Chapter 95: Prison Break

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88 days since The Convergence.

You gathered your mother, Optimus Prime, Eren Jaeger, Gali, and Alastor to the Avengers Tower for a meeting for your defense plan.

(Y/N): "Alright everyone, listen up, heres the Defense Plan."

(M/N): "What should we do sweetie?"

(Y/N): "The Offense team will head to Xgard and break someone out of the prison, not everyone is going to Xgard, you'll play defense."

Gali: "What's the plan?"

(Y/N): "Layer 1: Planet Shield, that where you come in Gali, Planet Shield will comprise of Gali, Galactus, Mogo, Ego, Primus, and Oa the Living Planet, they'll survey around the area outside of the Solar System."

Optimus: "I'll send a message to Primus."

(M/N): "And I'll find Oa the Living Planet."

(Y/N): "Layer 2 of Defense: Lantern Field, this line of defense is made up of all the lanterns from every corps, they'll be guarding the planet."

(M/N): "I'll make some calls."

(Y/N): "Layer 3 of Defense: the Autobots and the Survey Corps and their Titan Shifters, they'll be in the Blue Zone of our moon, and the Survey Corps is outfitted with the latest tech."

Optimus: "It'll be an honor to fight by your side once more."

Eren: "I'll fight all of those titans until they're all dead."

Optimus: "The Decepticons will perish along with them."

Alastor: "And what about me my boy?"

(Y/N): "Layer 4 of Defense: Alastor, you'll be in charge of commanding the entire population of the Ghost Zone and all of the Power Rangers, they'll be in New Metro City, I told one of them name Desiree to gather them up and be on the look out for Ultron drones."

Alastor: "Why thank you friend."

(Y/N): "Alright you know the plan right?"

Everyone: "Right."

(Y/N): "Now go."

Later, your mother gathers Ego, Mogo, Oa the Living Planets. Optimus gets Primus and Gali gets Galactus.

Optimus: "Primus, there's a threat that is beyond your power."

Primus: "I know the danger of Ultron-Sigma, he has taken control of my equal Unicron, I will assist you Optimus Prime."

Later, with your mother is talking to 3 living planets about Ultron-Sigma.

(M/N): "We need your help, Mogo, Ego, and Oa."

Oa: "We will aid you in your battle against Ultron-Sigma."

Later, Gali brought Galactus to the outer regions of the solar system.

Gali: "Thanks for helping daddy."

Galactus: "You're welcome my daughter."

Later, your mother is getting all of the lanterns of every corps in the universe, including one that looks like Iron Man.

(M/N): "Thanks for helping Iron Lantern."

Iron Lantern: "No problem."

Later, in the Blue Zone on the Moon, there was a yellow autobot that brought the upgraded weapons for the Survey Corps.

???(Bee): "Alright everyone, get your weapons ready and prepare for any immediate danger that'll come to the Earth."

Survey Corps members: "On it!"

Later, in New Metro City, all the ghosts and rangers are all gathered in New Metro City around the Avengers Tower. You then talk to Alastor about any possible threats.

(Y/N): "Alright Alastor, if there is anything or anyone from A.I.M.BRELLA or Ultron-Sigma, you attack them."

Alastor: "Sure thing my boy."

Red then turn to you.

Red: "Hey (Y/N), you coming or what?"

(Y/N): "I'll be right there."

You then head to Jessica and Hal and you see a blue cat in Jessica's arms.

(Y/N): "Hey Jess, who's this?"

Jessica: "Oh this is Dexter, he's a red lantern like Bleez and he's coming along."

(Y/N): "Alright, let's go team."

Later, everyone was on Illa's surface and you were talking to Rex.

(Y/N): "So you're not coming?"

Rex: "Nah, I rather go to Xgard when it's not under the control of a genocidal robot, and besides my crew will take care of things on Earth."

(Y/N): "I understand, takecare."

Rex went into the Megaship and fly off as you head to the others. Hulk was talking to Red.

Hulk: "Red, you're in charge of the Smashers while Ryu and I are on Earth, I'll be going Banner for awhile okay."

Red: "You got it Jade Jaws."

Hulk then transform into Dr. Bruce Banner.

Bruce: "Take care guys."

