28) The Diary

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(Y/n)'s POV

A few months went by and I was finally aloud to walk alone. I lost everyone I called a friend over the incident. Even Dadza- I mean, Mr. Aizawa started ignoring me. 

I felt so alone in every crowded room. The stress lead to me training harder than ever. Bakugo told me to die at least five times a day and my name at school was Zero. 

A class trip was coming up and I was partners with Bakugo. I was not exited for it. We had to spend the next three days together...

The time came to load the bus. My suite case was the smallest of the class and I was aloud to but it on the floor in front of me. 

Bakugo sat by me growling and I pretended to be asleep. I was tired from my training after all. As the but moving, someone asked Bakugo if I was asleep. Bakugo poked my face and nodded. "Zero is out for a while." 

Bakugo's POV

Izuku spoke. "She's so rude. Why didn't she tell us the truth?" He asked while I dug through (Y/n)'s bag. I frowned looking at the contents in her bag. "Why does she have hardly anything packed?" I asked then pulled out a jornal. 

Uraraka's eyes lit up. "That's her diary! Let's read it!" I nodded and read the first page aloud. 

'I never throught I could lose my friends and my joy in a single day. They're mad because I nerver talked but now they know I can, my fears have been happening. I was made fun of in middle school for my voice. I thought this new school would give me the hope for a new life, but of course not. I cut my arms at leaste seven times a day and I don't think I can stop. I haven't eaten hardly anything because Bakugo calls me fat. I've been failing every test just to get kicked out...I'm tired. The only reason I haven't just left is for Aizawa. He tries to help at least. I need to run away. I plan to do it after the trip.'

I looked over the page again shocked. "Bakugo check her arms." Todoroki demanded. I pulled up her sleeves some, but I froze as she shifted. Her head fell onto my shoulder. I sighed seeing she was still asleep and pulled her sleeves up. 

We all gasped at what we saw. Bandeges were soaked in blood and under them, deep cuts littered her arms. I pulled her sleeves back down and let her rest on my shoulder. "Stupid (Y/n). We need to make her feel safe." I said and the class agreed.  

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