Everyone Needs an Origin Story

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Sean McLoughlin was sitting at his kitchen table, having a cup of coffee as he scrolled through twitter messages on his phone. The man gathered a lot of online attention, considering he was a professional youtuber with millions of subscribers and viewers daily. His phone suddenly rang and he jumped a bit, quickly answering it. The call did come as a surprise, as he wasn't expecting any calls that particular morning. "Hello?" He asked, then waited a moment. Realizing the call might be a business inquiry, he cleared his throat and tried again, attempting to sound more professional. "Hello, you've reached Sean McLoughlin." He said and instantly felt a strange shooting sensation through his ear and jaw. "Ah!" He dropped the phone and stared down at it as he massaged his jaw, slowly deciding it was a static shock. He scooped the phone back up and held it to his ear hesitantly. "Hello?" He asked one last time before hanging it up and laid it on the table. He stared it for awhile as he rubbed his jaw, then shook it off as a wrong number, or prank call and strange coincidental shock.

A few hours later, he found himself recording a VR game, bouncing around in his wireless headset. He felt a sudden jolt of energy and jumped to the right to avoid an enemy, smashing hard into the wall. He groaned, pulling off the headset and rubbed his head as he leaned against the wall. "That was closer than I thought." He chuckled, trying desperately to remember if he had been that close to the boundary. He pointed at the camera in his set up, chuckling. "Robin! You better cut that out." He pushed himself back to his feet and balanced, rubbing his head again as he looked over the headset. "Unless it was hilarious." He shrugged. "But not if you think they'll worry. You know what I mean." He mumbled, then looked up, giving the camera a thumbs up. "Thanks Robin! You're the best!" He walked back to the middle of the room and placed the headset back on, adjusting it and looked around, checking his boundaries before he began again. He quickly forgot about the incident. It certainly wasn't the first time he'd run into a wall while in his VR rig.

"And I'll see all you dudes, in the next video!" Sean finished off his recording with his signature ending, perhaps a little less energetic than usual. He tilted his head back and forth. "I have a killer headache... but at least I have my flamingo shorts!" He grinned, jumping in the air. He sighed softly and walked forward to check how things looked at the computer. "I don't know what I wanna call this one. If you've got any ideas Robin, lemme know." He mumbled as he double checked that everything was still recording, before he stopped it. He slipped the headset off and set it on the desk, closing down all of the software and prepared the footage to send to Robin. He left it to send and headed downstairs to find Signe, his long term girlfriend, cozy on the couch, watching a movie. "Hey." He leaned over the back of the couch, kissing the top of her head. "Whatcha watchin'?"

"Shh..." She hushed him, as the dialogue in the scene finished, then she glanced up at him with a smile. "All done recording?"

"Mmhm." Sean nodded, rubbing his head.

"You alright?" Signe shifted on the couch to look up at him better.

Sean sighed, nodding again. "Yeah. Yeah... I must have hit it harder than I thought."

Signe climbed up on her knees, gently running her fingers over his head and frowned at the bump as he hissed softly in pain and pulled away from her hands. "You hit your head?"

"Yeah... yeah. I just... I bumped into the wall... I had the headset on." Sean shook his head. "It wasn't that big of a jump though. I didn't think I hit it that hard."

"That's a nice sized bump, Sean..." Signe got up, sighing. "I'm going to get you some ice."

"I don't need ice." Sean muttered, watching her go.

Signe walked back in with an ice pack, and took his hand, guiding him to sit down on the couch. She sat down beside him and gently placed it against his head as he groaned in pain. "You do."

Sean sighed. "Maybe I do. Thanks Woosh." He smiled softly, leaning against her. He rarely called her by her name and doing so now would have only concerned her more. His headache slowly improved as they watched TV, until it was eventually a thing of the past.

Yawning, Signe shifted, glancing at him sleepily. "Ready for bed?"

Sean glanced at his phone and shook his head a little. "I have a conference call in an hour. Business meeting. I'll be in after that." He promised, kissing her softly. She nodded, smiling and headed off to bed. Curling up on the couch, Sean scrolled through Tumblr posts for awhile before getting up and headed to the office for his call. Afterwards, he wandered towards the bathroom, feeling groggy and strange. As he reached the sink, he smiled down at the toothbrush prepped with toothpaste, left on the counter by Signe. He smiled slightly as he brushed his teeth, a warm feeling filling his chest. He finished getting ready and quietly climbed into bed, trying not to wake Signe, and fell asleep much quicker than usual.