Rocket was talking to the other Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova

Rocket: "Well you guys checkout what's going on in Knowmoon with Nova, while I hang with these guys."

Groot: "I am Groot?"

Rocket: "Listen Groot, we'll be back before you say I am Groot."

Drax: "But you can't move that fast."

Rocket: "What I mean Mr. Literal is that we'll be back in no time."

Drax: "I don't understand what you mean."

Starlord: "Come on Drax."

Nova: "Let's head to Knowmoon."

The Guardians head into the Milano and head to Knowmoon, you then see two people, one of them is a man that has a orange suit and other is a woman that has a blue suit.

(Y/N): "Mr and Mrs. Fenton, you're not facing against ghosts anymore, we're facing Ultron-Sigma."

Mr. Fenton: "Robots, ghosts, leprechauns, we have a job to do."

(Y/N): "Okay, but you have to gear up."

You then open a large box of weapons and you pulled out some weapons and hand them to the ghost hunters.

(Y/N): "Alright, I modified your normal weapons so they can only shoot only electricity."

Mr. Fenton: "Gotcha."

You then pull out another Omnitrix and you turn to Ben.

(Y/N): "Hey Ben, catch."

You then throw the watch to Ben as he catch it.

Ben: "My own Omnitrix, thanks."

(Y/N): "No problem."

Ben: "Does that mean I have all of your aliens and the Omni-Enhanced and Ultimate settings?"

(Y/N): "If you want it, you have to earn them."

Ben: "Fair enough."

Illa then head a course for Xgard as you gather everyone for the mission to break the mystery prisoner out of prison.

(Y/N): "Alright everyone, when we get there, Illa will leave and head back to our solar system and when we get the prisoner out, Dr. Strange, Zee, and Trixie will make a portal back to Earth."

Red: "Hope that hocus pocus get us out of enemy territory."

Later, Illa arrived at the gates of Xgard and everyone got onto the rainbow bridge as Illa left the area.

Illa: "Hope you be alright."

You then hand Moon Knight a belt with a glowing moon rock on it.

(Y/N): "That belt can give you the same power under the full moon, Moon Knight."

Moon Knight: "Thank you."

(Y/N): "Alright everyone, let's get their attention."

Cherri: "Alright!"

Cherri then throw a bomb at some Ultron drones as the alarm goes off.

(Y/N): "Distraction scenario go!"

Everyone then fight off the Ultron Drones one team at a time. The Mega Men start shooting the other Ultron Drones as Danny shoot energy blasts at 10 of the Ultron Drones. Diana and Tatsu slice through 40 Ultron Drones as Bizzarogirl and Kara melt through 20 Ultron Drones. Karen then shrink in size and short circuits the Ultron Drone and make it fire lasers at the other drones. Then you and Ben transform into Four Arms and Oscar and fight off 45 Ultron Drones.

Ben as Four Arms: "Do I have that?"

(Y/N) as Oscar: "Pretty much."

Ben as Four Arms: "How strong is that guy?"

You then use magnetism to grab 10 thousand of the drones and crush them into a small ball.

(Y/N) as Oscar: "This strong, also where can I throw this?"

Ben as Four Arms: "Um, anywhere is good."

Jessica made a force field around the Supervillain girls as she place Dexter on the ground, she then pull out Dexter's red lantern ring and put it on Dexter's tail and he went into his red lantern form. Jessica let the shield down and Dexter turn to the Ultron drones.

???(Dex-Starr): "You worthless piles of scrap, if you harm the only being in the universe who can handle my rage, then you will suffer from the wrath of Dex-Starr!"

Then Dex-Starr destroys 200 Ultron drones as the Supervillain girls were shocked from seeing an angry kitty destroying robots as Jessica adores her pet cat destroying robots.

Jessica: "Awww, that's so sweet Dex-Starr."

Later, the Smashers are bashing around some drones on their own whim.

Skaar: "Skaar slash metal men!"

Skaar destroys four drones as A-Bomb rolls into 20 drones.

A-Bomb: "Dudes, I would so kill it in bowling!"

Red: "Forget bowling, I kill it in the shooting range!"

Red then pull out his rifles and fires them at 56 drones.

Red: "Hey Abomination, you have my permission to use the Gamma Rocket Launcher."

