Chapter 99: The Beast

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90 days since the Convergence.

In the Dark Kingdom, Ghost Rider is riding around in the realm and then come at a complete stop and then spot Morrigan.

Morrigan: "Tell me Rider, is it business that brings you here, or pleasure?"

Then Ghost Rider got off his bike and talk to Morrigan.

Ghost Rider: "Vengeance."

Morrigan: "Ahh, a bit of both."

Ghost Rider: A million innocent souls have been stolen from the Earth, I seek vengeance against the one responsible."

Then Morrigan gets closer to Ghost Rider's face.

Morrigan: "Then look into my eyes, what do you see?"

Ghost Rider: "You are guilty of many things succubus, but not of this."

Morrigan: "I sense such desire in you, a fire."

Ghost Rider: "For Justice, for retribution."

Morrigan: "Not for me?"

Ghost Rider then all away as Morrigan makes a double of herself I front of Ghost Rider.

Morrigan clone: "Or for me?"

Then Ghost Rider walks away from Morrigan and her clone.

Morrigan and her clone: "No, a pity, we have so much in common: our passion, great bone structure, but if you will not give me what I need."

Morrigan's clone disappeared as she turn to Ghost Rider.

Morrigan: "I will take it from you."

Ghost Rider then pull out his chains.

Ghost Rider: "I have no wish to destroy you succubus."

Morrigan: "Then dance with me rider, in flame and in fire!"

Then you, Dr.Strange, Dante, Zee, Sci-Twi, and Trixie went out of the portal and stop the fight between Ghost Rider and Morrigan.

Dr. Strange: "Enough!"

Morrigan: "By what power do you dare command me mortal!?"

Dr. Strange: "I need only reason."

Dante then pull out his pistols.

Dante: "And failing that, Ebony and Ivory here can be very persuasive."

(Y/N): "What were you two doing?"

Morrigan: "Aw,(Y/N), we were only playing."

Dante: "I've seen how your playtime ends Morrigan."

Dante then turn to Ghost Rider.

Dante: "How's it going Ghost Rider, haven't seen you since The Convergence."

Sci-Twi: "Wait, you've met Ghost Rider?"

Dante: "Yeah, me and him we were after the same bounties for awhile, I offered him a job at my business, but he prefers to be a solo player."

(Y/N): "That's Ghost Rider for you."

Ghost Rider: "I sensed a great evil, moving unseen through the mortal realm that day, preying on the souls of the innocent and the forgotten, the echoes of their pain have led me here."

Dante: "Spooky."

Dr. Strange: "It is more serious than you know, all life stands upon the edge of extinction, we have come of a stone of great power."

Morrigan: "Ah, you speak of the Stone of Souls, I've seen it in Lord Jedah's possession."

Trixie: "The Dark Messiah has the Soul Stone?"

Dr. Strange: "That is a dangerous combination indeed."

(Y/N): "Who's Jedah?"

Morrigan: "He's one of the High Nobles of Makai, he believed that if my father, Belial Aensland, becomes ruler over the Makai, he thinks it would grow old and begin to decay, Belial would most likely say that such is destiny and life, Jedah considered Belial to be an abomination, and actively sought out the opportunity to kill him, waiting for the right time to strike, he terrorizes the Makai Kingdom and tried to unified numerous souls to create true life."

(Y/N): "So he's basically a demon version of Thanos."

Morrigan: "More or less, I can help you and him, he and I are close."

(Y/N): "What do you mean by that?"

Morrigan: "Aww, don't be jealous, you're always my favorite (Y/N)."

Dr. Strange: "We would be most-"

Trixie: "Where is Sir Arthur?"

???(Arthur): "Here."

Everyone then see Arthur standing right behind them the whole time.

(Y/N): "There he is."

Morrigan then turn to you.

Morrigan: "Come with me."

(Y/N): "Alright."

You then transform into Big Chill and follow Morrigan as the others do the same. You and others are going over a bridge as Arthur sees Morrigan getting ahead of him.

Arthur: "Stay behind us my lady Morrigan."

Morrigan: "Aww, don't worry about me Arthur, I can take care of myself, not all women are princesses in need of rescuing."

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "She's right you know."

Arthur: "Tell that to the Princess."

Sci-Twi: "A different version of me is a princess from a world of ponies."

Then you and the others stop and found something in the Dark Kingdom. You then revert back to human form.

Ghost Rider: "The dark entity."

(Y/N): "A symbiote, so that's whats happening here."

Morrigan then spot Jedah and the Soul Stone.

Morrigan: "And the Stone of Souls, Jedah!"

Jedah then turn to you and the group.

Jedah: "Morrigan, look on and marvel at my creation!"

Dr. Strange: "It is an abomination."

(Y/N): "I'm glad Juniper isn't here, Hyrbid would kill Jedah on the spot, symbiotes are real people too."

Jedah: "No, it is a weapon, a symbiote fed upon a million human souls."

Ghost Rider: "So many innocents, sacrificed!"

Jedah: "And still not yet enough to defeat Ultron-Sigma, that will take a million more."

Morrigan: "Jedah, listen to me, you are not yourself, the Soul Stone has corrupted you!"

(Y/N): "Plus we need it, right now."

