Prologue: Chaos in the Storm

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Our story unlike so many others begin in space where for the first time the full space station was in danger, these dangers consisted of trying to evade the antimatter legion and when they were gone somebody exclaimed

"Whew! We're safe now" A crew member said

But just then three creatures dropped onto the deck below before rushing over to the crew members who began trying to escape them whilst screaming

"Ahhhh!" A space station employee shouted

"What is that?!" Somebody else shouted in worry

The trio of creatures then gathered in a circle which made the others worried as more and more began appearing which made a girl who had pink hair and was in a scientist like suit turn to them worriedly

"Lead the evacuation quickly!" A girl in pink

Afterwards people began running as a few other people like a brown guy with yellow hair and in a security outfit tried to stop the legion from hurting people while two people rushed to the elevator where they stopped and saw it beginning to flash a bright light ready to explode

"Look out!" An excited voice called out

Meanwhile when everybody was done and the sound of the explosion dimmed down somebody who was fully purple for the most part was standing near the crowd and pretending to play the violin stopped and turned to the surrounding area

"Seems I came at a bad time" Kafka explained

Just then a screen popped up as we heard a voice

"No no I think you couldn't have timed it better" The screen explained

Afterwards the screen lowered a bit as the girl turns to it

"23:47:15 system time, very punctual Kafka" The screen explained

"Elio always tells the exact future, so what's with the explosion just now? Was that also part of his script?" Kafka reminded

"Uh huh '23:44:59 system time: the pulses from the explosion caused a massive breakdown from the master control system'" The screen explained

"You did that?" Kafka asked

"No the antimatter legion did it, they completely invaded the space station two system hours ago" The screen answered

Kafka then whistled in disbelief for a second

"Alright, so do we need to fight the legion?" Kafka asked

"I dunno, Elio didn't say anything about it so it doesn't matter" The screen answered

"Got it so from now on I'll be in charge of this operation" Kafka said

"Copy that though can you let me have some fun this time? Our last few operations turned out to be pretty dull" The screen reminded

"...Sorry, I'm afraid there's not much I can do for you as our task this time is just to place the target properly but if you wanna go look for some fun yourself I won't stop you, I mean after all..." Kafka started

Kafka then turned around as the screen followed after her before Kafka managed to open the door as a few antimatter legion goons looked at her

"After all..." Kafka started while approaching the goons "Elio didn't put it in the script sp why would it matter" Kafka reminded

After saying that Kafka shot two goons causing them to fall down unconscious and bleed pink blood which made the others turn to her angrily and hiss only for Kafka to stare angrily at them

"Are you seriously planning on attacking a Stellaron Hunter?" Kafka asked

The goons then rushed towards her and the screen to which the screen disappeared while Kafka jumped over the goons before swipe kicking one to the ground making it grunt in pain before standing back up only for Kafka to pull out a tranquilizer gun and shoot the goon to the wall making it grunt in pain before passing out which made two others rush towards Kafka again ready to knock her unconscious only for Kafka to buck her head making the two jump against the wall and fall to the ground in dizziness and when it seemed that they were defeated she panted in relief

"Whew! That was close" Kafka said in relief

Kafka then quickly approached the control panel as she pulled out a screen herself and hacked the system causing the doors to open

"When did the antimatter legion become so weak?" Kafka asked

Just then the screen reappeared as the person's voice spoke again

"I could only attract this much, did you really want the entire legion to come here?" The screen asked

"This lot won't be able to slow down the Astral Express crew" Kafka reminded

"Relax a doomsday beast is also here" The screen reminded

"Let's try and ignore him as much as we can then" Kafka suggested

Afterwards she began running to the other side of the space station where she also hacked the scanner and when that was done she noticed another few antimatter legion member

"Allow me to take care of these brats" Kafka suggested

Afterwards the other antimatter legion members who saw her hissed before they rushed to Kafka while one began shooting lasers which Kafka dodged before she jumped up and made a salto before landing on it and causing it to break and afterwards she zipped past a few more while shooting her gun so fast that it glogged

"Shoot! It's glogged!" Kafka called out

She then noticed she had defeated them all making her pant in relief before twirling her gun and putting it back in her pocket but what she didn't know was that one antimatter legion goon was secretly rushing towards her only to get sucked into a glitchy vortex by somebody before they began talking

