Chapter 3: Eldora and (Y/N)'s Story

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The next day the group woke up as (Y/N) woke up before seeing Stella sleeping which made him chuckle as he went out of his room and went to the lobby of the dorm before noticing the rest there

"Morning (Y/N), hope you slept well" Musa greeted

"Oh I did, what about you girls?" (Y/N) asked

"Same, we're just waiting for Faragonda or Griselda to come get us" Bloom asked

"Yes, not to forget the only one sleeping is Stella who according to my calculations is having a beauty sleep" Tecna answered

"Well, if that's so one of us should wake her up" Flora said

"I will, I know a great trick to wake somebody up, my mom learned me how to do it, hold on" (Y/N) suggested

(Y/N) then went to Stella's room as the group could not hear voices before Stella began screaming as (Y/N) then went out chuckling

"Is everything okay?" Musa asked

"Yeah, it's just, Stella is mad that I broke her beauty sleep but it was worth it" (Y/N) said

"Oh okay, hopefully she's not so mad" Tecna said

Bloom then approached (Y/N)

"You sure it was a good idea?" Bloom asked

"Yes, just don't do that to beauty princesses, they can get really mad! I made sure to tell her why I woke her up though" (Y/N) said

Stella then went out of the room with a glare

"I would like to know why you dared climbed onto my bed!" Stella said angrily

"To make sure you would possibly hug me, I have a feeling you secretly have a crush on me" (Y/N) said

"Ugh! It's not my fault you got hit in the butt with my magic!" Stella said

Stella then turned away as Flora turned to her

"Okay, I don't know what happened in there but we have to go talk to Faragonda remember, so you should maybe dress yourself up" Flora said

"Ugh! Fine! But (Y/N) you're gonna pay for this!" Stella said

"How?" (Y/N) asked

"Well, you'll be sleeping in my bed tonight as punishment" Stella suggested

"Seriously! I'm gonna be sleeping in a bed with you?! Well, only if it's to please you" (Y/N) said

The four others then glared in jealousy before Stella and (Y/N) left to dress themselves as the others turned to each other

"I understand where (Y/N)'s coming from, I mean we all just met for one day, uh, two as of now" Musa said

"Yeah, Stella can be a bit much sometimes, especially with the time she exploded the potions lab" Tecna said

"You're seriously gonna keep talking about it?" Flora asked

"Of course, we still need to question her about that" Tecna answered

"Yeah, besides there's a chance she did that because of her irritation that made an magic incident" Bloom said

"Yeah, so Bloom, tell us a bit about Earth, like, what do you eat there or what's your favorite shop or..." Tecna said

"Hehehe... I guess I'll have to tell you all a lot I guess, but they'll come in time" Bloom said

Just then (Y/N) came in

"Is Stella not ready yet?" (Y/N) asked

"I guess not, she's probably still fixing up her make up, especially since she did that too back home" Bloom answered

"Or maybe she's searching for the perfect outfit to wear" Musa thought

"I'll go see what's taking her so long" Tecna said

Tecna then went into the room before she came back out with Stella who was still checking her hair while using a mirror

"Stella?! Is your make up that important than Eldora's story?" Flora asked

"Uh, no, sorry I'm ready now" Stella answered

"Good, then let's show Bloom and (Y/N) around" Flora suggested

"Good idea" Tecna said

The Winx then began their walk as they went to search for where to go next before Faragonda came running to the six

"Hey guys, I've prepared everything for the story, why don't you six follow me" Faragonda said

The Winx then began walking behind Faragonda before they arrived at a spacious office along with books, documents and stuff as Faragonda pulls up two chairs for Bloom and (Y/N) to sit in which they did while the others stood behind them

"We've waited long enough so can you tell us the story?" Stella asked

"Of course, you see, back in the day at least a 100 years ago Eldora was a student here in this School and she learned a lot about magic but 78 years ago she left this place and went to earth and have never heard about her until you two came around and told us about it" Faragonda explained

"So, you're telling us that 78 years ago, she left without a reason?" Stella asked in shock

"But why?" Tecna asked

"I'm not sure but to this day we're still searching for her but so far, we haven't found a single clue until you two told us" Faragonda explained

"Now what? We got nowhere with this story!" Flora said in disbelief

"I agree" Musa said

"Yes, we got nowhere but I believe I found a clue for you (Y/N)" Faragonda said

"Me?! What about it?!" (Y/N) asked

"It's gonna be a rather weird story but you are the son of Eldora" Faragonda explained

