Chapter 93: Moon Stalker

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72 days since The Convergence.

You, Kevin, Ben, Jessica,and Gwen are in the Megaship on trip back to Earth after fixing the Ultimatrix. Jessica is reading through files about your time in space.

(Y/N): "Well, got the Ultimatrix fixed up and we're heading back home."

Jessica then sees something in the files and see that there's a small purple moon in all the pictures of the files.

Jessica: "Hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Jessica: "There's always a small moon in all of your adventures in space, like it's following you."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Jessica: "It's like you're being stalked, by a moon for the past 13 years."

(Y/N): "That's probably Ego watching me."

Jessica: "Ego is way too big to be a moon."

Kevin sees a purple moon with a face on it and it's following the Megaship.

Kevin: "Uh guys, why is there a moon following us?"

(Y/N): "What?"

You then see the moon following the Megaship.

(Y/N): "What the heck."

You turn the Megaship to the purple moon and see it's alive.

(Y/N): "I met living planets, but living moons is another thing."

Jessica: "How can we can communicate with a living moon?"

(Y/N): "Let me handle this one, Jess you're coming with me on this one."

Later, you were inside of a green airtight orb made by Jessica and you're in the optimum distance for what you planned.

Jessica: "Are you sure about this?

(Y/N): "Trust me."

You then transform into Terravenger as Jessica was surprised to see you as a living planet.

Jessica: "Wow."

You then turn to the living moon and catch it in your orbit.

(Y/N) as Terravenger: "Who are you?"

???(Illa the Living Moon): "My name is Illa the Living Moon, I am the daughter of Ego the Living Planet and I've been watching you for 13 years, (Y/N) 10."

(Y/N) as Terravenger: "Why?"

Illa: "I always admired your courage and bravery, you stand your ground against the most powerful foes and I want to stay with you."

(Y/N) as Terravenger: "Well okay, just follow the Megaship to Earth."

Later on Earth, The Dazzlings are putting on PJs for the night and Sonata is looking out of the window and see a second moon.

Sonata: "Um girls, they is there a second moon?"

Aria: "That's probably your imagination Sonata."

Sonata then sees a face on the second moon.

Sonata: "Girls."

Aria: "Don't tell us that theres another moon."

Sonata: "Uh no, the second moon has a face on it."

Aria and Adagio: "What?"

Aria and Adagio look out the windows and see Illa the Living Moon.

Adagio: "That's a living moon!"

The Megaship then land on the street outside as The Dazzlings get outside and see you and the others get out of the ship.

Adagio: "Start explaining."

(Y/N): "Well the moon's name is Illa and she's Ego's daughter."

Gwen T: "Just so you know we sent Ego a message."

???(Moon Knight): "I sensed the power of the moon doubled when she appeared."

You and the others turn to a man with a white clock and a moon themed outfit.

(Y/N): "Moon Knight, I knew you'll show up here eventually."

Ben: "Hey (Y/N), who's this Moon Knight?"

(Y/N): "Moon Knight is a complicated guy, he's a cab driver, entrepreneur, and a superhero, he suffers from issociative identity disorder, but he's a great hero none the less and he draws power from the moon itself."

Moon Knight then turn to the moon and speak to it.

Moon Knight: "The Moon is speaking to me, I hear you, I will accept this responsibility."

Kevin: "Okay this guy is nuts."

(Y/N): "What's the word?"

Moon Knight: "The Moon wants me to be the guardian of Illa the Living Moon."

(Y/N): "Alright, I'll give Illa a crash course on making a small extension of herself."

You then transform into Jetray and fly up to Illa and land on her surface.

(Y/N) as Jet Ray: "Illa, I'm gonna teach you how to make a small extension of yourself."

Illa then make a rock formation with her face on it.

Illa: "Really, my father doesn't think I'm ready to do such thing."

(Y/N) as Jet Ray: "I self taught myself so I'm gonna teach you how to do it, since I'm a living planet myself sometimes."

Illa: "Alright, you can be my mentor on this."

(Y/N) as Jet Ray: "Alright, remember this, the mind is just a focus point the strength comes from the heart, I don't use my head to make my extensions I use my heart."

Illa: "Alright."

Illa concentrates and make a small extension of herself which looks like a humanoid being with purple skin, purple robes, and yellow eyes.

Illa: "I did it, I did it, one the first try!"

(Y/N) as Jet Ray: "Alright, now heres the hard part, focus the energy of your consciousness only on that extension and leave the rest behind."

The eyes on the humanoid glows brighter and become poised by Illa herself. Illa then moves the body like an average person.

(Y/N) as Jet Ray: "You did it, and remember don't stay away from your moon body for too long or you'll be dead."

Illa: "Alright."

(Y/N) as Jet Ray: "I have a friend that can keep an eye on ya, his name is Moon Knight."

Later, you and Illa fly down from her moon body and head to The Dazzlings' house. Ben, Gwen, Kevin, The Dazzlings, Moon Knight see you and Illa landing on the ground.

(Y/N): "Hey guys, we got ourselves a Living Moon and she's bunking with our moon in the orbit of Earth."

Moon Knight then bow down before Illa.

Moon Knight: "Lady Illa, I am the avatar of the moon's will, The Moon Knight, the moon trusted me to be your guardian if you allow me to be on the surface of your moon."

Illa: "Of course Moon Knight, you'll be my emissary and guardian."

(Y/N): "That's the guy I was talking about you."

Illa: "Thank you for letting me stay in the orbits of your world."

(Y/N): "Well, I guess the Earth has to get used to having another moon."

Next: Chapter 94: Invasion Plan

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