Chapter 6: Y/N vs Majin Buu

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Y/N and Majin Buu glare at each other, the young Saiytonian grits his teeth. Suddenly Majin Buu smirks, Y/N knew this couldn't be good at all. The Majin vanishes from his sight; his speed was incredible but the young Saiytonian closed his eyes, letting his hearing track down the Majin. With quick thinking, Y/N slams his elbow into Majin Buu's face catching the Majin in his tracks.

Super Buu: "How?! How did you catch me?!" The Majin has steam coming out of the holes in his body. He suddenly let out a mighty roar that echoed throughout the area. His aura erupted from his body and the sky started to darken; the rain started pouring and lightning struck the ground repeatedly.

The Majin stopped screaming when he felt a sharp pain in his gut, Y/N had kicked him in the gut. Y/N twirls in the air and using his other foot, he struck Buu in his face. The force was enough to knock Buu through some cliffs, Y/N kept a serious expression on his face.

Y/N: "He is plotting something..." Y/N clutches his ears as his eardrums were being bombarded with so many vibrations around the world. "Not... Now..."

His senses were being overloaded; this allowed Buu to fly up to him and knock the Saiytonian to the ground with a punch to the head.

Super Buu: "What happened to fighting me? I hope you don't plan on quitting now." Buu was trying to provoke Y/N but to no avail did it work.

Laying in the crater, Y/N felt very weird at this moment. He saw a hand in front of him that wasn't his own, it was manifesting from him. Buu launched a giant ki sphere at Y/N, but the hand that manifested from Y/N began to absorb the ki sphere transferring its energy to Y/N. Y/N's eyes began to glow blue as he felt Buu's ki surging through his body. Buu looked at the Saiytonian with curiosity, he suddenly sensed the energy of all the people he absorbed surging through Y/N's body; Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Gotenks, Piccolo, Cell, Frieza, and among other beings. Buu flew down to Y/N's location and cocked his fist back ready to punch him but suddenly he stopped in his tracks. Buu looked down to see a blue blade made out of ki had impaled him. That blade was coming from Y/N's hand, the young Saiytonian had no clue what was going on.

Vegeta was in shock at what he saw, Goku who had been healed by Whis also looked astonished by this; Whis on the other hand had a smile on his face.

Goku: "THAT'S VEGITO'S TECHNIQUE!" Goku shouted.

Vegeta: "How is he able to do that?!" Vegeta couldn't fathom Y/N being able to use a technique that he didn't even know.

Chapter 6: Y/N vs Majin Buu

Whis: "By absorbing Buu's attack, Y/n seems to have the ability to absorb and copy an opponent's abilities. Quite a useful ability if I say." Whis chuckled to himself.

Goku: "NO WAY!!! He also got a boost of energy from absorbing Buu's energy!" Goku was bewildered about this newfound knowledge

Back with Y/N and Buu, the Saiytonian had unconsciously done this attack. This was new to Y/N but he just had to roll with it.

Super Buu: "You're using a fusion's ability... Impossible!" The Majin flew in the opposite direction ripping the flesh around the ki blade until he was free. His regeneration was so great, he regrew that part of his body within seconds.

Y/N: "I don't know how I did that... But I like it." Y/N extends his index finger at Majin Buu. Then, he fires multiple Death Beams at a very fast rate, these beams rip holes in Buu's body. After he was done with that, he put both of his hands forward like he was firing Vegeta's Final Flash; then he pulled them to his side like he was performing a Kamehameha wave. Combining the power of the Final Flash and the Super Kamehameha Wave into one attack. Shouting out the attack name "FINAL KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAA!!!" He fires the attack, it appears as a giant blue energy wave with swirls of yellow ki. This energy wave engulfs Buu's body causing the Majin to scream out in agony as the energy wave struck a far-off mountain causing a massive explosion that violently shook the ground. He saw a lot of dust and smoke floating in the air around the area Majin Buu was, the Saiytonian knew he wasn't dead from this attack. The knowledge of these attacks was stored in Y/N's brain.

???: "You're doubting yourself, you think you can't beat Majin Buu. I've provided temporary power to you, use it well and we can beat this demon." The mysterious voice said to Y/N.

Y/N: "Who said that?! Show yourself!" Y/N looked around but he saw no one.