"Cleaning up other people's mess isn't in my job description y'know right?" Somebody then asked

The person then jumped off a desk as we saw they had grey hair pulled back with a ponytail and blue and black clothes that look like they came from an 70's or 60's night club as she then began blowing a bubblegum

Kafka then approached the person while sighing

"Yeah, yeah, where did you send it Silver Wolf?" Kafka asked

"Some random coordinates, not important, you care about where that Voidranger ended up?" Silver Wolf asked

"Of course not, I'm just amazed at this fancy technique of yours as usual" Kafka answered

"Just a little trick of tampering with the data of reality I wouldn't call it fancy" Silver Wolf suggested

Kafka then noticed the screen was still up making her confused

"What were you looking at so intently just now? Let me see" Kafka suggested

"Herta's toys, a catalogue featuring the space station's collection of rare items they've got a lot interesting gadgets" Silver Wolf explained

"Like what?" Kafka asked

"There's this gun, it can range any creature within it's crosshair as a score from 0 to 100" Silver Wolf explained

"...Doesn't sound very interesting" Kafka said in disbelief

"Aren't you curious about how much you would score? I kinda wanna know mine" Silver Wolf explained

"Fine, I guess we can swing by and play with it if it's not too far, what's our destination?" Kafka asked

"Go down the corridor behind the door on the left, there's a room where some kind of rare item is stored" Silver Wolf explained

"So that's where the Stellaron is?" Kafka asked

"That's where we can find out where the Stellaron is" Silver Wolf reminded

"Alright, let's go there then" Kafka suggested

The duo then began running to one of the doors only to stop in front of it as Kafka had a feeling

"Hold it" Kafka suggested

"What's wrong?" Silver Wolf asked

"Someone or something is up ahead" Kafka answered

Just then a goon flew through the wall as others came by to surround them

"Looks like we're the ones getting ambushed" Silver Wolf said in disbelief

"But they're the ones getting besieged" Kafka explained

Kafka then nodded before she grabbed Silver Wolf by one hand and spun her rapidly as Silver Wolf stretched one feet outward making a few goons knock against the wall before Kafka threw Silver Wolf in the air who began spinning while hacking their minds causing a few automatic goons to glitch and attack their companions before the duo landed and Kafka used two tranquilizer guns to knock all the remaining ones out cold before grabbing Silver Wolf and putting her to the ground

"Wow! That was harsh!" Silver Wolf said

"Sorry about that" Kafka apologized

"No worries" Silver Wolf said

The duo then walked into the monitor room only to see no one there making Kafka smile in relief

"Not a single soul here, impressive evacuation work, did Herta organize it herself?" Kafka asked

Silver Wolf then checked the data before turning back to Kafka

"According to the access history she hasn't logged in here for over six months and the evacuation was directed by the acting lead researcher: a girl named Asta" Silver Wolf answered

"Doesn't ring a bell" Kafka reminded before she realized something "Oh right Elio said we wouldn't run into Herta so it seems she really isn't here" Kafka realized

"Now where's the Stellaron?" Kafka asked

"Elio's script doesn't include any info about the location if the Stellaron which means in the future he forsees..." Silver Wolf started

"...We would find the Stellaron in a non-physical way" Kafka finished

"This space station is packed with extraordinary objects so I wouldn't be surprised if there's one that can make it happen" Silver Wolf reminded

"Hiding something extraordinary with something extraordinary... This is pretty Herta, I assume you know what to do? I mean you've read that catalog for quite a while" Kafka reminded

"I've got all the clues we need so the only piece missing is a simple trick" Silver Wolf explained before turning to the room before her "Help me investigate the terminal in this room, our item might be inside" Silver Wolf suggested

"Okay the stage is yours" Kafka said

Silver Wolf then went to the computer in the room and tried to hack the system to find the Stellaron while Kafka approached the security cameras

"I can see the whole space station on the surveillance screen... But not the Stellaron" Kafka explained

"Even if you could it'd be a trap as Herta doesn't display her collections" Silver Wolf reminded

Kafka then rushed to the terminal boxes and began checking every cabinet

"Huh? I can't see the memory storage for this terminal..." Kafka said in disbelief

