Chapter 16: The Black Cat

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Me and the other first years are all in Professor Glynda's classroom, watching Jaune fight Yang which he's having a hard time fighting back due to his less battle skills.

Y/N: (At least he's got stronger......a bit.)

When Yang gave a final punch, Jaune was sent across the battle field with his aura depleted.

Glynda: And the match goes to Yang Xiao Long. Jaune Arc, your fighting skills are not very......skilled. So please keep training harder. We still have one more match before you all go. So who among you will volunteer?

I just sit on my place and rested my head on my palm and just look bluntly like I'm bored.

Blake: Can I volunteer Professor?

Glynda: Very well Miss Belladonna, and who among the others will you battle?

She looks around before pointing her finger at me.

Blake: I want to battle Y/N.

Hearing that, I quickly stand up and jumped as high, landing in front of Blake with my sword on my back and pistols on their holsters.

Bowing in front of her, I gave her a playful wink which she responded by looking away blushing a bit.

I'm doing this because I like her, okay? Oh yeah, I already have two girlfriends. But I don't care, they are okay with that.

Glynda: Okay students, go to your positions.

Me and Blake are now in the battle field across each other with her weapon ready while me just standing. I could hear some other students gossip about something.

Student 1: Why is he just standing there like he doesn't care at all?

Student 2: Dude, didn't you saw what he did in the initiation weeks ago?!

Student 3: Yeah, he just like lazily slaughter all of them with his dragon.

Student 4: He even has wings just like those-.

Student 1: Okay, okay! I get it, let's just watch the fight.

Glynda: Fighters, are you ready?

I put my right foot behind while my hands are in my pocket and my body facing on the side as I look at Blake with a determined smile.

Glynda: Go!

Out of the blue, me and Blake are now in the center of the battle field with her katana and my sword clashing together. The other students look in awe and a bit shock on how fast we move.

Y/N: I guess, you're stronger for a cat.

Blake: Very funny, but I'll make sure I beat you.

Y/N: You can try.

We then jumped back then she started running towards me as I switched my sword with one of my pistols and started charging as well.

Jumping, my foot landed on Blakes blade and started shooting which she dodge by using her semblance.

Smart move.

I land on my feet and started teleporting around, confusing Blake then shot her on the back making her fall and her aura depleted to yellow.

She stand up and charge at me ready to slash me so I just stand there waiting for her attack but I didn't know is that, instead of hitting me with the blade, she instead kneel down and kicked my leg making me unbalanced.

I teleported back to my standing position and my aura is a bit yellowish. Putting my pistol back, I then took my sword and gesture Blake to attack which she started charging again.

We continue to clash our swords until in the end of the battle, I won.

Glynda: And the winner of the match is Y/N. Students you're now all dismissed.

The others then grabbed their things and started exiting the classroom, I went towards Blake and the two of us walk together.

She was about to enter the cafeteria so I just started walking away until she called me.

Blake: Aren't you gonna go eat?

Y/N: Oh, I'm fine. I'll just be in my dorm.

Blake: Okay.

I teleported in front of my dorm and then I can see Velvet and Neo in the distance until they're in front of me.

Y/N: Hey girls. Do you need anything?

Velvet: Can we three hang out?

Neo: Please?!

Y/N: Yeah sure, what should we do?

Neo: Let's go eat in the cafeteria!

Sighing, I just nod and I teleported us in the cafeteria and getting our food before sitting with teams RWBY, JNPR and MECN.

Blake: I thought you were in your dorm?

Y/N: Sorry, Velvet and Neo kinda made me come here.

Nora: Hi Y/N!

Y/N: Hi Nora.

We chatted while eating our lunch. As I started feeling something wierd.

Just then I can feel like something was coming soon. Like something bad will happen. Sliding that thought off, I continue to chat with the others.


Night time

All the other students are now in their dorms sleeping peacefully while I'm just in the rooftop of the academy smelling the fresh air, not feeling sleepy at all.

Me and my thoughts were the only ones that are here but I heard someone from behind approaching me.

Turning around, I see Blake still wide awake with her normal clothes.

Blake: Y/N? What are you doing here?

Y/N: Should I ask the same question to you as well? Anyways why aren't you still asleep? Can't sleep either.

Blake: I don't know, I just came here to think of something.

Y/N: Like the White Fang and Adam?

Blake: How'd you know?

Y/N: 1, you're a former White Fang member. 2, Adam has been missing for 4 years. And 3, if you're asking how I know all of this is because I was the one who helped the faunus and Sienna get the equality they wanted.

She just looked at me in complete shock with wife eyes then she open her mouth to speak.

Blake: That was you who I saw back there, wasn't it?

Y/N: If you're asking if I was the one with Sienna Khan back in Menagerie, then yes.

Suddenly, I didn't know that Blake was already hugging me. I hugged back and smiled. Removing her ribbon from her hair gently, I started rubbing her cat ears as she pulled away blushing.

Blake: Umm Y/N, can I ask you something?

Y/N: Sure go ahead.

Blake: Well um, from when I saw you here in the first day...........and remembering how much you're a good person to everyone. And
I know that you already have Velvet and Neo but it's okay. So I'm just saying because............that umm..... I-.

I cut her off by kissing her in the lips. She look shock at my sudden movement before she also melted with the kiss. We soon pulled away and smiled at each other.

Y/N: You don't have to say because I also love you, though I should've been the one saying it first but it's okay.

Blake: So does that mean we're a thing now?

Y/N: If you want it to be that way then-

Blake: Of course I'd love to! O-oh, sorry f-for my outburst.

Y/N: *chuckle* That's unusual for you being a calm person you are.

She just blushed and we enjoyed staring at the shattered moon. Little did I know that 2 individuals are watching us.

3rd Person View.

Behind Blake and Y/N, are his two other girlfriends who are watching the both of them in the distance with a triumphant smile as they hi five themselves silently.

Neo: I guess it's a victory.

Velvet: It sure is.

Blake then turned around and look at them with a smile as they smile back.

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Nixium: Hey guys! Sorry for the bad chapter today. But I hope you enjoyed it.

Anyways, if ya need a friend, feel free to ask!


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