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On a dusty destroyed battlefield lies a terrorist group who was currently inside tanks and heavily armed with militia weapons and gear as the US Army is being pushed back by their weapons. An eagle is on a tree watching the chaos as we hear the main character Y/N Kenway speak.

Y/N: I watched them fight- and die in the name of freedom.

Multiple US soldiers were being carried back to their base due to their injuries or worse.

Y/N: They speak of liberty and Justice, but for who?

The eagle flies off and heads towards the US army's base, the eagle suddenly disappears as Y/N is seen running off and jumping off a tree as he walks past two soldiers. Y/N continued walking past the soldiers as some of them tried to stop him.

Soldier 1: Hey you-

Soldier 2: Don't do it- it's suicide!

Y/N ignored their pleas as one of them grabbed him until Y/N shoved his arm away.

Y/N sees a distressed horse and took the opportunity and rode it back on the battle field while more US soldiers are seen fleeing. The terrorists army sees Y/N rushing at them without hesitation as the terrorist commander signaled them.

Terrorist commander: Fire!

The terrorists shot their snipers missing until the horse is eventually shot and killed as Y/N quickly jumps off and runs to cover.

Terrorist commander: Fire!

They shoot their snipers again but missed once more, Y/N eventually seized the opportunity and ran straight towards their defenses.

Terrorist Commander: Get ready!!!

Y/N jumped over the blockade and started attacking the terrorists one by one, grabbing one of their snipers and shooting it making the gun hit the terrorist in the face.

Y/N spinned the sniper around and whacks it towards another soldier knocking them out. The US Soldiers and the US Commander was watching this with interest on how a 18 year old boy can single handly take down terrorists. They continued watching the fight go down as Y/N countered one of the terrorist's attacks as he grabs the sniper and shoots a hole through the terrorist before running towards the other one and using him as a human shield.

US commander: Get me binoculars!

A soldier appeared with binoculars as more soldiers continued watching the fight with anticipation. Y/N rushed towards an entire group of terrorists while spinning around and attacking the terrorists.

The US army had a chance when the commander ordered the tanks to fire at them.

US commander: FIRE!

The tanks destroyed the terrorists tanks while they're too focused on Y/N single handily taking each and every one of them out.

Most of the terrorists are now killed when the leader glared at Y/N from a far distance as Y/N did the same, Y/N took a deep breath and ran towards the entire army while the US army followed after him.

Terrorist leader: KILL THE FUCKING KID!!!

Y/N jumped off a crowd of terrorists and shot an arrow which landed straight in the leader's chest.

The leader grunts in pain and falls off his tank as the screen transitions to the terrorist leader pulling out his Glock pulling the trigger multiple times but the gun was jammed. Y/N got closer to the leader and revealed a skull looking emblem on the terrorist chain which represented their group. Y/N without hesitation grabbed the leader and stabbed him with his tomahawk right in the head killing him. The entire terrorist army was defeated as the US commander looked around him at his soldiers and thought to himself about who that boy possibly was and why he helped out without being afraid. The commander couldn't really find out what it was that boy fought for, was it freedom? Was it Justice? Was it liberty? Or was it something else......? The eagle is seen in the sky again until the screen flashed white as it suddenly disappeared showing a glimpse of New York City from afar cutting to the title screen.

In the name of liberty, I will fight the enemy regardless of their allegiance. While men of courage write history of this day, the future of our land depends on those who are truly free.


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