"This is the monitor room, they must have deleted the records and made a run for it classic" Silver Wolf said in disbelief

Realizing there was no way to find the Stellaron she turned to Kafka in defeat

"Make your way over here then, there's no point in trying to search like this" Silver Wolf suggested

Kafka then ran over to Silver Wolf in defeat and when she was near Silver Wolf she turned around

"So got a master plan?" Kafka asked as Silver Wolf nodded "I'm all ears" Kafka said

"It's a matter of hacking the surveillance system directly" Silver Wolf explained

"Aha I see, Herta's collections aren't in the system so anything unaffected should be our target" Kafka realized

Silver Wolf then used her interactive watch to hack the surveillance system which caused the screen to change to the Stellaron Hunters' logo

"Simple, crude but effective" Silver Wolf explained before she noticed something on her watch "Look, found it" Silver Wolf said in relief

The duo then approached the nearest computer as Silver Wolf began checking it while Kafka could only look at it in confusion

"Huh, what's this?" Kafka asked

"Item: 211, 'blind spot': A simple light deflecting field, it allows an object in it's field to pass unnoticed but if a different item ceases to be obvious the object gets revealed" Silver Wolf explained

"So Herta hides her collection with something as simple as this?" Kafka asked

"The simplest method is the hardest to spot, isn't that our motto?" Silver Wolf asked

Afterwards Silver Wolf pressed the spot causing the world to become fully blue before the two were seen standing on what seemed to be an invisible floor with a portal in front of them making the two run to what was before a wall as the portal showed the Stellaron room making Kafka whistle a bit

"Strange thing number two..." Kafka said in disbelief

"The data suggests it's just an ordinary hologram but it has an added layer" Silver Wolf explained

"Let's take a look and don't worry this place won't be our grave" Kafka reminded

The duo then stepped into what seemed to be a hologram before they arrived at the Stellaron room making Kafka look in awe

"Interesting, she's a member of the Genius Society alright" Kafka said in disbelief

"The Stellaron is up ahead let's hurry" Silver Wolf suggested

The duo then walked on over to the control panel which Silver Wolf then began hacking it and when that was done she turned to Kafka

"It has it's own security system... I guess even for Herta a Stellaron is no ordinary rarity" Silver Wolf reminded

"Can you get it?" Kafka asked

"Of course even the genius Herta can't compete with me when it comes to hacking" Silver Wolf explained

"Good then I'll also count on you with the preparation of the receptacle" Kafka said

Kafka then approached the Stellaron slowly before she grabbed one and splitted it before returning to Silver Wolf

"The receptacle is ready so it's off to your decision" Silver Wolf suggested

"Why don't we share our children" Kafka suggested

Kafka then gave Silver Wolf one piece of the Stellaron before throwing her two imaginary blocks

"There you go" Kafka said while doing so

The blocks then went to their respective spots where Silver Wolf pushed the button before a guy and a girl who had gray hair and both people wore ordinary outfits

While they appeared Kafka alongside Silver Wolf approached both of them slowly before Kafka took a closer look at them

"How much do they remember?" Kafka asked

"...They'll remember you and each other" Silver Wolf answered

Afterwards Kafka and Silver Wolf held their respective child in their arms before pushing the pieces of Stellarons into them making the duo wake up a bit and cough for a moment before noticing their respective mothers

"..." Kafka thought

"Where... Are we?" The girl asked

"A space station but that's not important" Kafka said before turning to the both of them "Listen: you are in a daze right now, you don't know who you both are, why you're both here or what you're going to do next, you think we look familiar but you're not sure if you should trust me" Kafka explained before shaking her head "...None of that matters, all you both need know is that I'm leaving and you both will be left all alone on this space station and from now on you needn't think about both of your pasts or doubt yourselves so listen: in the near future you both will encounter all kinds of perils and hardships but you both will also have many wonderful experiences, you'll meet companions who treat you like family and embark on surreal adventures with them and at the end of your journeys all that perplexes you both and troubles you both will resolf, this is the future that Elio has forseen, do you like it?" Kafka asked

"I-I guess so" The boy said

The duo then noticed Kafka beginning to walk away

"Where are you going?" The girl asked

"The next stop to pave the way for the future that is written, it's like weaving brocade you both and I can only add one gold thread each time but eventually we will make a gorgeous pattern" Kafka explained

