Chapter 1: The injustice

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It was a beautiful day in San Antonio Texas, my mom and I were exploring the various places in downtown, my fire-orange Permobill C300 wheelchair tearing through path after path at top speed as mom tried to keep up with me, "Hey, slow down, I don't want you getting bumped into!" She called out, I slowed my pace and my grey rubber coated tires came to a halt followed by a resounding "click" from the controller. "I'm being careful mom, I promise." I started to move in a steady stride next to her. She sighed, "I know, I know, it's been a long day, wanna go home?" I turned in her direction, "Yeah, I'm beat, let's go ho-" I was cut off by a woman screaming "Stop thief!" My eyes scanned for the criminal quickly and found him. I reached out and grabbed my mom's hand. "Mom, stay here, I'll be back, don't follow me! She was caught off guard, " Wait a minute, where are you going? " She blinked twice as she realized that I was gone and giving chase to the theif! "Wait, don't go after the guy, just let him go! The guy was wearing a red cap, white muscle shirt and kaki pants, as he was running, he noticed me chasing him, stopped and turned around, " Oh and what are you gonna do, run me over? I kept my composure dispute his insult, "If you give me reason to defend myself, then yes if you want to put it that way however, should you choose to attack me, that will only prove you a coward." The young thug narrowed his dark brown eyes in rage without a word he lunged at me! The guy's hand was aiming for my face but he missed when I ducked and spun around causing him to instead grab the handle in the back, using my speed I spun around taking him with me! "WOAH WHAT! WAIT LET ME GO! AHHHHHHHHH!!! By the fifth spin, he lost his grip and crashed to the ground. He recovered quickly however, and growled at me hissing in pain he snapped, "You'll pay for that!" I merely smirked, "Care to demonstrate?" He once again charged, only this time he decided to approach from the side, he came to regret that move for I pinned him against the window beside me! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! You're crushing my leg! STOP! I turned my head, "You've should've thought before you attacked me! I released him, that's when I heard my tires squeak, looking down I saw crimson liquid staining my tires, people began screaming and running away at the sight of blood. Some looked at me with pure fear as if I were a monster, others with anger. I picked up the stolen belongings and moved my way back across the street, ruby tracks were left behind as I went up to the lady that had her purse stolen. She quickly and fearfully backed up from me. " No.....please stay away!" I stopped in front of her and tilted my head to the side, "But ma'am I only wish to return your purse, I don't want to hurt you I just wanted to help you, please take it." "Get away from me you monster, keep it!" I stayed frozen in shock, "But I just wanted to-" "Save it for the judge, you creep!" I looked up to see a male officer towering above me! "Officer you must understand there was a robbery I was just trying to stop it when the guy tried to hit me I had to defend myself!" He pointed behind himself,
"You mean that one?" I turned my head, the would be robber was being led away in a stretcher, his right leg badly wounded. I heard mom's voice as she came to be by my side, "Officer, my daughter is not lying, that guy did try to hurt her, what are you going to do, arrest her?!" The cop looked at me, "She is considered a threat to the public, I have no choice." He pulled out a pair of cuffs and approached me, mom stood in the way. "This is ridiculous, I won't let you take my child!" " No mom." She turned to face me, shock on her face, "What, but you did nothing but defend yourself, princess!" Dispute the circumstances, I kept my head high, my voice overflowing with determination, "I know mom, but hopefully this blatant miscarriage of justice will finally open eyes as to how people like myself are treated!" "In the end, they'll realize this is wrong, OK?" Mom's eyes teared up, "But sweetheart, you can't just give up, especially if you have done nothing wrong!" I looked at her and grabbed her hand, "Don't let them get to see your reaction mom, I will prove my innocence.....I assure you." As I was being led away in handcuffs and put in a van with a ramp, just before I was completely inside, I saw a sleek jet-black, 1982 Pontiac Trans-Am. I thought to myself, "Oh Michael, if only you & KITT were here to stop this madness." Little did I know that wasn't a normal Trans Am, a red light bounced to and fro frantically on a scanner mounted just below the hood, a voice spoke as a voice modulaitor lit up the cabin, "Michael, did you see that?" "I couldn't agree more with that poor girl, that brute tried to harm her, yet she's the one being punished? " I hear ya, pal, see if you can ID her." "Right away, Michael." KITT replied, squares began to ripple on KITT's monitor screen, until my picture appeared, KITT continued, "Julvonna N. Carrillo, 20 years of age. Prior alleged criminal acts: 1. " Michael, you won't believe this..." Opon hearing surprise in KITT's normally calm voice, the brown curly haired agent sat upright "What's it say, KITT?" The AI stayed silent for a moment longer but then spoke, "She was once accused of posing a threat in a school she attended, apparently the other children and the staff members...feared her. The reason for this is that they feared she had placed a detonation device in the campus, if it wasn't for her mom, the campus police that surrounded her would've apprehend her, she and her mom were walked off of campus grounds and exiled." Michael was silent until he was able to find his voice again, deep