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Ezio is seen walking inside Altaïr's library with a torch in his hand lighting the way as he walks. Ezio continues exploring the library until eventually coming across a skeleton in an assassin suit revealing to be the legendary assassin, Altaïr.

Ezio: No books..... no wisdom.... *He kneels down and puts the torch aside while staring at Altaïr's skeleton* just you fratello mio. (my brother) Requiescat in pace, Altaïr. *He says as he grabbed a memory seal from Altair's skeleton*

(Flashback start)

Altaïr and his son Darim speaking with him.

Altaïr: You have seen to my books?

Darim: Yes. Some we sent with the polos. The rest will go with me to Alexandria.

Altaïr: Good. Very good.

Darim: Father I do not understand. Why did you build a library if you do not intend to keep your books???

Altaïr: You should go. Once the mongols return Masyaf must be empty.

Darim: I see, this is not a library at all. *He realizes* It is a vault-

Altaïr: And it must stay hidden Darim. Far from eager hands. At least until it has passed on the secret it contains.

Darim: What secret??

Altaïr: Go my son. Be with your family. And live well.

Darim walks towards his father and hugs him one last time.

Darim: All that is good in me, began with you father.

Altaïr smiled softly and nod as they release from the hug and separate paths as the vault doors closed. Altair dims out each flame making the library darker and darker while walking towards the very back of the library, Altaïr places the apple of Eden in a small corridor as it glows remembering the words he told his son.

Altaïr(thoughts): If you are asked, say that I sent the Apple away. Tell them I sent it to Cyprus or cipango, or that I dropped it into the sea. Tell them anything to keep men away from this place. This Apple must not be found. Until the time is right.

The corridor closes as Altaïr weakly and slowly walks over to his chair and groans before sitting down holding a memory seal in his hand as he slowly closes his eyes and passes from the world.

(Flashback end)

Ezio stands back up with the memory seal and walks to the back of the library. Ezio walks towards the back and sees the apple of Eden to his surprise.

Ezio: Another artifact.....??? *He said to himself as he slowly reached for it but stopped and moved his hand away* no...... you will stay here.... I have seen enough for one life.

The apple suddenly glows bright making ezio cover his eyes and look around the library watching it glow.

Ezio: Y/N? I heard your name once before, Y/N, a long time ago. And now it lingers in my mind like an image from an old dream. I do not know where you are, or by what means you can hear me. But I know you are listening. I have lived my life as best I could, not knowing it's purpose, but drawn forward like a moth to a distant moon. And here, at last, I discover a strange truth. That I am only a conduit for a message that eludes my understanding. Who are we, who have been so blessed to share our stories like this? To speak across centuries? Maybe you will answer all the questions I have asked. Maybe you will be the one to make all this suffering worth something in the end. But for now.... May you one day find this artifact..... and do good by working in the dark to serve the light.

Ezio slowly backs away from the artifact and leaves the library hoping that one day.... Someone would answer the questions he has. As ezio leaves the library the apple glows even brighter than before as a bright light flashes the screen.

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