Red then get the rocket launcher off of his back and throw it to Abomination as he fires a rocket to blow up 45 drones.

Abomination: "Do svidaniya drones."

She Hulk and Red She Hulk are charging into 90 drones.

She Hulk: "Lets put these buckets of bolts into the scrapyard!"

Red She-Hulk: "Thought you never asked!"

The She-Hulks then destroy the drones with their gamma gauntlets. Amaterasu use her celestial brush to create a Cherry Bomb to destroy the 34 drones that were gonna attack Tatsu as she turn to the drones as the bomb explodes and destroy them, Tatsu then bow down to the sun goddess.

Tatsu: "Amaterasu, thank you for saving me, I owe you my life."

Amaterasu: "Nows not the time to bow, it is time to act."

Tatsu then slice 45 drones in half in a blink of an eye.

Tatsu: "As you may wish, I will be honored bound to serve you Goddess of the Sun."

Amaterasu: "You may not be immortal, but that doesn't mean you're strong yourself, Katana in the universe where heroes show their skills among their fellow students freely and the Katana of the universe who hides their talents and use them when the time is right, the one thing have in common is that they're great warriors."

Then a drone was about to shoot a laser at Tatsu as she slice the head clean through and put away her sword as it falls off onto the ground.

Tatsu: "Thank you Amaterasu, for the wisdom."

Babs then turn to Tatsu as she throws grenades into 45 drones.

Babs: "Hey Tatsu, can you give us a helping hand?"

Tatsu: "Of course."

Tatsu then fight off 60 drones as Kevin Thor's hammer and absorb the Ooro material on the hammer to make his hand a hammer and bash 29 drones. Then X pickup Cap's shield and throw it into 60 drones then Cap catch his shield and get to X as you, Ben and Abacus head to him as well.

Capt. America: "X, (Y/N), Abacus, Ben."

Then drones come in as Strider slice them with his sword and head to you and the others.

X: "Strider!"

(Y/N) as Oscar: "What's the situation?"

Strider: "Captain America, (Y/N), our teams are in position, the enemy's forces are massing at the palace gates."

Capt. America: "Then let's not keep them waiting."

You then transform into Green Diamond.

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Heroes, move out!"

You and the others ran into a large squadron of drones as you revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "More drones, cap I need your shield!"

Capt. America: "I'll lend you my shield anytime!"

Cap then hand you his shield and you throw it at 40 of the drones and you catch it.

X: "With us together this'll be a cinch."

Abacus then transform into Bootleg and turn to X.

Abacus: "Like this."

Abacus then merge herself with X to give him an upgrade.

X: "This will work!"

Later, with Chun-Li and Capt. Marvel, Chun-Li use her spinning bird kick technique on 45 drones and launch an energy strike at one.

Chun-Li: "Kikoken!"

Then Captain Marvel dive kick into a drone as the Female Furries bash around 70 drones, you head to Chun-Li and Captain Marvel and transform into Studio.

Capt. Marvel: "Chun-Li, (Y/N)?"

You as Studio and Chun-Li: "Captain Marvel."

Chun-Li: "Shall we?"

(Y/N) as Studio: "Let's shall."

You, Chun-Li, and Captain Marvel start fighting off the drones, you then pull out a sword and cut a nearby rope and it drop a piano onto 56 drones.

(Y/N) as Studio: "Oops, did I do that?"

Capt. Marvel: "You guys don't know when to quit, do you?"

Chun-Li spots 1000 drones heading their way.

Chun-Li: "Here they come..."

Capt. Marvel: "Ready for round two?"

Chun-Li: "Different streets, same fight."

You then pull out two guns which are labeled Neutra-Friction and Antintertia Ray.

(Y/N) as Studio: "Can you step aside please girls?"

Chun-Li and Captain Marvel move out of the way as you fire the guns at the drones and they start to slip on their feat. One of them punch you in the face, but with the lack of inertia they can't make the punch painful, you then push one of them with your finger and they start to bump into each other and they can't stop themselves.

Capt. Marvel: "Nice aim."

Then 600 drones appeared as you transform into Atoimix and Capt. Marvel go Binary. You, Chun-Li, and Captain Marvel launch an energy beam that destroyed the drones.

