) until I retire from heroism to work in a school, and since (Y/N) is out of commission it is time to put it on once more."

Abacus then put on the Antitrix and transform into a form that is similar to Upgrade.

Abacus as Bootleg: "Such a nostalgic feel."

Abacus then gets pain in her back.

Abacus as Bootleg: "But first I need some training to get back into shape."

Back to Green Diamond, she is sitting with Bastion next to a lake, making a friendship bracelet for Bastion to remember her by. Bastion then put on the bracelet and then hug Green Diamond.

Green: "It was nice meeting you Bastion, but I have to go and you'll have Ganymede as a friend, I hope we can see each other again, bye."

Green Diamond then walk out of the forest as Ganymede stays with Bastion. Green Diamond then head to a nearby city and then encounter a green and white robot with a gun for a hand. The robot then look at Green Diamond place a hand in front of her.

???(Orisa): "Be careful when crossing the street."

Green Diamond sees that she is on the edge of the road and on the sidewalk.

Green: "Thank you for saving me, what's your name?"

???(Orisa): "My name is Orisa, guardian omnic of Numbani and what is your name little girl?"

Green: "My name is Green Diamond, but just call me Green."

Orisa: "Where are your parents Green?"

???(Rose): "Green, where are you!?"

Green Diamond then sees Rose.

Green: "Mama?"

Rose and the Crystal gems then sees Green and heads to her and hug her.

Rose: "Green, oh thank the stars you're here, don't you wonder off again!"

Garnet: "I knew you'd be here."

Amethyst: "Never do that again."

Pearl: "You're too important to lose!"

Green: "Sorry guys, but I made a new friend, her name is Orisa and she is the guardian omnic of Numbani."

Orisa: "Please to meet you."

Rose: "My name is Rose, I'm her mother."

Orisa: "You should keep a better watch on your daughter before she gets hurt."

Rose: "I will."

Rose and the gems walk Green Diamond home to the warped and head back to Cantertropolis. Later, at The Vault, White Diamond is personally talking to Eyeball and Aquamarine while keeping all of her uncontrollable anger and rage in check.

White: "So, for what reason why you hit (Y/N) with a rejuvenator?"

Aquamarine was afraid to answer that question considering that she is talking to the grand matriarch of all gem kind.

Eyeball: "So we can watch this planet die!"

White Dimaond's eyes glows in anger and rage as Aquamarine looks at Eyeball.

Aquamarine: "You idiot!"

White Diamond then fire a beam of light at the gems and bleach them until they are mindless puppets. Then Steven came into the room and see what White has done to them.

Steven: "White, we talked about this."

White: "I know, but I am doing this to punish them for what they did to (Y/N), I'll undo it after a week or two."

Later, Rose thought that she returned to Cantertropolis but instead she and Green is in Tokyo, Japan.

Rose: "This is not Cantertropolis."

Green then see a girls with kimonos and a Shimada hairstyle and shapeshift her appearance to match. Rose then look at Green and see how adorable she looks.

Rose: "Oh, even now you know how to persuade me."

Amehtyst: "That looks awesome, lets put on that look!"

Pearl: "It is tradition in Japanese culture."

Garnet: "I should try it too."

Rose Quartz and the gems then shapeshift her hair and clothing to match Green's and head into town. Then it was night time and Green pull out a ukulele and play it.


🎵Isn't this such a beautiful night,🎵

🎵Whoa, we're underneath a thousand shining stars.
Isn't it nice to find yourself somewhere different,
Whoa, why don't you let yourself just be wherever you are.
Look at this place, look at your faces.
I've never seen you look like this before.
Isn't it nice to find yourself somewhere different,Whoa, why don't you let yourself just be wherever you are.Look at this place, look at your faces.
They're shining like a thousand shining stars
Isn't it nice to find yourself somewhere different,
Whoa, why don't you let yourself just be wherever you are.
Why don't you let yourself just be somewhere different.
Whoa, why don't you let yourself just be wherever you are.🎵

The gems are having fun all around the city: eating Japanese, watching Japanese dances, singing karaoke, and play a claw machine to earn a stuffed toy. When the gems finished their fun, they heard of an disturbance in town and head to it and see a monster is attacking Japan.

???(Doomsday): "ROAAAAAAAAAR!"

Then gems then pull out their weapons as Green Diamond was a bit confused.

Green: "Who is that?"

Garnet: "Doomsday!"

Rose: "Let's take him down!"

Pearl: "Amethyst, get Green Diamond to safety."

The gems fight off the monster as Amethyst grab Green Diamond and take her to a love hotel for safety.

Front Desk worker: "You two wanna room?"

Then there was a loud explosion as Amethyst turn to the front desk.

Amethyst: "Dude, I'm here to keep the kid safe alright!"

Front Desk worker: "Well your friends are fighting off that monster outside."

Green: "Friends?"

Green Diamond begins to glow and then grows to the same height as Pink Diamond. She then jump outside and fight off Doomsday with her Warhammer to smack away Doomsday.

Doomsday: "Roar!"

Green: "This is my mother's world and we will not let you destroy it!"

Pearl: "We?"

Green Diamond then summon Roadhog, Junkrat, Damage, Orisa, and Bastion like they're on a warp pad.

Junkrat: "How did we get here?"

Everyone turn to Doomsday and point their weapons at him.

Orisa: "Enemy in sight!"

Then everyone starts attacking Doomsday and he's about to be beaten until Abacus Cinch showed up and she had some training into using her Antitrix.

Abacus: "It's good to be back."

Abacus then transform into Dark Matter and create crystal swords.

Abacus as Dark Matter: "Let's see what your made of you brute!"

Abacus then finish off Doomsday and knock him out of commission. Then Green Diamod turn to Abacus as she turn to her and walk to her and revert to human form. Abacus then take a look at Green Diamond and see that her memory isn't fully restored.

Abacus: "His memory is not fully restored."

Green: "Who's memory?"

Abacus: "Word of advice my friend, with great power comes with great responsibility."

Green: "Responsibility?"

Then Green Diamond glows and restore her normal regeneration as a sign of her memory fully restored and then the Ultimatrix restore your own memory and it goes through all of the aliens in the new merged universe and finally your human form.

(A/N): Play 1:12 to 1:30

Then the gems hug you very tightly and they were crying with tears of joy.

Pearl: "(Y/N), you came back!"

Amethyst: "You're back and we love you!"

Garnet: "Welcome back."

Rose: "it is good to have you back."

Rose then turn to Abacus Cinch with appreciation.

Rose: "Thank you."

Abacus: "People like you and Steven need one last piece to complete the puzzle, as for (Y/N), he requires two pieces to finish the puzzle."

(Y/N): "Friendship and Responsibility."

Garnet then kiss you on the lips and then release and then both of you blush a bit.

Garnet: "It's good to have you back."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Next: Chapter 89: Protesting from Earth-16827

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