"What?!" The Winx gasped in shock

"Hold on, I don't believe it! Me and (Y/N) are adoptive siblings!" Bloom said

"Yeah, I've never known about Eldora until Se--- I mean our friend told us about it" (Y/N) said

"I know you won't believe it but you were born 17 years ago and at that time Eldora was mentoring somebody but during their studies they stole something which I don't know as of yet and since Eldora began her search he left you behind with your adoptive parents" Faragonda explained

"No way! So I was the first ever born fairy?!" (Y/N) asked

"Yes, we hadn't known about that for years until we came across some stories on some documents about Eldora being pregnant years after she left" Faragonda said

"Hold on, Faragonda, I know this might sound weird but weren't there no boy fairies for years?" Stella asked

"Yes, that's true Stella, and that's why I began my research and figured out that a friend of yours changed the outcome of babies with some book" Faragonda answered

"Wait! So there are now boy babies as fairies and girl babies as Specialists, correct?" (Y/N) asked

"I'm not sure, since so far it's only happened to you, but there's also a chance that there are male witches" Faragonda answered

"Male witches? Who are they?" Flora asked

"I'm not sure, there may be a few enemies to the magic dimension who are witches but we don't know of them as of yet" Faragonda answered

"Don't worry Faragonda, we'll sort all of this out every day" (Y/N) said

"Yeah, after all a team such as us always stay together" Bloom said

"I knew you would say that but remember girls some of these villains are dangerous and are hard to be defeated while others are easy" Faragonda said

"We'll keep that in mind" Musa said

"But did you find anything out about my dimension?" Bloom asked

"No, the only thing I found that it's a dimension which has been lost for years" Faragonda answered

"Oh" Bloom said

"A lost dimension? Do you remember anything else than that?" (Y/N) asked

"Ugh! No, I haven't, my old age must've gotten to me, but I'll tell you as soon as something comes up" Faragonda said

"Hmm? (Y/N), are you sure you want to know about my dimension?" Bloom asked

"Yes, it's so I can help you" (Y/N) answered

"Thanks, but I don't need it, really" Bloom said

"You sure, you've been attacked last night so I want to make sure you get your powers sooner rather than later" (Y/N) said

"Alright then, just make sure you don't go way too far with your discoveries" Bloom said

"Anyways, do you know what my dimension's name is?" (Y/N) asked

"Well, um, Eldora is the first ever immortal being born so you're immortal too" Faragonda answered

"Wait a minute, (Y/N)'s a god?!" Flora asked

"Yes, but not just any god, a god of heroes, love and most of all the King of the whole magic dimension" Faragonda answered

"What?! Does that mean..." Bloom started before the rest joined her

"We're friends with a god?!" The five all called out in shock

"Even I'm surprised by that" (Y/N) said in disbelief

"Yes, and especially since his mission according to my Computer is that you'll need to find all 7 types of powers but what they are I don't know, that is until you find that out with your skills" Faragonda explained

"Is there more that you know off?" Tecna asked

"I'm afraid not but if I know more I'll definitely let you know, also (Y/N) I'll have to go ask Palladium to make one more dorm only for you as I can't have you stay in the girls' room" Faragonda said

"Please don't do it! Sure we may be girls but friends stick together so please let us stay" Bloom said

"Yeah, and if you do split us up I'll quit going to Alfea" Flora said

"Same here!" The trio all called out

"My friends really care for me, especially my former sister" (Y/N) thought in happiness

"Fine, but he'll get a room alone" Faragonda said

After that the five cheered in happiness as they all rushed to hug (Y/N)

"We're gonna be a great team you know!" Bloom said

"Yes, now calm down girls, I may be staying but you still need to make sure not to get defeated by those girls called the Trix and of course Knut" (Y/N) suggested

The five then broke from the hug

"Yeah, still, why did you go after Knut last night?" Stella asked

"I wanted to make sure you girls are safe but I didn't know the Trix would attack me like that" Bloom answered

"I know but don't worry, we'll protect you, together" Tecna said

"Yes, after all we're Winx together!" Flora said

After that (Y/N) began singing as he turned to his friends who were looking in awe


Me and my girls forever, 


Standin' strong together,

Never gonna change

Bloom then began singing as she turned to her friends who could only look in happiness at her voice


Always side by side,

No matter where we go

Got this magic inside,

That's just how we roll

[(Y/N) and Bloom:]