(Y/N) as Atomix: "That wasn't so hard."

Then several drones appear behind you and the girls as they charge into you. Then mystic energy grab them and destroy them, they found the source and it was Dr. Strange, Trixie, and the Humane 7.

Capt. America: "Dr. Strange, Trixie!"

(Y/N) as Atomix: "Hey girls."

Later, in the throne room of Xgard, Ultron is giving out orders to a new set of soldiers that are the infected warriors of Asgard.

Ultron-Sigma: "Heroes of all universes, welcome to ours, the Prince of Asgard has come home, go show him what we've made of you."

Then the troops head out and find Thor and show them what they're made of. Later, Thor and his fellow Asgardians: Skurge and Heimdall are fighting off drones alongside Arthur. Thor leap into the air launch a lighting strike at the ground.

Thor: "Vengence for Asgard!"

Arthur then catch the bolt of lightning and super charge his lance and destroy 70 drones by charging into them.

Thor: "Sir Arthur, not bad, for one so small."

Arthur: "And you Thor are indeed might, for a heathen god."

Heimdall: "Thor is a powerful threat to our enemies from the Frost Giants of Jotunheim to the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim."

Then Arthur, Thor, Skurge, and Heimdall see infected Asgardians heading their way and they start to charge at the warriors.

Arthur: "What's this, fresh fodder!"

Thor: "No, stay your lance!"

Thor and his fellow Asgardians get a closer look at them.

Thor: "Our people, what has become of them?"

Skurge: "Grrrr, once I get my hands on that metallic menace, it'll be his head!"

Then Iron Man and Spencer knockout the infected Asgardians.

Iron Man: "No need to panic, big guy, they're just taking a nap, they'll be fine, eventually."

Thor: "Stark, Spencer."

You catch up to Iron Man and Spencer as XLR8 as Spencer turn to you.

Spencer: "You got super speed and you're already late."

(Y/N) as XLR8: "I have to destroy a lot of drones before getting here."

Iron Man then turn to Arthur's weapon.

Iron Man: "Nice weapon Lance-a-little, compensating for something?"

Arthur: "Only your foolishness, Iron Man."

Thor: "Haha, I like him!"

You then revert to human form and turn to Thor.

(Y/N): "Hey Thor, can I borrow your hammer, I left mine at home."

Thor: "You may my friend."

Thor then hand you his hammer as you throw it into 60 drones. Later, Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb are destroying multiple drones by the hundreds.

Angel Dust: "Well this is the biggest turf war we've ever been to!"

Cherri: "You said it, these tinker toys have nothing on us!"

Angel Dust: "You said it Cherri!"

Then Gwen launch blasts of mana at 800 drones as Cherri and Angel Dust spot her doing it.

Cherri: "Hey, those guys were ours!"

Gwen S: "I didn't see your names on them."

Then Danny and his father blasted 47 drones behind Cherri and Angel Dust.

Mr. Fenton: "Nice shot son!"

Danny: "A ghost and a ghost hunter working together, who knew?"

Later, Dante and Hawkeye are having a competition of who can get the most drones.

Dante: "Seven Six!"

Dante slice a drone in half.

Dante: "Eight six."

Dante then shot another drone with his guns.

Dante: "Nine Six, come on Hawkeye, man this is getting embarrassing!"

Hawkeye then fire an arrow that can shoot four targets all at once and turn to Dante.

Hawkeye: "Let's call it a tie."

Rocket: "Yo, Dante."

Dante then turn to Rocket.

Rocket: "Out of ammo, can the ladies come out to play?"

Dante: "For you Rocket, anything, be good."

Dante then toss Rocket the pistols Ebony and Ivory as Rocket catch them.

Rocket: "Ebony, Ivory?"

Rocket then points the pistols at 56 drones and open fire.

Rocket: "Care to dance?"

Red: "Hey Dante, can I borrow your briefcase?"

Dante: "Sure thing man."

Dante then toss Red black briefcase that has some symbols on them.

Red: "Let show you how it's done!"

The case then transform into PF: 594 Argument and open fire at 700 drones. Later, you transform into Kickin Hawk and fight the drones.

Chris: "These things are like cockroaches!"

Thor: "Have care, Commander Redfield, these were once our people, even now they fight well."

