Chapter 5: Suicide is never the answer- Tom's proposal to kai...

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{Two month's later..}

{Tom's P. O. V}

I get dressed.. then go to the rooftop...

I had enough... this virus is getting out of hand for me... i had enough...

I     N E E D      T O        D I E        A L R E A D Y . . .

I sighed as tear's fell from my own eye's.. Climbing the gate..

"There's no one here today, I guess it's time..

It's just me, myself, and I,

There's no one who can interfere

No one to get in my way here.."

I take of my hoodie..

"Taking off my only blue hoodie."

I then take off my bandage's.

"Watching my bandage's all come undone."

I close my eye's and sang..

"This young man, short as can be.

Is gonna jump now and be free..."

I was supposed to jump... but..

"TOM NO!" It was Kai... he grabbed my hand..

He looked at me with tear's, pulling me up..

"Don't you dare do that again tom.." He said, i was silence..

"I-i.." I couldn't reply..

{A minute ago..}

{Kai's P. O. V:}

I was just walking by.. while i going up the stair's... i heard.. singing?

"There's no one here today, I guess it's time

It's just me, myself, and I

There's no one who can interfere

No one to get in my way here"

Tom?!  I started running up the stair's..

"Taking off my only blue hoodie..."

Nonononono Tom..

"Watching my bandage's all come undone.."

Tom i love you... no please..

"This young man, short as can be
Is gonna jump now and be free.."

"TOM NO! " I shout, and grab his hand.

{End of the flashback.}

{Two hour's later..}

I wipe my tear's as he got up... this was a stupid suicide attempt..

"Can you come with me Kai?" I heard Tom shout..

"Um... sure.." i said, following him..

We went to a beautiful garden..

"Wow.. this is beautiful!" I said excitedly.. he smiled at me..

He sighed. Then he said word's i loved forever..

"Kai smith, you are Kind, a hothead, kinda annoying, but make's good choice's.."

I chuckled.

"And why are you like this?" I asked. Then he brought out a... a wedding ring..

"Will you, Kai smith, become my boyfriend.." He said..

"I-i..." i was speechless.. but i knew what was the answer..

"YES!" I hugged him. Then we kissed.. this was perfect..

I'm closer to my lover.. my dear boyfriend.. now will be my future husband while i was his future wife.. i love this a lot..

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