Chapter 91: Xgardian Invasion

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70 days since the Convergence.

You gathered Abacus, Kara, Timber, Diana, and Bizzarogirl to the HQ to have a meeting.

(Y/N): "Alright, 5 days ago Ultron-Sigma took over all of Xgard overnight with the aid of one of their own, Loki Laufeyson, the God of Mischief."

Diana: "A trickster."

Kara: "So what's the plan to take back Xgard?"

(Y/N): "Ultron-Sigma has the warriors 3, Thor, Odin, Heimdall, the Mega Men, Asura, Sif, Amora, Hela, and Skurge in prison."

Kara: "Can't they just use their Asgardian magic to turn Ultron-Sigma into scrap metal, since they're gods and all."

(Y/N): "Loki is clever and he'll do anything to sit on the throne of Xgard."

Timber: "Okay, so what's the plan?"

(Y/N): "We break them out."

Later, everyone head to the Megaship and then start it up.

Abacus: "Shouldn't we use the Bifrost to go to Xgard?"

(Y/N): "They'll be expecting that, so next stop."

Diana: "To Xgard!"

Diana then put in the coordinates and press the button as your eyes widen for seeing that Diana will make the ship from Earth to Xgard.

(Y/N): "Diana, I know new to this, but Amazon or not, it's not healthy for the human body to go more than 4 jumps at a time."

Diana: "Really, then how many jumps does it take to go to Xgard?"


Diana: "What are the side effects of jumping more than 4 times?"

(A/N): the videos says 700, but pretend its 10 octillion jumps, also play from 0:27 to 0:57

Everything around you and the others are being warped from the 10 octillion jumps


Then your ship passed an old man that has a green power ring talking to a baldman in a white and blue outfit.

Stan Lee: "Oh man, anyways before I was rudely interrupted, that time I was a security guard-"

Back to you and the others, the Megaship made it to the destination known as Xgard and everyone was a bit dizzy from the ride.

(Y/N): "Is everyone okay?"

Abacus: "We're okay."

Kara: "Diana, as your friend please get a space driver's license."

Bizzarogirl: "Ha ha, Bizarrogirl likes ride, lets do it again!"

Timber Spruce feels like he's about to vomit.

Timber: "I need bucket, like now!"

You then hand Timber a bucket so he can vomit, he vomit a little bit into the bucket.

(Y/N): "That wasn't so bad."

Timber then vomits a stream of vomit out of his mouth for 30 seconds.

(Y/N): "Whoah!"

Diana: "Great Hera!"

Kara: "How is that even possible?!"

Bizzarogirl: "Me not know!"

Abacus: "Repulsive!"

(Y/N): "Next time, I drive, cause I don't even trust Diana with a bike with training wheels right now."

Diana: "I understand, I don't get technology."

Timber: "Ya think!"

(Y/N): "Anyways, we're here."

You then land the Megaship on the rainbow bridge and everyone got out of the ship and they're prepped for anything.

(Y/N): "Alright, lets get them out of here and get them back to Earth."

Timber: "Why can't we take back Xgard?"

(Y/N): "Ultron-Sigma has upgraded himself to a point where their too strong even for the Odinforce and the Power Cosmic, despite having two infinity stones on hand, the best we can do here is get the prisoners out of here and live to fight another day."

Then you and the others hears a voice.

???(Loki Laufyson): "Couldn't agree more."

Then energy blasts shot both your Ultimatrix and Abacus' Antitrix destroying them completely.

Diana: "What was that?"

(Y/N): "Loki."

Then Loki appeared right in front of the group.

Loki: "You can't get out of this without those ridiculous toys."

Kara: "You should worry about us horn head!"

Bizarrogirl and Kara charge at Loki as he pull out chunks of Green and Blue Kryptonite necklaces. Then Bizarrogirl and Kara get weak from the necklaces as Loki put them on Kara and Bizzarogirl.

Loki: "Here are some welcoming gifts from me to you."

Kara: "I really hate Kryptonite."

Bizarrogirl: "Blue glowing rock hurt Bizarrogirl, blue rocks bad!"

Diana then pull out her Lasso of Truth as Timber access his Megaforce powers.

Timber: "Go Go Megaforce!"

Timber then aches his Megaforce ranger powers and pull out his weapons to fight Loki.

Diana: "You maybe the God of Mischief, but even you fall victim to the Lasso of Truth!"

Loki: "That is true, but a little bird told me that piece of string of your is unbreakable even to you."

Loki then cast a spell on Diana's lasso to make it tie up you and the others in it, Diana as well.

Loki: "The truth hurts doesn't it?"

Then Ultron-Sigma appeared from a blue portal made by the Space Stone.

Ultron-Sigma: "I see we have trespassers."

Loki: "If by we, you mean me and the minds in that hard drive that you call a brain?"

Ultron-Sigma: "Silence, you should be happy that you have control over Xgard."

Loki: "Changed or not, this realm belongs to me."

Diana: "You won't get away for this!"

Loki then put a spell on Diana to keep her shut.

Loki: "Oh shut up already."

