Warrior vs Knight

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I pursued the firebird, then I realized it was slowing down and coming to my side of the road, senses on high alert, I picked up the pace only for the Raven Trans-Am to match my speed. A voice spoke from within the car as the window was rolled down, "Hi, need a lift?" Thoughts flowed into my mind, "That voice..... so familiar... can it be?" "No, it's probably because I'm tired. " Probably just a another guy who sounds like him..... but.. his car...not too many look like that.. it looks EXACTLY like KITT." Deciding it would be best to keep my guard up, I simply said, "Thanks, but no thanks. "I don't think I'll fit with the vehicle I've got, I'll be fine." Michael thought a face to face meeting was in order, "KITT, stop here pal, don't talk OK?" KITT obayed and stopped, Michael got out and started to walk up to me from behind, sensing his approach, I spun quickly and charged directly for him, KITT's protective nature kicked in and he yelled, "Michael, look out!" The agant dodged, only to be tripped over by my rear tires, "OK man spill it, who are you, who's in the car and why are you following me? "Tell me or will I have to eliminate you? I raised the gun to his head at my last question for emphasis. Michael was frantically trying to figure out what to say, he settled on the truth. " I'm Michael Knight, I'm with The Foundation For Law And Government," He then gestured to the Trans-Am behind him, "And that's KITT, my partner. KITT then spoke up, "I am the Knight Industries Two Thousand, K-I-T-T for easy reference, or KITT if you prefer." Droping my weapon, I moved in front of the AI, Michael got up from the ground, and walked to where I was. I looked at KITT and said, "I am Julvonna Nicole Carrillo, JNC for easy reference, JC if you prefer." Michael laughed and patted KITT's hood, Well pal, she got ya." He then turned towards me, "So, what's a pretty girl like you doing out at this time of night?" KITT spoke before I could frantically, he said, "Michael, this women is the one who stopped that robber earlier and was arrested, she must have broke out of jail!" The agant stared at me in shock, "Are you sure? He stared into my eyes, searching for malace, but found nothing of the sort, instead he found happiness, hope, and.... love? "Of course I am sure, Michael." KITT responded, I sighed, "Alright, yes I broke out of jail, but I won't hurt you I promise... look." I wiped the gun I stole from the guard and threw it on the ground and crushed it with my tires. I turned back to him, stretching out my arms to their sides, "See?" I have nothing else, unless you consider my chair a "deadly weapon". Michael was taken aback by my bluntness, but admired it too. " No, I don't, pretty mean machine you got there, where'd yah get it?" I looked down at my vehicle and laughed, "You mean this thing, you're kidding right?" "Let's just say, I know my way around in it, ok?" "Should I tell him my secret, will he accept it?" What if he doesn't, well I'll just have to take my chances-" My thoughts were interrupted by Michael calling my name, "Julvonna hey, you alright?" I snapped out of the trance I had apparently fallen into. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just tired, that's all." He had a confused expression, "You sure?" He walked up to me and looked me in the eyes, "If you need help or if you are in trouble, I'm here for ya, alright?" I couldn't help but blush as I stated back into his ocean blue orbs, "He's so sweet, I can't lie to him, I must tell him my secret!" Come on, just tell him!" "Ok." He smiled and nodded, "Good, now c'mon, I'll take you to where you wanna go, KITT can Micro-Jam your vehicle to make it follow us-" I grabbed his hand, "Michael, wait listen, I have to tell you something...." I sighed heavily, "Michael.... I can't get out of this thing on my own, I can't walk, haven't been able to since I was three there, I said it." He grew sympathetic, "I'm sorry-" I cut him off, "No, don't do that, I won't have it! He stared at me, "You won't have what?" Rage took hold of me, "Sympathy, I loathe that more than I can describe!" So please spare me of it!" KITT spoke up, "My my, strong willed, I see, Michael I like her, she's not afraid to speak her mind." I nodded and moved in front of KITT, "Well, I thank you for your praise, I'd expect no less from such a sophisticated an individual as you!" KITT reved his engine in approval, "Oh yes, I like you, the way you present yourself is so refreshing why, it's exhilarating!" Michael, we must introduce her to the others, don't you think so?" "Michael?" "Michael?" I sighed, and looked at him, hiis mouth hung open in surprise, "KITT, why don't we try calling him together?" "Agreed." KITT and I then shouted in unison, "MICHAEL!!" Michael snapped back into reality, shaking