Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s Point of View:

I groaned in pain as my entire body felt like it had been hit by an overloaded Semi truck.

I rubbed my (e/c) orbs as I then slowly opened them, seeing the Still night sky of where I was somehow in the cemetery in the middle of the late night.

I groaned softly as I remembered what all that had happened before I blacked out.

The weird and creepy moment with my PSP of my MediEval Resurrection game, taking a walk to help ease my thoughts to fuckin sleep, the strange moment with my necklace, and the weird vision or whatever with that still unknown lady to me.

I hit the back of my head on the grass.

"When I wanted to get sleep, this is NOT what I had in mind." I said out loud.

'What the hell actually happened to me?' I asked myself in my head, since really no one could reply or hear them as I closed my (e/c) eyes, as a soft sigh escaped my lips.

"Well, there's random things that can happen in life unexpectedly, so yea. You really couldn't except that to happen..." a woman's voice that sounded like Megwynne Stormbinder from MediEval Resurrection said in my head as if she was replying to my thought.

I shot my eyes open as I shot sitting up as I looked around, trying to figure out where she was.

I ran a hand through my hair.

"Okay, I must be going insane if I thought I heard Megwynne Stormbinder's voice from MediEval Resurrection." I told myself.

"Okay then, she can definitely hear us...." I heard a voice that was male and sounded like Prince RavenHooves the Archer in my head.

"Okay, yea I'm definitely going insane..." I told myself in a mutter.

"Cause I can hear Prince RavenHooves voice too." I said.

"May I ask, lady (y/n)." The voice of Canny Tim began, somehow knowing my name.

"How have you heard of us all?" He asked me.

"I could ask you the same damn thing of knowing my name..." I told him.

"Just get on and answer Tim's damn bloody question child." A voice that sounded like Woden the Mighty said, or more like barked at me.

I sighed shaking my head.

"Be nice to the poor girl Woden, she's still in shock of knowing she can hear us in her head, and even talk to us. You could be a bit concentrate about her well being at the moment." A new Female voice belonging to Imanzi Shongoma the Amazon warrior queen and part of the only two females in the hall of Heroes, shot at Woden.

"Gah! Why should I be considerate for a bloody female that is also a damn mere child AND that doesn't even know how to fuckin fight!" Woden argued with the Amazon queen.

I sighed shaking my head.

"Okay Woden, you better stop putting your damn foot in your mouth, before karma comes back to bite you in your damn ass, like it did when Daniel defeated Zarok after a hundred years after his death. So it can pretty much happen again even with me, a seventeen year old woman." I shot back at him, my dad's violence I gained from him kicking in.

There were several voices who bursted out into laughter in my head. And Woden being a bit agitated at my shot back.

"Okay, in all seriousness now, you need to tell us how you know about, all of us, Dan, and Zarok. And fast." Canning Tim told me after their laughter died down.

"Okay, I'll try to explain it the best I can for you all to understand. Since I really don't think any of you all have known anything of the modern times." I told them.

"It's okay if you can't dear. Just explain all that you can." Megwynne ushered me.

I sighed as I nodded.

"Okay then." I said.

I took a breath as I began to explain.

"You all of your story of Daniel Fortesque's fight against Zarok the old court wizard after the hundred years past his death from Zarok's archers of his army with a stray to the eye. And how he and Al Salam who'm is a genie who had his powers stolen from him by Zarok before being trapped in Daniel's head, defeated Zarok's army and Zarok himself and brought the day time back to Gallowmere and the souls of the townspeople then went back to his catacombs to his eternal slumber and became a hero in the Hall of Heroes." I explained to them of their story.

"The reason of HOW I know about it. It's because you all or the entire story is supposed to be from an old Video Game called MediEval Resurrection. It was a popular game back then when it first came out for the PlayStation Portable, but it actually soon sadly lost its popularity. But not really from me though. One of my dad's old gang members actually got me into the game and I've been grown a passion for video games since then from that very first one." I told them.

There was nothing but silence in my head, probably of them trying to process of information I had given them.

"Sorry, it was the simplest way I could try to explain it all." I apologized to them as I rubbed my temples.

"Don't worry dear, it's quiet alright. It's just a real shock to us that we're supposed to be characters in a game." Imanzi ushered me.

"And here I thought that I'd be recognized in ancient texts and stories of us all, not from some game." The voice of Bloodmonath Skull Cleaver said sounding shocked and a bit disappointed.

"Okay, now answer my question, how do you know my name?" I asked them.

"We are unable to tell for now lady (y/n)." Megwynne said.

"What do yo-"

"We need to find Dan and quick before someone who isn't you does so, alright?" Canny Tim told me cutting me off.

"Wait, Daniel Fortesque is here? Resurrected again?" I asked really shocked.

"Yes, now hurry. I'll tell you where to go to find him." Imanzi told me.

"Okay." I said then stood up on my feet.

"Lead the way your grace of the Amazon's." I told her.


"Okay, now go left lady (y/n)." Imanzi told me.

I did so as she told me.

I could barley see through the dense woods, there was barley any moonlight coming from the tree tops.

"How can I even see him and not accidentally step or trip on him? It's almost pitch black out here." I asked them.

"Don't worry okay lady (y/n), he's in a clearing where the moonlight will show him. Just trust me." Imanzi told me.

I sighed shaking my head a bit as I continued to walk through the woods as Imanzi told me which ways to go.

My necklace started to glow softly like before but it wasn't the blue light from before like the gem, it was a soft silver light.