Then the Mega Men shot down 65 drones as Thor turn to them.

X: "This was our home too, Thor, Ultron-Sigma's going to pay for what he's done."

Rock: "I'm mostly responsible for this X, cause Dr. Wily want to beat Dr. Light even beyond the grave."

X: "Listen Rock, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't exist right now."

Then more drones appear as Thor and the Mega Men stand their ground against them.

Thor: "Courage, my friend, I swear I will release you from Ultron-Sigma's grasp or die trying."

Later, you, Abacus, Ben, and Angel Dust are with Captain America.

Capt. America: "Where's Dr. Strange."

Ben, Abacus, and you revert back to human form.

Dr. Strange: "Captain?"

Captain America turn to Dr. Strange and Trixie.

Capt. America: "You two, can you get us in?"

Dr. Strange: "The Convergence has left Asgard's magic weakened."

Trixie: "We can breach the prison's walls from here."

(Y/N): "Good, Commander Redfield, Chris you ready?"

Chris then put a bullet in a drone's head and toss it to the side and turn to you and the others and gestured that he's ready.

Ben: "That's a yes."

(Y/N): "Strider, Chun-Li, Rocket, Angel Dust, Ben with Strange and Trixie."

Chris: "This prisoner better have the answers we need."

(Y/N): "He will."

Trixie and Dr. Strange make a portal that leads into the prison as you and the others head into it.

Capt. America: "He has to or this is the end."

Later, you and the group are in the prison and you all look around the area for the prisoner. Dr. Strange and Trixie feels a disturbance in the prison.

Dr. Strange: "Do you feel it?"

Trixie: "This psychic maelstrom of torment and despair?"

Rocket: "Yeah, it sucks."

Angel Dust: "You don't know the half of it."

Chun-Li: "Every prison's the same."

Rocket: "Done a lot of hard time, huh?"

Chun-Li: "No, but I've put away punks like you away."

(Y/N): "Translation, she's a police officer who has never skipped leg day since she was born."

Chun-Li: "You're not bad yourself (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "That's because I have nutritional diet and I have a gym membership at LA Fitness."

Then drones and infected Asgardians appeared in the room.

???(Xgardian): "Halt!"

(Y/N): "Ultron-Sigma is using Asgardian warriors as his minions."

Ben: "Sigma Virus infected Asgardian."

Ban and Angel Dust: "Xgardian, jinx!"

Chris: "We can't let them sound the alarm, take them down!"

Rocket: "So much for the Secret Mission."

You then see a different version of yourself that looks like a Native American that is locked up and you see that he doesn't have an Omnitrix.

Your thoughts: "He can help."

You then open the prison as you Native American counterpart wakes up.

(Y/N) Cloud: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "No time to explain, but we need your help!"

Your Native American double got up and see the drones and Xgardians attacking your friends.

(Y/N) Cloud: "Ancestors, give me the strength!"

Your Native American counterpart created tomahawks out of energy and throw it at the drones and destroy them and knock out the Xgardians. He then take a close look at the Xgardians.

(Y/N) Cloud: "What force controls such beings of great power?"

(Y/N): "The Sigma Virus."

Trixie then turn to your Native American counterpart.

Trixie: "Who are you and why do you look like (Y/N), Trixie demands to know!?"

(Y/N): "He's me from a parallel universe, apparently he's a Native American."

Chris then head tot he prison cell that you and the others were searching for.

Chris: "This is it."

Chris then open the cell as you, Ben, and Angel Dust see who it is, the door opened to revealed to be Thanos inside some restraints.

Rocket: "Oh no, nuh-uh, bad idea!"

(Y/N): "I guess Loki was telling the truth about if we know who's the prisoner that can help us out in finding the other Infinity Stones."

Then the rest of the group got to see the prisoner.

Chun-Li: "Rocket, what is it?"

Rocket: "Seriously, you know who this is right, Doc back me up here!"

Then the alarm went off as Strider turns to Chris.

Strider: "Commander!"

Chris: "We've got a job to do."

Chris opens the door and turn to the team.

Chris: "We're not leaving without him."

(Y/N): "Alright big guy, time for a piggyback ride."

