Chapter 21: Mysterious Group

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Weiss' POV

{Age: 17}

Me and my sister Winter are in the balcony of Beacon talking to each about things that happened to us.

"So Winter. I remembered that you were about to say something to me."

"That's right, I remember...........A month ago, father told me that I should tell you......" She pause for a sec.

I look at her with a curious face but deep inside I'm nervous since she's talking about father.

"That in the date of the Vytal Festival, you are going back home."

I look at her for a second then my facial expression turned into a shock one.

"What do you mean I'm going back home?!"

"I know that you want to stay here until you graduate but, he said that the arrangements for you to be heiress is sooner than we expected. That means you'll be going back home and saying goodbye to your friends and boyfriend." She stated.

Rage swelled up inside me but I didn't show it to Winter.

"I am not going back there. I rather be a huntress first before that."

"If you didn't agree with that then he will come here next week and will force you to."

I started walking away not saying any more word. For the first time I have did this to my only trusted family member. But I'll do anything to not go back there.

Winter's POV

I look back at Weiss as she walks away from me. I sigh to myself and started thinking.

"(I guess I have nothing to do with it, have I?)"

"Did I hear that correct Ms. Schnee?"

I look at where the voice came from and saw the boy that is Weiss' boyfriend. I then glare at him.

"It is none of your business."

"It is also mine. If Weiss has a problem it will be also my problem. So why does Jacques want her to be heiress all of a sudden?"

"*sigh* The reason is I don't know, he just told me to tell her this and nothing else."

"Hey Winter."

I raise a brow on him and hum.

"Don't return to your home or to Ironwood."

"I have to, I'm his assistant."

"Just don't, why don't you stay here in Beacon for a while and let those bastards do their own things without any of your help." He looks at me with a serious face.

"And why do I have to listen to some boy like you?"

"*sigh* It's your choice then whether you stay or leave."

He started walking away but still talks to me.

"Just so you know you're working with traitors." He said then left.

My eyes widen slightly at his statement and got a bit confused.

"What does he mean by that?"


Weiss' POV

I was in my dorm sitting on my bed frustrated because of what Winter said to me.

Just then the door open to reveal Blake. She just looks at me for a second then she heads towards her bed to read her book.

"What happened?" She ask while reading.


"Don't play dumb. You know what I'm talking about."

"Why do you care?"

"Because I need to."

I look at her a bit shock and just sigh.

"Winter told me that I need to go back home to be the heiress.......even though I don't want to be yet."

"Hm, I guess that make sense." She closes her book and stand up from her bed then walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To the others, want to join me."

"Yeah sure." I stand up and walk to her and the both of us head to where the rest are.

The next day


Class is about to start in a few minutes so I decided to go to my first class early. this morning. I clean myself up and eat breakfast then after all that I walk through the halls going to my class.

Once I got there I saw Professor Ozpin in the room sipping his coffee while waiting for the other students.

"Good morning Y/N, I see that you're early today."

"Good morning to you too Professor, hey you've called me by my name instead of my last name."

"Surprise?" He smiled.

"Well not really." I walk towards the seats and sit on the front and started spacing out.

"(I guess it's another day.....)"

Ozpin's POV

I look at Y/N as I slowly observe him. He looks at the window as if he is spacing out which he is.

The other students then enter inside and went to their own seat. Team MECN and RWBY entered the room following Team JNPR.

They all took their own seats so I started my lesson now.

"So are everyone ready?"

"Yes Professor!"

"Now let's get this class started, shall we?"


After half an hour of lecturing the whole class while still observing Y/N, I then saw something wrong about him.

He started to have a frown on his face and his right arm started clutching on the table.

Then after a few seconds he suddenly stand up getting everyone's attention.

"Professor..... May I use the restroom for a moment?"

"As you wish then, don't take too long though."

"Got it." He then sprinted out of the classroom until something caught my eye.

By the door which he left open, I saw a drip of blood which is still fresh and realized whose blood is that.

"Okay everyone it seems that I'll be cutting this class for now. You're all dismissed."

They then stand up from their seats and walked to the door. I then contacted Qrow on my scroll and put it beside my ear.

"Hey Oz what's up?"

"Qrow, will you and Raven get here quickly. Something is not right about Y/N."

"What happened all of a sudden?"

"I'll explain it to you later. Please hurry."

"I'll be there."

I hung up and what I didn't notice is that Team RWBY and JNPR are still by the doorway looking a bit confused and shock.

I sweat a bit knowing that they found out.

"Um professor? Can we ask you something?" Ruby spoke.

"I suppose you want to find it out. Very well then, for now follow me and see if he is alright."

They all nodded and we walk outside the room then we reach the men's restroom and I open the door and what I completely saw made me sully shock.

Y/N is laying on the floor unconscious with blood on the sink above him and on his mouth.

"Y/N!" Ruby then rushed towards his and carry him and the others helped her.

"Take him to the infirmary, quick!" I said as they carried him to the nearest infirmary.

I called on Team MECN and told them to go to the firmary as well.

This is really bad....


I arrived at the restroom and started vomiting and coughing blood. Why did my stomach all of a sudden hurt so bad.

I opened the faucet and wash my face and mouth with cold water then closed it. My feet began to weakened, making me loose balance.

My vision became very blurry as the only thing a see are white with black outlines of objects. My hearing then started to be strange and all I'm hearing is an ear piercing screech.

I groan in pain as it gets worse and also started to feel dizzy. I fell on the floor clutching my stomach and my vision and hearing are still the same and not even knowing it I started to lose consciousness.

"No..... I...... need..... to......." I black out.


Am I in the dream world again? No this can't be right... This isn't what it looks like. If I weren't in the dream world then....... Where am I?

"Hello, Y/N....."

I look around then saw a man that I haven't seen yet.

"Who are you?"

"My name doesn't matter to anyone right now, I'm only here to ask you something."


"Join us...."

We stood there quietly for a moment until I spoke.


"Because we want to help you."

"Why do you even want to help me?!"

"We'll tell you if you decide to join us. I'll give you time to think of it.."

"What is the meaning of this?! Answer me!"

He didn't answer. Then my vision became black and I woke up on a hospital bed.

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Nixium: Hey guys! Nix here! I'm here to ask you something if you don't mind. My question is actually in my message board. So please take a look at it. That's all.


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