Chapter 27: Revealed Truth

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3rd Person View

Everyone was quiet on the way back to Beacon. It might take a while before they arrive there. Y/N is sitting on the corner as he removed his now bloodied jacket and shirt as he replace it with another black shirt. He then looks out the window and started thinking.

The emotions that are inside of him right now are fear and sadness.

Sadness, because of the thoughts that everything will only get worse for him if he didn't protected his loved ones.

Fear, because of what will happen if everyone found out his past, his truth of hiding his true emotions.

Many eyes are directed on Y/N which most of them are from his girlfriends, who are worried about his state.

The air around them started to get heavy so Y/N decided to start the conversation right away.

"So...... You guys really wanna know?" His voice are dull and emotionless and his hair covered his eyes preventing anyone to see it.

No response for a moment until Ozpin answers.

"Yes, we want to know it."

Y/N sighs at this and looks at his hands.

"Just one question. Why do you want to?"

"It's because we want to help you, Y/N. To make you feel better." Ozpin replied.

"Alright then..... Where do you wanna start."

"From where it started."

"Welp, just be sure you don't regret hearing this."

He sighs first and double thinks. Should he really tell them, all of it? He keeps arguing with himself but in the end there's no turning back. He ready decided to tell them.

"When I was a child, I was adopted by two hunters that had one child. They found me in an alleyway in Vacuo, crying all alone with a paper beside me that says my name. After the two hunters decided what to do, they adopted me."

He pause for a second and looks at the others who are eager to listen. He then continues.

"So that's my life back then, I'm happy with my adopted family, but it started to get strange when I was four. I can see as if they are looking at something horrifying and then they started to ignore me. Each day it gets worst, they sometimes don't even think I existed. Then until the abusing came along, whenever I talk to them they would just say they're busy but it turned into a punch or slap."

He chuckles sarcastically and puts one hand on his face.

"Then the punch and slaps had invited the kicks, whips and starvation. They also use me as a training dummy, they said. That process continues until I turned to seven, where I unlock my semblance."

He then activates his semblance, making his whole body and left face turn into shadow and making his left eye red. Everyone but Ozpin looks at him in shock, he soon deactivated his semblance and just look at the others emotionlessly as he explain.

"But the day that I unlocked my semblance is the day I realized I killed my adopted family."

The others then gasp at this and Ruby spoke.

"You...... You killed them?"

"Yes, Ruby I did. I didn't intentionally do it....... but I still killed them."

Out of nowhere, Ruby used her semblance to tackle Y/N into a hug. Her eyes started to water as he hugs back.

"Why did you killed them? Why?"

"Ruby.... I-"

"You could have just spared them and left!"

"Hear me Ruby. I lost control..... I just suddenly snap and killed them, I didn't do it purposely. Please understand...."

She looks at me with tears in her eyes as she nods. I then hug her as she sobs on my shoulder, I let her sit on my lap as I continue my story.

"After that, I left and just started traveling. That's where I met each of you guys first is Ren and Nora, then Weiss, Velvet, Raven, Ruby and Yang until when I went to Menagerie with Ghira I met Blake. I stayed there for a while there until I decided to leave to travel again. But when I left the place that's where I first personally met him... Lucas."

The adults had their eyes glued intently on Y/N as they heard that name.

"When I met him, he actually stabbed me on torso and left until some Grimm carried me somewhere. That's where I met mom, I accepted her as my mother. Then two years ago, I then started craving on getting revenge on Lucas."

"Why?" Raven ask.

"It's because he is the one who caused my suffering and killed my first lover."

Everyone's face had a shock and confused expression.

"First lover?" Weiss said.

"I thought I was your first lover." Neo pouts.

"*chuckle* I knew you girls would say that. But Lucas killed her and destroyed the town she's living in."

"He killed her?" Velvet ask.

"Yes. I'm actually depressed for a while now I just hide it to everyone. Whenever I'm alone, I've been crying for hours just by thinking the mistakes I've done. Sometimes I just want to sleep forever, forget all of my problems."

Everyone in the bullhead are silent as they thought about all of Y/N's past. Even they can't stand it just by thinking about it.

Salem, who is also mysteriously watching them had a serious look on her face.

"I guess that's all now. I actually feel better knowing that someone is there for me." He smiled at everyone as they smile back.

But behind that smile, is a shattered heart and a broken soul filled with negative emotions.

"By the way, Y/N. Who is the one who you're fighting with a while ago." Qrow ask.

"Lucas. He got the gem and he's stronger than me, so I can't do anything."