Jedah: "No Morrigan, it has let me see the truth, what matter a million human souls, a billion, when all souls face extinction, I shall restore balance between life and death, it is time for the Dark Kingdom to rise!"

(Y/N): "No way loser!"

Dante: "Alright, let me put this a different way."

Dante then pull out his pistols and fire a few rounds at Jedah as he dodge them.

Dr. Strange: "Take Jedah, we will deal with the symbiote."

Trixie: "The Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish this beast!"

???(Dormammu): "First Sorcerer and sorceress."

Then you and the others turn to a being with a flaming head and a demon with wings.

???(Dommamu): "You all must deal with me."

Zee: "Who's that?"

Dr. Strange: "Dormmamu."

Dormmamu: "You're all were fools to come here Strange, this place shall be your grave."

Dr. Strange: "Have you surrendered the Dark Dimension to Jedah so easily, The Convergence has left you weakened Dormammu."

Dormmamu: "Yet still more powerful than you."

Zee: "We shall see."

Arthur: "We meet again Firebrand, this time my armor will not fall apart so easily."

(Y/N): "Alright, Strange, Arthur, Zee, Trixie, you guys can handle Dormmamu and his sidekick while I handle the symbiote."

???(Vilgax): "First."

You and Sci-Twi then turn to Vilgax and see beings that you have fought in the past: Demon Shimmer, Midnight Sparkle, Gloriosa's forest spirit form, Hollywood Montage, 3 other beings that you don't know about, and Twivine.

(Y/N): "Vilgax, I see you brought friends along."

Vilgax: "Seem familiar from certain events during your time at school."

Demon Shimmer: "Call me Sunstar Shimmer and you fought me at the Fall Formal!"

???(Poison Oak): "Poison Oak is my name now and you fought me at Camp Everfree!"

Midnight: "Remember me from the Friendship Games!?"

Hollywood: "Me from the mall!?"

???(Daybreaker): "You must be that boy that fights for the good of the planet, let us introduce ourselves, my name is Daybreaker and this is my sister Nightmare Moon."

Nightmare Moon: "I can introduce myself sister!"

???(Nightmare Rarity): "My name is Nightmare Rarity and this is Twivine Sparkle, she's the one who brought us back to life."

Sci-Twi's thoughts: "Why does that name

Twivine: "I recreated their essence and combine them with the magic of the Dark Kingdom to fight you."

Vilgax: "They can have you and I can have your watch."

Then the dark mystic entities and Twivine land in front of you and prep their powers to fight you.

(Y/N): "Now listen girls, Vilgax can care less about allies, he is so scary that no wants to work with him, he has drones to work for him, he's a bad teammate man, one second he's a great teammate and the next second he stabbed you in the back."

Twivine: "Well, he did kidnapped me."

Vilgax: "Destroy him, you worthless excuses of mystic beings!"

Midnight: "Hey, do you mind, we're talking over here."

(Y/N): "See what I mean, can you girls stand it that he's pushing you around if you're many times more powerful than him?"

Sunstar: "Hey, he's right, I think we should teach squid face some manners!"

Hollywood: "I agree."

The mystic versions of your girlfriends turn to Vilgax and start attacking Vilgax as Twivine turn to Sci-Twi.

Twivine: "Whenever I look at you, it's like I'm experiencing deja vu like I've seen you before."

Sci-Twi: "Me too."

Twivine then use her magic to remove Sci-Twi's glasses and let her hair down. She then recognizes Sci-Twi, like a long lost family member same goes to Sci-Twi.

Twivine: "Twilight Sparkle?"

Sci-Twi: "Twivine Sparkle?"

Twivine: "It's been so long sister."

(Y/N): "Save the reunion later, we got a symbiote at the size of Denver to bash!"

Twivine: "Right!"

Twivine then turn to the mystic beings and Vilgax as they completely beaten him up.

Twivine: "Girls, we have a planet to save."

Sunstar: "Alright, guess it's time to play hero girls."

Hollywood: "And lets do it, so I can get my own movie."

You then head over to Dr. Strange, Trixie, Zee, and Arthur as Dormmamu and Firebrand leave.

(Y/N): "Okay guys, we beaten squid face, candlestick, and a halloween decoration reject out of the way, we got a symbiote to stop!"

Dr. Strange: "Agree."

Then you and the others turn to the symbiote and Jedah.

Jedah: "It's beautiful!"

Dr. Strange: "This evil must be contained!"

Twivine: "You heard him, lets stop what we created!"

Mystic Beings: "Right!"

Dr. Strange and Trixie: "By the Crimson of Cyttorak!"

Zee: "Egac a ni retsnom sith ecalp!"

Then Zee, Dr. Strange, Trixie, Twivine, and the other mystic beings contain the symbiote in a containment spell, but it broke free and fall into the portal along with Jedah.

Morrigan: "Too late!"

Arthur: "But, the stone!"

Ghost Rider: "The battle is lost."

Dante: "I think it's time to get outta here!"

Dr. Strange: "I quite agree."

Twivine: "Allow me doctor."

Twivine then makes a portal as everyone head into it.

Next: Chapter 100: Ultron-Sigma Borrowing a Cup of Sugar

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