Then the Ultron Drones then take all of you to the prison where Thor, Asura, the Mega Men, the Asgardians are.

Odin: "Warriors of Midgard, have come to our aid and failed."

Kara: "So these guys are Asgardians?"

Thor: "That is right young Kara, the warriors 3: Fandral, Volstaag, and Hogun."

Volstaag: "Greetings."

(Y/N): "Sif is a Norse Aphrodite, no offense."

Sif: "None taken."

(Y/N): "Her brother is the all seeing eye of the universe and Asgard's gatekeeper, Skurge is their executioner and Hela is the Goddess of Death, and Amora is an enchantress."

Kara: "And Asura is just staying here so he can have a place to stay."

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

Kara: "What is antlers and tin man up to?"

Thor: "Aye, if you're referring to Ultron-Sigma and my treacherous brother Loki, 5 days they conquered 8 of the 9 realms, leaving Midgard for last."

Volnutt: "They're gonna conquer the Earth!"

(Y/N): "Well it's time for Earth to attack Asgard."

Heimdall: "How can they enter our realm, they have the bifrost sword and even though Mjolnir has power over the bifrost, it is very limited compared to the sword."

Asura: "Get me out these chains so I can murder Loki!"

Odin: "Save your strength Asura."

(Y/N): "Timber, can you put all of the Power Rangers on speed dial?"

Timber then got out his morpher and send a signal to the Power Rangers.

Timber: "I'm not sure if-"

Timber then got a signal from a ranger.

???(Tommy Oliver): "Hello?"

(Y/N): "Tommy, this is an SOS from the realm of Xgard, get all the rangers here immediately, get to these coordinates."

Tommy: "We're on my way!"

Then Tommy hang up as Timber turn to you.

Timber: "I can't believe that theres a strong signal in here."

Then there was a perimeter breach in Xgard and Ultron-Sigma head out to see what it is. He sees a large army of people in colorful outfits.

Ultron-Sigma: "What is this?"

A man in a green dragon themed suit came in turn to Ultron-Sigma.

Tommy: "We're the Power Rangers, and we're gonna save our friends!"

Ultron-Sigma: "A mission that already failed, destroy them."

Ultron-Sigma launched all of his drones at the Power Rangers as they fight each other. Back to you and the others, Loki came by to their cell as they turn to him.

Odin: "Loki, my son, you have brought shame to Xgard."

Loki: "All of this is according to plan father."

Loki then deactivate the prison and everyone is free as Asura grab Loki by the neck and put up his fist.

Asura: "Why did you this!?"

Loki: "Calm yourself brute, like I said, it's all according to plan."

Skurge: "What do you mean?"

Loki: "Since all of the drones are out there fighting the intruders, the Destroyer Armor is left unguarded."

Thor: "Even with the Destroyer, we're still out matched."

(Y/N): "Thor you fell for it again."

Thor: "What do you mean?"

Loki then remove the illusions on the Ultimatrix and Antitrix and they look perfectly normal.

Odin: "You casted an illusion over their weapons, why?"

Loki: "To use their hubris as a weapon."

X: "What do you mean?"

Loki: "Everyone can be blinded with pride and confidence to a point where they underestimate their opponents, it was all part of the plan."

Odin: "Did you come up with this on your own?"

Loki: "I had a little help."

(Y/N): "Me and Abacus."

Timber: "What!?"

Omega-Xis: "What's the rest of the plan?"

Loki: "Unleash my creations against Ultron-Sigma."

You and Abacus transform into your new aliens that hasn't exist yet until now. Later, outside of the prison, Ultron-Sigma is fighting off Power Rangers until two tornadoes appeared one green and one red.

Ultron-Sigma: "What is this!?"

Then the tornadoes disappear and reveal a small green cartoon demon-like imp, with the Ultimatrix badge on a white bowtie, white shoes, white gloves, and pie shaped eyes and the other is a tall and slender woman that has the Antitrix badge on her tie like yours on a red glitter 1920 flapper dress with a short skirt, red hair, pie shaped eyes with an eye lash each, red high heels, white gloves, and a angel's halo and a set of devil horns on her head.

(Y/N) as ???(Studio) and Abacus as ???(Cinema): "Ssssmokin'!"

Ultron-Sigma: "Who are you?"

(Y/N) as ???(Studio): "Names Studio and this drink of water is Cinema."

Abacus as Cinema: "Howdy darlin."

(Y/N) as Studio: "And we're here to fight ya."

Ultron-Sigma then draw out their Z-Saber and slice Abacus' head off and it went flying and it landed back on her neck.

Abacus as Cinema: "Whoo, what a ride!"

(Y/N) as Studio: "Hey babe, can you keep our friend busy, I have a certain red and black mercenary to see."

You then open a hole in reality and head into it as Abacus pulls out some boxing gloves and start punching Ultron-Sigma and talk in a Russian accent.

Abacus as Cinema: "I must break you."

Later, with you, you are looking around the internet and you found a video called Deadpool vs. Mask, you then went into it and found 2 people, one of them is a scientist with a cybernetic arm and the other is a redneck with a shotgun for a leg. The redneck then shake an envelope and come out a purple glowing stone as the scientist sees it.

