Chapter 18: A Loving Rose

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Ruby's POV

{Age: 15}

"So how did your date go? How about where did he took you for your date last night? Oh! How about how he responded with the dress?!"

Me and Yang are alone in our dorm while talking about how her date went with Y/N.

She just stared out of nowhere with a smile as if she is thinking about something.

"Uhmm, Yang?"

Her head then was laying on her hand while still drifting off. Then she started drooling a bit so I need to stop her from what she was thinking.

"Hey, Yang!! Snap out of it!"

"Wah? Huh? What?" She said confused.

"Are you alright Yang? You seem to be spacing out and drooling...."

"I-I did? N-no! I'm fine, I was just thinking! Yeah, that's why, they're so delicious they make me drool." She explained suspiciously as she wipes her saliva.

I raised a brow and crossed my arms and hum.

"Well to the fact that you look nervous, I think that you're lying." I said.

"W-what do you mean?" She stutter as sweat started forming on her forehead.

"First of all, I know how you think about food. Second you rarely think about food. Third, your stuttering and sweat began to show. And lastly you just regret what you said a while ago." I finished my sentence with a deadpan expression.

She then began to blush and waved her hands in front of her as a sign of protest.

"I-I t-told you, I was t-thinking about food!" She protested.

"Hmmm....... You don't seem like it."

"Then I was thinking about...... You and Y/N together!" She said.

Hearing that made me blush a bit and look away with a scoff.

"Why would you even think of that?"

"Come on sis, you know you like him too." She said with a playful voice.

"Well, yeah I like but don't think about those stuff."

"How about you think about him and you being happily together!"

"W-what?! No, I don't want to think of that."

"Then let's make your happy moments of you and him right now!"

"Wait, wha-"

Yang then grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room, to the halls until we reached Y/N's dorm.

She put me in front of the door and whispered on my ear.

"Just knock and say hi."

"No, why am I here anyway?!"

Before I even noticed, Yang knock on the door and then ran off leaving me.

"Good luck sis!" She yelled from the halls.

I stand there dumbfounded until the door start to open. I look back and see Y/N has opened the door.

"Hey Ruby, what brings you here?" He ask.

I then started to feel nervous but I know that I can do this.

"H-hey! Y/N, I was just here t-to say hi!"

"Oh okay, you wanna come in or something?"

"Sure, that's nice. (You'll get for this Yang!!)"

He opened the door wide open and stepped aside as I enter. I sit on one of the beds and look at Y/N as he closed the door and sit on a bed across from me.

"Sooo, what do you wanna do today?" He ask.

"Uhmm, I don't really know. Yang just dragged me here." I said while blushing.

"*chuckle* You're cute when you blush."

Hearing that made me blush even more.

"Y-yeah.... Uhmm, uh."

"Hey Ruby, sit here." He said as he patted the mattress beside him.

I gulped silently and stand up before walking towards him and sit beside me.

"So, Yang just told me this morning. That you like me, is that true?" He ask.

"W-what do you mean by me liking you?" I ask nervous.

"I don't mind you like me, since that I like you too." He said the last part softly.

"Wait what?"

"Ruby, to be honest I love 6 girls and one of them is you."

"W-well, I love you too." I said softly.

"You do?"

I just nod and then smiled as he smiled back.

"I guess there's only one person left to confess my love to."

"Who is it?"

"You'll find out soon."

"Aww why wont you tell me?"

"Because it's fun seeing you pout."

We continue to chat about things as we laugh every time we make a joke about something not so funny.

Y/N look at his scroll and saw that it's already past 1 hour since I visited him.

"I think it's time for me to head back to my dorm now." I said to him.

"Okay, well at least let me take you there."

"Sure it's no problem." I said.

He proceeds to grab my hand and teleported us to my dorm. I started to loose balance due to the teleporting but Y/N caught me.

We then see Yang, lying on her bed, reading a comic.

"Hey Yang." We said in unison.

"Oh hey babe, Ruby. So sis, how did it go."

"Well your little sister here is also my girlfriend." Y/N said while he wrapped his arm around me making me blush.

"That's good! Good thing we're sharing you." She replied.

"I'm kinda wondering, where are the others?" I ask out of the blue.



"Okay who's up for another round?!" Nora said.

Jaune was laying on the ground, groaning to himself after his stomach hurts.

"I'll go!" Mercury volunteered.

The two of them stand across from each other, waiting for the signal.

"Ready? Go!" Pyrrha said.

Then when others expect that it was a hardcore fight, the two of them hurriedly sit down on the chairs and started munching on the tower of pancakes.

The rest of team JNPR, RWBY, MECN except for Cinder and Emerald watch in awe as they keep eating.

"Will something bad will happen to them if they eat too much?" Emerald ask Cinder.

"Hmm, probably not since that we know the both of them are gluttons.

She just shrugs and continue watching them.

"Yeahhh something bad will definitely happen..."


"Oh..... I hope they will be alright.....especially Jaune." I said.

"Well why don't we check on them to see if they are really alright?" Y/N said.

Me and Yang nodded and she got off of her bed and the three of us head out of our dorm and went to where they are.

Ozpin's POV

I stand at the large glass window as I look at the scenery of Beacon while holding a cup of coffee.

Then I heard an elevator open and I look back to see Glynda.

"Professor, I've check on the files that you have requested to me and this is all I have found." She handed me a few files.

I inspect each of the files and after that I put it on my desk.

"Thank you for the help Professor Goodwitch. Now all I have to do is wait for the visitors." I said.

"May I ask professor who are those visitors?" She ask.

Just then, out of nowhere Qrow popped out in front of me startling Glynda as he smile and holding a flask.

"Hey! Guess who's back!" He cheered.

"Hello, Qrow. It's nice to see you again." I said.

"Hey there Ozzy! It's nice that you're not limping like any old people." He said while wrapping his arm around me.

"Well, it's good that you're still the old drunken man I know." I said with a smile.

He then let go of me and started drinking on his flask before he speaks.

"So what is it that you want me here?"

"Let's just wait for one more person."

"Who is that person?"

Then like Qrow did when he came, the person popped out in front of us almost startling Qrow.

"Why do I even have to be dragged to this?" Raven complained.

Qrow look abit mad seeing her here.

"Oh why of all people is she here Oz?" He ask.

"I have something to ask to you two." I said.

"Well you should have just sent me here, not her." He said.

"What? You got a problem with that?" Raven ask.

"Yeah I do." He snarled.

"Now, now need for any more arguments. I'm here to ask you to look after my grandson." I said.

They look at me confused until Raven spoke.

"Why do we need to look after him."

"It's because Cinder has given me reports about him occasionally acting strangely. And I want you to make sure what it is by looking after him while encountering him. So that means, Raven you might also encounter your daughter." I finished

She looks at me with wide eyes before it turned into a glare.

"I would rather watch him from afar than near him." She said.

"There's no other option, and I'm also doing this for a mother and daughter closure." I said with a smile while sipping on my coffee.

She sighed frustrated and just looks away.

"Fine... I'll just inform the tribe that Vernal will take charge." She said before creating a portal and entering inside.

"Are you sure about this Oz? I mean, the kid can handle himself after all." Qrow questioned.

"I know, but I'm still not sure..."

I look back at the window and stared outside.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Nixium: I know that you've noticed that I have changed my writing style in this story.

I've change it because this is how I really write.

By the way please rate this chapter from 1 to 10. And if I ever see a number passed that, I'll publish the next chapter late.


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