He woke up on the floor, laying on his aching stomach, a voice mumbling over head. "Hm?" He groaned, groggily rolling onto his side and looked up at Signe's face, peering down at him in the darkness.

"I asked if you were alright." Signe repeated herself. "You fell out of the bed... I guess."

"Uh, yeah, I'm... I'm okay." Sean nodded, rubbing his face with his hands and then sat up. "What time is it?"

Signe glanced at the clock and sighed. "Five."

"In the morning?" Sean grunted.

"No, in the afternoon. We never got out of bed." Signe teased.

Sean smiled, shaking his head as he got to his feet. "Go back to bed, I'm just going to grab a drink of water."

Signe shifted back to her side of the bed, watching him. "And you're sure you're alright?"

"Yes, tiny Voosh. I'm fine." Sean chuckled. Reluctantly Signe settled back in the bed, closing her eyes. Sean stepped through the doorway, closing his eyes and opened them again to find himself in the kitchen. His eyes widened and he was suddenly very awake as he looked around. He questioned if he had slept walked, or if he had really been that out of it that he just didn't remember walking to the kitchen. Trying to shake it off, he got his glass of water and went back to bed. It took awhile to fall back asleep, but he eventually managed it.

He woke to his phone ringing and swatted at it a few times, before answering the call and held it to his ear. "Hello?" He muttered, rubbing his face with his hand.

"What are you up to, you jokester?" Came the familiar voice.

"You woke me up Robin. I've been sleeping." Sean groaned.

There was a slight pause, before Robin responded with, "Sorry to wake you up. Isn't it one in the afternoon there?"

"Maybe." Sean looked up at the clock. "Yes."

"I meant this video." Robin continued. "Telling me to cut a part out and then editing it yourself." He chuckled. "And why just that one part? You tease."

Sean shook his head a bit before realizing Robin couldn't see him. "Didn't edit anything. I sent you the files, just like always."

Robin chuckled. "You're not getting me Sean, you may as well fess up."

"I don't even know what you're talking about." Sean sighed as he sat up.

"The VR video?" Robin sighed. "You sped up the part where you fell into the wall. But only on the face cam, jerk." He chuckled. "Now that we've had a laugh about it, I need you to send me the original file. It's a syncing nightmare the way it is now."

"Sure, yeah. Will do." Sean mumbled.

"Thanks buddy. Sorry again for waking you up! I'll email next time... I just need to get this done soon. Deadlines, you know? Your deadlines." Robin laughed softly.

"Mmhm." Sean yawned a little. "Thanks, Robin. I'll send the files in a few. Bye."

"Bye!" Robin hung up, and so did Sean.

Groggily, Sean dragged himself out of bed and stretched. He made his way to the bathroom and then headed straight to his office. He resent the files to Robin, assuming there had been some kind of issue the first time he sent them. Then, getting curious, he pulled up his face cam and skimmed through it. He set it just before he fell and hit play. He was standing perfectly in the center of the room, then he shot across the room in a flash, before leaping into the wall. Sean's eyes widened and he played the clip back again, then again. He played it one more time, watching his feet carefully, but he took every step in the strange dash towards the wall. It really did look sped up, but it was impossible. Shaking his head, Sean played it again, then slowed the video down again. That part looked normal, but the rest was clearly in slow motion. He was still staring at the screen when his phone rang and he answered it, holding it to his ear. "Robin?" He mumbled.

"It's not funny anymore, Sean."

"It's not a joke." Sean mumbled. "I wasn't fuckin' with you. I never editing this footage. This is what the camera picked up. I'm lookin' at it right now... I don't... I don't understand. A weird glitch?"

Robin sighed. "A glitch where it sped up one small part of the footage? Never seen that before."

"Neither have I, but I don't have another explanation..." Sean grunted, before remembering the night before when he seemed to warp from his bedroom to the kitchen. "Can you cut around it?"

"The syncing is going to be-"

"A nightmare." Sean nodded. "I know. I'm really sorry, but that is the original."

Robin sighed. "I'll try."

"You're the best!" Sean praised him. "I'll leave you to it."

"Mmhm." Robin groaned, hanging up.