"Woah, that's weird...." I muttered as I held the pendant Gem in my hand as I gazed at it, curious as to why the hell it was glowing like this or in general.

"I know this." Megwynne exclaimed a bit happily.

"The silver light is meant to represent Daniel, the brighter it gets, the closer you are to him. Follow the light as if gets brighter, Okay?" She told me taking control now that this was happening.

"Okay, thanks Meg." I told her as I let the pendant down softly from my hand and let it back against my chest.

I started to be lead by the silver light that glowed brighter and brighter as I got closer to where Daniel was at.

It gotten so bright I could pretty much see where I was going now.

I began to pick up my pace as I started darting in a straight direction which was like path of some sort.

I saw the full moonlight in a clearing up ahead making me pick up my pace more to where I was jogging at this point.

I made it to the clearing and slowed to a stop.

I looked around the clearing seeing many beautiful flowers that blossomed in the ground straight up instead of bushes, the outer trees covering the normal trees of the forest, were many multicolored Willow Trees.

"Wow, this is so gorgeous." I muttered which I heard all the Heroes uh-huh in agreement with me.

I looked at the center of the clearing seeing-

"There he is." I said with a sigh of relief as I walked up to him.
Careful not to crush any flowers with my steps to the undead knight.

I stopped right next to him, and got on my knees next his person.

I didn't see his eye in his socket though.

'Is he even alive again? I don't see his eye in his socket?' I asked the Heroes in my head.

"Don't worry lady (y/n), he is. He is most likely unconscious at the moment." Canny Tim told me.

I raised a brow at that.

'Wait, he's an undead. How can an undead actually sleep? They don't need rest, do they actually? Cause I never actually understood it.' I asked them.

"Surprisingly Yes they do. Well, at least Daniel does that we know of." Megwynne told me.

I let out a soft huh.

I pressed my ear against his chest-plate where his heart would be.

I could hear a soft and steady but strong heartbeat, somehow for being a skeleton.

I sighed in pure relief as I sat upright.

'His heartbeat is good.' I told them.

Tim and Stanyer started to talk how that was possible for Daniel when he's a undead skeleton.

I looked at Daniel's face, or um, skull more like it.

I reached my hand out, freezing in place when my hand was in front of his face.

I heard Tim and Stanyer's conversation go silent as the Heroes were probably observing me of what I was doing.

I took a soft yet shaky breath as I reached my hand out and rested it against his shown cheekbone.

I stared into his empty eye sockets and his chest rose and fell from his soft breathing.

"What in the name of Gaia's Green Earth is she doing?" I heard Woden ask the others.

"I'm not sure but let's not interrupt her." Megwynne told him.

I soft sigh escaped my lips as I continued to stare into Daniel's empty eye sockets.

I then started to sing softly as I closed my (e/c) orbs.

Song: Sad Song by We The Kings

You and I, we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky
With you, I'm alive
Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide
So stop time right here in the moonlight
'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
I'm just a sad song
With you, I fall
It's like I'm leaving all my past and silhouettes up on the wall
With you, I'm a beautiful mess
It's like we're standing hand and hand with all our fears up on the edge
So stop time right here in the moonlight
'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
You're the perfect melody
The only harmony I wanna hear
You're my favourite part of me
With you standing next to me
I've got nothing to fear
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song, I'm just a sad song

I let out a breath as I slowly opened my eyes again seeing Daniel's one eye out, and staring at me.

I ended up gazing at his only eye.

'His eye, it's so beautiful....' I thought to myself.

I heard a few awes from Megwynne, Imanzi, and apparently Canny Tim.
The other male heroes were surprised at this.
And as for Woden-

"How in the name of Gaia's Green Earth can you even think that?! He's a bloody damn jawless arrow magnet of a corpse!" Woden exclaimed, a bit appalled by my thought.

"What, are you upset that she isn't completing you Woden?" Stayner asked with an amused tone in his voice.

I heard some of the male heroes in my head, burst out laughing at that, besides Woden, Stanyer and Tim.

"I think they would make a wonderful couple together!" Canny Tim exclaimed estaticly.

"At least that means Daniel would have a chance a possible true love in his life of a lovely fair maiden by his side. Maybe even courted love." Megwynne said as she sounded rather happy actually at that.

I felt my heart skip a beat at that.

'Guys come on... please don't began to ship us.....' I told them, really embarrassed by what they were saying.

"Oh come on dear lady (y/n)! Just imagine of how happy Daniel and you could be if you two ended up together!" Imanzi exclaimed happily.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked blocking out the others thoughts as I talked to Daniel.

"I should ask you the same thing, since you seemed like you were having a conversation with yourself in your head." Daniel replied.

I laughed nervously a bit at that.
"Well, you could say that..." I admitted.

He raised a socket bridge at that.

"What the heck does that supposed to mean?" He asked.

He sounded like always did whenever he talked in Resurrection.

I always liked it like that to be honest.
Which is surprising for most people.

Eh, I'm pretty much not a normal person whatsoever.

"Long story on my end." I told him as I stood up on my feet and then held my hand out to him.
"Need a hand?" I asked him, a kinda amused grin on my face.

He rolled his eye as he grabbed my hand and I helped him up. He stood on his floppy feet a bit wobbly before he stood normally.

I let go of his arm once he stood normally.

My necklace began to glow a soft gold light gaining both mine and Daniel's attentions. I held the pendant in my hand as we looked at it.

"What the hell-"

Everything went black then.

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