???: "I'm your new ability, that arrow you were stabbed with. Yeah, it created me. The ability we share allows us to do more than absorb energy, I can allow you to copy the powers of the person whose energy I take. Listen Y/N, stop doubting yourself, you have the energies of those Buu has absorbed plus his power."

Majin Buu being fully healed, flew over to the battlefield and had a pissed-off expression. Y/N's aura erupted from his body as he readied for battle. Y/N was getting pissed off just from looking at this guy's face, the Saiytonian felt a new surge of power flowing through him.

Y/N and Buu flew right at each other causing the two of them to clash, Y/N and Buu clasped each other hands trying to overpower the other. Y/N's eyes changed from their normal color to yellow, his aura was vibrant and sparkling green; his hair spikes up to that look of a Super Saiyan. He acquired exponentially increased muscle mass and height as well as a much larger aura pressure. Buu smiled seeing that Y/N was growing much stronger through their fight.

Buu: "Oh I am so enjoying this moment now, come on boy! Show me your true power!" Buu tried to taunt Y/N but the Saiytonian used his tail to whack him in the face.

This caused him to plummet to the ground as Y/N extends his arms out toward Buu and flew at him like a meteor ready to strike. However, the Majin dodged the attack flying back from the area the moment Y/N struck the ground. The damage from this caused a giant crater to form on the Earth's surface, Buu flew at Y/N when he saw the Saiytonian get up. The moment he got there, Buu axe kicked him causing him to fall to the ground. Then the Majin extends his hand at Y/N releasing a point-blank energy wave that created a large dark pink energy dome that grew bigger and bigger, suddenly the energy dome changed from dark pink to dark green. Y/N's silhouette was visible as the Saiytonian let out a mighty roar causing the energy dome to dissipate. Y/N was in a fit of rage, he was no longer acting like himself.

Goku: "Y/N's completely lost it!" Goku was ready to intervene but Whis stopped him.

Whis: "Patience Goku, let Y/N handle this, he'll do the right thing." Whis was confident in Y/N's ability, he knew there was something special about Y/N.

Vegeta: "Tch... How did he gain so much power so quickly? No matter, he'd better defeat Majin Buu." Vegeta looked a little annoyed but he is hoping Y/N wins this fight.

Y/N flew over to Buu and delivered a devastating blow to Buu's face, the punch was hard enough to leave a mark on his face. Then Y/N grabbed Buu's face and focused his energy on the hand that has Buu. He releases a point-blank blast to his head that completely eradicates his head. The problem was Buu's regeneration factor, the moment he regrew his head; the Majin kicked Y/N in the gut causing the Saiytonian to clutch his stomach. He looked up at Buu who did a roundhouse kick to his face, this knocked him into a nearby cliff. But Buu noticed something was off, he felt weaker the power that he had was reduced to half. He was now weaker than Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan forms. Y/N emerges from the cliff with a violent explosion.

The moment he reached Buu he began to pummel the Majin with a barrage of punches and kicks. Buu managed to get away from the Saiytonian as he flew up and he lifted his hands above his head, Buu focused his energy into a ball of ki that kept growing in size. Once it was big enough, he threw it down at Y/N hoping to kill him and he didn't care if it destroyed the Earth. But Y/N extends his hands up at the ki sphere and begins gathering energy into a single point. Y/N kept a beastly look on his face, he let out a roar that was enough to spread throughout the area. Releasing a giant streaming beam of energy toward the energy sphere, both of the energy attacks collide causing a surge of power that caused a lot of environmental damage. The area was illuminated by flashing pink and green lights, Goku and Vegeta watch with great interest while Whis had a happy expression.

Whis: "Impressive, he's adapting to the fight relatively quickly."

Y/N's attack began to overpower Buu's, as his energy wave consumed the energy bomb and it struck Majin Buu which blew up his body completely. Y/N however had calmed down reverting to his normal state.

Y/N: "He's not dead... Well, I need tips on how to get rid of him permanently!" He yelled over to Goku and Vegeta.

Goku: "Wait a minute, that's right! Hold him off Y/N I got a plan." Goku lifts his hands over his head, his palms wide open. "I call out to you, plants, animals, and every living thing that hears my call. I beg you to lend me some energy." The energy was gathering into a single point, this borrowed energy was forming into an energy sphere.

Meanwhile, Majin Buu had fully reformed into his humanoid shape. Y/N just stared at him with anger, Buu had an expression of rage.