Sean slid his phone into his pocket and stood up. He glanced around the room, then looked down at his feet. "No." He mumbled. "No... it doesn't make sense. It doesn't..." He leaned forward, moving to run and was suddenly across the room, eyes wide as his hands were placed against the wall to stop himself from hitting it. "Shite." He mumbled. "Holy fuckin' shite!" He screamed, turning and ran to the other side of the room, arriving just as fast, and hitting the wall even harder. His phone rang again and he leaned against the wall as he answered it. "Mmhm?"

"It syncs." Robin mumbled. "The gameplay doesn't speed up... the audio levels don't change, but everything stays lined up."

"Yeah." Sean muttered, shaking slightly.

"Sean? Are you there?" Robin groaned. "This is really weird."

Sean shook his head, slinking down to the floor. "You're telling me." He sighed. "I can't... I can't explain right now. Okay? Just... cut it out, get it edited... when I figure out what happened, I'll be in contact."

Robin was silent for a few moments before he sighed deeply. "Sean, are you alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah, fine." Sean muttered. "Thanks Robin." He hung up without another word and slowly pushed himself up on his feet. He walked very slowly and purposefully back through the house to the bedroom and got dressed. Then he carefully crept outside. Once he had a little space, he took a deep breath and started to run. With more space, he was able to see what was happening as the world sped by around him. He glanced down at his legs, but they felt like they were moving at a normal rate. Clearly, he was going much, much faster than it felt though. He stopped at the edge of the city, expecting to need to catch his breath, but he felt fine. Shaking his head, he glanced around, eyes wide. "I... have super speed." He mumbled out loud to himself. Shaking his head, he started laughing. "What kind of bollocks is that? That doesn't make any sense. I'm a fuckin' adult. People don't have super speed. You don't just wake up one morning with super speed." He babbled. "A dream!" Sean gasped finally. "This is a dream, this has to be a dream."

Sean stood, looking around for several moments before he nodded. "Web shooters. If this is a lucid dream, I must have web shooters." He held up an arm, tapping his middle and ring finger against the palm of his hand and watched in disappointment as nothing happened. "Flight!" He screamed, jumping in the air, only to land just as fast. He shook his head, sighing. "I'm bad at lucid dreamin'? How can you be bad at that. I thought if it happened, it happened." He muttered, staring out over the water. After waiting around for a bit, he turned and raced back home. He stopped beside his building, hands crashing against the wall to help stop him. "Not great at super speed either." He muttered, then glanced around, making sure that no one had seen him as he'd slowed down. Feeling secure, he slowly made his way inside and to their apartment.

Signe smiled as she saw him. "Did you go out?"

Sean paused and turned to grin at her awkwardly. He debated trying to explain this to her, but he didn't even know what this was. "Just stepped out for some air." He chuckled nervously.

"Sean, are you alright?" Signe frowned.

"I have to record." Sean grinned, disappearing down the hall. Sighing deeply, Signe watched him go and shook her head. She knew he was hiding something, or up to something, but she had no idea what. She decided to wait and hoped he would eventually come to her about it. At least recording would give him an outlet. Sean sat down in his chair, dropping his face into his hands. "Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just fuckin' nuts, that's all." He muttered to himself. "Recording..." He looked up at his computer screen. "That's nice and normal. That's what I told her I was doin'... I'll just... do that." He opened steam and glanced down his list of games, deciding on something he'd played a million times. The fans still loved it though, they deserved another episode if they wanted one, and he deserved to take it easy for the moment. Quickly setting up all the software and opening the game, Sean nodded to himself. This was fine, every thing was fine. He hadn't run across the city in minutes, he'd imagined that. He was just a little stressed again. He pulled his headphones on, did his tests and began recording. By the end of the session he was feeling pretty good. "Punch that like button in the face, like a boss! And high fives all round!" As enthusiastically as ever, he threw a hand out to each side and grinned at the camera. "And I'll see all you dudes..." He pointed at the camera, then threw his arms up. "In the next videoooooooOOOO..." The scream echoed out of even his normal range, and what seemed to be a wave hit his computer and desk, shooting them across the room and smashed them against the wall. Sean's eyed widened and he sat completely still in his chair, just staring at the destruction in front of him.

Within minutes the door opened. "What was th-" Signe stared at the smashed desk, computer and equipment before turning her attention to Sean. "Are you okay?!"

