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Aragorn returned to Gondor and rallied his forces against the Easterlings and Haradrim.

He convinced Eomer to join him, while Legolas gathered the elves in Mirkwood and managed to get Dain to join them as well.

The battle was won easily, the two armies couldn't stand against the four.

Aragorn and Legolas had met Rilath again.
He had managed to reclaim his "throne" he had been shocked to discover that Aragorn was actually the King of Gondor.

Afraid that Aragorn would do something awful to him in exchange for what he had done to him and his friends, he had actually gotten onto his knees and begged Aragorn to spare his life.

Aragorn had made him swear to never step foot on his land again.
Rilath agreed and departed.

The Haradrim returned home without any trouble.

After that, everything went more or less back to normal for the remaining Fellowship.

The four of them had attended Gimli's funeral in Erebor.
Dain had offered them his condolences and assured them that there were no hard feelings between them.

Amarth had disappeared, where he had gone was beyond any of them.

Now there was one last thing that Legolas personally needed to take care of.

He was the heir to the throne of Mirkwood. The elves looked to him to be their leader.

Aragorn, Sam, and Merry were gathered with the elves in the palace.

Legolas was in the center of them all. He was dressed in a silver robe, he looked older, wiser.

Haldir was the one who crowned him.
Legolas dipped his head and Haldir placed his father's crown onto his head.

Legolas then looked up, he turned around and faced the gathered elves.

Haldir announced something in elvish.

"What's he saying Aragorn?"
Sam asked.
"He is announcing that Legolas is king."
He replied.

The elves responded to Haldir's words.

Legolas remained silent and emotionless while the elves spoke.

After Haldir seemed to have finished, the elves cheered for their new king.

Aragorn and the hobbits showed their enthusiasm as well.

Legolas raised his arms for silence and then spoke to his people in elvish.

Aragorn translated for Sam and Merry.

After Legolas finished more cheers followed.

Legolas waited for them to stop.
Then, to everyone's surprise, he began to sing.

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
Night has fallen
You have come to journey's end

Sleep now
Dream of the ones who came

They are calling
From across the distant shore
Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?

Soon you will see
All of your tears
Will pass away

Safe in my arms
Your only sleeping

What can you see
On the horizon?

Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come
To carry you home

All will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
All souls pass

Home fades
Into the world of night
Through shadows falling

Out of memory and time
Don't say
We have come now to the end
White shores are calling

You and I will meet again
And you'll be here in my arms
Just sleeping

What can you see
On the horizon?

Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come
To carry you home

And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
Grey ships pass

Into the west

As Legolas sang the elves had quietly joined in.

Aragorn had heard the song while growing up in Rivendell, he had joined in as well.

The hobbits didn't know the song at all, but they had listened quietly and in awe to the elves' song.

Afterward, Legolas found his friends, soon they would be saying goodbye again.

They stood alone outside of the palace, all of them knew that they would not be seeing each other again for awhile.

Aragorn and Legolas both had their kingdoms to look after, and Sam and Merry had their fellow hobbits and the Shire.

"Well," Sam said sadly, "I guess this is goodbye."

Merry nodded sadly.
Who knew when they would see each other again?

Legolas and Aragorn embraced.
That was when Legolas noticed something different about Aragorn.

He looked older...
Much older.

He realized in silent horror that all three of them were older.

"Is something wrong Legolas?"
Sam asked.
Legolas shook his head and managed to smile.
"I am fine. But I will miss you all terribly."

Merry smiled.
"We'll see one another again soon. Don't worry."
Legolas smiled.

Sam and Merry mounted their ponies and rode away.
Aragorn mounted his horse.

"Will you be alright?"
Aragorn asked.
For the first time, Legolas could honestly say, "Yes. I will be fine."


Legolas stood outside, a cool breeze blew through the treetops.

When he had stood in front of his people for the first time as their king he had felt his father beside him.

Giving him the courage to carry the burden of ruling a kingdom.

Legolas suddenly heard soft footsteps approaching.

He turned around and expected to see Haldir.

His eyes widened in shock.

He asked in disbelief.

"Miss me?"
Amarth asked as he approached.
"Actually, I did."
Legolas was amused by Amarth's surprised facial expression.

"Where did you go?"
Legolas asked.
"I wandered around for a while. I needed some time to think."
Amarth replied.

"About what?"
"Where I should go now."
"And what did you decide?"

Amarth sighed and looked up at the tree branches.

"I'm going east. And I don't expect to return."
"You would be welcome to stay here if that is what you wanted."
Legolas offered.

Amarth laughed.
"Please Legolas. I would never belong here and you know that."

Amarth smiled at him.
"Although I will keep it in mind."

"You will be welcome here if you decide to return."
Legolas assured him.

Amarth nodded.
"I should go now. Goodbye Greenleaf."

Amarth began to walk away.

Legolas called.
The elf stopped walking and turned around.
"Hannon Le."

Amarth grinned and nodded.

Legolas watched as the elf vanished from his sight.

Legolas never saw him again.


I got three chapters out in one day!

About three chapters left....

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