???(Wiz): "Oh no!"

Then a man in a red and black suit suddenly appeared as the scientist and redneck run away, but you managed to catch them by using bubble gum.

???(Deadpool): "Oh Yes!

(Y/N) as Studio: "Hey Deadpool."

Deadpool: "Oh hey Studio, hows it going?"

(Y/N) as Studio: "Can I have that Continuity Stone, it's for a story in Wattpad called Hero of CHS."

Deadpool: "Oh sure, I know Blake Masonic is doing the Convergence Arc, and I love it!"

Deadpool then hand you the Continuity Stone.

Deadpool: "I know it's a standard for Marvel properties to have 6 infinity stones per universe, but it's more fun with this thing."

(Y/N) as Studio: "Okay thanks, and I hope you'll be alright after what happened between you and Big Head."

Deadpool: "Oh don't worry, and hey if you need a Deadpool, just get me on the horn, and deadpoolmerkwiththem if you're reading this, you'll make a great Deadpool someday, probably be my new actor when I get into the MCU."

(Y/N) as Studio: "Alright, see ya."

Back in Xgard, Abacus is currently fighting Ultron-Sigma with her purse, literally.

Abacus as Cinema: "Lets see if I have something in here."

Abacus looks through her purse and found a large wooden mallet and pull it out.

Abacus as Cinema: "This will do the trick."

She whack Ultron-Sigma on the head and she did a handshake with Ultron-Sigma and electrocute him with 10 gigavolts of electricity.

Abacus as Cinema: "It is quite shocking that you're weak to electricity."

Meanwhile, the rest of the team, the Asgardians, the Mega Men, and Asura are at the armory to get their weapons and they found the Destroyer Armor as well.

Loki: "Now let's help out (Y/N) and Abacus."

Later, the rest of the team, the Asgardians, the Mega Men, and Asura head outside and fight off the Ultron Drones along with the Power Rangers.

Hela: "Feel the wrath of Niffelheim!"

Hela launches beams of Asgardian magic at 500 of the drones as the Warriors 3 bash 50 other drones.

Volstaag: "Taste our steel!"

Fandral: "This is just like fighting Dark Elves!"

Thor and Loki launch energy based attacks on 80 of the drones.

Loki: "Who knew destroying these lifeless shells could be so fun."

Thor: "There is more of them to destroy brother."

Then a hole of reality appeared and you came out of it and turn to Abacus and Ultron-Sigma

(Y/N) as Studio: "Hey guys, I'm back."

Then Ultron-Sigma punch Abacus in the breasts as it bounces, she then slap Ultron-Sigma in the face hard enough that it launched him into a tower.

Abacus as Cinema: "Pervert!"

You then pull out the Continuity Stone and walk to Abacus as she turn to you and sees the stone.

Abacus as Cinema: "Is that the Continuity Stone?"

(Y/N) as Studio: "You bet your halo babe."

Then Ultron-Sigma flies back to you and Abacus and sees the stone.

Ultron-Sigma: "An unregistered Infinity Stone, what does this one can do?"

You then show what the stone is capable of.

(Y/N) as Studio: "Oh I can a lot of things with this Continuity Stone, I can prevent Doomsday from being born, rewrite the DCEU, erase Teen Titans Go from existence, make Goku a playable character in Injustice, or even give you one and only one emotion, self-loathing for 12 hours."

Then Ultron-Sigma is expressing his one and only emotion of self-loathing.

Ultron-Sigma: "We are a bunch of bullies, with a body that we didn't earn."

Ultron-Sigma then starts eating ice cream, even though they're lacking stomach.

(Y/N) as Studio: "Now for the rest."

You use the stone to make the Ultron Drones destroy each other as everyone else were confused.

Kara: "What is happening right now?"

Tommy: "I don't know."

Heimdall: "Everyone into the Bifrost!"

Timber: "We'll take the Megaship!"

You and the team head into the Megaship as the Asgardians, Mega Men, Asura, and the Power Rangers head into the Bifrost. When you and the others got back to Earth, you and Abacus turn to the team.

Abacus as Cinema: "Now, if you ever need Studio and I, just let (Y/N) and Abacus know, we'll be there in a flash."

(Y/N) as Studio: "Literally, but first."

You then peck abacus on the cheek as she blush, then you and Abacus reverted back to human form.

Abacus: "Well that was interesting."

(Y/N): "Tell me about it."

Later, you put the Continuity Stone into the HQ's vault, where it contains all of the artifacts and weapons that you collected from the past 13 yrs. You then close the vault and head out, but then you see Diana in the HQ, all alone.

(Y/N): "Diana, what are you doing here?"

Diana then then pull you in for a kiss on the lips.

Diana: "I just want to say, I love you and Sunset filled me in on the subject of you having multiple lovers."

(Y/N): "Okay, glad to hear it."

Diana: "And my friends do as well, but let them decide to confess when the moment is right."

(Y/N): "Gotcha."

Next: Chapter 92: A Super Meeting

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