"Signe, no!" Sean covered his mouth with both hands, sliding a foot to push his chair back, but there was a sort of spasm in his leg and the chair whipped back hitting the far wall. Signe watched the chair fire backwards like a rocket and just stared in disbelief, not sure what she had just witnessed, let alone how to respond to it. Sean shook his head, hands still clamped over his mouth and eyes watering.

"Sean..." Signe held her hands up and Sean just shook his head, afraid to remove his hands from his mouth or speak. He wasn't sure what was happening or how to control it and he was terrified he might hurt Signe if something happened again. "It's okay hun." She promised, glancing back at the destruction before slowly making her way over to him. "It's... it's okay." She carefully placed a hand on his shoulder. "Relax. What... what happened?"

Sean shook his head, turning so his mouth faced away from her. "Go away." He whimpered through his hands.

Signe sighed. "You know I'm not going anywhere. What happened?"

"I... I don't know." Sean shrugged. "I just... I just did my outro and everythin'... exploded."

"Everything..." Signe looked back at the destruction. "... exploded." She repeated.

"Signe..." Sean swallowed hard, finally removing his hands from his face as she looked back at him. "I can run, really fast."

"I'm not sure this is the time for-" Signe started, but Sean shook his head, cutting her off.

"Like... really fast. It's not... normal." Sean mumbled, glancing up at her. "I thought I was dreamin'. But it just... keeps goin'." Signe offered him a small, confused smile and he groaned. "I should just show you. We need to go outside." He looked back at the computer. "I've destroyed the apartment enough." Nodding a little, Signe gently took his arm, watching as he made very calculated steps, leading her outside. She wasn't sure she believed what he was saying but something had happened in the office and she was extremely worried about him. Sean gently removed her hand from his arm and took a deep breath. He bit his lip, giving her a nervous look before he leaned forward and she watched him become a blur as he sped around the building.

As he skidded to a stop in front of her, she watched him with wide eyes. "Y-you... you... no... you... and just..." She turned, pointing in the direction he had run off in, then looked back at him. "Fast!" Sean just nodded, swallowing hard. "What the fuck?!" She gasped.

"I don't know!" Sean shook his head. "I don't! I really don't!"

Nodding a little, Signe sighed and stepped closer again, patting his back gently. "Okay. Alright. We'll..." She glanced around, looking back at him. "Figure this out? When... did this happen?"

"I don't know that either." Sean ran a hand through his hair. "I... recorded a video yesterday. On the Vive, and it looked like I warped across the room, and then I thought... that's crazy. I didn't do that. And I tried to run and... you saw. I'm fast! I'm just... fast." Signe nodded a little, looking around again and Sean shifted a bit. "Like... like a superhero." He mumbled, a hint of excitement lacing his words.

Signe looked at him, biting her lip. "Sean, I don't like that tone." She said softly. "Whatever this is, isn't normal. It could be hurting you..."

Sean shook his head. "Wiish! I could be a superhero!" He grinned wildly.

Staring at him in disbelief, Signe sighed. "Sean, you destroyed your office."

"I haven't learned how to control it yet... but I could learn. I can learn!" Sean was nearly vibrating with excitement and Signe stepped back a little, nervous about the jittering he was doing.

"I signed up for a lot..." Signe mumbled. "The crazy hours, the traveling, when you dyed your hair green for two years..." Sean bit his lip, trying to calm his excited shaking as he listened. "This is insane, Sean. Actually insane. You just circled the building in seconds! Is... is that what happened in the office?"

Sean shifted a little, shaking his head slightly. "No... that was... different." He bit his lip. "It was like a... super scream?"

Signe sighed. "A super scream? You have a super scream now? That's... fitting." She nodded.

Shifting a little, Sean walked a slow circle around her. "This... this is insane. I know it is. It's real though, isn't it?"

"Yes. I think so. Your computer thinks its real." Signe mumbled.

Sighing Sean nodded a little. "Okay then... I uh, I'll make a vlog. Take a few days off work. Get a handle on this."

Signe watched him as he paced around. "A handle on this? This isn't like a new business opportunity... things are physically happening to you! How did this happen?"