You then transform into Oscar and make Doc Ock Arms and pick up Thanos and wrap him in a piggyback position.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team are fighting off drones and Xgardians.

Spencer: "We can't hold these guys off forever!"

Capt. America: "Redfield and (Y/N) knows what they're doing."

Capt. Marvel: "They're a small team, agile, they'll get the job done."

Hawkeye talks to Captain America over the coms.

Hawkeye: "Cap, this is Hawkeye, we're out of time he's coming."

Capt. America: "You see Ultron-Sigma?"

Hawkeye: "I've got a clear hot."

Capt. America: "Take it."

Hawkeye then fires an arrow that destroys two drones and Ultron-Sigma destroys the final arrow. Ultron-Sigma remove his cape as Captain America spot him.

Capt. America: "All teams, engage, go, go, go!"

Cap throws his shield at Ultron-Sigma as he catch it, Thor throws his hammer at him and he deflect it at Hawkeye and throw the shield at Thor. Captain Marvel goes for a photon blast as Spencer use a grappling hook to grab him but he pull him away and throw him the ground. Ultron-Sigma goes for a slash on Spencer, but Dante block it just in time and throw Dante away. Babs throws her batarangs at him but they're not working. The Smashers then attack Ultron Sigma, but overpowers them all and throw them at the Superhero and Supervilain girls. Arthur throws one of his lances as Ultron-Sigma turns to him. He then charge at the robot but he was grabbed bu the head and thrown to the side. Then Danny and his parents fired beams of energy at him as Ultron-Sigma destroys their weapons and overpower them. Captain America throws his shield to distract Ultron-Sigma and when he catch it, X use his Nova Strike move on Ultron-Sigma but to no avail. Then Iron Man step in and fight Ultorn Sigma head on but to no avail, he then defeat cap with an energy beam. Then Heimdall and Skurge went on for an attack.

Skurge: "Taste my steel!"

Then Ultron-Sigma grab them and infect them with the Sigma Virus as Thor witness it happening.

Thor: "NO!"

Ultron-Sigma turn to Thor and walk to him.

Ultron-Sigma: "You still dare challenge us, Prince of Asgard?"

Thor: "You shall pay for what you've done to my people, Spencer with me!"

Thor and Spencer got up prepare to fight Ultron-Sigma.

Thor: "I shall remove you from that throne villain!"

Ultron-Sigma: "Fools our will is law, we will destroy you."

Spencer and Thor tried to fight off Ultron-Sigma but to no avail.

Ultron-Sigma: "Pitiful, do you see now how powerless you truly are?"

Thor tries to reach for his hammer but Ultron-Sigma step on his hand to prevent him to get his weapon.

Ultron-Sigma: "Weep not for your people Thor, they have achieved perfection and soon you shall be their prince once more."

Ultron-Sigma then spread the virus onto Thor by a small amount until Chris fired a bullet at Ultron-Sigma.

Ultron-Sigma: "Commander Redfield did you have something to add, some great insight?"

Chris: "You're going down Ultron-Sigma."

Ultron-Sigma: "That's it, some banal cliché, it's fitting that those would be your final words."

Ultron-Sigma then fired energy blasts at everyone as Captain America block one of them to save Redfield as Strider teleport Thor. Then everyone run towards Dr. Strange and Trixie.

Capt. America: "Docter, get us out of here!"

Dr. Strange: "With pleasure Captain!"

Then Trixie and Dr. Strange create a portal that leads back to Earth as everyone went into it.

Ultron-Sigma: "Good."

Later, back on Earth, everyone was back in the Avengers Tower and Cap is over what happened so far.

Capt. America: "(Y/N) was right, Ultron-Sigma has two of the Infinite Seven."

X then turn to you and Dr. Strange.

X: "The stones you spoke of."

Dr. Strange: "Seven cosmic stones of infinite power."

(Y/N): "And the cause of all this mess, no offense guys."

Diana: "None taken."

Strider: "If he has two, where are the other 5?"

Capt. Marvel" "That's what we're here to find out."

Everyone turn their attention towards Thanos as you turn to Thor.

(Y/N): "You sure you're alright?"

Thor: "Thank you my friend, but it'll take more than a candy-colored cloud to slay the God of Thunder, save your concern for the people of Asgard."

