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Adrien and Marinette ran down the hall and pushed past the paparazzi and into Emmas room as Alay asked the first question to the two. "How long have you two been heroes?"

"Beginning of grade 9 if my memory serves me." Emma looked at Thomas who nodded.

"How long have you known each other's identities?" Nino asked, the couple trading off questions.

"T-Two weeks, going on three." Thomas stammered, Emma blushing as she looked at Adrien and Marinette at the door, the brown door closed behind them.

"A lot of people asked this, are you really together as your hero identities show?" Only friends and family knew they were together as Emma and Thomas.

"Yes. We also came out as Emma and Thomas a few days after that when my Dad wouldn't stop asking about it." Emma giggled.

"Now which are you? Emma and Thomas or LadyBeetle and Chat Noir?" Nino asked, not looking at the notepad in his hand.

"Both, we're all four," Thomas was generally offended by the questioned. "We're Emma and Thomas, LadyBeetle and Chat, LadyBeetle and Emma and Chat and Thomas. We're in love in any way we can and honestly if the next question out of either of your mothers has to do how we know we're in love I will yoyo slap you." He gritted his teeth, anger in his eyes.

Emma sighed as Nino gulped, Alya unfazed from being hit by Adrien with his staff once. "What makes you transform?"

"Our Kwamis and miraculous', his sparkly earrings and my shiny ring." Emma smiled.

"Who knew your secret before it spilled?"

"My Dad and Mom." Emma smiled, turning to Thomas.

"No one, because I know how to keep a secret."

"They found out! Not my fault!" Emma growled at Thomas he snickered.

"What do you think the reaction will be when you get out of the hospital?"

"Specify, please." Thomas asked.


"I think people will be scared at first, then start to warm up." Emma shrugged.

"Siblings." Nino stated.

"Olivia wants to be as helpful as she can." Thomas softly smiled.

"Louis wants to experiment on my Kwami and Angel wants to dress him up." Emma giggled.

"Random people on the street." Alya smiled.

"I think they'll wonder why we aren't searching the city for trouble."

"I think they'll be polite and little kids will ask for our autographs." Thomas smiled a little wider.


"Sky and Lucas already yelled at us so I think we're good." Emma smiled, Alya asked more questions then the couple retreating into the hall with the two adults to give the information.

Emma moved to Thomas bed, pulling the fluids going into her body with her instead of removing them and snuggling up next to his body. "Hey," she glared at Olivia. "Off my brother."

"Listen bitch-"

"Siblings." Louis stated as he flipped the page in his book, the twins coming in with Adrien and Marinette.

"Listen Olivia, I am hurting in places that shouldn't hurt. I deserve to cuddle with my boyfriend. I don't care if he's your brother, I hurt, he hurts and cuddles help for a small period of time." She dug her head into Thomas chest, Thomas sighing and blushing as he wrapped his arms around her as Olivia growled.

"She's right," Sky laughed. "When I cry she just kinda lies me down and holds me and it fixes things until I stop crying. Now leave them alone, oh and Angels dad is coming in. He told me to tell you that."

"When." Thomas and Olivia lifted a brow.

"Five when he's off work," Sky laughed as he looked up at the two blond twins. "Angel is Marinette and Nathanaels, Louis is Marinette and Adriens. I don't know any other details but that."

Emma groaned as she moved her head to the side. "Nathanaels stuff was left in my mom and my Dads stuff pushed into her stuff creating those two protégés."

"Thanks!" Angel smiled as Emma groaned.

˚ºTwo Hours Laterº˚

Nathanael walked through the hospital and soon to their room, standing at the door at the two large men. He bit his lip as he knocked on the door, Adrien opening it and glaring at him. "Nathanael."

"A-Adrien," he stammered. "I-I don't want any bad blood between us but I really don't know what to say."

"Say sorry for leaving Marinette and there won't be any." Marinette walked to them, looking at Nathanael as he fumbled with the strap on his bag.

"I-I-I'm sorry for leaving you Marinette when you announced our child. I-I was really scared, I hope you understand."