Sean stopped, staring off into the distance as he thought for a moment then shook his head, shrugging his shoulders. "I have... no idea. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Not until I shot across the recording room... and then destroyed it." He hesitated, remembering the destruction he caused and changed the path he was walking, giving Signe more space. He still wasn't exactly sure how to control any of this and the last thing he wanted was to put her in danger. His computer, as much as he had loved it, was easily enough replaced. Signe wasn't.

"What if..." Signe looked around nervously, sighing and kept her voice low. "What if people find out about this? I know you don't like being called famous Sean, but people know who you are. If you're suddenly running across the country side, faster than a car and blowing things up when you scream... people are going to notice." She shook her head. "I mean, you scream a lot."

Stopping dead in his tracks, Sean smiled and glanced at her. "Was that a joke? Are you taking shots at me right now?"

"I'm nervous!" She whined.

"I love it." Sean chuckled, then took a deep breath. "Listen, I know this is a lot. I'm... I'm scared too, okay? Especially since, I'm... not sure how to control it yet." Signe opened her mouth and he held his hands up. "I'll learn! I'm going to learn! I'll figure this out. I can do that. I figured out how to trigger the run, I'll learn to control it better! Just like learning how a game controls..."

Signe shook her head. "This isn't a video game!"

"I know." Sean nodded, biting his lip. "I know."

"Do you?!" Signe watched him closely, and Sean only sighed, beginning to pace again. "Sean!"

"Yes!" Sean grunted. "Maybe... I don't know. It's very video game like." He watched her out of the corner of his eye as he walked.

Signe shook her head. "Can you stand still for more than five seconds? You're making me nervous..."

Sean continued to walk in small circles, chewing his lip, then finally looked up at her. "No. If I stop moving I'm going to explode."

Signe took a large step back, eyes wide. "What?"

"No! Ah..." Sean stopped, shaking his head. "Not... like really. Just... figuratively. I'm not explosive. I don't... think." He turned, starting to walk again. "Forget I said that. I just need to move right now."

"Okay." Signe nodded, chewing her lip as she watched him. "What do we do now?" Sean watched his feet as walked the small circles. He lost track of time as he considered the question and after about five minutes, she sighed, trying to get his attention. "Sean?"

"I don't know?" Sean shook his head. "Uh... let's go back inside. Maybe things will make more sense tomorrow?"

Signe rose an eyebrow. "You want to go to bed? You can't stop pacing circles in the yard... you're going to be able to sleep?"

Sean shrugged. "Honestly I don't think I'll sleep anyway... since I'll be on the couch." He stopped walking to watch her, taking in the immediate confusion he knew he'd see on her face.

"The couch?" Signe frowned.

"I can't control it yet. I..." Sean shook his head. "I don't want to risk hurting you. Especially if I do fall asleep..."

Sighing, Signe approached him and he took a hesitant step back. "You promised you weren't explosive, now come here." Sean could only laugh softly as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, squeezing him gently. He was hesitant, but hugged her back softly, hoping he wasn't about to discover super strength, and crush her in his arms. "You're a handful." She mumbled.

Sean chuckled, rubbing her back gently. "I may be a mess, but I'm your mess!" He bit his lip, then grinned. "And possibly a super hero."

"Stop that!" Signe giggled, pulling out of his arms. "This is terrifying. You're not supposed to be so excited."

"I've wanted super powers all my life." Sean shook his head. "I have them. I don't care how many computers I blow up, its still pretty fuckin' awesome."

"Fine." Signe took his hand, leading him back inside. "I'll be terrified for both of us." To that he could only grin, feeling a bit more comfortable that he hadn't triggered the super scream again. After a bit more discussion on the matter, and some objections on her part, Signe finally agreed that Sean staying on the couch until he had control of his new found abilities, was for the best. She turned their couch into a makeshift bed, and hesitantly left him to head for their room.

Sean sighed softly, and made his way to the bathroom to get ready for bed. He smiled at the prepared toothbrush on the counter and glanced towards their bedroom with a grin, before brushing his teeth and heading back to the couch. Tomorrow morning, he would record a quick vlog and send it to Robin from Signe's computer. Sure, Robin would have some questions, but honestly the man already did. They'd both seen Sean super speed across the room. He hoped he wouldn't have to keep his friend in the dark for long, but for now it was best if only Signe was in on his new secret. Sean laid on the couch, awake for hours running it all over in his head before he finally gave in to the exhaustion of it all and drifted off to sleep for a few hours.

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