(Y/N): "Alright."

You then turn to Dr. Light and Thanos.

Dr. light: "The mask appears to be some kind of near-inhibitor, suppressing the captive's psionic abilities, this is no small task, but I was able to generate a containment field that emulates that effect, we're ready to remove his restraints."

You then head to your Native American counterpart and you pull out a portal device and create a portal that leads back to his universe.

(Y/N): "That mortal leads back to your world and it's one of the few universes that were untouched by The Convergence."

(Y/N) Cloud: "Thanks."

Your Native American counterpart went into the portal and head home and turn back to the matter at hand.

(Y/N): "Alright, those of you who wants to remove the restraints say Aye."

Most people: "Aye."

Iron Man: "Uh hold that thought."

Everyone then turn to Iron Man, Chun-Li and Rocket.

Iron Man: "Tell me you're not seriously planning on taking that thing off him?"

Capt. Marvel: "We need him to talk."

Dante: "I'll make him talk."

Strider: "You think the prisoner can lead us to these Infinity Stones?"

Danny: "Yeah, that's the whole point of busting him out right?"

Chun-Li: "Stark and Rocket says he's dangerous."

Rocket: "Uh haha, no, I said insanely dangerous."

Spencer: "Please, will somebody just tell me who he is?"

Cherri: "Yeah who's the oversized beefcake?"

Diana: "You all have experience and knowledge about him, tell us who he is?"

Iron Man: "Thanos, the Mad Titan, cosmic warlord/lunatic, and Death's boy toy."

Jessica: "Wait, Hela was dating someone?"

(Y/N): "Not her Jess."

Iron Man: "You know the grim reaper, but she's a lady or a uh skeleton lady, it's complicated."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Iron Man: "Anyway, lover-boy here almost destroyed the universe multiple times trying to impress her."

Chun-Li: "And you want to give access to these stones, there must be some other way."

Capt. America: "We're out of options and out of time, take off the mask."

Iron Man points his repulser at Captain America and put on his mask.

Iron Man: "I'm sorry Cap, I can't let you do it."

(Y/N): "Uh guys."

Capt. America: "I'm ready for any fight."

Ben: "Oh no."

Iron Man: "Hope you paid up on your health insurance."

You then stand in the middle of both of them.

(Y/N): "Guys no!"

Then they were about to fight until Thor shot a bolt of lightning into the ceiling.

Thor: "Enough, I understand why you hesitate, we have all lost something: friends, family, a home, but with the Power of the Infinity Stones, we can defeat Ultron-Sigma, undo the horrors he has wrought, Asgard might right once more the dead might live again."

Chris: "Yeah, cause that always works out great."

(Y/N): "I see what you mean Chris."

Thor: "Thanos alone can lead us to the Infinity Stones, he is bound to them, it is the only way."

Rocket: "Yeah, well I want it on record that this a bad idea."

Spencer: "If this goes south, if your bloodhound slips his leash, it's on you."

(Y/N): "And if the possibility that it does go south, just give me the word."

Captain America then turn to Dr. Strange.

Captain America: "Go ahead Doctor, remove the mask."

(Y/N): "Trixie, Zee, help him out too."

Dr. Strange, Zee and Trixie turn to Thanos.

Trixie: "By the Vapors of Valtorr, which do all things conceal."

Zee: "Kasm eht evomer!"

The their magic made the restraints broke off of Thanos and he cracks his neck.

(Y/N): "Hey Thanos, remember me, I bashed you in the skull 4 years ago with Thor's hammer?"

Thanos: "I never forget (Y/N) 10."

(Y/N): "I knew you remember me."

Thanos: "You have doomed yourselves."

(Y/N): "Care to make that threat to my face pal!?"

Thanos: "Naive as ever, the imminent danger comes not from me, but from one of your own."

Thanos then point to Thor as everyone turn to him as he turn to everyone else. Then the alarm went off and Thor becomes infected by the Sigma Virus.

Chris: "What the heck is happing to him?"

(Y/N): "The virus!"

Capt. Marvel: "He's infected with the Sigma Virus!"

Angel Dust pullout his machine guns and point them at Thor.

Angel Dust: "Alright lets blow his brains out!"

(Y/N): "Careful, there's still a chance he's alive in there, take him down easy."