"How long do you think you need? According to the script the Astral Express crew is arriving soon and we should avoid being seen by them" Silver Wolf reminded

"I know Silver Wolf just give me another minute" Kafka suggested before turning back to the siblings "I must leave now but don't worry someone will come and find you very soon so just go with them" Kafka suggested "And remember you won't remember a thing except me" Kafka reminded

"F-Farewell" The boy said

"When you have a chance to make a choice make one that you know you won't regret..." Kafka reminded

Afterwards the duo fell asleep in a slumber

(Caelus' POV)

"And that was how I got birthed along with my sister of course we didn't know what was going to happen, the only thing we knew was our names and Kafka and that girl who I believe was Silver Wolf of course this was only the start of my journey as the upcoming stories I'm gonna tell sound a bit more adventurous and dangerous" The boy thought

Just then voices were heard speaking

"Weren't their coordinates sent out from the space station...?" A guy was heard asking

"Who cares? They're here and alive, do they look like a mannequin to you?" A girl was heard asking

"First of all he's not a mannequin and second of all he's my brother!" A second girl's voice reminded angrily

The boy then sighed in disbelief before he got worried

"... Weak heartbeat and pulse... March you better do CPR" The guy suggested

"Huh?! Hehe... I-I've never done it before! Stelle you do it!" The girl called March suggested

"I can't do it either, why don't you do it Dan Heng!" The second girl known as Stelle suggested

Just then the boy woke up while the guy called Dan Heng began getting closer to him before a girl named March pulled him asside

"Wait stop it!" The girl named March called out

Then the girl was shown and she had white to pink hair and she also had some blue, purple and white clothing, black and purple heels, a camera hung around her waist and a band on the upper part of her leg

"They're awake!" The girl named March explained

After explaining that Stelle approached him and puts him against the wall where he began grunting and when he got suited with his balance Dan Heng and Stelle helped him up

"Here you go bro, are you okay?" The girl called Stelle asked

"Yeah I'm fine" The boy asked

"Can you hear us?" The girl named March asked

"Yeah I can" The boy answered

"Can you remember your name?" The guy named Dan Heng asked

"Yeah, I think so, my name is Caelus" Caelus answered

"Do you remember anything else?" The girl named March asked

"N-No, I... Can't remember a thing" Caelus answered

"Aw, this isn't good... Can you try harder? I'm sure you can at least remember your sister..." The girl named March reminded

"Of course I can, her name is Stelle" Caelus answered

"Ding ding ding, correct big bro!" Stelle said

The guy then turned to the trio as we saw he had black hair, red eyelashes and a black uniform covered in a white jacket except for the chest, gray pants and and black boots

"Caelus? Nice to meet you, my name's Dan Heng and this is March 7th" Dan Heng introduced

Caelus then raised his finger ready to ask his question only for Stelle to cover his mouth

"Don't ask why she's called March 7th as they don't know either" Stelle suggested

"Anyway the space station was just attacked by the antimatter legion and we came with the rescue at the request of lead researcher Asta" Dan Heng explained

"What is the antimatter legion?" Caelus asked

"Goons owned by the destruction, you're both lucky that the most dangerous lord ravager among them isn't around and it's just some nasty minions" March 7th said

"N-Nasty minions?!" Stelle asked in shock and worry

"We'll take those invaders out soon don't worry" March 7th said

"Who's lead researcher Asta by the way?" Caelus asked

"Uh-huh, she's a petite cutie with pink hair, madam Herta appointed her to be the actuling lead researcher" March 7th explained before sighing in disbelief "That girl really needs to step up, I can't believe her own employee doesn't even know her name..." March 7th said in disbelief

"So where should we go now?" Stelle asked

"Back to the master control zone, Asta and the other researchers have gathered there" Dan Heng explained

"Plus that's where we parked the astral express! Don't worry, we'll protect you from the monsters and clear up this mess" March 7th said

"Alright but before I do I have some questions" Caelus explained

"Alright, ask away" March 7th suggested

"First of all, who are you guys?" Caelus asked

"Dan Heng and I are members of the Astral Express crew" March 7th answered

"Well, the Astral Express has some dealings with Madam Herta so we came to visit the space station from time to time" Dan Heng explained

