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Long chapter

Emma sighed as she dragged her feet to school slowly. Adrien couldn't drive her due to a late scheduled photoshoot across Paris. "What's wrong Kitten?" Plagg poked his head out of her jacket and she shrugged her shoulders.

"The fact that the boy of my dreams doesn't like me back." Emma sighed and hung her head down.

"Well that didn't stop Marinette and she made a fool of herself in front of Adrien all the time," Emma looked at him. "Give it time Kitten, Adrien did with Ladybug and look how that turned out." Emma smiled and walked into the school.

After school Emma dragged her feet again and collapsed on her bed and slowly did her homework. She looked up at her ceiling as music blasted in her ears. Adrien knocked on her door and she turned her head to the door. She was lying on her floor. "What's wrong Emma?" Angel and Louis stood at his legs.

She looked up at her ceiling as Adrien closed the door and lied down next to her, Louis and Angel going back to their room. "Can you tell me more about you and Mom."

"What do you want to know?" Adrien asked, standing up and turning the music down then lying back down.

"What was your first Valentine's Day together like?" Her voice was soft.

"Well," there were two. "On the actually first one we spent together it was a double date. We weren't dating and hell we didn't know yet. Alya and Nino were being all lovey dovey in the theme park as it snowed and when they went on the Farris wheel me and Marinette broke off from them. We went to a carnival game and played that game where you have to get a ring on a bottle. I got nine in a row and won a giant stuffed animal white fox. I gave it to her and she could even stammer a thank you." Adrien laughed and Emma smiled.

"What was your first one together, together?"

Adrien thought for a second. "I was nervous but got us a reservation at a really nice restaurant my Father recommended to me. It was where he asked my Mother to marry him. I paid for everything and after I took her to the Louvre. It was the weekend and the restaurant was lunch. At the Louvre she got so inspired and watched her pencil more so, wonderfully across the page and it made me smile to watch her smile like that. After that we did what she wanted. We went to the bakery and baked a cake together and watched movies in her room. Luckily no one was akumatized but after I left we went to the Eiffel Tower and I kissed after patrol. But I'll never forget our first Valentine's Day when we got our miraculous."

"Can you tell me about it?"

"I wrote a poem to Ladybug saying I loved her during school and Marinette saw it and thought it was for her. We had an Akuma, Dark Cupid, and it was Kim, Sky's dad," Emma nodded. "He turned me evil right when I was about to tell her I loved her but I said I loathed her, and tried to kill her. She tried to kiss me to fix it and she told me, basically years, after all of this," Emma giggled. "But at the fountain she tackled me and kissed me. After the battle I tried to tell her I loved her but our miraculous' we're running out of time. When I got home I had the pile of presents on my desk and Plagg pulled out Marinettes, and she didn't sign it so I thought it was from Ladybug. It was a response to mine and I was so happy."

Emma smiled but it soon fell. "What was like?" Adrien hummed. "Being in love with your partner in crime?"

"Hard. It was like being in love with someone you knew you couldn't be with. So many people loved her and I thought I had no chance to be with her, but I got her. I caused an Akuma because I was jealous of someone else loving her," Adrien sighed and parched his lips. "It was no my proudest moment but my proudest would have to be when our friend Alix got akumatized and I jumped in front of her before she could get hit. I don't remember anything after that but aparently I faded from existence." Emma hissed and Adrien looked at her.

"How," Emma bit her lip. "Did you tell anyone else?"

"Alya and Nino. They always asked why we were gone," Adrien looked back up. "They still know but just act like they don't."

"How about grandparents?"

"Nope. We never told them. They just grounded us for missing classes and being gone so much. I wasn't even allowed to go on my first date with Marinette and I had to call her to say I couldn't go because I was grounded," Adrien laughed and Emma laughed as well. "What else is bothering you Sunshine?"

"Thomas," Emma sighed and growled as well. "He's the boy who doesn't like me back." Adrien growled. He didn't like boys liking his daughter to begin with.

"Well he's a dick," Emma snorted and looked at Adrien. "He doesn't deserve your heart. No boy does."