Ozpin sighs then they finally arrive in Beacon. All of them got out of the bullhead and Y/N's girlfriends helped him get back to his dorm to let him rest. They decided to stay in his dorm along with Cinder, Emerald and Team JNPR.

They watch Y/N as he sleeps peacefully. They then smiled but their faces turned into a sad and concern one.

"I can't believe that Y/N has been suffering for years yet he is enduring it." Pyrrha said.

"Now that we know what is really happening to him, we must help him get better." Emerald said.

The twelve of them stayed there until its night time. They decided that Yang and Neo will be sleeping in Y/N's dorm to keep an eye on him as Ozpin also agrees.

Its now time for all of them to sleep and get ready for a new day ahead of them. But as they sleep, something unexpecting happened to all of them.


Location: Y/N's Alternative/Dream World

Suddenly RWBY, JNPR, MECN, Velvet, Coco, Qrow, Raven, Glynda, Winter, Ozpin and Salem are inside of Y/N's alternative world for an unknown reason.

They look around only to see darkness.

They can see themselves and each other and started questioning themselves.

Why are they here?

Why is this happening?

What is the real reason for this?

Then they saw Y/N standing there and in front of him is a smirking Lucas. The two of them didn't seem to know that someone are watching them.

"Why are you here again Lucas?!" Y/N angrily ask.

"Heh, I can do anything I want. So you finally decided to tell them."

"What the- ho-"

"Like I told you, I can do anything I want. But there's one only thing I can't do."

"I don't care about your f*****g nonsense. What I was asking is why are you here?!"

"Nothing, just to torture you mentally like always."

As the others hear this, Yang was angry and all she wanted is to destroy him but it's impossible.

"Leave alone, I don't have crap for any of this." He started walking away in the abyss of darkness.

"So wanna see her get killed again?" Lucas smiled evilly as Y/N stopped.

"Just do whatever you want. I don't care anymore." He said emotionlessly.

"Oh so you're not affected by that anymore, huh? How about change it to me killing those lovers of yours?"

As he heard of this, not even a second later. He is already in front of Lucas trying to punch him but he simply stopped it with his hand.

"Hehe, gotcha." He punches Y/N on the stomach causing him to fall a few feet away.

"Y/N!" His lovers shouted but cannot be heard by them.

"Good thing you made this world of your so we can fight in peace." Lucas said as Y/N stand up.

He was about to go near him until Velvet sprinted towards them and then suddenly she was now in between Lucas and Y/N with them seeing her.

"I won't let you hurt him."

"What the!"


Soon Y/N and Lucas had seen the others as well. Lucas tried to punch Velvet but Y/N stopped it by pushing her aside and him getting punched instead.

"I won't let you hurt her. Everyone step aside. This is my fight."

"This isn't even a real fight! *sigh* Just as my day just gets better. I'll just leave."

Lucas then disappeared and Y/N sigh in relief. He then looks at everyone and gave them a confuse look.

"How did you guys get here?"

"We don't either, anyway what is this place?" Raven ask.

"This is my dream world. A place for me to witness my memories and some omen. I can also summon someone here if I want to, but seeing you all here without me even knowing is weird."

"If this is only to watch dreams, how are we able to make physical contact?" Glynda ask.

"Your soul will be transfered in this world while you are unconscious. Like your mental self is here and if you are hurt here, it would cause you damage to your mentally."

"Y/N. Why did you hide this to us?" Salem ask.

He smiled at his mother then the smile turned into sad one.

"Because I don't want you to suffer as well."

All of them became confused at his statement. He then started walking away as Blake stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Anyways." He closed his eyes and suddenly Roman appeared in front of him.

Ruby and Neo had a shock look when they saw Roman and Neo immediately tackled him to a hug.

"Neo? What? I'm confused right now."

"Heya, Roman. Long time no see."

"Yeah you too, anyway why am I here and who are those guys."

"They are just family and friends. I'm here to ask you a favor. Neo can you step aside for a moment?"

Neo then let go of Roman and Y/N lean towards his ear and whispered something. After that he leans back and they nodded.

"Okay, I'll do that easy job. Can I go now? I have something else to-" He was cut off by multiple screams of terror making everyone but Y/N flinch.

"What was that?" Mercury said.

"Here we go again.... All of you have to go now, I see you guys later." He said.

"Wait Y/N!"

They soon disappeared in Y/N's dream world as the screams and cries for help get louder. All he could do is stand there with his hair covering his eyes while gritting his teeth.

"Damn it...."


Everyone woke up after they disappeared in the dream world. Yang and Neo look at Y/N and saw that he has a frown on his face. They immediately went to him and tried to comfort him and it worked after a while.

They started to think of Y/N's suffering.

Does he really deserve this?

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