The Life of a Hero

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"It's... a little tight." Sean said softly, posing as he stood in front of the mirror, looking over the suit that was form fitted to his body. The pants were a simple, solid black, while the top was black with thick bands of scarlet that came down over the shoulders, crossing at his chest and on his back, then continued down to his hips. The shirt sleeves covered his arms, right down to the built in gloves, with bands of scarlet around the wrists. On his head was a tight, black beanie with a scarlet extension that came down over his eyes like a mask. White almond shapes actually covered his eyes, made of a material that allowed him to easily see through from the inside.

Signe smiled, looking over her handy work. "That didn't answer my question."

"Sorry...." Sean shifted, popping his hip out to the side a little, then glanced back at Signe. "What was your question?"

Chuckling, Signe walked closer, wrapping her arms around his stomach and looked over his shoulder at the two of them in the mirror. "Do you like it?"

"Right!" Sean looked over the suit in the mirror again, before looking down at himself and nodded, grinning at Signe. "I do! I really do... it's really tight though."

"Yes. This is what happens when you want to be a superhero." She teased, kissing his shoulder gently.

Sean nodded slightly his eyes drifting over the mirror again. "I'm... gonna need underwear with more support." He pointed out, drawing a giggle out of Signe. "Don't laugh at me!" He whined playfully. "It's not like this is something I've ever done before. There isn't a superhero handbook!"

"This is my first time dealing with this all too." Signe smirked.

Sean shrugged. "You design costumes like you've been doing it forever. Could use a cape though..."

Signe shook her head, letting go of him and stepped back. "I didn't want you tripping over it at super speed and falling on your face."

"Ohhh... good call." Sean sighed. "This is why you're the brains of this operation!" He looked back at the mirror, tilting his head. "You don't think my facial hair is... signature?"

"Honestly, I just didn't know what covering your face would do with your super scream." She bit her lip. "But I can extend it if you want."

Shaking his head, Sean picked at his beard. "No... no you're right. I don't want to accidentally contain that scream. I can't see that going well. I mean... lots of people have beards. It would be crazy to think they'll assume it's me, just based on a beard, right?"

Signe sighed, nodding. "Right..." She bit her lip nervously.

Sean glanced back her, chuckling softly. "Way to instill confidence."

"I'm just worried." Signe groaned.

Biting his lip, Sean turned away from the mirror and walked over to take her in his arms, holding her close. "I know. It's going to be alright though, okay?" She just nodded in response before burying her face in his shoulder. "Aw Wiish..." He rubbed her back gently, kissing the top of her head softly. "Trust me. I can handle this. I'll make it work." She glanced up at him, and nodded again, sighing. Sean honestly wasn't sure how he was going to make it work, but he had to try and comfort her somehow.

Things were pretty quiet for a few days as Sean returned to recording videos, and continued training in between. That was, until Sean and Signe were settled on the couch one night, flicking through TV channels when they skipped over a local news program. "Wait!" Sean called. "What was that? Go back..." Signe tensed, flipping back a channel and they watched as there was a live report of a burning apartment building in the city and the struggling efforts of fire fighters to get two children out. "This is it."

Signe swallowed hard, staring at him. "That's a real fire."

Nodding a little, Sean got up. "If I run fast enough-"

"That's a real fire!" She repeated, louder.

Sighing, Sean nodded. "I have to at least see if I can help." He kissed her forehead. "I'll be careful." He promised, and dashed off, out of sight in a second. He changed into the suit Signe had made for him and disappeared through the door. Signe shook her head, biting her lip as she watched the news intently, hoping that he knew what he was getting himself into.

Sean was standing in front of the blaze before he had time to really think through anything. He hesitated, and a police officer approached him, noticing his strange outfit. "Sir? Sir, I need you to stand back."