Shinin' a light,

Shinin' so bright

Live it up, live it up

Livin' so wild

We'll paint the sky

All the colors

Of the world, love each other

We can't be broken,

We are friends for life

'Cause we are

Winx Clubbers

After singing that Stella, Flora, Musa and Tecna began humming along to the song as (Y/N) and Bloom waited before Musa and Tecna walked forward and began singing


We're independant, cool,


That's just how we do it,

Never gonna change


No matter what will come,

We're gonna be okay,

We got this magic inside

Always, always, always

[(Y/N), Bloom, Musa and Tecna:]

Shinin' a light,

Shinin' so bright

Live it up, live it up

Livin' so wild

We'll paint the sky

All the colors

Of the world, love each other

We can't be broken,

We are friends for life

'Cause we are

Winx Clubbers

Flora and Stella couldn't handle it any longer as they then began singing along side them

[(Y/N), Bloom, Musa, Tecna, Stella, Flora:]

We'll paint the sky

All the colors

Of the world, love each other

We can't be broken,

We are friends for life

'Cause we are

Winx Clubbers

(Y/N) then began singing again as the screen turned darker with only a light shining on top of (Y/N)


Oh, oh, oh


We are just sketches

'Til we become a masterpiece,

We are, we are

We are, we are

The light then broke apart as the whole scene was back to normal as the group began singing once more approaching each other

[(Y/N), Bloom, Musa, Tecna, Stella, Flora:]

We'll paint the sky

All the colors

Of the world, love each other

We can't be broken,

We are friends for life

'Cause we are

Winx Clubbers

We'll paint the sky

All the colors

Of the world, love each other

We can't be broken,

We are friends for life

'Cause we are

Winx Clubbers

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

'Cause we are

Winx Clubbers

After that the group cheered as (Y/N) turns to smille at his friends who did so in return

"Thanks for always been there for me (Y/N), you're being a great friend" Bloom thanked

"No worries Bloom, anything to keep you safe and sound" (Y/N) said

Bloom then gave (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek which made the other girls blush in jealousy before the blushes went away

"Now what?" Tecna asked

"I'm not sure, I'll definitely be using this as a learning experience" (Y/N) answered

"I know you will, and that's why I'll be giving you some private magic classes, I just have to ask Griselda to create it for you" Faragonda said

"Alright then, guess that's arranged" (Y/N) said

"(Y/N), are you sure about this? I mean there's a chance that the world's in danger and we'll have to fix everything" Bloom asked

"I hope not but if it is you can count on me to set things right, if it's alongside you girls though" (Y/N) answered

"Of course, anything for a friend of ours" Flora said

"Alright then, I guess I should just train a lot" (Y/N) said

"Don't worry" Bloom said

"Wait, I gained some new information" Faragonda called out

"Huh? What is it?" Flora asked

"Some anonimous user said that he has to gain his powers because it was a blessing" Faragonda explained

"Huh?!" The Winx asked in confusion

"I'll explain it a bit '(Y/N)'s family was given a blessing that anyone could use magic male or female but they have to train to use it and they can use the magic of others as well'" Faragonda said

"Wait, I'm so confused, first we saw his powers being fire but who's powers is that?" Flora asked

"I'm not sure about that Flora, all we can do is wait and see" Faragonda answered

"Is there something else written?" Musa asked

"Oh yes, it says if (Y/N) trains a lot he can get a transcendent object" Faragonda answered

"Trancendent object? What's that?" Stella asked

"According to my calculations, a transcendent object is a godly object that only a few people managed to get, the last person to get it is still unknown but if they do come, I'll tell you guys" Tecna answered

"Hmm, I knew I could count on you Tecna to figure things out" Faragonda said

"No worries Headmistress Faragonda" Tecna said

"So, what's the plan now?" Bloom asked

"I'm not sure, you guys go take some lessons while I prepare some stuff, just make sure not to tell anybody what we've discussed there may be a chance some people might be jealous or do terrible stuff about this" Faragonda said

"We won't we promise" Flora said

"Good, then you may go" Faragonda said

The group then left the office as they began walking off

"Now what do we do (Y/N)?" Bloom asked

"I'm not sure, but now that we know for certain that we aren't siblings we should tell our parents" (Y/N) answered

"Oh yeah, I guess, but how can we tell them, they probably won't believe we're from different planets and you're a literal god!" Bloom explained

"True, they might not even have heard about those things until I told them about the magic dimension right after I met you" Stella said

"I agree, and besides that Headmistress Faragonda is still searching for some clues about certain things" Musa said