his head, he pointed at me, "OK, where did that come from?" I raised my brow, "What do you mean?"KITT cut in, " I believe he's referring to how elegantly you spoke to me." I chuckled, a sly smile on my face, "Oh, really, how...interesting..." What's wrong, Michael, can't fathom how similar KITT and I are?" Static erupted from KITT, it only took me a moment to realize that he was actually laughing, "This is so amusing!" Michael, this is the first time you've been left speechless by a woman!" Michael grew embarrassed and angry at the situation he found himself in, but he was angrier at KITT, "KITT..." KITT responded while chuckling, "Yes, Michael?" Michael practically hissed and replied, "Silence!" I moved in between both of them as KITT instantly fell quiet, my maternal instincts took over, "Hey, knock it off, Michael, leave him alone!" He has a right to express his opinion as you do, does he not?" He was once again caught off guard, "Uhhhh..yes he is but he was-" I cut him off again, "But nothing, you guys are partners, allies and friends, right?" Michael nodded in agreement. I continued, "Therefore, you stand as equals, to talk to him so cruely, it's barbaric!" Michael Knight, I want you to march over there and apologize to KITT, right now!" "O-OK Julvonna, I'll do it.." Michael sidestepped passed me to get to KITT, I turned to face them, Michael looked at me as the light of KITT's scanner reflected in my rage-filled eyes, giving them an ominous red tint, "Geez, how can someone that looks so nice and sweet when they're happy, look so dark and almost creepy when they're mad?" Should I be careful around her after all?" He kicked himself mentally, "No, Michael c'mon, if she had planned to hurt you, she would have made her move by now unless.... she's waiting for the right time!" These things and more ran through his mind all at once, "Sorry KITT, I went overboard there." KITT sensed the fear rising within Michael's body, as he scanned this human's adrenaline levels and discovered that they were off the charts, however he just said, "That's fine Michael, all is forgiven." I smiled and moved closer to them, I looked up at the curly haired agant still grinning, "There now, was that so hard?" "No, it wasn't.." Came his reply. "Good, now let's go, shall we?" He nodded, "Sure..I promise I'll be careful." I blushed at the thought of being in his arms, "Alright..." I said quietly. With an audible soft "click" my belt was released, "OK, now let me grab your neck here." Michael bent down and I wrapped my arms around him, he, as if he'd done this before, hugged me around the waist, and looked at me for a moment, "Now, you lift me up slowly and I'll push with my legs." He nodded and in unison, we counted, "One...Two...Three!" I let my strength corse through my legs as he liffted me into his arms and off the chair, he whistled in surprise, "Wow, you're stronger than you look." I chuckled, "That's my cover, you know. Many of my enemies make the mistake of underestimating me...they come to regret that." Michael didn't say anything at first, he just stared into my eyes, searching for what the aura he couldn't help but feel when he was near me then it hit him, determination, power, rage, cunning and a lust for vengeance, he looked longer and deeper and sensed something more, Happiness, kindness love, worry and that determination again. He had never seen so many emotions in one gaze before. He finally spoke, "You've been through a lot, haven't you?" I gained a serious expression, but then smiled and came close to his ear and whispered almost seductivly, "You have no idea." As I pulled away, my right hand stroked his cheek, now Michael knew what "Love at first sight" ment. As he to walk towards KITT, the AI opened his passenger side door, and the FLAG agent placed me inside, clicked the seatbelt on, gently shut the door and went to the other side and got in too. "So, where you going, Julvonna?" I blushed at the way he said name but then grew worried, "Home, I have to protect mom, I'm wanted now, so the authorities that are looking for me will probably hound her for information....and my address was on the police report!" Michael placed his hand on my shoulder, Take it easy, we'll find her, where do you live?" I gave him the address and KITT Micro-Jammed my chair and positioned it behind himself, "There, now it will follow us, even turbo-boost, I've put up a electrical sheild around it, a force feild, if you will." I looked back and saw the C300 surrounded with a glowing, blue sphere of light, I looked back to the voice modulator and smiled, "Thanks KITT." The AI happily replied, " You're welcome, since I like you, I'll let you  anitciate any command you see fit. I was surprised, "Really?" OK, ummmm..oh I know!" KITT, activate Super Pursuit Mode!"

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