Chapter 9: Omnitrix Showcase

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Principal Celestia and Vice Principal setup an event for the whole school, it's called the Omnitrix Showcase: it's an event where you show the whole school what kind of powers you have in your Omnitrix. Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity see the poster of the event.

Sunset: "Wow, an Omnitrix Showcase tomorrow in the field."

Rarity: "My goodness, (Y/N) should be happy for this."

Applejack: "Ah can't wait for tomorrow."

Rainbow: "It's gonna be awesome!"

Fluttershy: "I hope he doesn't go overboard with his powers and destroy the school."

Pinkie: "The planning committee decorated the whole field for tomorrow, and we worked very hard it too."

One day later, today is the Omnitrix Showcase, and you're ready with Skurd. Everyone is on the field in the bleachers, while Celestia and Luna are on the field itself holding a microphone for each other.

Celestia: "Welcome to the first ever Omnitrix Showcase."

Luna: "Where (Y/N) (L/N) will perform his abilities for everybody in the school."

Celestia: "And here's the man of the hour, (Y/N) (L/N)!", as she said directing everyone's attention to you.

You walk to the middle of the field as Celestia as Luna head to their VIP seats, you had a headset with a microphone on it, while a lavaliere mic is on Skurd.

(Y/N): "Are ready to have your minds blown?"

Everyone: "YEAH!"

(Y/N): "Alright, what's the first alien Ms. C?"

Celestia blushed from the nickname.

Celestia: "Okay then, before we start, (Y/N) has 1000912 aliens, it take awhile to go over all of them."

Luna: "So, we wrote down all of the names of the alien forms (Y/N) has on slips of paper in this raffle drum, as you can see here next to me.", as she said cranking the lever.

When she stop cranking the lever, she took a slip out of it and hand it to her sister.

Celestia: "Your first alien is: Toepick."

Later in the bleachers.

Sunset: "Oh no."

Applejack: "What's wrong?"

Back to you.

(Y/N): "Are you sure about that one?"

Celestia: "Of course, please, do show us Toepick's powers."

(Y/N): "Okay then.", as you said transforming into Toepick.

Luna: "Can you demonstrate Toepick's powers please?"

(Y/N) as Toepick: "Okay then, didn't say I warned you.", as you said opening the cage that covers your face.

This scared everyone in the bleachers out of their colors and clothing, leaving them all naked. Everyone, except for a grey girl with bland clothing, black shoes, white sock, violet hair and eyeshadow in the bleachers.

???(Maud Pie): "That's scary, I'm freaking out hard.", as she said without emotion.

Pinkie: "Maud, how are not scared about this?!"

Maud: "I don't find it scary."

Back to you.

(Y/N) as Toepick: "I tried to warn you."

Soon everyone got their colors back and put their clothes back on. You close the cage that covers your face. Luna then crank the raffle drum, she then stop the cranking and pull out a slip of paper and hand it to Celestia.

Celestia: "The next one is Clockwork."

You then turn into Clockwork.

Skurd: "Chronosapiens have the power to control time."

Luna: "Can you demonstrate?"

(Y/N) as Clockwork: "I need a volunteer."

Luna then raise her hand.

(Y/N) as Clockwork: "Okay come on over."

Luna then walk over to you, she was 10 feet from you.

Luna: "Try not to age me to dust please."

(Y/N) as Clockwork: "I won't.", as you said firing a beam of time energy at Luna.

The beam age Luna to her middle school years: She had braces, headgear, pimples all over her face, and she has a body of a 6th grader.

Luna: "What the heck!", as she said in her puberty voice.

She then cover her mouth with her hands. You then fire a time beam at her again, it age her to a junior on high school. She was wearing a standard CHS cheerleader outfit with pom poms, and a bow on her head.

Luna: "I was in the cheerleading squad, I was captain for 4 years: W.O.N.D.E.R.C.O.L.T.S what does that spell, WONDERCOLTS!", as she said performing her old cheerleading moves.

You then zap her with a time beam again, reverting her back to her current age and current outfit. You then zap her with an another time beam, the time, you alters her mind and clothing that is slimier to the 90s, and she also got a guitar.

Luna: "That was the bomb!", as she said playing her newly obtain guitar.

Skurd: "You altered her clothing and mind to match the decade, I see."

You then revert Luna back normal.

Luna: "Why do I feel like I want to watch Rocko's Modern Life?"

(Y/N) as Clockwork: "Well, I can see past and future events, and that's all."

Luna head back to her seat, and crank the raffle drum and take the slip of paper and hand it to her sister.

Celestia: "Next is Pesky Dust."

You then turn into Pesky Dust.

Skurd: "Nemuinas have power over dreams."

(Y/N) as Pesky Dust: "Another volunteer please?"

Pinkie raise her hand and ran all the way to you in a flash.

Skurd: "I can't wait to see what dreams she has."

You then use your dream manipulation to put Pinkie to sleep.

Later in Pinkie's dream. Pinkie was surrounded by cakes and sweets, she was in heaven. She then eats the treats nonstop for eons to count.

Pinkie: "Best dream EVER!"

Outside the dream.

Pinkie: *happy muttering*

Celestia: "What kind of dream is she having?"

(Y/N) as Pesky Dust: "One with lots of candy and desserts."

Luna: "She would like that."

Later at Sugarcube Corner Café. There was a guy who was jealous of you getting all of the girls. His name was MacGuffin, he is a jock from CHS and he had all the girls before you arrived and he has magic powers.

MacGuffin: "I hate (Y/N), he's stealing all of the waifus in the school, and I hired the right girls for the job."

Then three girls with mystic pendants appeared behind MacGuffin.

???(Adagio Dazzle): "First things first, we enroll into this school."

Next: Chapter 10: Darkness is Fabulous

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