Chapter 97: Valkanda Forever!

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Beyond Time.

Ryu is on a research mission with Twilight, Spike, Mane-iac, Bruce Banner, Peridot, and Starlight in a quinjet piloted by Timber. The people in the quinjet are talking about the anomalies from The Convergence.

Spike: "This is gonna be fun, doing research on The Convergence."

Twilight: "And I got all of the equipment for the mission: books, paper and pencils, more books, measuring instruments, books."

Starlight: "You said books three times."

Twilight: "There's lots of books."

Peridot: "Why am I sitting next to the craziest human on Earth?"

Mane-iac is taking a look at Peridot's hair out of curiosity.

Peridot: "Why are you touching my hair?"

Mane-iac: "How do you keep your hair like this?"

Mane-iac then pull Peridot's visor off as her hair went down.

Mane-iac: "I see."

Peridot: "A peridot's visor keep hair out of our eyes, it has a small electromagnetic field which keeps my pyramid-shaped, so us peridots can do our jobs without problem or discomfort."

Mane-iac: "Neat."

Peridot: "Can I have my visor back?"

Mane-iac's hair tendril grab Peridot's visor as Mane-iac gets out her hair products and hair dressing tools.

Mane-iac: "Lets fix up this hair and make you gorgeous!"

Peridot: "No thanks."

Mane-iac: "I wasn't asking."

Mane-iac then dress up Peridot's hair and make it look gorgeous. She is now wearing pigtails on her head. Mane-iac then put a mirror in front of Peridot's face as Peridot sees her new hairstyle.

Mane-iac: "You look adorable."

Peridot then jump onto Mane-iac's head and tried to get her visor back.


Mane-iac: "Oh come on, you need to spruce up your look."


Then the alarm goes off as Timber sees a vortex in the horizon.

Timber: "Buckle up back there, we gotta vortex in the horizon!"

Then the vortex caught the quinjet and made the craft crash on the ground. Everyone manage to survive the crash and got back up.

Twilight: "Spike, are you okay?"

Spike: "I'm fine."

Starlight: "I'm alright."

Ryu: "I'm okay as well."

Timber: "Nothing broken."

Peridot then snatch her visor away from Mane-iac as she got up.

Peridot: "Ha, I got my visor back!"

Peridot then put on her visor and her hair went back to a pyramid shape.

Starlight: "Wheres Banner and where are we?"

Then Wakandan tribe warriors appeared and point their swords at them as a woman with dragon like armor points a large sword at Spike as he jumps into Twilight's backpack.

???(Valhalla): "You're in Valkanda, take them to the king."

The warriors put restraints on them as the woman grab Peridot by the head and put her on her shoulder. Then Mane-iac was wrapped up in a straight jacket as the girl put her on her shoulder as well. The girl then take the others to a man in a panther suit of armor with a silver necklace on it.

???(Valhalla): "King T'Challa, the captives."

Peridot then whispers to Twilight.

Peridot: "That's the Black Panther?"

Twilight: "Yep."

Ryu: "Your majesty, we are-"

Black Panther: "I know who you all are, what business have you in Valkanda?"

Twilight: "We were part of a research mission, studying anomalies caused but The Convergence of all our universes."

Ryu: "Our craft became caught non some vortex, the pilot lost control."

Twilight: "And we survived the crash."

Ryu: "So did a scientist."

Black Panther: "And where is this scientist?"

Then the girl in the dragon armor and Ryu hear something.

Ryu: "He's here."

Then Hulk appeared right in front of Black Panther and tried to attack him, but Black Panther managed to dodge the punch.

Black Panther: "Banner."

Then the dragon armored girl attack Hulk as he blocks her sword and launch her into a tree. He then turn to Black Panther as Ryu step next to him and get out of the restraints.

Ryu: "Hulk, remember what I taught you, you must control your rage."

Then Hulk remembers Ryu's training and calm down.

Hulk: "Thanks for the reminder Ryu."

Then the others see a quinjet arriving and makes a landing on the ground.

Black Panther: "We have more visitors."

Then you, Desiree, Captain America, and Chun-Li exit from the quinjet and see Black Panther.

Capt. America: "It's good to see you old friend."

You then see the girl in dragon armor.

(Y/N): "And who's the dragon cosplay girl?"

???(Valhalla): "I am not a cosplay girl, I'm Valhala, captain of the guard of Valkanda."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Black Panther: "You seek the Stone of Time?"

Chun-Li: "Straight to the point."

Capt. America: "We do."

Black Panther: "Then you have had a wasted journey, I will not give up that which protect my kingdom."

Desiree: "Will not?"

(Y/N): "Do you know what's happening out there, we're at war and Xgard has fallen."

Black Panther: "Without the stone's power Valkanda will also fall, I'm sorry my friends, my duty is to this kingdom and my people, the time barrier must hold."

(Y/N): "We're just gonna borrow it for a little bit."

Capt. America: "You'd lock your people away behind this barrier forever?"

(Y/N): "And miss out on everything out there?"

Capt. America: "This isn't a kingdom, it's a prison."

Valhalla: "I don't know who you all are friends, but you will show T'Challa respect."

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) 10, the guy who looks like Uncle Sam's son is Captain America, the green genie is Desiree, and the Chinese girl is Chun-Li."