"We just so happened to arrive during this... Invasion, of course as a --ahem-- crew of heroes, we're happy to lend a hand" March 7th explained

"What's the Astral Express?" Caelus asked

"Yeah, I was wondering that too actually" Stelle agreed in confusion

"Yeah, you two have never seen it, the Express comes here every once in a while" March 7th explained

"It's a unique train that can travel between the stars with the power of the Trailblaze Aeon" Dan Heng explained

"I'll show you once we're back to the master control zone" March 7th said

"Let's go then" Caelus suggested

"You and March go back together, Arlan from the Security Department lost contact in the vicinity, Stelle and I need to find him first" Dan Heng explained

"Oh, alright, you both stay safe" March 7th suggested

Dan Heng and Stelle then left and when they were gone March 7th noticed there was one bat laying on a platform in the room where Dan Heng left from

"Caelus, maybe you should take this" March 7th suggested

"Why?" Caelus asked

"The Legion are rampaging through the space station like a pack of wolves--- this trip won't be a walk in the park, it's better if you have something to protect yourself" March 7th reminded

"Oh okay" Caelus said

"But it's just a suggestion though, you're safe as long as you stick with me---!" March 7th said

The duo then left but not before Caelus went to grab the bat which made March 7th happy before the duo began walking to the door while March 7th talks to Caelus

"This place is full of fancy little gadgets, Herta's collection, I really don't get why she'd go out of her way to collect them and then leave them here to gather dust..." March 7th explained in confusion

The duo soon enough reached the door as March 7th used her wristband to type in the code causing the door to open making the duo run out the room and into the halls where they were soon met by an Antimatter Legion goon which made Caelus worried

"Ah, it's the antimatter legion! So these crazy jerk made it all the way here... Watch this!" March 7th suggested

March 7th then shot an arrow to the goon which the goon heard causing it to dodge before it charged towards the duo before Caelus without knowing it smashed it into the wall

"You're stronger than you look... You seem to be quite the fighter" March 7th said in shock and disbelief

"I didn't even know I did that" Caelus explained

"Well, that's weird, but let's ignore that for now and get to the elevator!" March 7th said

"Good idea" Caelus said

The duo then began running to the elevator before they got to the hall where a bunch of machiines stood where Caelus could only look in awe

"...So we'll take that elevator on the central platform to go down to the master control zone, do you know the way?" March 7th asked

"No I don't" Caelus answered

"Oh okay" March 7th said as the duo then began walking "Um, actually, I noticed you're not wearing the space station staff uniform, do you really work here?" March 7th asked

"I don't remember" Caelus answered

"...Memory loss, huh, you must've been injured" March 7th said as Caelus then looked down in confusion and worry "...Never mind, I won't ask if you don't wanna talk about it" March 7th said

"Let's go, I'll take you to the safe zone" March 7th said

The duo then began walking towards the elevator and when they arrived March 7th tried to put in the code only for it to make a turned off buzz

"Ah I knew it..." March 7th said in defeat

"It's broken?" Caelus asked

"---But it wasn't me! The Antimatter Legion must've broken it!" March 7th explained worriedly

"Calm down, I wasn't targetting you" Caelus said

"Still, it's too bad Dan Heng's not here, he's like a walking encyclopedia... He knows a ton of complicated stuff, maybe even elevator repair..." March 7th explained sadly

Just then something unexpected happened

"I don't know that one" Dan Heng explained

The duo then turned around in shock only to see Dan Heng and Stelle standing there

"Whoa!" March 7th called out in shock before calming down "Why are you two here?! And how did you get here before us?" March 7th asked

"Actually, we were here first" Caelus corrected

"Oh right, my bad" March 7th apologized

"To answer your question though I took another route to the upper level and I saw you two from up there" Dan Heng answered

"Oh okay but where's Arlan?" Caelus asked

"Arlan is in the control room, he's been injured but not fatally" Stelle answered

"So you both found him!" March 7th said in relief before turning to Dan Heng "Will he know what to do about this elevator?" March 7th asked

"I suppose as the head of the Security Department he should know" Dan Heng explained

"Then let's go talk to him!" March 7th suggested

The trio then began running to the security department where they were met by an hurt brown boy who had a bit of armor except for his brown head and yellow hair sitting on the ground in pain