ocean-blue eyes darkening with anger, "I might not know her, but she just doesn't strike me as the dangerous type, and the fact that they would even think that of her, is infuriating!" "Maybe that is what she wants everyone to think." Michael looked at the glowing voice modulaitor in confusion, "I'm not following pal, what do you mean?" KITT continued, "It's very simple, because of her docile and kind appearance, no one thanks again about her having a violent or evil personality, example, what you and I just did." I believe the phrase is,"Looks can be deceiving. " Michael realized that KITT was right. After all, how many times had he been tricked by the "damsel in distress" routine? KITT s voice broke the silence, "Remember Michael, even the purest of beings can hide the darkest of souls...." KITT tried to hide the tone in his voice, but to no avail. The tall and handsome agent picked up the jovial and...almost sinister vibe of his AI partner's voice. To Michael, he felt that if KITT were human, he would have an unsettling grin on his face, he also imagined him having red eyes oddly enough, that wasn't frightening. Michael had to remember that KITT was more then a computer system, he had a mind all his own, he hoped he'd never see what lurked in the dark corner of KITT's mind, if there was or is such a corner. Michael was jerked away from his thoughts as the one in question made a sound that mimicked clearing one's throat, "Michael, are you alright?" "You seemed to be in a trance." "Naw, just thinking about something, pal...that's all." Devon Miles sat in his office of the Foundation For Law And Government, or F.L.A.G if you prefer, clearing the many documents on his desk, when the screen in front of him turned on, he straightend up as Michael came onscreen, "Hello, Michael, everything alright? The man spoke with a heavy English accent. Michael sighed, "Well, almost everything, you've got a minute?" Devon's eyes radiated with curiosity and concern, "Of course, what's going on?" Michael explained everything about me, including my current predicament. Devon spoke first, "My goodness, that poor girl, and her mom must be worried sick!" Where are you? Michael looked around, "KITT?" The AI understood, "San Antonio Texas, downtown and ironically, parked right next to the headquarters of a news station, " WOAI" as it's called. reporters and photographers are currently gathering information of the incident that happened-" Michael cut KITT off, "Speaking of which..... " KITT tinted his windows so that the cameramen wouldn't be able to get a good shot of Michael but, KITT of course, wasn't so fortunate. The cameramen and reporters began to swarm the AI, KITT's possessor was buzzing with different ideas on how to escape from the frenzy of flashes and microphones! Then, KITT had an idea, a wonderfully sinister idea, he suddenly threw open his doors and opened up his headlights, allowing his voice to rise to it's highest level he shouted, "WHOM DARES TO DISTURB ME, I HAVE NOT RESTORED TO FULL POWER! TELL ME NOW AND I MAY SPARE YOU HUMANS!" One of the people in the group screamed, "Oh my God, the car's possessed!" "Ruuuuuun!" Almost everyone ran off, all except for a young female reporter. KITT let out an electronic growl and backed away from her as she knelt down in front of hm, KITT allowed himself to sound slightly less intimidating, "Please don't come closer then you are, I trust no one but my driver....." The women's voice was gentle as she spoke, "I understand, what happened to your driver, are they alright?" KITT untinted his windows, knowing that Michael had hid in the back seats and was laying across them, "As you can see, my driver is missing, I am trying to find him." We were in this city investing a crime, my driver had to go undercover, but he never returned! The women gasped, "Oh my God, do you have a name? Maybe if we state your name to the public, we can help you find him!" KITT contemplated, Stating his full name would put he, Michael, and the rest of F.L.A.G at risk so, he decided that the acronym for his name was just as good. My driver calls me "KITT"...k-i-t-t. She nodded, writing the information down, "What's your driver's name? At this question, KITT could feel himself metaphorically tense up, but relaxed when he saw Michael giving him a nod of approval, " My driver's name is Michael Knight" "Now please excuse me, I must continue my search for him." The women nodded, Before you go, my name is Emily Baucum, here's my card-" She stopped herself mid sentence, remembering that she was actually talking to a car, it seemed so human-like, that she forgot, Oh, that's right, I'm sorry I forgot you're a car!" KITT's scanner danced as a sound similar to chuckling emitted from him, "It's quite alright, Ms. Baucum, I'm actually honored that you considered me as one of your kind! "If you could, place yourself and your card in front of my scanner, the red light just bellow my hood, please?" Emily did as KITT asked, and after the signature "whoosh- whoosh" of KITT's scanner, the data and picture was taken. "Thank you, Emily." You're very welcome KITT, it was nice to meet you!" I hope that you find your partner, he's lucky to have a friend like you. " KITT turned on the lower level lights on his bumper, now it appeared as if he were smiling, "Well thank you, it was nice to meet you as well!" He watched her leave to bored the news van, and went into "Auto Cruise" mode. He drove to a local convince store and parked himself at a gas tank. Coast is clear, Michael." Michael laughed as he climbed up to the front seat, "That was pretty quick thinking pal, and the girl was cute too, I saw her in the picture you took!" KITT sighed, "Really, Michael...." They took off to find the mobile unit.

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