"What if a girl gets my heart?" Emma looked back up at her ceiling.

"Then no boys are girls," Adrien didn't think he had to clarify. "Are you thinking about that? Who you like?"

"Sometimes," that's also why she was upset. "There's this pretty girl in my grade, Lilac," Adrien knew her name. Lucas brought her up way to much. "Everyone loves her and I sorta do but I also like Thomas and I don't even know anymore." Emma held her hands over her face and shook her head.

"Emma you know that's okay right?" She took her hands off of her face.

"What is?" Tears started to go down the sides of her face.

"Being gay or bi or anything else. It's okay." Adrien sat up and Emma cried into her hands.

"No it's not!" Emma cried and Adrien sat her up and cradled her in his arms. "It's not okay! I'm already living two lives so it's not okay to be like this! Not for me!" Emma bit her lip as she cried into Adriens chest. She was always a Daddies Girl.

"It's okay Emma. It's okay to have those feelings for girls or boys. Loves not a choice so I don't care if you like girls and neither does your mother. We don't care as long as they make you happy," Adrien held her close. "Who even knows what LadyBeetles going through. He's a boy and might be going through the same thoughts and feelings as you. It's okay. Everyone has them."

"R-Really?" Emma stammered.

"Yeah. I did. I had this small crush on Nathanael for like a week then realized I wasn't gay. Marinette had the same experience. She's Bisexual and I'm straight. I don't care."

"How does she know?" Emma sniffled.

"I had to go away on a modeling thing in Germany for a couple weeks and while I was gone she told me she was going to experiment. She told me before I left and I was fine with it as long as it meant nothing and she told me it didn't, to her at least," Adrien rubbed her back and Emma looked up at him. "It's fine Emma to like girls, just know that." She nodded as he slowly rocked her in his arms.

Thomas whimpered as Evan laughed, throwing another beer bottle at him. It crashed on the wall next to his head and he whimpered as shards flew into his skin. "What are you!" He yelled as he grabbed Thomas by the hair, throwing his head against the wall as Olivia cried in her room. "What the fuck are you?!" Thomas darted his eyes to his green ones, his fake glasses lying on the wooden table.

"A-A girl..." Thomas looked down at the pink dress on his body. It was Olivia's.

"What are you?!"

"A-A girl..." He whispered again.


"A girl." He spoke normally.

"Louder!" Evan shouted again, the smell of beer invading Thomas' noise from Evans breath.

"A girl!" Thomas yelled. Evan smirked and smacked his head against the wall and Thomas fell to the ground. Evan kicked his side.

"Get me a beer woman," Evan spit in his hair. Thomas whimpered as he got up and quickly got him a beer. He started to walk back to his room when Evan grabbed his hair again. "You are nothing, got it?" He threw Thomas forward and he landed on the ground with a thud. He quickly ran to his room and looked at himself in the mirror. He balled himself together and cried.

"Thomas you need to stick up for yourself." Tikki rubbed his cheek as he cried on the floor.

"I can't. Not with him," Thomas cried. Tikki rubbed his cheek again as he cried. He tried to keep it quiet to Evan wouldn't beat him for crying. Olivia ran into his room and Tikki quickly hid. She put her hand on her brothers back as he rocked back in forth, soft sobs leaving his lips. "I-I can't..."

"I know he's a dick," Olivia rubbed Thomas back. "Next time we see Mother we can-"

"Which will be when, Olivia! Three months?" Thomas sat up and glared at her. "We never see her!"

"I can call her and-"

"That won't do anything! She doesn't care about us, no one does! Why can't you get it through your thick skull that no one cares!" Thomas curled into a ball again and pulled at his hair. "I-I-I-I didn't mean to yell. I-I-I-I'm sorry." His voice was barely above a whisper.

Olivia rubbed his back then helped him stand and change out of the dress. "I'm still going to ask Mom if we can live with her for a little while, okay?" Thomas nodded and Olivia helped him into bed. The door slapped and they heard it lock. They kept clothes in each other's room because of this. "Let's get some sleep okay?" He nodded and she held her brother protectively and soon went to sleep.

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