"Agreed, and while it may seem dumb and stuff there's not even a clue yet, except a little from Eldora" Flora said

"Yes, but I have a feeling this won't be the last time we'll hear about that name" Tecna said

"Yeah and besides who's Eldora?" Flora asked

"We just heard the story!" (Y/N) answered in shock

"I know, but I mean, have we ever known about her in history books or something?" Flora asked

"No we didn't, we only heard about it from Bloom and (Y/N) who heard it from a friend of theirs" Musa answered

"That's true Musa and besides we don't even know much about her, maybe a bit more than you but not more than that" Bloom said

"Hmm, this could probably prove useful for our mission" Tecna said

"What mission?" Flora asked

"The lost realm, Eldora and that mysterious girl Bloom and (Y/N) mentioned yesterday, probably the sword of (Y/N) too" Tecna answered

"Oh right, the sword of transcendent or how you say it" (Y/N) said

"Ugh! This is too much for my brain! I'm gonna get wrinkles because of the thinking!" Stella said

(Y/N) then began chuckling as he went over to Stella

"You don't have to think about it if you don't want too, you girls are already helping me enough" (Y/N) said

"You sure?" Stella asked

"Of course, because with you girls anything is possible" (Y/N) answered

The group then smiled warmly

"Alright then, we'll trust you" Tecna said

"Great! Let's just go take our mind off of things in class and I believe tomorrow will be the time we'll have to meet Faragonda again, or at least I have to" (Y/N) said

"Alright" Bloom said

The group then went to class and did their stuff but on the next day (Y/N) was in class learning a bit about shapeshifting things along with the group before somebody knocked on the door which got Wizgiz's attention

"Yes, come on in" Wizgiz suggested

The door then opened up which made the students and (Y/N) look up before they saw Griselda in the room

"Is it alright if I sent (Y/N) to Faragonda's office?" Griselda asked

"Of course Griselda, just make sure he returns in a bit, we still need to learn a lot and if (Y/N) doesn't learn he'll fall behind" Wizgiz said

(Y/N) then went to stand up from his seat and approached Wizgiz and touched his shoulder

"Don't worry Wizgiz, I'll make sure to learn this lesson while I go to Faragonda, or maybe after" (Y/N) said

"Alright if you say so" Wizgiz said before he went to the table and grabbed a quill before he wrote the assignment on the lesson before he gave it to (Y/N) "Just in case you do forget the words use this" Wizgiz suggested

"Thanks, but I don't really need this, I'm a sharp minded person I mean fairy" (Y/N) said

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, take this as a present because you did save five fairies from the three witches and one ogre" Wizgiz said

"Alright then, if you insist" (Y/N) said

(Y/N) then went to Griselda who sent him to Faragonda's office and when he arrived Faragonda was standing there in worry which made (Y/N) confused

"Alright, I've checked with our teachers of this school and we've decided that we're gonna give you a private room to train your powers and stuff, such as whatever power you're learning with that paper right now" Faragonda explained

"How'd you know that?!" (Y/N) asked in shock

"I'm just full of surprises" Faragonda answered

"Alrighty then but besides that for how long will this be?" (Y/N) asked

"For an uncertain amount of time because we already used our powers to create it, it's a spacious room with lot's of different equipment so if for instance you wanna learn transfiguration then there are apples and other fruits, vegetables and more ready there, then there's also some fire proof fighting dummies for your fire powers and last but certainly not least there's some bottles of sparkling water ready for whenever you need to take a sip" Faragonda said

"Guess that's useful enough" (Y/N) said

"I know it is, also the room may only be used whenever you don't have lessons or at lunch whenever you still have time, just make sure not to forget to spend time with your friends" Faragonda said

"Is it alright if I go take a look there with my friends after school?" (Y/N) asked

"Of course, this is for you so you may decide what to do with it just make sure not to explode the entire room like Stella did" Faragonda suggested

"Yeah, and besides, I'm more careful when it comes to rooms" (Y/N) said

"Alright then, I wish you luck" Faragonda said

"Thanks faragonda" (Y/N) thanked

After that (Y/N) was brought away as Faragonda could only blush and think in relief

"I have no doubt he'll be careful with stuff like these, I just hope that no villains break into that place, the last time some strong force did it turned the whole planet into a wasteland" Faragonda thought

After a few hours when school was done (Y/N) was in his room looking around the place and putting some stuff into orders so he wouldn't get confused, he also unpacked a few stuff that he thought would be useful before somebody knocked on the door