Hawkeye: "Easy, you gotta kidding me!"

Arthur: "Forgive me my friend, but this must be done."

Then Thor starts laughing like Ultron-Sigma.

Thor(In Ultron-Sigma's voice): "Tiresome creatures, why do you resist?"

Diana: "Ultron-Sigma!"

Thor(In Ultron-Sigma's voice): "In the flesh, as it were, though not our own."

Then a hologram appeared and it looks like Ultron-Sigma as the tv screens has his face on it.

Thor(In Ultron-Sigma's voice): "We had a dream, our two diseased realities untied to form a single perfect universe, with all biological life remade in our image, yet still here you are."

Kevin: "You'll find we're stubborn like that."

Thor(In Ultron-Sigma's voice): "Yes, but you'll change, as your companion Thor has, he is a part of us now, purified, immaculate, the Sigma Virus will infect you all in time, accept our gift or destroyed."

Red: "How about door number 3, shutting you down you overgrown toaster!"

Then the Bifrost gets activated around Thor.

Capt. Marvel: "He's trying to go to Ultron-Sigma, stop him!"

(Y/N): "On it!"

You then transform into Fasttrack and tried to catch him but to no avail as the bifrost takes Thor.

(Y/N) as Fasttrack: "There goes one of our heavy hitters."

Chris then turn to you.

Chris: "(Y/N), the Milano is back."

You then revert back to human form and see the Milano making a landing. You, Captain Marvel, Chris, and Rocket head to the landing zone.

Rocket: "It's Gamora, Quill, Drax, and Groot!"

(Y/N): "Glad you guys are alive."

Nova: "We got the tower's SOS and headed home."

Capt. Marvel: "Nova, glad you're safe, it's been a long day."

(Y/N): "So bucket head, what did you fin on Knowmoon?"

Nova: "Trouble."

Gamora: "Ultron-Sigma has formed an alliance with Knowmoon's imperator, Grandmaster Meio, they're massing an army against us, their numbers growing each day."

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "Hey Groot, how's it goin?"

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "Same here pal."

Starlord: "Theres more, Meio is testing some kind of biological weapon, a gas."

Chris: "The Sigma Virus."

(Y/N): "Gamora, I hope you're ready for a family reunion cause we have Thanos locked up in a prison."

Gamora: "Thanos, you brought him here, why?"

Chris: "If we're going to stop Ultron Sigma, we need the Infinity Stones."

Gamora: "He will not help you."

Drax: "And if by some chance Thanos obtain the stones, he will show us no mercy."

(Y/N): "He's your dad so convince him to help us."

Gamora: "Alright."

You and the others head back inside and talk to Thanos.

Thanos: "Daughter, have you come to beg for my help?"

Gamora: "You would let Ultron Sigma have his way, soon there will be no one left for you to slay for your mistress Death, you have no choice, help us."

Thanos giggled for a moment.

Thanos: "Release me and I will give you what you want."

Red: "No deal Thanos."

Rocket: "Yeah, if trust is a two-way street, right now you're lying in a ditch at the side of the road."

Cherri: "Yeah!"

Amaterasu: "Give us cause to trust you, help us to find the Infinity Stones."

Thanos: "Very well, I will guide you to them, there are seven stones, each granting it's bearer dominion over some facet of existence, Ultron-SIgma has two of reality and space, those of time, of the soul, of power and of the mind are still to be found, assemble your team there is much to be done."

(Y/N): "Alright, take notes everyone."

Thanos: "The Time Stone has concealed itself behind a barrier beyond time, in a place Ultron Sigma knows nothing of and cannot reach."

(Y/N): "I think he means Valkanda."

Thanos: "That is right boy, the Mind Stone is concealed not fr from here, in a secret laboratory deep beneath the headquarters of the A.I.M.BRELLA Corporation."

(Y/N): "Alight and for the Soul Stone?"

Thanos: "The Soul Stone lies in another realm, by far the furthest from you reach."

(Y/N): "Dark Kingdom, and the Power Stone?"

Thanos: "The Stone of Power lies at the heart of the space station, Knowmoon."

(Y/N): "Alright, thanks for the intel Grimace."

Next: Chapter 96: Picking Teams

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