Then you hear something coming in and you and the others see drones flying in.

Chun-Li: "Ultron-Sigma's drones!"

Valhala: "The barrier is breached!"

Capt. America: "They followed us through!"

Then drones landed as you and the others are ready to fight. You then transform into Heatblast as everyone was ready to fight.

Capt. America: "Careful, these guys are a handful, keep them contained!"

You and Desiree destroyed 45 drones together as Valhala and Black Panther get there fair share of drones. A drone was about to punch Desiree but you catch the punch and grab it's face and melts it into molten metal as Desiree turn to you.

Desiree: "You saved my afterlife."

(Y/N) as Heatblast: "Happy to help."

Captain America then launch his shield at a drone's head and it then leak out a gas that is the Sigma Virus. You then revert to human form as Desiree put her hands to her mouth in a horrified manner.

(Y/N): "The virus."

Random Drone head(Ultron-Sigma's voice): "This is our gift to your people T'Challa, immortality."

Hulk then crush the head with his own foot.

Hulk: "A good drone is smashed drone."

Then everyone hear something as Valhalla place her hand on the ground and listen to the vibrations.

Ryu: "What is it?"

Valhalla: "Something ancient, yet changed."

Then you see a dust cloud forming and it's revealed a giant monster jumping into the air and diving back into the ground.

Peridot: "What was that?!"

Valhala: "The Elder Dragon, Dah'ren Mohran."

Spike: "Elder dragon!?"

Chun-Li: "It's infected with the Sigma Virus."

Valhala: "And in a frenzy."

(Y/N): "Anyone who doesn't to be int he belly of an Elder Dragon, get in the quinjet in an orderly fashion."

Twilight, Spike, Mane-iac, Timber, Peridot, and Starlight head into the quinjet in a not so orderly fashion.

(Y/N): "That wasn't orderly fashion."

Then more drones came in as Hulk and Ryu smash some drones.

Ryu: "Hulk and I will defend the town!"

You then turn to Desiree.

(Y/N): "Ready to be a hero?"

Desiree: "Thought you never asked."

You then transform into Big Chill as Hulk grab Ryu and leap to the drones. Desiree blushes from seeing you as Big Chill.

Desiree: "Tall, dark, and handsome, I like it."

You and Desiree fly over to Hulk and Ryu's position and prepare to fight more drones.

Ryu: "Hulk, you know what to do."

Hulk: "Smash and bash."

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "Freeze them!"

Hulk then smash 80 drones while Ryu tornado kick 90. You then freeze 45 drones in solid ice as Desiree enlarge her fist and smash the drones.

Desiree: "Thanks for fun boys, it was smashing."

Hulk: "Dang, I wish I said that."

Desiree: "Can't grant your wish Hulk, I'm a free genie."

Then the Elder Dragon appeared out of the ground as you and the others turn to it.

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "I have an idea."

You then revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Hulk, Ryu hit him hard enough to stun him and then we give him everything we got!"

Ryu: "HULK!"

Hulk: "On it!"

Hulk then grab Ryu and throw him at the beast and kick him hard as Hulk charge into him. Then Ryu perform a powerful uppercut.

Ryu: "Shin Shuryuken!"

That attack caused most of it's armor to break off as Hulk jump into the air and grab a piece, Ryu charges for an attack, Desiree enlarges two fists, and you summon one of your enchanted hammers.

(Y/N): "NOW!"

Ryu: "Hadoken!"

Ryu then fires a beam of energy as Hulk charges downward at the Elder Dragon, then Desiree punch the dragon and you chargeyour attack with your inhuman powers and Asgardian magic and then destroy the beast no problem. You then land on the ground and turn to the others.

Hulk: "Enough control?"

(Y/N): "That's right big guy."

Desiree: "Is that, Thor's hammer?"

(Y/N): "Courtesy from Thor of Earth-2149."

Later, you and the others regroup with Black Panther and Valhala.

Black Panther: "The infection will spread unchecked across Valkanda, carried on the wind."

Black Panther then turn to Captain America.

Black Panther: "If I didn't know the kind of man you are, captain, I would almost think you led them here."

Ryu: "T'Challa, time has caught up with Valkanda, the stone cannot shield you any longer, but armed with it's power we have a chance to fight back, to save your people, to save all worlds."

Desiree: "Yeah."

Chun-Li: "And if we can't save them, then I swear we will-"

Black Panther: "Avenged them?"

Chun-Li: "No, find them justice."

(Y/N): "What she said."

Black Panther: "You speak wisdom, Chun-Li, if a king cannot see when he must change, then he is not fit to lead his people."

Black Panther then hold the Time Stone to Captain America.

Black Panther: "Take it and go."

Captain America then grab the stone as Black Panther heads back into the city. He then turn to Valhalla.

Black Panther: "Valhalla, go with (Y/N) and the others, aid them on their quest."

Valhalla: "But your majesty."

Black Panther: "Go, Valkanda needs its king."

Valhalla then head back to you and the others as Black Panther head into the city.

Valhalla: "The king want me to aid you in your quest to rid Ultron-Sigma once and for all."

(Y/N): "Welcome to the team Val."

Val blushes from the nickname and tried to hide it.

Next: Chapter 98: Fall of A.I.M.BRELLA

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