Chapter 9: A Mother's Job

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{Age: 7}

Location: Dream World

Y/N: Huh? Where..... Am I?

I look around at the strange bizarre place to where I am.

Then, I began to hear familiar voices saying the worst words that I ever heard.

You worthless piece of shit.

Why do you even exist.


You'll never be as good as me.

That's not true...

Nobody cares about you.

You should just die.

What a waste of space.

You deserve to suffer.


You're just an abomination.


We never loved you.

No one loves you.



I immediately open my eyes and sit up sweating and panting heavily from the dream that I just had. Then I feel that I have tears falling down on my cheeks.

Y/N: W-wait...... I'm...... alive?

I look around and saw that I'm in a bed inside a room made out of black, white and magenta colors. I look at my outfit and saw that my jacket doesn't have blood stains nor a hole from where I was stabbed.

I wipe the tears away and tried to move out of the bed but wince in pain, I lift my jacket and shirt up and saw the lower part of my torso wrapped in a bandage.

Not able to move properly, I just sigh but remembered my semblance. I tried to focus a bit and not even noticing it, black and purple covers my whole body let alone my right part of my face and my left eye turning red.

After a few seconds in that form, I return to normal and I feel a bit exhausted but my wound was healed anyway so I removed the bandage and got off of the bed.

I started walking out of the room and I look in awe ones I saw the large, long hallway. I began to explore around and eventually bumped into someone making me fall on the ground.

Y/N: Ow.... Huh?

I look up and saw the person I bumped into. The person is a female, has white hair, red eyes, black outfit and the thing that scares me a bit about her is that she has visible black veins.

I stared at her red eyes making me a bit comfortable until I realize it.

Y/N: U-uh.... I'm s-sorry I bump into you.

Salem: It's fine, by the way how are feeling? 'she said in a calm and soothing voice making me less nervous'

Y/N: I'm alright now..... Um....can I ask you a question?

Salem: Go ahead.

Y/N: Who are you and where am I?

Salem: Well for who I am, my name is Salem and you're in my castle.

Wait...... Salem? That kinda sound familiar.

Y/N: Salem? Are you the Grimm Queen?

Salem: Indeed I am, how did you know about that?

Y/N: Well, I've read a book a while back and saw your details about it.

Salem: What else did you heard about me?

Y/N: Uhmm...... I know that you were an enemy of a man back then and was planning to destroy Remnant.

Salem: (I guess Benerin did well on those clues that we assigned for him) Actually what you've heard about me is my past self. I'm now in peace with Remnant and the man you mentioned.

Y/N: You do?

Salem: Yes, now let's just continue our conversation in the other room. Follow me.

I complied as we reached one of the rooms in the castle, I look at the room in awe as it has a very long table and giant windows.

I rush to one of the windows and look outside as the castle and saw the sky is purple and the ground is a bit dark that has black puddles that Grimms come out. That gives me thinking, I turn around and saw Salem sitting on the largest chair of the table drinking what I think is tea. I teleport on a the chair next to her and ask her.

Y/N: Um, Miss Salem? If you are now peace with Remnant, then why does the Grimm keep hurting others?

She placed down her cup and look at me before talking.

Salem: Well as you can see, they have no souls and just attack everything they want to attack. I may be the leader of Grimm, but, that cannot change for their purpose of existing.

I nod in understanding and then just played with one of my guns until Salem ask me.

Salem: So Shadow, what makes you travel around Remnant, or Y/N perhaps I should call you?

Y/N: How did you know my n-name?

Salem: I've been keeping a close eye of you since then.

Y/N: Oh okay, well as for why I was traveling. W-well..... I d-don't have a home...

Little did I know that I started crying in front of her. I tried to stop myself from crying but my emotions get the best of me. Suddenly, I feel myself being embrace my a warm feeling.

That's what I realize that she was now hugging me in order to calm me down.

Salem: Shh..... It's alright now, no one is going to hurt you anymore. I'm.......sorry that I wasn't a good mother to you. I hope that you give me a chance to start all over.

(Salem or any other people doesn't know that Y/N killed his former family)

Hearing this made my eyes wide in shock but soon return normal and just hug her back tightly.

After a while we separated and I look into her eyes before genuinely smiling at her as she smiles back. I couldn't be more happy, that I found my mother even though I don't intend to.

I started to feel tired then I didn't know that I was already asleep in my mother's arms. I just let the darkness take over my vision.

Salem's POV

I carried my son into his room and placed him on his bed as I kiss his forehead making him smile. I walk out of the room and gently close the door.

I walk back to where I was and sit on my throne as I wait on one of the knights. A purple portal then appeared and a one of the Demon Knights came out and kneeled in front of me.

Demon Knight: My Queen, I am here at your service.

Salem: Good, now I want you to tell Caym about him because he has returned and injured our son.

Demon Knight: He returned?

Salem: Yes he did. And also tell him that our son is safe with me. I might be meeting him tomorrow.

Demon Knight: Of course, My Queen.

He then stand up and bowed before entering back in the portal and disappeared.

I just stared at a random direction thinking deeply about what his next move, until Watts enters the room and approached me.

Watts: It looks like you're in deep thoughts, Mistress. What seems to be bothering you?

Salem: I was just thinking about how he will attack soon.

Watts: I wonder when will he even stop getting his revenge on us.

Salem: He isn't gonna stop until he gets what he wants. So we must be prepared for it. And he is not alone out there, he has his men that also turned their backs on their King. Watts, I want you to tell Ozpin this message.

Watts: As you wish, Mistress.

He then leaves the room leaving me alone again into deep thoughts.



Here I am again, in my nightmare being tormented by the voices as they keep going while I beg to stop just like back then. But something is odd about here.

The voices then stopped and was replaced by a calm and relaxing voice of an unfamiliar voice.

You will soon learn who you truly are...


I open my eyes and found myself in bed again. I must have slept a while ago then I remembered what the voice said to me.

Y/N: What.........are they talking about?

I just slipped that thought off my head and got out of bed and out of my room. I walk around the castle until I meet a giant, muscular man.

Y/N: Uh.... Hi?

Hazel: Well hello there. So you must me the Mistress' child, right?

Y/N: Uh yes I am. Not to be rude but, what's your name? I'm Y/N by the way.

Hazel: Oh right, my name's Hazel. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Y/N: It's a pleasure to meet you too, Hazel. Do you know where mom is?

Hazel: She is just in the main room on her seat.

Y/N: Okay, thanks!

I teleported on the room and saw mom sitting on her chair just like before.

Salem: Hello there, son. How was your sleep.

Y/N: It's good actually. Hey mom?

Salem: Yes?

Y/N: Can you tell me how did you change your mind about destroying Remnant.

Salem: I think that will be a story for another time. Why don't you take a tour around the castle for now?

I nodded and soon teleported around the castle and started training.

After training, I went up on top of one of the mountains and stared at the sunset. I sadly smile at myself and thought of something.

I guess this will be a new life for me.

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Nixium: Hey everyone! Nics here, remember how I change my username?

Well I was just asking that how do I change the author in my stories?

It's author is just still Nics924 but, I'm unable to go to my profile. So should I like, unpublish all my stories and publish it again?

Also I won't be updating for two weeks because of school and I need more rest.

Okay that's all.


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