When the boy heard them approaching he turned his head around in worry

"Hey... You're all together?" Arlan asked

"Yep, we're from the Astral Express" March 7th answered

"Oh... Did Madam Herta sent you guys to help?" Arlan asked

"It's just a coincidence, we came to deliver the rare relic Herta trusted us to find... We didn't expect to arrive during an invasion" Dan Heng explained

"But why is the Antimatter Legion targetting you guys? It seems they just ignored the surface of the planet and came straight to the space station" March 7th explained in disbelief

"I... Have no idea, the Legion came at a very suspicious time, almost right after the security system suddenly failed, Lady... Lead Researcher Asta immediately began to organize the evacuation, I was supposed to cover everyone as they evacuated but... I didn't expect to end up failing in this task" Arlan explained worriedly

"Don't be too hard on yourself, your leg and dominant hand were injured, it was a wise decision to hide here and avoid a head-on encounter with the legion" Dan Heng explained

"Yeah! Most of the staff have been evacuated safely so right now our highest priority is to return to the Master Control Zone and plan a counterattack!" March 7th explained before she realized something "So... Do you know how to use the elevator? I couldn't start it..." March 7th explained

"After the evacuation was complete the elevators were shut down to keep the Legion away from the Master Control Zone but since I assume Lady Asta send you to look for me, I assume she must've given you the encryption key for accessing the elevator system?" Arlan asked

"Oh right, she did give me some sort of card..." March 7th realized

"Seriously?!" Stelle asked in disbelief

"...March..." Dan Heng said in disbelief

"But where did I put it..." March 7th asked searching her invisible pockets which made Arlan worried

"You..." Arlan started

Just then March 7th found it and pulled it out

"Ah! Here it is!" March 7th called out in relief

"I..." Dan Heng started before sighing in disbelief while his eyes read 'Don't ask, please'

"...Now that we found the key we should get going, we can use that console over there to unlock the elevator" Arlan suggested

Arlan then approached the console and activated the card for the elevator causing the elevator to go up which the group saw happening through the window

"Let's go" Dan Heng suggested

"Hold on, I only activated the elevator on the highest floor, we'll have to go there to use it" Arlan explained

"Why?" Caellus asked

"Because I mustn't give the Legion any chance to reach the Master Control Zone by the elevator, I must ensure the safety of the station's staff so I'll have to trouble you to take a bit of a detour... Apologies" Arlan apologized

"Huh? You're not coming with us?" March 7th asked in worry

"My leg is injured... I'd only slow you down, I'll stay here and shut down the elevator once you've made it to the Master Control Zone" Arlan explained

"You won't slow us down and besides you should be able to shut down the elevators from the Master Control Zone, right?" Dan Heng asked

"Agreed, Caelus and I made it here safely and now we've also got Dan Heng and Stelle, we're more than enough to protect you, let us worry about the Antimatter Legion, you just follow us  and keep yourself alive" March 7th suggested

"You can also use me as a crutch if you want" Caelus agreed

"Aren't you a nice kid!" March 7th said in awe

"...Thank you" Arlan thanked

"Now then, let's move out!" Dan Heng suggested

The duo then began walking towards the upper floor while Dan Heng began speaking

"Do you know why the Antimatter Legion would invade the station Arlan?" Dan Heng asked

"They must've come for Madam Herta's collection... But as to why, I still---" Arlan started

"I heard there's something called a Stellaron in Madam Herta's collection" Dan Heng explained

"...That's not the kind of information someone in my position would have access to" Arlan explained

The duo then kept walking in quietness before they eventually reached the top floor as they began nearing the elevator only for some kind of arrow to rush to the duo which Dan Heng then blocked causing it to fly right next to Caelus and Stelle causing them to dodge it in shock but before Dan Heng could say his apologies another sword slash had come sending Dan Heng flying back a bit while grunting in pain before he looked up and saw some kind of huge antimatter legion hopping along the floor before roaring at the duo

"Now what?!" Caelus asked

"We're gonna fight!" Dan Heng answered

"I don't know if you've noticed but there's a massive gap in the ground!" Stelle reminded

"True but that's what they're lying to you about, every gap in the floor, at least here is made of invisible glass which means we should be able to fight easily!" Dan Heng said