Watching him closely, Sean nodded a little and took a small step back. Then he turned and took off running, dodging the officer easily and ran through the open front door. Even at his increased speed and through the mask, the smoke stung his eyes... or perhaps running was making it worse. It was hard for him to tell, he'd never been inside of a burning building before. Slowing down, he hesitated, quickly realizing that he had no idea what he was doing. Then he heard it, coughing. He rubbed at his eyes a bit through his mask, coughing a little himself as he ran down the hall. A hole opened up in the ceiling in front of him and he rolled into a front flip, dodging the burning debris that fell down. He didn't have time to think about the automatic flip he'd just preformed though and he took off running again. He tried to open the door, finding it locked and backed up, smashing his shoulder into it a few times at super speed, before it finally opened as he crashed through it. He covered his mouth, coughing as he looked around the apartment, trying to listen. Hearing crying, he crept forward. "Hello?" He forgot about using a voice, he just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "Hello?" He followed the whimpers to a bedroom, where two young girls were huddled in the corner, crying. He glanced around, before making his way over. "Where are your parents?" He asked.

"I don't know." One of the children cried.

Nodding, Sean knelt down, taking the youngest girl's hand. "I'm going to get you out of here." He glanced up at, who he assumed was the older sister. "I'll come back for you." He promised.

The older girl nodded slightly, but the younger one kicked and thrashed as Sean picked her up and held her tight to his chest. "No!" She squealed, reaching for her sister. "No!" Sean ran through the building, finding a back door, since the way he'd come before was now blocked. He stopped in front of the police officer who had tried to stop him before and the man gasped.

"Can you hold this?" Sean asked, pushing the crying child into the man's arms before he disappeared in a blur once more. He found the apartment much more easily this time and crouched down by the girl. "Told you I'd be back." He smiled, lifting her up and ran back outside. He stood the girl at the confused police officer's feet, giving a wave before he took off running once more, this time headed home.

Signe was glued to the TV when the door swung open and Sean collapsed on the floor. "Sean!" She shrieked getting up and ran to him. She dropped on her knees in front of him, wrapping her arms around him. He ripped off his hat and mask, rubbing at his eyes a little, coughing as he leaned into her shoulder.

"It was... terrible." Sean whimpered softly.

Signe nodded, hugging him tightly. "Okay, you don't have to do it again. Never again." She promised, rubbing his back as he coughed. They stayed where they were on the floor, while Sean calmed down, eventually starting to breath easier as his coughing slowed and his eyes stopped burning as much as they had been.

"And this man was dressed as a superhero?" Came the voice from the TV.

Sean lifted his head slightly and Signe scooted back so she could watch, hugging Sean against side. The police officer was explaining that he had seen a man in a strange costume and had tried to block him from the area, assuming he was going to do something dumb and dangerous. Then the man had practically disappeared before his eyes and had shown up five minutes later with one of the missing children, quickly returning with the other. As it turned out, the single mother of the two girls who tuned out to be 5 and 8 years of age, had ran to the corner store to pick up milk, and was barred from entering to get them when she returned. The girls had remained trapped inside as fire fighters struggled to find a way around the rapidly changing conditions inside. Sean sighed softly. "I saved those little girls." He glanced up at Signe.

Hugging him tightly, Signe nodded. "You did..."

"I have to keep doing it." Sean mumbled.

Signe frowned. "You said it was terrible."

Sean glanced up at her, his eyes a little bloodshot. "I saved their lives..." Quietly, Signe just hugged him, not sure exactly how to respond to that and just wanted to comfort him.

It was a few hours later when Sean had long calmed down, that he walked out of the shower, with a towel around his waist. Signe raced over and grabbed his head, pulling it forward and sniffed it. She cringed, shaking her head as she backed up. "Still smells like smoke."

"I washed it three times!" Sean whined, ruffling his hair with his hands.

Signe threw her hands up. "I don't know what to tell you! It still smells like smoke." She chuckled.

"Maybe it's the inside of your nose that smells like smoke..." He groaned.

"What's more likely?" She grinned, shaking her head.

Sean groaned in frustration. "What about the costume?" He bit his lip.

Signe shook her head. "It definitely still smells like smoke, and it's got a lot of singe marks... I might just have to make you a new one."

"Sorry." Sean sighed. "I guess there's more to this superhero thing than meets the eye." Signe nodded a little and Sean smiled. "I really saved lives though..."

"You did." Signe wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, kissing him softly. "I'm very proud of you."