Marinette sighed and hugged him, all to his surprise. "Thank you for coming," she let go of him, pulling him in. "If it makes you feel better Adrien left too." She smiled and walked to her twins, pulling a blanket over the two as Thomas looked down at Emma peacefully asleep against his chest.

Nathanael walked to a chair, setting his bag down and shifting through it and pulling out a small sketchbook, leaving it by Angels side, his copy of Catcher In The Rye by Louis and leaving a new pair of headphones on Emmas bed. He always got them gifts. He walked to Thomas, nervously scratching the back of his neck, only expecting to see Emma, not her and the other nine in the room.

"I can wake her up if you want," Sky spoke. "I know how to wake her up so she's not angry."

"Can you?" Sky nodded, pulling out his phone and playing classical music and gently shaking her shoulder. Emma groaned awake, soon smiling at the music and lifting her head slowly, rubbing her eyes as Sky left the music to play.

"What time is it?" Emma yawned.

"Five ten." Chloe said.

Emma looked up at Nathanael as he nervously laughed, smiling at her as she sat up on Thomas bed. "Hi Emma," she nodded at him as she rubbed her eyes again, leaning her head against Thomas' shoulder. "I wanted to ask you how you were doing and I now realize how stupid that is because you would obviously be hurting because you nearly got killed in-"

"Thanks for caring Nathanael," Emma giggled. "I'm fine, hurt, but fine. You're the first to ask." Everyone awake in the room gulped as Emma softly giggled.

"I got you headphones. If you don't want them I can get you something else." He pulled them up from her bed, handing them to her.

"Thank you Nathanael but you don't need to get me gifts. On the other hand, you need to get my Mom one for leaving."

"You know I am," she nodded as he rolled his eyes. "I was wondering if I could do a painting of you two, free of charge."

"If you want the heroes we aren't allowed to transform until we're out of the hospital for a week." Thomas managed to say without a stammer.

"No, I wanted you two," Nathanael smiled. "Is it okay?"

"Ask the parentals." Emma yawned, Thomas doing the same as he kissed her cheek.

"Fine with me." Marinette smiled as Adrien nodded.

"If you mess up my sweet Thomas face in anyway shape or form I'm throwing you in jail." Chloe glared at him.

"M-Mother!" Thomas stammered.

"It's fine." Olivia smiled, hitting her mothers leg with her knee. Nathanael smiled, walking to his bag and pulling out his sketchbook and sitting in a chair as Adrien moved the two into wheelchairs, Sky turning off the music.

"I can draw the wheelchairs and medical stands out, just make any pose you want," he smiled, Emma moving onto Thomas lap and resting her head on his shoulder as Adrien put a book in her hands, knowing that's what she wanted. "What do you want me to add?"

"A flower crown on Thomas' head, on a swing connected to a tree, our Kwamis on the branch above us and be sure to get our miraculous' in it," Tikki and Plagg flew above them, pretending to be resting on a tree branch. "Oh, and make us in like, everyday clothes."

"Which is?" Nathanael laughed as he started a basic sketch, stick figures he soon added shape too, then hair, eyes, the background as they decided on clothes. Adrien held up a picture of Emma and Chloe a picture of Thomas.

"That." Thomas softly smiled. Nathanael nodded, finishing the sketch and the two being moved back to their beds.

"I can have the painting done in a week if it's the only thing I work on-"

"Finish my Moms gift, then the painting." Emma glared at him as he put away his sketchbook.

"I already finished it, just need to wrap it." He laughed.

"Then do it or I'll cataclysm you." Emma mumbled as Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Why do you care so much? They're just paintings." Thomas laughed.

"They're not just paintings Thomas. They tell a story, you should know that more then anything," Emma yawned as Nathanael swung his bag over his shoulder. "Bye Nathanael."

"Get better Emma," she nodded as she slowly fell asleep. He looked at Thomas, slowly putting his and out to him. "You too..."

Thomas nodded. "Thomas."

"Get better Thomas," he pulled out a small box from his bag. "I thought I might as well give it to the beetle himself." Nathanael smiled as he left, planning color organization in his head. Thomas opened the box and found the small painting that sparked his eyes in Nathanael studio. It was of the miraculous' with a YinYang behind them.

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