Super Buu: "I'll kill you! BEFORE THAT, I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER A FATE WORST THAN DEATH!!!" But shouts at the top of his lungs. Y/N gave him a beckoning sign, followed by a smirk.

Y/N: "Come get me you ugly bubblegum." Y/N taunted the Majin.

Buu flew at Y/N with great speed, but Y/N also flew toward him, and the moment the two clashed again. The two were exerting so much energy that the boundary of the dimension could not withstand the clash. Therefore, space and time "shattered". The dimension appears to hardly have any terrain and gravity. The only objects that seem to act as terrain are large asteroid-like objects that float around. Within the background are odd vibrant colors that circulate the landscape. Y/N looked around with utter confusion but was caught off guard by a punch to the face, but he quickly recovered from this and kicked Buu in the gut.

Flying away from the Majin, Buu shot ki blasts from his hands but Y/N managed to avoid them with aerial maneuvers. As the fight continued, Y/N continued to adapt to the fight the longer he fought. Looking back at Buu, Y/N twirls in the air which made him fly backward. Y/N aims his hands at Majin Buu, shooting a volley of ki blasts, both of the ki blasts the two were shooting collide with one another as they explode on contact. Goku was collecting energy for his Spirit Bomb, it was very small at the moment but it kept growing in size the more energy it absorbed.

Y/N: "If you're trying to kill me then you're doing a terrible job at it." Y/N taunted the Majin, he kept flying at a fast speed.

But suddenly Buu appeared in front of him, and Y/N realized he used Goku's technique: Instant transmission.

Super Buu: "I shall absorb you now!" Buu tore a piece of himself off and he threw it at Y/N, however, it was destroyed by two beams of heat that burst out of his eyes.

But Y/N couldn't stop shooting the heat vision from his eyes, the beams of heat cut Buu in half but the Majin was just fine.

Y/N: "Dammit, I've control over my powers!" Y/N covers his eyes with his hands but his heat vision started burning his flesh causing him to groan in pain from this.

Super Buu: "BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You lost control over your abilities! Now then, I can take care of Son Goku before that Spirit Bomb is complete." He flew in Goku's direction, however, Vegeta blocked Buu's path.

Vegeta: "I don't think so! I still want my rematch, you freak!" Vegeta quickly transforms into Super Saiyan God. "Y/N softened you up quite a bit, but I intend to kill you!" Vegeta vanishes with a burst of intense speed, he appeared right in front of Buu and delivered a devastating blow to his gut.

Super Buu: "Dammit... DAMMIT!!!" Buu was kicked in the face by Vegeta sending the Majin crashing into a mountain.

Goku: "Thank you Vegeta! I need more time with the Spirit Bomb." Goku was worried about this plan, he felt that it might not work.

Vegeta: "Tch... Just hurry up with the damn Spirit Bomb. Buu may be weaker now, but he is gaining power quickly. Y/N had to fail, even when he had him on the ropes." Vegeta looked at the mountain where Majin Buu was. Vegeta extended his arm, then opened his palm and turned his hand up at a 90-degree angle. He then condensed his ki in his palm charging up a sphere, once it was done he launched the ki blast at the mountain where Buu was; the Big Bang Attack detonates in a massive explosion. This explosion kicked up a lot of dust, smoke, and debris. Once it was clear enough to see, Buu was enraged as his body healed up from the injuries he took.

Buu flew up into the sky and glared at Vegeta, he then began powering up in anger. Buu lets out all of his energy in a high-pitched scream, this was creating tears in the dimension walls that create rifts in the universe.

Vegeta: "This can't be good..." He flew toward Buu and tried to punch him, however, an energy barrier shielded Buu from Vegeta's attacks. "He'll destroy the universe if this continues!"

Meanwhile, with Y/N, he managed to focus enough to get the heat vision to stop allowing his eyes to return to normal. He quickly looks at Buu and Vegeta and flies toward the Majin, flying at incredibly fast speeds he manages to break through Buu's barrier allowing him to deliver a mighty blow to the cheek with his right fist. This stops Buu and the tears in the dimension begin to close, both Vegeta and Y/N got into a defensive stance as Buu just looked enraged.

Y/N: "Let's take him down for good!" Y/N's aura violently erupts from his body and Vegeta's aura was more calm thanks to the god ki.

Vegeta: "Just don't get in my way!" Buu, Vegeta, and Y/N flew at each as they all let out mighty roars.

To Be Continued...



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