"Come in" (Y/N) said

After saying that (Y/N)'s friends went inside the room and when they did they could only look in awe at the surrounding area

"Wow! (Y/N), the letter you send was really right, it's a wonderful place, we could go on dates here" Stella said

"Uh, no, that's not possible, this is my training room, this is where I'll be training to try and gain my trancendent sword" (Y/N) explained

"Yeah, and besides, that's mostly you Stella" Bloom said

"Yeah, yeah, me being a fashion princess and all, I know, but I'm not only for fashions you know, I'm also known for being a skilled fighter" Stella said

"Yeah, like you beated the heck out of those Ghouls when we first met and where we totally didn't had to help you" (Y/N) said sarcastically

"Okay, okay, maybe I could've fought them off again but they held me back so I was motionless" Stella said

"Well, besides that we believe you can get that sort of power (Y/N)" Flora said

"Wait a minute girls, I feel a strong sense of magic surrounding this place" Tecna said

"What kind of magic?" Musa asked

"I believe some sort of legendary one" Tecna answered

"Huh?!" Bloom asked

"Let's look around" (Y/N) suggested

"Wait, shouldn't you be searching?" Stella asked

"Huh? Why?" (Y/N) asked

"Remember what Headmistress Faragonda said 'only the person who trains a lot can get it'" Tecna said

"Alright, let's give it a shot, you girls against me" (Y/N) said

"Huh?!" The rest of his friend asked in shock

"It's just a test, I won't try to hurt you, and if I do though, let me know" (Y/N) suggested

The group then looked at each other before nodding as if agreeing

"Alright, we're in, but on one condition, Bloom is gonna be the one left out" Tecna said

"Alright, but only because we don't know how strong she is in fighting as she's done it once" (Y/N) said

"Alright, let me just go take a seat" Bloom said

Bloom then took a seat far from the training field

"Well then, time to transform!" Stella said

"Magic Winx Transform!" The four yelled out

(Start at 0:02)

The group then began transforming into their Winx forms before they began flying as (Y/N) gained his yellow skin

"Alright guys, I'll be trying not to hurt you but since I'm training I won't be going easy on you" (Y/N) said

"That's what we were expecting" Flora said

"Alright, let's do it!" Musa said

After saying that the group began their fight against (Y/N) as Tecna sends some technical balls at (Y/N) who dodges it as he shoots a ball of fire at Tecna who also dodges it right before it was closing at her

"Wow! He's so fast!" Tecna said

"We can't get distracted so easily, sure this may be one of the tests but we'll make sure (Y/N) wins" Musa said

"Glad you could agree" Flora said

"Whatever, I'll go next!" Stella said

Stella then pulled her ring out and threw it which changed into a staff as she then shot lasers from is which (Y/N) managed to dodge while also throwing some magic fire balls at the lasers which then got into contact and exploded which made Stella shocked

"Come on Stella! I thought you were more powerful than that" (Y/N) said

"No I'm not!" Stella said

Stella then raged before she shot lasers at (Y/N) who tried to dodge them only to get thrown backwards by one but before he could land he teleported out of the way and shot his magic power at Stella who didn't notice which made her fall to the ground and detransform

"Stella! No!" The group called out

"1 down 3 to go" (Y/N) reminded

"Come on bro, you got this!" Bloom called out

After that Stella stood back up while scratching the back of her neck

"Well, he's defeated me so I'll just sit back and watch" Stella said

Stella then went to the seat next to Bloom while Flora, Tecna and Musa went into a circle and whispered to each other

"So how do we defeat (Y/N) now, he's stronger than any of us" Tecna whispered

"I'm not sure but we have to make sure he doesn't get any of us down" Musa whispered

"Yes, I'll go now" Flora whispered

The three then looked back at (Y/N) who was playing with some fireballs and juggling them before he saw his friends looking at him

"Are you guys ready now?" (Y/N) asked

"Yes, but don't worry, we'll make sure you'll lose" Flora answered

"We'll see about that" (Y/N) said

Flora then used her magic to sent vines flying towards (Y/N) who managed to dodge them as Tecna and Musa looked in awe before (Y/N) went close to them as Tecna shot some technical magic at (Y/N) who dodged it before he got caught in Flora's trap

"Looks like we caught you" Flora said

"We'll see about that" (Y/N) said

After that (Y/N) used his fire fart against the vines to incinerate them which made the group laugh at that power while also being disgusted as Flora found herself grunting which made the (Y/N) approached her as he prepared to shoot some laser only to stop and tap her which caused her to fall down unconscious as she detransformed which made Bloom and Stella worried and run after her