Sean grinned, then let his face go blank. "I guess I'll take another shower."

Signe laughed, letting him go. "Really scrub it!"

"You're saying that like I haven't been!" Sean whimpered as he turned and headed back into the bathroom.

Somehow, completely not by Signe's doing, an anonymous tip was made to the news outlets that the hero who had saved the day, called himself the Scarlet Screamer, and was going to be hanging around the city, helping out as much as he could. Signe got to work, and made him a new costume, plus a few extra, and Sean printed out the article about the girls who had survived the fire, taping it to a wall in his office that was hidden from his camera. The article reminded him why he was still training to get better control of these new powers and why he was fighting so hard to balance his life. He had thought getting a good work to home balance was hard as a workaholic youtuber, it was twice as hard when you threw amateur superhero into the mix. Luckily, as always, Signe was patient and understanding as he struggled to figure it out, and no matter how strange and cryptic he became in explaining late videos, both Robin and his community continued to support him.

In the following weeks, he would end up speedily snatching weapons to end a hostage situation, super screaming a path through rubble to save people from a collapsed building and help to get a few people to the hospital even faster than the ambulances could. He was feeling more and more confident in his abilities every day, and every time he came home in one piece, Signe seemed a little calmer. Things were finally running smoothly. Until the phone rang.

"Hello?" Sean answered, distracted by the thumbnail he was making.

"Sean McLoughlin?" Came an obviously, electronically distorted voice.

Sean tensed, sitting up straighter as he turned his focus to the call. "Yes?" He responded hesitantly.

"How are you enjoying the powers, Mr. Scarlet Screamer, was it?" The voice chuckled.

Eyes widening, Sean tensed. "I think you have the wrong number."

"That would be so strange... since this is the number I called when I sent the powers." When Sean was silent, the voice spoke again. "Haven't you wondered where they came from? I needed a guinea pig. I like your videos... I thought you could handle not going mad with power and destroying half the city. I guess I was right. Super speed, the super scream and enhanced agility. Seemed fitting for the bouncy boy."

"Enhanced agility?" Sean mumbled, too overwhelmed to deal with anything else in the call at the moment. He still couldn't be sure this was real, but either way it was terrifying that someone knew who he was.

"Of course. So you can do all those flips you're so fond of. I made you real life Sonic." The voice chuckled. "You owe me one. I'll collect someday."

The caller suddenly hung up, and Sean just sat in the office, staring at his phone for the longest time. Eventually, he got up and headed out, finding Signe in the kitchen, painting at the table. "Woosh?" He sighed, leaning in the doorway. She glanced up, frowning slightly at the look on his face. "I just had a call..." He mumbled. "Someone claiming they gave me the powers... they..." He sighed softly. "They knew who I was." He frowned. "They knew a lot actually."

Getting to her feet, Signe frowned. "What do you mean, they said they gave you your powers? How?" She slipped her arms around him, hugging him close.

"Uhm... I don't..." Sean sighed, closing his eyes as he tried to think. "I think they said they sent them to my phone? I don't know... I was pretty freaked out for the entire call." Nodding, Signe just rubbed his back gently. "They said I owed them one and that they'd collect someday. What do you think that means?"

"I don't know." Signe shook her head. "But..." She took a deep breath. "It's just one person, and it doesn't sound like they're planning on outing us any time soon, so I guess we just wait for them to make contact again?"

"Us." Sean muttered. "Am I... putting you in danger?" He frowned deeply, holding her protectively close.

"Hey... I could have left when all this weirdness happened, but I stayed." Signe grinned. "If anyone put me in danger, it was me."

Sean sighed, laying his forehead against hers. "I don't know what I'd do without you. I don't think I could keep it all together."

"Well, you do have me." Signe grinned.

They decided together to try not to worry about the caller yet. That was a problem for another day. For now, Sean had enough problems trying to balance home life, work life and superhero life. His biggest problem however was keeping track of which charity events he was doing as Jacksepticeye and which charity events were for the Scarlet Screamer, but luckily Signe always kept him on track.

Sean wasn't sure if the city needed a hero, but it had one now and he was determined not to let anyone down.

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