"Alright! Stelle since you don't have any powers we suggest you look after Arlan!" March 7th suggested

"Will do!" Stelle said

Afterwards all three fighters went on the invisible glass as the creature began roaring before he teleported a hole in the air which caused a block to appear which Dan Heng saw

"Look out!" Dan Heng called out

The trio then splitted up while Caelus rushed to the creature with his baseball bat which he pulled up to try and hit the creature who saw it coming

"Take that!" Caelus called out

But what he didn't know was that the creature saw it causing him to be sent flying to the elevator hole where he then struggled to get free before March 7th used her magical hand to remove him from the ground before she jumped into the air and charged her magic before she shot an arrow causing a few pieces of snow to swirl around the surrounding place which the creature tried to dodge by running only to trip and fall to the ground as snow reached it which made it use an arrow at March 7th right before he got hit causing him to fly against a wall making it grunt as it rushed to March 7th who then dodge rolled on the ground sending it flying to Stelle and Arlan who used his free hand to smack him backwards onto the ground where Caelus smacked him in the side causing it to yelp in pain as a bit of black dust appeared but right before it happened he stood back up and charged his power at March but not before Dan Heng sped right over him with a hard slash sending him against the wall making him grunt a bit

"Is it done now?!" Dan Heng asked

The creature then grunted in pain before it stood back up and roared so hard that everybody in the surrounding area would've heard him as more Antimatter Legion goons teleported in the room

"This can't be good" Stelle said in worry

The goons then neared the group as March 7th prepared her arrow in front of the goons ready to shoot at one

"Hey sore losers! You can't just gang up on us!" March 7th reminded

Just then a few drones flew in which slashed all goons into pieces before it knocked down the creature to the ground causing it to fall unconscious

"Go!" A voice called out from the drone

Afterwards March 7th grabbed Stelle as she dragged her and Arlan to the elevator while Caellus followed after them as Dan Heng watched them leave safely before following them into the elevator

A few minutes later in the Master Control Zone somebody who had red hair and looked ready for a ball had just finished defeating the minion as she sighed in relief

Himeko then went up a bit as she could only say something in disbelief

"Why does it always have to get this exciting?" Himeko asked in disbelief before the four heroes were heard entering the room as the doors closed making Himeko smile a bit while turning to them "Anyway at least you're back" Himeko said in relief

Himeko then approached the duo who were still panting in relief

"What a save!" Stelle said during her panting

"March, Dan Heng, Arlan, you've been through a lot" Himeko said when she noticed the four panting

March 7th then went straight, still in relief

"Whew! Himeko, what took you so long! That last wave of Antimatter Legion came at us like a swarm of locusts, have you ever tried shooting locusts with a bow?" March 7th asked

"I wouldn't have made a difference, my orbital cannon can deal with a whole bunch of enemies at once but I couldn't just blow up the space station with it, Herta would NOT like that..." Himeko reminded before turning to Arlan "Are you alright Arlan? Asta's been worried about you" Himeko explained

"I'm fine, a quick patching up will do, thanks for asking, I'll report the situation to Lead Researcher Asta immediately, bye" Arlan waved

"I'll go with you as I don't think you can walk" Stelle said

Afterwards the duo left as the others turned to Himeko again while Himeko turned to Caellus with a warm smile

"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm Himeko, navigator of the Astral Express" Himeko introduced

"In other words she's in charge of where the Express goes" March 7th explained

"March hasn't been any trouble for you along the way has she?" Himeko asked

"No she wasn't, I especially have never met a more lively girl in my life" Caelus answered

"Well, that's the joy of youth! We should take every step forward full of energy! He's a discerning one isn't he Dan Heng?" March 7th asked

"I have the right to remain silent" Dan Heng answered

After Himeko heard Dan Heng say that Himeko began laughing a bit

"Look at you all, you've already gotten really close" Himeko said happily before turning around "Come on, Asta has been worried about all of you" Himeko said

The duo then looked at each other in worry as March 7th turned to the duo

"Does anyone here think the same thing?" March 7th asked

"I'm afraid so March, it seems we're on the brink of disaster so we may as well make it the best of our time right now" Dan Heng answered

"But for now, let's go meet with Lead Researcher Asta" Caellus said

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