"Flora! Wake up!" Bloom called out

Flora then woke up

"What happened?" Flora asked

"You fell unconscious after that power, you alright?" Stella asked

"Yeah, I'm fine but we need to plan a way to stop (Y/N)" Flora answered

"Don't worry, I've got a plan" Bloom said

Meanwhile back at the fight (Y/N) was able to distract Musa by erasing both music boxes as Musa was worried

"Oh no! He's too strong for both of us!" Musa said worriedly

"Yeah, we need a plan!" Tecna said

Tecna and Musa then heard whistling which made them turn to Bloom who showed them some flying booby traps which made them smile

"We quit!" Tecna said

"You sure? Don't you want me to gain my power?" (Y/N) asked

"Of course, but there's an other way" Tecna answered

"Which way?" (Y/N) asked

"Hmm, wait here" Tecna answered

The duo then flew off as (Y/N) continued to wait as he flew in circles before something happened, he flew into some plastic which made him remove it as some feathers were then sent at him because of some ventilator which sends him flying back towards a hot steaming flatiron to be sent flying on top of his head which sends him down into some lego's which made him run on top of the stairs to the top floor where he saw Bloom, Tecna, Musa, Stella and Flora looking at him

"Come on over here!" Tecna called out

"Did you girls plan this?!" (Y/N) asked angrily

"Probably yes, probably no" Bloom answered

"Now!" Flora called out

After that two cans were sent flying at (Y/N) which he dodged before one sents him off the stairs and onto some cars as he tried to stand up only to fall back down as he then flew up towards his friends who ran towards the door as Bloom opened and closed it which made (Y/N) touch it only for him to start stuttering a bit before he lets go as he then kicks the door which then fell down as he then flew in only to see some brick fall down on him which sends him to the ground and into a closet which then fell down which (Y/N) dodged with his shield which made the rest of his friends turn to him

(End music here)

"So, did you learn your lesson?" Bloom asked

"Yeah, I guess I may have deserved it" (Y/N) answered

"We do need to clean you up but this was a rather great thing we did" Stella said

Tecna and Musa then put the closet back before they approached him and pulled him 

up as a transcendent sword appeared which had a black part on the bottom with a star at the end, a gray upper part with a red stripe in the middle along with some yellow and red wings on either side with white and pink flowers on a few parts

"What's that?" (Y/N) asked

"This must be the new transcendent sword" Musa answered

"Let me do some tests" Tecna said before she used her phone to shine a green light on the sword before it said stuff "Here's what it says 'It's the Transcendent Sword of Friendship'" Tecna answered

After that the group cheered

"Well, all we had to do was make sure (Y/N) loses" Bloom said

"Uh, no we didn't, half of us still lost with the exception of Bloom but because he trained hard against us I have no doubt he'd be powerful enough to win this game" Flora said

"Well, that's good but should we tell Faragonda about this?" Stella asked

"Of course, also (Y/N) we should put this for safekeeping in our room" Tecna answered

"Good idea, it could give no one a chance to steal it" (Y/N) said

"Alright, I'll go do it then" Musa said

"Yes, I'll also figure out how to fix all the messed up things in this room" (Y/N) said

"Alright, let's do this" Bloom said

(Y/N)'s friends then left the room as (Y/N) stayed behind before Tecna puts the sword in a cabinet and puts the code on before she went to her friends who were waiting

"Is it in a safe cabinet?" Musa asked

"Yep, safe enough for no one to get it except for (Y/N) as only he can know the code" Tecna answered

"What about us, you know we're a team right?" Flora asked

"Of course Flora, we're always a team but what if one of you gets manipulated and steals the sword?" Tecna asked

"Yeah Flora, I know we're a team but I have to agree with her especially since it's dangerous for us to find out" Bloom said

"I also have to agree" Stella said

"Ditto" Musa agreed

"Fine!" Flora said in defeat

Just then (Y/N) walked in

"That was the last fix" (Y/N) said

"(Y/N), did you get distracted?" Tecna asked

"Nope, but Faragonda did come in asking to see how everything was going but I explained that it went fine and that I had to put this back so yeah, that's all" (Y/N) explained

"Wow! Sounds like you've been through a lot, hopefully you didn't tell her what we did" Tecna said

"No I didn't, especially since you're the best girls I could ever ask for" (Y/N) answered

After answering the five girls started blushing as (Y/N) looked at them happily before the five hugged him tight which made (Y/N) smile warmly at them

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